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Many people ask me what is 玄關. Let's see what huang uan jii said. 道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。無名,天地之始;有名,萬物之母。故常無慾,以觀其妙;常有欲,以觀其竅。此兩者同出而異名,同謂之玄,玄之又玄,眾妙之門。 朱子云:「道,猶路也,」「人之所共由者也。」其實生天生地生人生物公共之理,故謂之道。天地未判以前,此道懸於太空;天地既辟而後,此道寄諸天壤。是道也,何道也?先天地而長存,後天地而不敝;生於天地之先,混於虛無之內,無可見亦無可聞。故太上曰:以言夫道,費而且隱,實無可道,所可道者,皆道之發見耳,非真常之道也;以言夫名,虛而無物,實無可名,所可名者,皆道之糟粕耳,非真常之名也。人不知道,盍觀之《詩》乎?曰:「上天之載,無聲無臭」,道不可有言矣。又曰:「維天之命,於穆不已」,道不可無稱矣。須知至無之內有至有者存,至虛之中有至實者在,道真不可以方所言也。太上慈悲度世,廣為說法曰:鴻濛未兆之先,原是渾渾淪淪,絕無半點形象,雖曰無名,而天地人物鹹育個中,此所以為天地之始也。及其靜之既久,氣機一動,則有可名,而氤氤氳氳一段太和元氣,流行宇宙,養育群生,此所以為萬物之母也。始者,天地未開之前,一團元氣在抱是也;母者,天地既辟而後,一氣化生萬物是也。學人下手之初,別無他術,惟有一心端坐,萬念悉捐,垂簾觀照心之下腎之上彷彿有個虛無窟子,神神相照,息息常歸,任其一往一來,但以神氣兩者凝注中宮為主。不頃刻間,神氣打成一片矣。於是聽其混混沌沌,不起一明覺心,久之恍恍惚惚,入於無何有之鄉焉。斯時也,不知神之入氣、氣之歸神,渾然一無人無我、何地何天景象,而又非昏聵也,若使昏聵,適成枯木死灰。修士於此,當滅動心,莫滅照心,惟是智而若愚,慧而不用。於無知無覺之際,忽然一覺而動,即太極開基。須知此一覺中,自自然然,不由感附,才是我本來真覺。道家謂之玄關妙竅,只在一呼一吸之間。其吸而入也,則為陰為靜為無,其呼而出也,則為陽為動為有,即此一息之微亦有妙竅。人欲修成正覺,惟此一覺而動之時,有個實實在在、的的確確、無念慮、無渣滓一個本來人在。故曰:天地有此一覺而生萬物,人有此一覺而結金丹。但此一覺猶如電光石火,當前則是,轉眼即非,所爭只毫釐間耳。學者務於平時審得清,臨機方把得住。古來大覺如來亦無非此一覺積累而成也。修士興工,不從無慾有欲、觀妙觀竅下手,又從何處以為本乎?雖然,無與有、妙與竅,無非陰靜陽動、一氣判為二氣、二氣仍歸一氣而已矣。以其靜久而動,無中生有,名為一陽生、活子時;以其動極復靜,有又還無,名曰覆命歸根。要皆一太極所判之陰陽也,兩者名雖有異,而實同出一源,太上謂之玄。玄者,深遠之謂也。學者欲得玄道,必靜之又靜,定而又定,其中渾無物事,是為無慾觀妙,此一玄也。及氣機一動,雖有知卻不生一知見,雖有動卻不存一動想,有一心,無二念,是為有欲觀竅,此又一玄也。至於玄之又玄,實為歸根之所,非眾妙之門而何?所惜者,凡人有此妙竅,不知直養,是以旋開旋閉,不至耗盡而不已。至人於玄關竅開時,一眼覷定,一手拿定,操存涵養,不使須臾或離,所以直造無上根源,而成大覺金仙。 下手工夫在玄關一竅。太上首章即將無名有名、觀妙觀竅指出,足見修道之要,除此一個玄關竅,余無可進步也。故開首四句說大道根源實屬無形無狀,不可思議窮究。惟天地未開之初,混混沌沌,無可端倪,即如人致養於靜時也。天地忽辟之際,靜極而動,一覺而醒,即人偵氣於動,為煉丹之始基。第此倏忽之間,非有智珠慧劍,不能得也。要之,念頭起處為玄牝,實為開天闢地、生人育物之端,自古神仙無不由此一覺而動之機造成。又曰無慾觀妙、有欲觀竅,兩者一靜一動,互為其根,故同出而異名。凡有形象者可得而思量度卜,若此妙竅,無而有,有而無,實不可以方所名狀,縱舌如懸河,亦不能道其一字,所以謂之玄玄。學者亦不得視為杳冥,毫不窮究一個實際下落。果於此尋出的的確確處,在人視為恍惚,在我實有把憑,久之著手生春,頭頭是道矣。 If someone can find the English version, I will be thankful. To be continued....
Maybe I misunderstand your post. If you are willing to practice with me, I will be waiting for you in qq.
Not your business, right?
There is a lot of Ying cloud to get through. If we have too much bad chi, we need to dissolve more Ying. But if we get through the heaven cloud of Ying, everything is very clear. Just like cold water in the face You have the first hand informations from yourself. This Ying is recorded in Buddhism' s and dao' s book. But not in some schools which do not talk about Ying , only a lot of methods and tricks.
The real way is not the post-heaven chi. The chi uses ego-Shen lead post-heaven chi. So that is why I say .......... Too many methods or tricks lead our ego-Shen awake. Opening middle mai is the biggest secret in any schools. It is secret not because of secret methods. Because it is very hard to be get there.
I try to explain but it is not easy not to talk about wu Liu. The real dan dao open the real emptiness. After the real emptiness appear, kundalini appear. The real emptiness is the same as middle Mai's emptiness. So I hope people can practice the real dan dao to open the real emptiness and feel what is kundalini running in the middle Mai. I hope you can experience by yourself, but not mine. It is really not safe to talk about this here. It attracts bad feedback and bad energy. People like to argue. People do not like to experience. Knowing is more convenient than doing. Doing takes many years. Talking or knowing just a short moment. If I can find some friends to practice with me here, I will not pay so much time here.
Yes, me to. It is not safe here. If you really want to talk about kundalini, please find me. Qq , wechat is ok .
I saw you. Great.
Do you think these are two different systems? I can not tell the truth right now. Because there are so many people angry about my speaking of wu Liu here. But if I do not mention about wu Liu, it is really hard to say it. So can you come to my qq group? Or it is not easy to explain. In wu Liu pai's nei dan system , kundalini is not in this system. But in many other nei dan systems, kundalini is in it. I am sorry that I can not tell you the truth here anymore.
Good Me too I spent all my life in this.
Great. I use wechat. My id Awaken02001 I have no plan. And I still do not know how to teach. Just hope somebody have the same experience with me. I think maybe I will be kicked out from the forum soon. Ha! Are you a Taiwanese? I am really happy to know you will come to Taiwan.
I wrote a lot of diaries. But I only make sure the one who can be trusted can see my practicing diaries. I do not rely on my student's diaries. I already practiced for 27 years. And I only accept students for two years. My diaries last for 12 years. Two years is very short in dan dao. If you are interested in my students, come here. 無為丹道-迎賓群 159754069 But they do not speak English. You need to speak Chinese.
Do you open 玄關? Do you practice? Why do you ask the question?
Why do you ask these question? What do you think? Give me a reason to answer your question.
People like to argue but not share. Arguing has bad chi . Sharing has good chi.
One or two friends are enough. Hope I can have the chance to lead you to the real dan dao. To witness the whole process with me. All this is for free. I don't want your money. I just want you to practice by real heart. If i teach here, something bad happen. I do not want to deal with the kind of people. It waste time and nonsense. What we talk is to tell the true or not. We must do it by our action, not by thinking. Thinking never lead us to the right way. Only lead us to waste time. The fake teaching never cheat the one who actually take action.
http://qq-international.soft32.com This qq app can be download here. Or you can use keywords "qq international" to look for it. If you want to practice with me for a long time, please join my qq group. The dao bums 513532775
You are already on the road. You say it is not easy to let the thoughts disappear. That is because your 玄關the entrance is not open yet. You just need to stand and let body free. Feel your body, feel the chi every day. See how chi change. That is the first ... Method. If you think this is a method.
This is so simple that people is hard to believe. People would like to pay a lot of money to buy a fake dream and think that let chi go circle around body is to become a Shen Xiang. The most important is 玄關. Wu Liu pai has many big mistakes . But if you do not know what is 玄關,it is impossible for you to understand what is wrong about wu Liu. If you open 玄關 and practice in 玄關 every day. It will be easy for me too tell you what is wrong about wu Liu. If you do not know anything and just know how to make a circle, I really do not know how to let you truly understand the problems of wu Liu. After I saw some replies, it is really .....how to say.... No way to let these people know, I forget these people. I do not try to teach everyone, that is impossible. Too waste time. Maybe one is enough to me. After all my English is too bad.
附錄:伍柳派略考 一、伍柳二仙真承傳天仙正法,並未組創伍柳派。 伍祖1593年逢師,1612年得三成全傳。於1615年收朱太和為徒,1632年傳衣缽全法於朱太和。1644年元旦,明亡前為全世節而大隱。1639年留記云:天仙之道,百劫百年一傳於世。 柳師約於1760年得伍祖傳天仙正法,應百年一傳留記。又遇壺雲老師傳達摩、慧能、寂無「拈花微笑」佛宗正法。 仙佛正傳,本同源同法、同修同證。本無彼此之分,僅示法各有側重。伍祖承傳天仙正法,柳師兼得仙佛正法。伍柳二真履世相距百年以上,並未組派,更非衣缽之傳。 二、世稱伍柳派之來源 後世修者,得伍柳二真人傳世丹經之蔭澤,尊稱修煉二真人所傳天仙正法者為伍柳派。 伍祖傳世丹經有1622年著《天仙正理》,1632年著《仙佛合宗語錄》,並親示以1639年二著加註者為準。柳師傳世丹經有1790年著《金仙證論》,1794年著《慧命經》,1799年增補危險說與後危險說於《金仙證論》中,重宣入手人仙功的訣旨心印。 二真人四著,本分刊度世。1864年後世學者始將柳師二著合刻,有梁靖陽序為證。此時並無伍柳派之概念,直至1897年光緒二十三年丁酉歲,鄧徽績等合刻四著於一書。定書名為《伍柳仙宗》,此後方有伍柳派之概念。此論有鄧氏(合刻伍柳真人書敘)及程德燦序文為證。鄧氏書敘明言合刻之因為誠求真師。鄧云求道二十餘年,雖得四著,尚茫不知旨。特募資刊印,以求感恪天仙正道之真師,憐其誠篤而度之。可知首創伍柳合名於一處的鄧氏,出書時,非但未得伍柳親度,此時井未真悟四著所闡天仙大道之理法訣景旨。鄧氏出書後是否得度,當視其根基因緣。可見連首創伍柳合名之鄧氏,亦非伍柳派之宗祖。後世自稱伍柳派者,皆僅私淑二真人之學而已。其中真得天仙正傳者,為真伍柳派。不知天仙正法者,悉皆冒牌貨,多欺世盜名之棍徒。 可笑後世棍徒,根基遠不如鄧氏,誠篤更與鄧氏有霄壤之差,為求浮世虛名,欺世盜名,常以伍柳派嫡傳誑人欺世;甚或誑稱親受柳師之度;以俗世姓氏宗譜惑人。 吾今鄭重警醒真修實悟者,切勿上當受騙,誤入歧途。伍祖留記明示:天仙之道,百劫百年一傳於世。豈能輕易傳人!凡得真傳者,必能證天仙,證佛果。必能真證實證長生不死,此乃初成小證,何足道哉!豈後世之棍徒,以其不知真法,不得真證,不能不死,不得不死,卻誑稱羽化之小術哉!真修實悟者,當深研細悟二真人四著原文。四著已示三成全法全旨。今世上尚無其他真得二真人所示初成法中,第一、二兩層人仙功法真傳者。二真人早料及此,為防棍徒妄言貽誤真修者,皆於著中明戒曰「毋勞後註」。世人何不悟之甚,還枉受欺騙! 黃元吉真人體伍柳二真人普度慈心,於傳世二著《道德經註釋》、《樂育堂語錄》中,重點特闡初成功中第一層入手孕、調藥求玄關之法,可惜世上少有知音者。 三、如何辨別真崇真得真傳伍柳天仙功法? 伍祖柳師淺言直示天仙正法以來,對後世真修者影響甚大。常有不肖棍徒,借二真人之名,招搖撞騙,攫取名利,貽誤真修實悟者。為防止此等禍害,特提出以下辨識真得、真修、真傳伍柳天仙功法的要點。 (一)以弘揚伍柳功法為己任,認真校刊原著,遵戒不妄註妄論。 既真崇、真學、真傳伍柳功法,則二真人傳世之著,即為祖經。二真人皆明戒「毋勞妄註」,必當謹遵;否則名為弘伍柳,陰實揚己名,私售旁學攫取名利,乃奸詐棍徒之手段。 (二)全力輯全二真人之著,刪除非二真人原著之文,訂正《伍柳仙宗》或各單行本中歷次刊印之誤。 正文末已示,二真人之著,於首次刊印時,在功法關鍵處,即有因刊印之誤漏。真得傳者,必可校勘刊誤,一一訂正,以繼二真人仙蹤,實現二真人普度真修者之宏願。若不能校出各版誤漏,輾轉照錄原誤,甚或更增已誤,必是未得法者。又《伍柳仙宗》,既未輯全二真人傳世內丹之著,又有後人妄增紫陽、潛虛、三豐、涵虛四真人之文於《慧命經》中,又不加說明,應予刪去,以復原著全貌。(《伍柳仙宗》已示三成全法,何勞再輯四真人之文。)故重刊《伍柳仙宗全輯》,當是真崇、真學、真傳伍柳功法者義不容辭的責任。托名伍柳傳人者,豈可不致力於此弘傳祖經,普渡真修的神聖天職,而以攫取個人名利為務? (三)正法擇徒只憑德行根基,不論親疏。 仙佛正法衣缽,非財產、非世法小技、非謀生小術,可私傳子孫。必擇有德有根基因緣者,始能傳承。故世尊傳禪宗正法時,擇知悟「拈花微笑」之苦行頭陀迦葉為初祖,而不選尚為色塵所困之堂弟阿難。中國禪宗五祖弘忍大師不傳衣缽於素得親信之首座神秀,獨傳目不識丁,舂米侍者慧能大師,蓋因六祖慧根深厚。李虛庵老祖、曹還陽老祖皆有子後,始得真傳,卻皆傳衣缽於有德有根基者。李傳曹,曹傳伍,皆未傳承於親子。又伍祖傳衣缽於朱太和(朱先本是守虛真人之徒,根基德行可受天仙衣缽正傳,故得伍祖衣缽。朱因避清朝初期搜滅亡明宗室之禍,密修密傳衣缽,而不為世人所知)而並未傳衣缽於堂弟太初,堂侄太一。(伍真人雖遵母命成婚,未聞有子。)柳真人自幼為僧,更無子嗣,亦未傳法於堂弟道寬,勇水庵方丈原明大和尚,卻度有不少外姓弟子,柳師既無組派之念,自無衣缽之傳。奉勸世之托庇姓伍姓柳者,不必以姓氏為騙人手段,欺世盜名,妄稱得有祖傳、單傳、秘傳。何必作此陷先祖於不義,坑真修於旁門的喪德劣行! (四)天仙功法悉皆靜虛之功 伍柳所傳天仙正功,必宗靜虛總則,初成法就是築基功,入手法就是初成法中第一層第一步的孕藥煉己之功,皆以靜虛為正功。絕無矯揉造作,編排各種動作之旁門小法,妄稱不傳秘法。 This article tell the truth. It said some people make up fake methods to cheat people for getting money.
Emotion will become a kind of chi and stay in body. Anger will hurt liver, happiness hurt heart, thinking hurt spleen, worrying hurt lung, fear hurt kidney These come from Chinese medicine classic, nei jii. When we practice the right way, we open the entrance 玄關,no thoughts, no feeling there, Ying was dissolved there. Your emotion bad chi all disappear.
This is feeling of chi. You should do longer. It will change.
About the ego There are six part about 識神 (ego Shen? How to translate it?) Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind So what is ego Shen is hidden temporary? The six receiver rest You may ask if the six receiver rest, people will fall asleep. This is not sleep. Most of time, you feel half sleep and half awake. And no thoughts. Day by day, your body change to a state. Your body sleep, but the inner awake. Ego Shen fall asleep, an uan Shen awake. What is the problem about wu Liu pai? They said if you have golden light you absorb it to your body. But we already know when our mind is working, ego Shen wake up. So the light wu Liu pai see and absorb is not from uan Shen. It is from ego Shen. We all know there is no ego Shen in emptiness. But wu Liu pai claim that they can use methods in emptiness. That is impossible. So they put the wrong stage. In the state of ego Shen, there is golden light, too. I hope you can practice with me and see the golden light by yourself. Then you will know you do not need to pay a lot of money to buy useless methods. You can see the golden light without any methods.
Wu Liu pai always teach you to use breath to make a circle. By the way, you are stopping your road. The circle will happen by itself. And it will change to other stage - the entrance. I do not practice now. After I close my eyes one or two breath time, the entrance is opened. Everything you need to practice is right there. No matter how someone insult me, I hope I can help one friend to open the entrance.