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Everything posted by shortstuff

  1. Rasa transmission from

    Hi guys It has been just under 1 year since I recieved 6 rasa sessions. I certainly felt something during them, and then I was proclaimed "level 1000" by multiple people. I do feel how it describes - I don't identify my body as I, I feel like I am a seperate but connected entity of Self (one consciousness), however this is where the similarities between my state and the website stops. I still have mood swings, I still (though rarely) act out of ego, I still dream and fantasize about material wealth or objects. All of these things that RASA claims to eliminate, because they are egoic properties. However they do say it can take 7 years for your experiencial state to catch up with your energetic state (the crown chakra being fully open). I have spent quite a few months recently having DNOTS for a day then elation/bliss the next and so on. Seems like I am purging all my past memories / karma / stored emotions. Would I recommend it? Probably. Do I know if the rasa transmissions actually caused this? Nope. Because I started reading lots of buddhist texts, started praying, started doing water fasts, started doing energy work (doo wai breathing exercises), started generating bodhiccita and compassion for everyone. So I can't nail down a specific thing. It just so happened RASA happened first. I wouldn't get it from Ausar though. I found him very non-genuine. I recommend a guy called Elias, or Ramaji himself.
  2. Potent Systems

    At the moment I do meditation #1 from Sunn Yee Gong and then I merge that with one of the flying phoenix ones. Both seated, static, with breathe percentages, and the way I do it is combining them without the 3 100's. So To Start: 100% 100% 100% === 80% 70% 50% Breathe normally 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% Breathe normally === To finish: 100% 100% 100% All of these are done with eyes shut, sat with spine straight, hands cupped, right over left, thumbs touching. After this I just sit for a bit. Normally get some large bangs, and either explosions or white light goings on with my eyes closed. My palms either tingle or get warm or can feel like lightning bolts are running through them. Either way it is very refreshing. I know someone who can read energy he says it is very calming and nice Sometimes I am inspired to stand after this, if so I do just normal heaven to ground movement, not sure what its called, arms all the way up on inhale, all the way down on exhale.
  3. Samatha vs Vipassina

    Samatha is very calm, peaceful and slow. Vipasanna however is the polar opposite. You are forced to sit in agonizing pain until you hit samadhi and the pain goes. Both will work but one will work in a week the other... maybe 3 years depending on your spiritual maturity. I went to Samatha classes for a good 6 months last summer and I don't feel like I grew much. If anything I got the vibe that they like to play-down your experiences. You have an awakening, you tell them, they tell you to dismiss it because you haven't been going to class long enough.... seems a bit stupid to me.
  4. I was about to start a thread about qigong sickness but just checked the time and realised something else... At the moment I keep funny sleep hours, 8 hours or so between 6am and 2pm. This means I am up all night long. I have noticed I seem to naturally adopt this sleep pattern in the winter, probably due to little to no melatonin. I have also noticed that every night in between 3 and 4 am I feel absolutely terrible. Sometimes it is panic attacks, sometimes it is random indigestion and heartburn, sometimes it is feeling like balls of steel (like ballbearings) are travelling down my arteries (normally left leg and right arm so not heart related). I have been to the docs recently, full bloodwork and check, all good, perfect blood pressure etc. Any ideas why this happens at this time of night? Has anyone else experienced the same? Any cures for my sleep pattern? 11pm would be perfect. If I take 1200mg of ashwagandha it knocks me out but gives me a terrible hangover style headache the next day. Thanks!
  5. Why do I always feel terrible at 03:00-04:00am?

    In the summer I am all good. Winter though I have these issues. Personally I think it is lack of exercise and melatonin. But I don't really want to start supplementing the latter. The former I can fix if I stop being lazy. I take magnesium already (ZMA). I am currently on nofap, it has made little to no difference. I do have quite a few of those I guess. Though desires are not really relevant anymore as they are just thoughts and therefore don't exist. And the emotional blockages have been unblocking. Will a herbalist understand Jing etc? I used to have a herbalist 20 years ago. She got knighted recently so I guess I was lucky... are they expensive? Thank you, all <3
  6. Is enlightenment really desirable?

    Are they though? Everyone who is unrealized has internal, unwanted thoughts. Enlightened people have none. How can you enjoy life when you are constantly bombarded with negative thoughts, or positive ones designed to cause negative reactions? Inner peace is a joy. I'm not quite there yet myself but since I realized my existence for what it is I noticed my constant stream of thoughts changed and now the only thought scatter I get is my mind playing music to me internally. I have no choice over what music, it just plays random music. Sometimes music I don't even think I have heard before. Sometimes I choose not to process it, and it stops, and I think nothing, and it is brilliant.
  7. Does music deplete qi/jing?

    As far as I understand it, you lose Qi when your mind produces thoughts. Most people don't just hear music, they try and interpret the sound. You hear a drum, you process it as a drum. But it is not a drum it is just a noise. To conserve your Qi you should live in a thoughtless state. Which is non duality. Music for most people puts them into a thoughtful state. Just my understanding and I might be wrong
  8. Mind only

    Only read page one. How do you know Consciousness is a mind? For example "we" don't think about breathing or beating our hearts. Consciousness does it for "us". When "someone" is really ill, say, they have AIDS, which is uncurable, if Consciousness was a mind, my guess it would come to the conclusion that it is best to end that "persons" current-body so they enter a new life-cycle with a body that does not have that terminal illness. This is what minds do. They think, they mentally masturbate and then they post threads on forums, like this thread, for other "people" to mentally masturbate to. Consciousness does not do any of this. It just Does. I say with a capital D on purpose. Consciousness just does. Therefore to me it is not a mind. P.S having to put speech marks about any I or We or They is getting stupid but it is just to avoid replies like "but who is the I that is..."
  9. Why do I always feel terrible at 03:00-04:00am?

    Is there any reason my liver would be bad? I don't drink alcohol and wasn't an alcoholic before I quit alcohol... Thank you for the responses I will try most of them. I haven't found a recommended acupuncturist in my area yet (or a TCM for that matter).
  10. What is Non-duality?

    You really have to experience it to understand it. Otherwise the words are just confusing. There is also a trap when you first taste non duality. You realise that "I" is empty but you still relate to other people or a world. Ie you are nothingness in a world of others. This is false because both the others and the world don't exist either. There is only consciousness. This is known as "unity consciousness" or "God consciousness" where everything you feel or see or experience is part of your consciousness. If you are unawakened and you read that you would think "what a load of ......" but if you have experienced it you will know exactly what I mean. Supposedly when you go beyond this too you come back to understand there is a subtle I as part of the consciousness but I am not going to comment on it because I have not yet experienced it. As for buddhism, for purposes of enlightenment it is now irellevant really. Consciousness has changed, it wants people to awaken and enlighten so there are methods available that will push someone from pre-non duality into total enlightenment and the end of seeking in one lifetime as apposed to the 8 life cycles required to get there as a buddhist. It will still take a few decades for this to be accepted however. However this brings its own problems because if you go the buddhist way you learn to be compassionate to others etc along the way... these new ways will bring a bit of chaos too. I for example am experiencing unity consciousness however I still have desires, negative thoughts (not many now), and the other things that you would have "evolved over" during the 8 life cycles. I just know these desires are false and choose to ignore them through witnessing. Imagine a sociopath or someone who has something wrong with them, so their natural, egoic desire is to murder people...and that someone becomes Self Realized... there will no longer be anything stopping them. This has happened in the past His answer "nobody" in this case reveals that he is self aware - he is aware he doesn't exist. He just didn't experience consciousness otherwise he would have realized that killing others is both pointless and hurts himself as he is them etc.
  11. Where do I go from here?

    I wrote a post on my blog it is pretty lengthy but is very genuine. I have quoted it below. I am wondering if I should continue on the path? Or change yet again to something else. What about an enlightenment course? Or is there a point where you just give up? I don't necessarily mean suicide either. Note: therapy seems pointless because it only works on the ego and not the Self below (or above) it. Which is my target (Self Realization). I have had some glimpses of no-ego and it is an amazing place to be. Entheogens seem like the next best option.
  12. I would like to bump this old topic and ask...has anyone found anything else? All I do is basic tai chi (about to go to first meeting) and this once per day. I am not celibate currently so I do this before I masturbate, to use the 24 hour of semen retention. I pasted the link to the article as the video isn't 100% clear on the correct breathe sequence. This breathing and meditation technique above, when I can nail it properly, gives me the most deepest profound meditation I have ever come across, as well as a nice feeling throughout the remainder few hours. I have been learning it off by heart slowly, will probably start retaining semen soon and perform it twice a day. I would be interested to know where it comes from, it seems to be neither Flying Phoenix or Sunn Yee Gong, but has the breathe retention contained in both systems.
  13. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    I have reached unity consciousness, my Kundalini is not active. I tried all the methods of making it activate, nada. Someone told me this means I am either a new "Soul" or an old one - I have yet to go through a few life cycles of Kundalini or I have already been there, done that... I used to think the former until I experience unity consciousness. Please note I have had experiences of unity consciousness but I did not stabilise there. I can feel it now, if I put my awareness on it, but it is not there without this awareness effort.
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Guys. I was about to order Sifu Garrys Sunn Yee Gong but on the last page people are saying it is confusing and not to bother. I want to order FP instead. But I have issues with something called dyspraxia, I find it hard to get breathing and standing nailed at the same time and was wondering how successful this would be if I just bought level 2 dvd - the 6 sitting meditations? I am trying to find a system that will aid my meditation, by sending energy from my body to my brain for use during meditation, or ojas as it is known. Thank you
  15. Rasa transmission from

    This is legit. I'm waiting for one of them to give me 1-1 transmission in 2 weeks. cost me $100, will let you know how it goes, however I have progressed so quickly just watching the free ones like above. All my post history is now irellevant here because it feels like it happened decades ago, not months.
  16. Trying to do this at this stage of my meditation now. At present I focus on the breathe for a few mins then I just sit in the darkness with no thought...I don't seem to get anything from it during or after anymore. So time to move on to the first Jhana. I wish to ask those who have experienced this - what is meant by a pleasant sensation. For example their example of the smile - do they mean making yourself smile? Or just thinking of the sensation of happiness that occurs when you smile - because a smile is automatic like breathing is - how do you observe the pleasure if you are concentrated on creating it? Should you sit there smiling with your eyes closed? When I smile by forcing the muscles etc I feel nothing... I figure it might be easier for me to concentrate on the pleasure one experiences through orgasm? And if you are consciously thinking of an experience then how can you be an observer without "any attempt to increase the pleasure" if you are creating the pleasure in the first place just to observe it? I will add that in the 3 years I have been on the path, I have never had any moments of bliss, kundalini or otherwise, in any of my sessions. I have had moments of happiness in life realising how I was mindful of X emotion but never the bliss people speak of. I will also add that I feel that mind wise I am pretty far down the path, I observe my thought processes almost automatically now before they happen, I can feel ego react and the anger produce chemicals and stop it before it happens... so even if I never get to "stream entry" or "enlightenment" I have improved my life and the life of those around me. Which I am very thankful for. I will also add that I don't get any kundalini energy at all, none of that electricity feeling etc. It is very wierd reading 100's of thousands of peoples experiences even during their first time meditating and not being able to relate. Thank you
  17. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    I have had some wierd experiences that are pretty near my definition of super consciousness. I have noticed that all of them had something in common - They were either a day after or a few days after a long meditation or kundalini yoga workout - They occured after 24 hours of fasting (water allowed) and actually stopped 10 minutes after food was consumed in all 3 times. And these experiences were basically immense joy, I found myself smiling, saying hello to people... I live with anxiety - this vanished, and instead of being introverted I found myself saying hello to people and the more I did the happier I felt.. as soon as I ate something, boom back to normality. I wonder if that is ego death for a small period of time?
  18. Firstly, I asked my teacher about the Path. This: I asked about this because I can relate to several stages of this at once. Not normal right? He said that link is incorrect and not to listen to it. Hmm So I recently read "A New Earth" by eckhart tolle... I had not planned to read it, well I had but not yet, I bought it ages ago, read half of Power of Now, thought it was a bit tripe, and packed it away. Somehow today ANE was lying around, I started reading it out of boredom and ended up 80 pages in (parenting advice - I am not a parent). I will complete it later. But what it did is properly explain the EGO. I thought I had a good idea of what the ego was but I was incorrect. I did not realise the ego can cause you to do negative things, to hurt yourself, so you can play a victim role. I naturally started labelling all of my thoughts, feelings and emotions and I have already influenced my life today in a good way. This kind of came naturally to me - but I just googled what I did and it is common - I don't know why I did it but I will keep doing it! So there is that. Anyone else label or note their thoughts, feelings and emotions? Does it help, long term? Now on to "enlightment" and my question.... Surely the path to enlightenment is the ego manifesting itself again? "Oooh look at me I am enlightnened... I'm better than you" kinda thing? So why would anyone want to be enlightened, if they are trying to put the ego in the background? Further more you are supposed to be the observer and observe the ego etc... but who observes the observer? Yeah I know it gets really confusing doesn't it? Do "enlightened" people walk around noting their emotions automatically? Or do they not have emotions? When enlightened people say all their anxiety left them when they reached enlightenment, what does this mean exactly? Thank you
  19. Who has reached Jhana?

    What does your question really mean. I mean how do you know if you have had a full *8 channel kundalini awakening* and by that I do you know it was 8 channels? I honestly never heard of the 8 channel part myself, I thought there were 2, pingala and nadi ? Also how do you know if that is the real DNotS? I ask because I had a spiritual awakening, not a kundalini one, no spinal electricity etc - and then dark night of the soul for 2 years - 2 years of hell - a good 6 months of that was real hell - after being hypnotised - so was that not a real dark night of the soul? Because it sure matched all the symptoms described on /r/kundalini and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
  20. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    lifeforce whereabouts in the UK do you live; have you tried K yoga classes? I am in the NW...
  21. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    So recently I had what felt like a heart attack but it was in a place not where my heart is (below my left nipple) I thought it was heartburn but this was intense like someone pushing a knife through me. Since then I have had mind splitting headaches daily and various other aliments which I just thought were migraines. Some Googling today tells me that these are very consistent with "Kundalini headaches". I am wondering if only of my chakras got unblocked (hence the pain) and maybe K is trying to awaken but the chakras are too blocked? Felt a lot of nervous anxiety type energy, I normally feel this in my chest and I can summon it on demand now but no idea what to do with it. Excited if it is K but worried I am deluding myself. I went to the doctors to make sure, all good, best blood pressure reading I have ever had (he said it was perfect) considering I am very tall and overweight (a bit like the guy in the video I posted ha ha). I feel great except for these daily migraines, and neurofen doesn't seem to help them. Coincedence that I got them since watching these videos? I don't drink or do drugs so not worried about "accidentally" awakening K. I want it.
  22. Shortcut to enlightenment

    LSD thumbprint might be. For me, I wouldn't like to say "enlightment" but I do remember when I was a child, reincarnation made sense to me. Then in 2016 I read a lot about buddhism and indian / kundalini texts, about reincarnation. I was right! At least, I think. And it brought me a great deal of peace. Even if this life goes terribly for me...I will get another one!
  23. Sitting meditation not comfortable

    You can protect against this by grounding though.
  24. Sitting meditation not comfortable

    From my experience with both meditation and kundalini yoga.... all that is important is that your spine is straight. This is an issue for me as I have a curved spine from 20 years of computing at a chair slouched. In KY she told us it will hurt but to get through the pain...but this coming from a lightweight woman who did 5 years of hatha yoga before K yoga and sometimes gets us to get up from full lotus to on feet in one movement ie jumping from lotus to on feet in one go... I don't even attempt that... but the fact she can do that as well as full splits tells me she doesn't understand what posture pain is. Many people who have done 7+ day silent meditations tell me it REALLY hurts but 4-5 days in the pain leaves. Make sure you take enough magnesium and zinc. Even trying full lotus will use muscles you never used before. My first K session was 5 hours long and the day later I couldn't get out of bed, everywhere ached, but good ache, when you ache you know you have progressed...
  25. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    This guy...I go into some wierd trance and feel wierd pin pricks around my body.