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Everything posted by shortstuff

  1. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    I watched the video in full last night, I forgot to do WLP first, I felt nothing. These could be placebo having expected something but I thought I felt some nausea when I went to sleep and I did have very vivid dream.
  2. Looks a bit too complicated for me. I struggle to do the 5 tibetans properly and they are ez pz compared to this...
  3. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    Are you saying that watching that video raised your K as shaktipat? My ky teacher told me shaktipat can only be given through physical touch?
  4. I understand maybe no one cares but I thought I would put an update on where I am at lately to provide needed context for my main question here. Basically I was going to Kundalini Yoga weekly, meditating daily, trying to summon/unlock/raise my Kundalini and generally struggling with all three. I have come to the conclusion that maybe K is not going to happen to me in this life. I have given up. Also when I meditate I still see/experience nothing so I stopped doing that daily also and just do metta every now and then, when it feels right. I no longer get synchronicities after metta like I used to. The universe has stopped giving back. So it feels. Anyway I am without a PC for a week (typing this on an old, slow, laptop on ubuntu, makes a nice change really) which is kind of a synchronicity in itself in that it is just what I need. Late last year I spent almost £400 on, real, physical books and they just sat there. I deleted FB completely on Sunday (more on this shortly) and packed away the PC and I have been reading a good 4 hours a day instead. So far only one book... which I am having problems with. I will keep my question simple and then if people reply with answers I will go into more theoretical detail... 1. In the Power of Now - Mr Tolle says that to further yourself, you need to not allow the mind to live in the past or the future. The way I understand this, is that your mind uses the past to define the future, but you live in the present. But this is problematic for me. Firstly every self help book or technique or even hypnotherapy session I have invested in states that visualisation of the future is key to success in both material and spiritual worlds. But is this visualisation where you use the mind to visualise and don't let the mind do that itself or is it simple DON'T VISUALISE...period. It does not say. So should you think to the future or what? Also when I smell something my conscious mind goes straight back to the past, maybe a happy memory...I should not be doing this? 2. What is the difference between living in the now and mindfulness? 3. He explains repeatedly that when you live in the now you will feel Source/God/whatever. I practice mindfulness a lot and even when I meditate, deeply, I never feel or see anything. I have spoken about this in other topics, where people see stuff I see nothing. I don't feel anything either, not love or anything. I both saw and felt in the first time I meditated but nothing since, ever. Same in K Yoga...we do asana etc and she says to "feel the energy" and people are like "omg amazing" but I don't feel anything. Is it possible to be disconnected from Source, completely somehow? I read this book because so many people say it completely changes their life game, but for me, it is just causing conflicts. Thank You
  5. multi vitamins

    I only take L-Theanine (which puts me into deep sleep if I go with it) and ZMA which is Zinc and Magnesium. I notice if I do kundalini yoga and go to bed without taking ZMA that I ache really bad the next few days. If I take just one tab afterwards, little aching. 1 tab is 150mg M and 50mg Z. ZMA has some kind of "loader" which gets it more absorbed than just taking them on their own. Cost? £1.83 for 3 months worth.
  6. Been trying to open my third eye along with energy work for months now, almost a year...nothing. I get a bit of wierd feeling around my crown after kundalini yoga but as for self practice? No tingles, no buzzing, no feeling of energy at all. Also many people see geometric shapes when they first meditate with eyes closed. I see...blank darkness. I have a few theories on myself. 1. I was born enlightened but forgot it, therefore kundalini was already awakened in me but somehow I lost it completely and I am an empty vessel (body) with a soul inside but the connection is wrong. 2. I am such a new soul that I can't awaken my own kundalini because I don't have enough life cycles. 3. I was hitler in a previous life and my karmic debt is so high that I can't evolve spiritually. Ever since I was born I was rejected by my peers, it seems for 20 years of my life I was there to be a punchbag, either physically or emotionally, for when people feel bad. Doctors named it "autism" "asperges" "dyspraxia" but I wonder if it is karma. Literally my theories are....both opposite extreme ends of the spectrum. Either way I get nothing from energy work. It sucks in kundalini class when she says "feel the energy at the root of the spine" and I feel nothing. Then after class they all talk about how they felt something "down there" and I felt nothing at all.
  7. Do you really want it?

    Yes, I really want it. Nothing in this material world makes me happy for long. The world is an endless cycle of want-get-enjoy-bored-want... Enlightenment should make me happy. Understanding how to be happy with nothing would be lovely considering whether you are a billionaire or you are homeless, you have the same either way...nothing. Because material goods don't make you happy therefore they are "nothing".
  8. Spasms in face?

    So lately I have been doing kundalini yoga once a week. Didn't go this week but did do something called spinal breathing in my meditations instead, as well as a few kriyas like holding my hands interlocked above my head. Last night my right cheek, and my right side of my nose started spasming badly. I attributed it to tiredness, but I just masturbated (I will tell you why this is important shortly) and it has started again along with the same kind of feeling in all of my limbs. I also feel jittery, like I do in deep meditation, the high vibration feeling. Wondering if this is energy based or if it is neurological, I would like to rule out the former before I try and see a doctor. I googled it and a lot of people classify it as K awakening symptoms, any ideas? Is there a definitive way of telling if K is about to awaken, or is awakening, in someone? Kind of worried about potential stroke, because symptoms are similar. Grrr
  9. Spasms in face?

    I had it again the other night and interestingly I felt a sensation like I was falling out of my body. Instant fear caused me to lapse back into full consciousness though. It is a shame I can't get past this fear :/
  10. Kundalini, Now What?

    Why did you remove everything?
  11. Big Brother has arrived in the UK

    The problem with experimentals is they are even more likely to have 0day's that can be designed for them, and even less likely that these 0days will ever get fixed. It could take a pentest team a week to find a root-giving exploit and it could take the creator a year or ten (see below) to actually discover it exists. Microsoft for example was exploited by stuxnet etc....that was a 10 year old 0day. Now one has to wonder if Microsoft were forced to hide this decade old exploit...were they told by the NSA that "We have discovered X, no one else knows it, you are NOT to patch it unless given permission" or did they just not even know? This is the same with cryptography, anyone worth their salt (excuse the pun ) knows not to develop and run their own encryption, but to rely on the common ones.
  12. Hi there. SO I tried to buy lifetime but it wanted £39 due to exchange rate. I selected $32 for 2 years instead but according to paypal, it wanted to set up an auto payment and charge me $32 now and then again this time next year for the 2nd year. So I paid for one year as this saves me $8, and I can just pay again then. TLDR: The payments page here says $24 per year or $32 for 2 years but it is actually $64 for 2 years when you click through and log in to paypal.
  13. Attaining Full Lotus

    I am the worst person mobility wise in my kundalini yoga class by far. It would be embarresing if one didn't keep his ego in check. I can't even sit with one of my legs straight out, nor can I sit on my ankles, I can sit cross legged though but not lotus or even half lotus. But I am getting slightly more flexible each week. Slightly.
  14. Swede's ramblings and questions - Welcome in!

    For me, it is normally breathing, but I don't concentrate on my nostrils, I just concentrate on tightening my abs to breathe out, and let the breathe in part go naturally. I actually found when I started this that when I walk I naturally breathe the wrong way, it took a month or two to consciously correct my breathing; I would walk around pulling my diaghphram/ stomach in as I breathed in and out as I breathed out, no wonder I couldn't walk far! Once I fixed that, walking got a lot easier. The other thing I do is just imagine that I am in a dark room and I am staring at a dark, round, cushion, in this dark room. I find by doing this I am able to just be...with emptyness. Of course, emptyness is also a thought. This is the problem I get with meditation, they tell you by concentrating on breathing you are concentrating on nothing...but that is untrue. Anyway after some time I realise I am no longer breathing, I never get any bliss nor visuals nor do I feel connected to anyone else but I do feel calm. Sometimes I also practice loving-kindness meditation. I imagine a ball of light above me and I take bits of it and I send it out and into my imagination of people's bodies. Friends, family, strangers, people I hate. (edit, 5 months into to meditation I realised I no longer hated anyone) I did this for 3 months and one day I realised I always missed the first are supposed to take 1/3 of it and give it to yourself. I never did this... which is interesting because I have self confidence/self worth issues.
  15. serious readers only

    How come you edited all your posts ?
  16. The payment system is dodgy

    No problem. I like it here and it is obviously packed full of info, most of it I have yet to read. Unsure how I am going to get the 250 posts so I can start threads but...I am sure it will happen over the course of my lifetime!
  17. Big Brother has arrived in the UK

    Note that tails does not protect against compromised hardware. Also note that the NSA compromised all hard disks available to consumers at factory level source, which means unless you run your OS (which is likely to also be compromised) of a USB key (which is likely to also be compromised), Tails cannot protect you. The new law gives more powers than just logging. If you proxy your connection you will stand out and be noticed. The law gives Police the right to hack your computer for a look around. Of course GCHQ have been doing all this for years, they tap the fibre as it comes into the UK. The current idea is to get as many people as possible to run some kind of program that accesses random URLS, including "dodgy" ones, every 1ms, with a bandwidth restriction. Then everyone who participates' logs will be full of sites they don't visit. If everyone did this, you could avoid Big Brother. People are even thinking of injecting something similar into iFrame's on exploitable forums and websites.
  18. Brexit

    I voted leave. I didn't do it out of racism or border control but purely because of the silly amounts of money we are forced to send to countries such as France and Poland when we can't even afford to fix our own problems (like the thousands of ex military homeless people living in cities in England, our lack of defence budget, our ongoing fight with the SNP, etc). Then I met some new people. Some of them are current generation immigrants. One of those is my kundalini teacher. Obviously they voted remain. And I feel a bit guilty. But I also feel that sacrifices have to be made to make a country better. But on that hand when you understand that everyone is One, what is a country exactly? So I am unsure. If I had to vote again I probably wouldn't vote at all, because I feel so conflicted. Meanwhile in the UK you are only "cool" if you are a far left wing feminist SJW, a good example are all these "No tories" lines on peoples dating profiles.
  19. Cancer-killing dandelion tea gets $157K research grant

    Apparently ketosis is epic for meditation. Tim Ferriss has done a lot of research into combining both!
  20. Hello there

    So I found this forum from this thread, where I am a member but I am having problems with my meditation. Their advice "over there" is to slow down or stop completely which seems completely counterintuitive. Considering it is costing £15 a month...I need somewhere new where people know what they are talking about. So aside from potentially causing drama in my first post... I am John, from the UK, I have been meditating for around 6 months and it has changed my life. I am about to start Kundalini Yoga, but I am not...motivated to raise my Kundalini, I want to do it the sensible way, have processes in place to have as drama-free a rising as possible. I am literally a sponge when it comes to information, be it factual, fictional, conspiracist or just pure name it, I read it. I figure if it does come true, being educated on a multitude of topics help me. This open mind got me into meditation, specifically it changed me for the better. Anyway, hi!
  21. Hello there

    Seems I am not quitting the other place... if you are on monthly sub via debit/credit card, there is no actual facility to cancel subscriptions, other than telling my bank that my card got stolen. I am sure their forum plus system on other forums had a "cancel" system, AYP's seems to be missing. Edit: For anyone else with this problem, you have to do it through 2checkout's own website, for some reason.
  22. Mindfulness meditation totally changed my life. I was introduced to it by Joe Dispenza, who combines neuroscience with spirituality. I read his book Placebo and tried it and boom the very first night something clicked. I haven't had any negative experiences other than sometimes it does nothing for me (that I notice, probably still rewires the brain though) which leaves me feeling disconnected and disappointed. The best one for me is the love one, which is where you visualise a cloud of light above you, and you take a bit of that light and spread it around your body, then you take bits of it and give it to people you love, people you just know or know of, and people you hate. Then you take the remainder and visualise connecting it to everyone else in the world. It actually makes me smile during the meditation and sometimes I cry tears of joy...and then in the next 24 hours I get loads of synchronicities and good fortune. I would recommend everyone meditate, the world would be a much better place. If you are really worried you could do a protecting grounding meditation - from the awesome marclehalffool on reddit - it is designed for kundalini and protection but I find it works very well for meditation as well... just in case.
  23. What do you do if you introduce yourself and you get nothing back? I ask this because sometimes I meditate and I see nothing, I feel nothing, I feel...disconnected from everyone and any type of supreme being. It almost seems pointless. I certainly don't get any of the visuals that people describe, the colours, the white light, nada, always a pitch black void. I can sometimes feel something of great mass infront of me and I sometimes feel like I am in a pitch black tunnel but other than that....? I wonder if meditating at a temple instead of my room would help? Thank you
  24. Existence, Life.

    To me, existence simply means to be. It can even be put in binary. If you exist you are 1, if you don't exist you are 0. 0 is nothing. Life on the other hand, again to me, is less black and white. You can live in different ways, in different forms, and ofcourse you can choose to steer your way through life. Life is about choice. And because everyone is connected, choices you make effect everyone else.
  25. Hello there

    I am really happy here. Going to quit the other, paid place. Thank you