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Yes, everyone has the right to believe what he wants to believe. Dear seeker Only Christian call ling as "soul" Chinese call linghoun 靈魂 as "soul" 靈 ling is used to be a adjective and 魂 houn is the noun. So houn 魂 is "soul" So Chinese say 魂歸西天 houn go back to the west heaven, But don't say 靈歸西天.
You should read The Zhong Lü Chuan Dao Ji. It is a famous dan dao classics.
I do not know what is ling. 靈?靈神? In ancient Chinese, 靈ling does not mean "soul" There is no "lingshen", only "shenling".神靈 事神的女巫。楚辭.屈原.九歌.東皇太一:「靈偃蹇 兮姣服,芳菲菲兮滿堂。」王逸.注:「靈,謂巫也。 」 鬼神。詩經.商頌.殷武:「赫赫厥聲,濯濯厥靈。」 孔穎達.正義:「其見尊敬如神靈也。」明.徐弘祖. 徐霞客遊記.卷四下.黔遊日記二:「此山靈招我,不 可失也。」 魂魄。如:「靈魂」。南朝梁.江淹.待罪江南思北歸 賦:「願歸靈於上國,雖坎軻而不惜身。」清.林覺民 .與妻訣別書:「則吾之死,吾靈尚依依汝旁也,汝不 必以無侶悲。」 人的精神。南朝梁.劉勰.文心雕龍.情采:「若乃綜 述性靈,敷寫器象。」 最精明能幹者。書經.泰誓上:「惟人,萬物之靈。」 靈柩的簡稱。如:「停靈」、「守靈」。兒女英雄傳. 第十七回:「那口靈就拱在堂屋正中,姑娘跪在靈右, 候著還禮。」 姓。如戰國時晉國有靈輒。 明曉事理。莊子.天地:「大惑者終身不解,大愚者終 身不靈。」 保佑。國語.吳語:「孤豈敢自多,先王之鍾鼓,寔式 靈之。」 神妙、奇異。文選.謝靈運.登江中孤嶼詩:「表靈物 莫賞,蘊真誰為傳。」 應驗。老殘遊記.第四回:「你老不信,試試我的話, 看靈不靈?」 機敏、不呆滯。如:「機靈」、「心靈手巧」。明.徐 弘祖.徐霞客遊記.卷十上.滇遊日記十三:「無霓裳 而骨節皆靈,掩鮫綃而丰神獨迥。」 美好、善。文選.潘岳.閑居賦:「竹木蓊藹,靈果參 差。」唐.白居易.修香山寺記:「靈跡勝概,靡不周
三魂七魄,肝藏魂,肺藏魄,魂為陽,魄為陰 鬼ghost,魑魅魍魎,孤魂野鬼, 鬼,人所归为鬼。——《说文》 众生必死,死必归士,此之谓鬼。——《礼记·祭义》 载鬼一车。——《易·睽》 为鬼为蜮。——《诗·小雅·何人斯》 苍颉作书鬼夜哭。——《淮南子·本经》 身既死兮神以灵,子魂魄兮为鬼雄。——《楚辞·屈原·国殇》 吾作此书时,尚是世中一人;汝看此书时,吾已成为阴间一鬼。——林觉民《与妻书》 (3) 又如:鬼伯(鬼王);鬼雄(鬼中的强者);鬼物(鬼怪,鬼魅。有别于生人,故称鬼物);鬼教(说阴间鬼神之事) (4) 万物的精怪 [goblin;demon;spirit] 鬼者,老物之精也。——《论衡·订鬼》 庶人庶士无庙,死曰鬼。——《礼记·祭法》 山鬼吹灯灭,厨人语夜阑。——唐· 杜甫《移居公安山馆》 僧是愚氓犹可训,妖为鬼蜮必成灾。——毛泽东《七律·和郭沫若同志》 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strange_Stories_from_a_Chinese_Studio This is a novel about Chinese ghosts. 聊齋誌異 黃泉,陰曹地府,陰間,the place that ghosts stay 閻羅王 the king of 陰間 天界 the heaven 《禮記·郊特牲》:「魂氣歸於天,形魄歸於地。」注曰:「魂者神也,陽也,氣也。魄者精也,陰也,形也。」 魂 and 魄 both are translated to "soul" But in Chinese these two words have two different meanings 魂 belongs to Yang. 魄 belongs to Ying. If a person's 魂 is higher than 魄,he or she may go to heaven. If a person's 魄 is higher than 魂,he or she may go to hail. 鍾呂傳道集 The Zhong Lü Chuan Dao Ji http://www.taoiststudy.com/taoist_alchemy/zhong-lü-chuan-dao-ji 「而於塵世入蓬島,升於洞天,升於陽天,而升三清,是皆道成之士。」 「非不欲開陳大道,蓋世人業重福薄,不信天機,重財輕命,願為下鬼」 「仙有五等者,鬼仙、人仙、地仙、神仙、天仙之不等,皆是仙也。鬼仙不離於鬼,人仙不離於人,地仙不離於地,神仙不離於神,天仙不離於天。」 The more Yang 魂 becomes the higher 仙. The more Ying 魄 becomes the lower ghost.
The energy of lower dan tian can not stay in lower dan tian, and can not make a circle, too. The energy of lower dan tian ,called Jin , should be used to open middle dan tian. How is Jin used to open middle dan tian? By practicing the right way,Jin would become 鉛Qi. Then 鉛Qi will get 汞 together. When 鉛汞合 happen, we should let our fire less, called 文火. When we stay in the state of 鉛汞合,we relax more to go into 入定. This way , our Jin go into Ying to 化解五臟濁氣 After 五臟濁氣化盡,jin can be transport to 鉛氣Qi ,and 鉛Qi transport to Shen. So our Jin should NOT be stayed in lower dan tian. 練精化氣 練氣化神 練神還虛 You can not just practice the first step, and ignore the second step. The first step is yang, the second is Ying. Every time you practice, yang first , and Ying come after yang Ying and yang should be peacticed in sequence in one time practicing.
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Yes 鉛汞is the key point. http://www.taolibrary.com/category/category86/c86038.htm 咽津納氣是人行,有藥方能造化生。鼎內若無真種子,猶將水火煮空鐺。 The place we practice is very important. Outdoor is better than indoor. If you can feel the Qi, you will know it. You will choose the better place to practice. 先且觀天明五賊,次須察地以安民。民安國富當求戰,戰罷方能見聖人 天時,地利,人和 If we want to progress in dan dao, choosing better place and time can feel different.
Dan dao can not only be understood by books. We need to practice to prove the book is right or wrong. Obviously, the writer who only know full moon does not know full moon. If he know the difference between 兔髓 and full moon, maybe I will consider he know something.
I don't limit the areas. Maybe my English is too poor to express the thoughts. Maybe I use the wrong words. I don't know. What I said is the 外氣與內氣的交換出入口 手心勞宮穴,腳掌心湧泉穴,頭頂開頂,中丹田開心竅 Maybe some people who can use the right English can translate for me. Thank you. And these entrances are different from three dan tain. Dan tian is not the entrance of our body. It is the source of dan. The three energy centers is the 作用區 of 玄關 There is only one 玄關一竅 因為玄關一竅是第三眼接收中脈與天地之交流的出入口 It's a hole. Look like a hole. A hole in the dark. But after the 中脈 is opened completely, the hole will fill of light. 玄關一竅is different from 勞宮穴,湧泉,開頂,心竅 I hope that you can practice the same way with me-wu way. Or it's really hard to explain these nouns 作用
The entrences of Qi are two hands, two feet, head, heart. Through these entrences, the Qi of our body can interchange with the surrounding. A good tree is very powerful. Not only tree, the sun is more powerful. There are many kinds of Qi from nature. 五行之氣 the Qi of five elements 金氣gold Qi From rock, especially mountain caves 木氣tree Qi From tree, different trees have different Qi 水氣water Qi From water, especially waterfall, the mountain stream 火氣fire qi From the sun 土氣earth Qi From the earth, human' body is, too. If you have opened all the entrances, you call feel what is the differences between these Qi And also you call feel different persons's Qi The entrance of heart is the most difficult one to be opened. Deep in samadhi is the way to open it.
The little flash is called 黍米 in dan dao. After 黍米,we can 入定。
I come here to introduce the right way. My English is poor. If you do not mind, I could guide you as possible as I can. The right principles is more important than methods. The only way to reach pre heaven is wu Wei. No methods, no breath skills, only some rules. Ying yang, 鉛汞,water fire,etc
You obvious misunderstand the full moon. Unless you reach there, you will not really know what is full moon. I met many Chinese told me that they saw full moon. But after I ask them about the details, it is not full moon. It is 兔髓 You made the same mistake with them. I hope you will understand where is you mistake. But if you don't have a real mater, it is very hard for you to know. 兔髓 looks like full moon. But they are totally different. If you don't reach them all, it is impossible for you to know what is the difference between them. I tell you this and hope you don't make the mistake again. Post heaven is totally different from pre heaven. Almost all teachers think they know, but they don't know. Pre heaven can not be told, but only be achieved. So many times, I heard people misunderstand 兔髓 and full moon. They misunderstand post and pre heaven, too.
In Daoist practicing, every step has their sequence Some inner views which should show up in the next step were written in classic. If the trainer go the wrong way, views which should show up will not show up. So some trainer doubt they go the wrong way. In Dao classics, so many classics, told us the views. The views will show up if the trainer have the correct practice. The views are the shapes of lights. Except lights, there are some phenomenon come with all kinds of lights. Anyway, in a word, the way is not easy to find out. And I try to tell someone who wants to reach that goal.
I know many Chinese do this kind of meditation and gain nothing. They spent more than ten years to practice this lower dan tian meditation and some of them begin to doubt if this is a wrong way. I hope more people will find the right way of Dao. That's why I come here to use my bad English to tell you the right way.
Yang Shang only show up for a few seconds. But I am not sure if it is ok to describe it here. Because it is not easy to describe, imagines is easy to say, but the 入定ding is not easy to say. Some people who don't pass the illusion stage may misunderstand what I said. They looks like a hologram. All red But first time, it is just a white shado. I don't know what it can do. I think I just go into another stage, yang Shan need many years to change. In 楞伽經,it is called 意生身 There are three stages of these changes. I am just a beginner of the first stage. Only in 三昧正受,yang Shang can show up. If you want to "use" yang Shang , you need more cultivate to let it change to the third stage. And it is almost Buddha's world. Dear shad If you don't spend time in Ying, you will not go through the stage. The stage of opening heart need many years. What you do is only practice Yang, no Ying. Every time you practice, Yang come first and Ying come after Yang. If you don't let yourself go inside Ying. It's impossible to pass the biggest stuck, you can not open the tunnel of Kundalini中脈.
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You use too much fire, 武火. When you get to the point -the fire is enough, you need to turn down the fire. It means you need more relax, even fall asleep. I had this state about three years. Every time I practiced , I fell asleep in seconds. After I slept for almost 3 years, my heart was opened and I saw many beautiful inner views, snow fly, mandala, full moon, red sun, even yang Shen. So what you have to do is lie down, don't sit , when you practice. And relax until fall asleep. Maybe you will sleep for 12 hours a day and last for 3 years. But it worth. If you pass the stage, you will know why.
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I have a diary about cultivating since 2004, but I wrote it in Chinese. It's not easy to let people understand how to cultivate. To sit is not a best way to start the cultivating. Because our body need to open 經脈,and the energy of 經脈 is more shallow than 5臟. It's really hard to explain why , because it relevant to Chinese medical science.
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Angels Zhang boduan said "一 饒君了悟真如性,未免抛身卻入身。何似更能修大藥,頓超無漏作真人。" 真人 means real person. it's an inner view. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_Court_Classic Yellow Court Classic 黃庭經 describe these real persons in detail. Lights Many dao classics describe lights in different words. But I don't know how to translate all of them. 烏肝,兔髓,黍米,霜飛,蓮花,圓月,三寸陽神,丈六金身,紫金丹,金丹,大小還丹,鉛,礦,日,紅日,潭,瑤池,金母,etc I have seen so many kinds of lights for 27 years.
玄牝之門世罕知,休將口鼻妄施爲。饒君吐納經千載,爭得金烏弱兔兒。 要知煉養還丹法,須向家園下種栽。不假吹噓並著力,自然丹熟脫靈胎。 休施巧僞爲功力,認取他家不死方。壺內旋添延命酒,鼎中收取返魂漿。 Chang bo duan criticize the breath skills for many times. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuzhen_pian
故未得丹时,须借武火以凝之,既得丹时,须藉文火以养之。文火者。结实之火也。其养之法,节其寒温消息是也。 In this paragraph, 丹means 黍米,a small point of light. Before 黍米 appears, it says that we must use big fire to gather the energy. The big fire means more concentrate in breath. But this breath method is not any skill to breath. It means just more focus on breathing. This kind of breath can let energy more powerful. It works like bellows to make the fire bigger. After the 黍米 show up, we don't need big fire. We need small fire to let our consciousness deep down to raise the Ying. After we have enough Yang in Ying, our consciousness will wake up and show some special inside view. 陰盡陽純一陽生 Ying ends and Yang gets pured , so one Yang show up.
Observe your body and breath until chi happen This chi can help you get away from thinking Then you can go inside a state - no thoughts
There are many kinds of insight. 烏肝 兔髓 黍米 卍字 金剛鏈 Mandala Full moon Yang Shan Gold body Etc Some words are too hard to translate. 烏肝 means black liver. But it's not a real black liver. It's a light, a kind of light which looks like aurora. It has different colors. Everyone see different colors.
Wu Wei is a kind of attitude in meditation. The other side is 有為. 有為means the meditator uses some methods to reach a goal, like some breath method, some imaging, some dao ying導引。 The meditator who use the method of wu Wei don't use those methods to reach any goal. They just observe and wait to see what's happening inside. The meditators who use wu Wei can see the changes in a long tern meditation.
There are four stages in the following. 1. Movements follow the Chi 2. Thoughts follow the Chi 3. chi follow the consciousness 4. A Different awareness happen, no ego exit These four stages are produced by nature, not by artificiality. Every stage is very complex. Don't worry. There is only one rule- Wuwei.