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I request a PPF. Thanks. But what is PPF?
I teach you but I am not your teacher. 德行,内外之称,在心为德,施之为行。——《周礼·地官》注 De sin is together. What you think is sin行 De is inside your heart good. Not the results outside.
De is something inside your heard. Of course, not for discussing. You need protect your heart into the good mood. Give up to protect your school. It is nonsense. Your achieving is the best way to Horner your school.
What? Believe what? Your true teacher said about what? What did your true teacher teach you exactly except methods?
Who is A.A. Khokhlov? Could you use easy English? Or I do not know what is your point. Or you just want me not to understand what you said?
德行,内外之称,在心为德,施之为行。——《周礼·地官》注 It is very important to protect your heart than your school. Your school do not need you to protect it. It is already very big and rich. You need to protect your heart first. 在in心heart為is 德de All the dao tell us to 煉心 train our heart is the most important part. Hope your teacher not just teach you the methods, but also de.
Why don't you ask your self first? That's what your teacher teach you? I do not believe. So a student should focus on practicing to open the emptiness.
No , De exits before dao de Jin. De comes from very very ancient china. No way to know how ancient. But some books is older than dao de Jin already talked about de. There are too many Chinese ancient books you can not read. 详细字义 ◎ 德 惪 dé 〈动〉 (1) (形声。从彳( chì),惪( dé)声。从“彳”,表示与行走有关。本义:登高,攀登) (2) 同本义 [ascend] 德,升也。——《说文》 君子德车。——《易·剥》虞本。按,与剥庐对文。登也,升。君子以顺德,亦本字。 (3) 感激 [be grateful] 然则德我乎。——《左传·成公三年》 (4) 通“得”。取得,获得 [get] 善者吾善之,不善者吾亦善之,德善。信者吾信之,不信者吾亦信之,德信。——《老子·四十九章》 是故用财不费,民德不劳。——《墨子·节用上》 词性变化 ◎ 德 dé 〈名〉 (1) 道德,品行 [virtue;moral character;integrity] 德,德行。——《篇海类编》 德行,内外之称,在心为德,施之为行。——《周礼·地官》注 德何如可以王矣?——《孟子·梁惠王上》 六三德。正直、刚克、柔克也。——《书·洪范》。注:“至德,敏德,孝德也。” 孤不度德量力,欲信大义于天下。——《三国志·诸葛亮传》 无德不贵,无能不官。——《荀子·王制》 (2) 又如:德薄(德行浅薄);德望(品德与名誉);德器(德行器量);德被四方(品德高尚,满布天下);德薄望浅(谦词。品德低下,名望轻微);德门(能恪遵礼教道德的人家);德誉(道德声誉);德馨(道德芳馨);德艺(道德与才艺);德操(道德操行) (3) 恩惠;恩德 [kindness;favor] 是不敢倍德畔施。——《战国策·秦策》。注:“恩也。” 愿伯具言臣之不敢倍德也。——《史记·项羽本纪》 (4) 又如:德施(恩惠;恩泽);德惠(德泽恩惠) (5) 仁爱;善行 [kindheartedness]。如:德意(善意);德政(良好的政治措施或政绩);德法(儒家谓合乎仁德的礼法);德厚(仁厚) (6) 心意 [heart;mind]。如:同心同德 (7) 福 [happy] 百姓之德也。——《礼记·哀公问》 常用词组 德才兼备 德操 德高望重 德高望尊 德化 德色 德馨 德行 德行 德性 德祐 德语 德育 德泽 德政
You must not know 濟公 or 寒山 A real cultivator do not care about the fame. Fame and money is not the most important thing in cultivation. The desire to chase fame and money should be give up. Your teacher should teach you that.
I do not ask my students to waste time to argue with others. I ask them to open the emptiness as soon as they can. I do not understand why your teacher ask you to do this. De is not the result. I have read dao de jii since 1990.
Do you mean that I look for a article about wu's child?
I know many Chinese use genealogy to make money. For example, someone's last name is Liu, he said his ancestor is Liu hua yang, but he does not know Liu had no son or daughter. The similar in tai jii 拳, and ba jii 拳. Chinese people doubt the genealogy. Why you believe it so much?
To be happy and satisfy is a very good emotion to a cultivator. A student should not argue with others too much, but should focus on opening the emptiness instead.
De is look yourself more than others. This is the basic part. Looking for other people's fault will hurt our heart. Your true teacher should tell you this. Because it is very important.
只為 means "just because " is very clear to me. You really do not understand Chinese, but learn Chinese classic from English? Of I have been to Chinese forums before and leave my messages there. Some Chinese saw my messages and come to find me. But My students are testing them. I am waiting. I spent three years in china to teach and accept students for two years. I do not accept any money. I choose good students to teach. Because the goal is too difficult to reach . Without a good mind, any methods is useless. Heart- training 煉心 is the most important. But someone can not be trained. It is not about methods or money. It is 德de. 若要修成九轉,先須煉己持心。 This is from Chang bou Duan. If you want to achieve 九轉(means golden dan, 九轉金丹) You must practice your own mind (heart) There is a big system about 煉己 It is very important.
He only stayed with his teacher for three days.
In ancient china, people have the different definition about a true teacher. A true teacher is not a teacher belong to some big rich school. One said that he met a true teacher means "true" teachers, someone achieved some results and this results can convince the learner. But we need to know the learner is the book writer. Before he met the "true" teacher, he already chase for dao for a long time. And he can know what is right or wrong. So he will not go to learn from the one that he think it is wrong. Even if the school is so big and rich, so many people believe in it.
Some wu Liu pai's practicer told what 靈胎 they saw. It is totally different from 黃庭經 But they call that is a success.
只为金丹无口诀,教君何处结灵胎。 Only practicing "golden elixir" without a verbal teaching, From what place would you learn how to concieve the spiritual fetus? ------- Let me try to rewrite it. Because there is no verbal teaching in golden dan to let you know where to curdle the 靈胎
Yes, that translate is not match the meaning.
The key point is the "true" teacher, not a blind teacher. 以盲導盲,傷人慧命
Dan dao is for practicing by your body and mind, not by your brain. I saw someone in the forum who seems like knowing a lot, but actually nothing. He can say many thing about some schools, what is the different, but he can not see the key point. People may feel confused and do not know why there are so many schools. In dan dao, only one school. If in your eyes see so many different school, that is because you did not practice enough to know the core. I feel very uncomfortable, too. But not from my feeling, from his words. A cultivation should not have so much emotions. If he knows the core, he will not so easy to be influenced. Dan dao is not philosophy to let you analyze what is different. Dan dao is not a belief or religion. Dan dao is a way you need to go by your self. I saw many people analyze dan dao and become a dan dao speaker. It seems that they know a lot of dan dao. They wrote a lot of articles to show what they know a lot. But what they said is very easy to find serious problems. The biggest problem is dan dao is for practicing, not for talking. Not only some dan dao practicers have this problem, but also Buddhism believers have the same situation. There are so many mistakes that people are easy to make. Not just philosophy chaser, there are many mistakes in cultivation. We can see the point in Chang bou dun's preface, but also in Buddhist sutras. To let our mind in a right direction is the most difficult part in cultivation. If our mind is not in a right direction, it is impossible for us to open the middle dan tain. We called it 煉心 in Chinese. This is a very very important in dan dao. You can say that it is the most important. Our ego is very craftiness. To see our real thoughts is not easy. But if you do not focus on watching yourself, just focus on the methods and become a tracer of your great teacher, your mind go out 外求 外求 will make you keep the dao far away. 內求,內照,回光,is the basis of dan dao. All the classics have the same concept. That is why I emphasize again and again that controlling is the worst thing in dao. The dao is the object that you need to show your loyalty, not schools. You need to face your inside and see your true face. You , the one who wants to achieve dan dao, is the most important, absolutely not your teacher or school. Of course, we should be thankful to everyone who have reached us. But losing our true mind, just for defending the school will make you feel save. You may feel you are in a big group, you are very safe. But you should know all the achiever is lonely. When the day comes , no one can go with you, not even your school or your teacher. Chang bou Duan's free face of wu gen pian is below. Chinese sorry 嗟夫,人身難得,光景易遷,罔測修短,安逃業報。不自及早省悟,惟只甘分待終,若臨歧一念有差,墮三途惡趣,則動經塵劫,無有出期。當此之時,雖悔何及。故老釋以性命學,開方便門,教人修種,以逃生死。釋氏以空寂爲宗,若頓悟圓通,則直超彼岸。如有習漏未盡,則尚徇於有生。老氏以煉養爲真,若得其要樞,則立躋聖位;如其未明本性,則猶滯於幻形。其次,《周易》有窮理盡性至命之辭,《魯語》有é毋意、必、固、我û之說,此又仲尼極臻乎性命之奧也。然其言之常略而不至於詳者何也?蓋欲序正人倫,施仁義禮樂之教,故于無爲之道,未嘗顯言,但以命術寓諸易象,性法混諸微言耳。至於莊子推窮物累逍遙之性,孟子善養浩然之氣,皆切幾之。迨夫漢魏伯陽,引易道交媾之體,作《參同契》,以明大丹作用。唐忠國師,於語錄首敘老莊言,以顯至道之本末如此。豈非教雖分三,道乃歸一。奈何後世黃緇之流,各自專門,互相非是,致使三家宗要,迷沒邪歧,不能混一而同歸矣! 且今人以道門尚于修命,而不知修命之法,理出兩端:有易遇而難成著,有難遇而易成者。如煉五芽之氣,服七耀之光,注想按摩,納清吐濁;念經持咒,巽水叱符;叩齒集神,休妻絕粒;存神閉息,運眉間之思;補腦還精,習房中之術,以至服煉金石草木之類,皆易遇而難成者。以上諸法,于修身之道,率多滅裂,故施力雖多而求效莫驗。若勤心苦志,日夕修持,止可以辟病,免其非橫。一旦不行,則前功漸棄。此乃遷延歲月,事必難成。欲望一得永得,還嬰返老,變化飛升,不亦難乎?深可痛傷。蓋近世修行之徒,妄有執著,不悟妙法之真,卻怨神仙謾語。殊不知成道者,皆因煉金丹而得,恐泄天機,遂托數事爲名。其中惟閉息一法,如能忘機絕慮,即與二乘坐禪頗同。若勤而行之,可以入定出神。奈何精神屬陰,宅舍難固,不免長用遷徙之法,既未得金汞返還之道,又豈能回陽換骨,白日而升天哉? The key point 道乃歸一 The the different ways come to one way. If you are interested in wu Wei dan dao, please find me by qq. The dao bums 513532775 http://qq-international.soft32.com
學人下手之初(when learner start to cultivate),別無他術(there is no other way),惟有一心端坐(but sit by one mind),萬念悉捐(give up tones of thoughts),垂簾觀照心之下腎之上彷彿有個虛無窟子(watch in an empty hole between heart and kidney),神神相照(.....),息息常歸(every breathe is back),任其一往一來(let it go and back),但以神氣兩者凝注中宮為主(but the main part is let Shen and chi go into the middle place)。不頃刻間(soon),神氣打成一片矣( Shen and chi are mixed)。於是聽其混混沌沌(and then listen to its Hun-tun),不起一明覺心( without any ego Shen),久之恍恍惚惚( after a long time, it will go into huan-hu -- between sleep and wake, half sleep and help wake),入於無何有之鄉焉( go into the place that has nothing)。斯時也( at that time),不知神之入氣、氣之歸神,渾然一無人無我、何地何天景象,而又非昏聵也,若使昏聵,適成枯木死灰。修士於此,當滅動心,莫滅照心,惟是智而若愚,慧而不用。於無知無覺之際,忽然一覺而動,即太極開基。須知此一覺中,自自然然,不由感附,才是我本來真覺。道家謂之玄關妙竅,只在一呼一吸之間。 (I try to use my poor English to translate, but I need a lot of time) If you are a beginner and you want to start cultivating with sitting, you can start from this. This is the key point . Even if Huang said this is for beginner, but it is still hard for someone to start it. To be continued...
Your English is too difficult for me to understand. Can you use easier English?
Thank you very much. I saw the section before, but do not know how to start it.