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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Hello friends!

    I found this place a few weeks ago when I was searching for tips and tricks to improve my practice of qigong. My thing with tai Chi and Qigong started in the early 1990ties where it meant a lot to me for a few years, but then life sort of got in the way and I didn't practice for many years. Now I'm in my mid-fifties and inspired by a therapist I started practicing again. And this time there was a wealth of information available and I lost myself in it. I learned a lot and got confused a lot, since the instructions I have followed from different masters on a few important points contradict each other. My own experience is less than a year, but I feel the practice has helped a lot in my recovery from adrenal fatigue. My friends and family does not share my interest in qigong and I've found it difficult to share my experiences with them. I realize that for them it is a matter of faith and for me it is a matter of physical reality and building new abilities. So I'm glad you open-minded people are here ;-) My nationality is danish. /Lars