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Everything posted by sittingandforgetting

  1. Supplements you use

    If you are stressing too much before the exam you need to stop looking at the target.
  2. Supplements you use

    I used and got my raw data. I then researched Nutritional Genomics for about 5 years. I also saw that my genetic ancestry comes mainly from the Baltic region which is shown in the 23andme website and in my genetics as a tendency to need to eat fish to get Omega 3. I have a rare mutation in my Monoamine Oxidase gene (which needs Riboflavin as a cofactor) as well as many of the Molybdenum dependent genes like Sulfite Oxidase. Also my Fatty Acid Desaturase genes are like those of Eskimos.
  3. Supplements you use

    I had my genetics done. They showed a need for Riboflavin, Molybdenum, and Biotin. I do not take them everyday, except the Riboflavin. Those three changed my life, specifically the Molybdenum. To know your genetics is to know a bit of your self since it will most likely dictate our genetic dietary ancestry.
  4. nutrition and the path

    Eating very little. - Frugality. (Jian) Eating animals products only when needed and eating organic. - Compassion. (Ci) Not eating fancy foods, not making a show of eating. - Simplicity. (Bugan wei tianxia xian) If the world did these things there would be food for everyone, no war, no need for pesticides, etc. So that is how I eat, and it makes me feel better, like you all have discussed.
  5. Hello

    Hello. I can't hide from the Dao anymore, so here I am, trying to unlearn my lessons. Half of a hundred and looking for a new, quiet, simple, town to live and practice in. Look forward to chatting with all of you again. Sitting and Forgetting
  6. Hello

    Great to see that Anarchist logo Marblehead. I came to Anarchism though Buddhism and Daoism myself.