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About wstein

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  1. God is not love

    My definition of 'Love' is 'divine expression' AKA creation. ----- An analogy I use for this topic is that of the Sun and the life giving radiation it provides life on Earth. The Sun just shines (unconditionally). Its light rays go in all directions without regard to where they might fall (or may never fall). Those rays can feed plants, light the day, or burn the skin. This is of no concern to the Sun. Free will comes into play in how these bounty of light rays are responded to. One can ignore them, use them to help find their way across the landscape, or get a sunburn. ---- As to humans, God's expression is available to all without condition. It's up to each human if they want to receive the Love. Nothing changes for God depending on each human's choice. I agree that something provided always unconditionally can not be 'earned'. Unconditional Love is more a matter of acceptance.
  2. Ego - what is it?

    I have my own view on ego, not really the norm. The ego is a part of the mental (body) that monitors the how beneficial the environment is to the self. Its job is to inform the rest of the mind/body system about how beneficial or harmful the environment (situations, events) are to the survival of the self. Quite often in western spiritual material the term 'ego' refers only to when the ego is damaged and out of control. If the ego's messages are ignored too long by the rest of the body, it can get corrupted and start to try to take control to preserve the whole or in extreme cases itself.
  3. U Unless it is translucent ... Unless there is mirror behind it ... Unless you are near a black hole ... A Mobius strip only has 2 sides yet is as three dimensional as a cube. Dimensions are about orthogaonal directions in space occupied, not 'sides'
  4. While what is described is an exercise in bringing energy to ones hands, once you can do that reliably, there are lots of uses for it. 1. after you can reliably create a ball at least 4 inches in diameter, play around with substituting something else for one hand. Most interesting are living things. Sliding the ball along a living body is essentially a method for medical intuition. 2. spread your hands outward to the edges of your aura, the energy will transfer to your aura. This is an easy and quick technique for making an energy shield. It works exceptionally well for dealing with difficult relatives 3. while in a room or enclosed space, turn your palms down/outward to fill the room with energy, then you will feel the things with energy in the room, not so much the ball. This is excellent at finding things with energy and invisible beings. 4. when you can make a ball wider than your head, look through it to greatly enhance remote viewing and clairaudience. advanced: it is possible to create a ball big enough for your physical body to fit inside (you have to turn your palms outward to do this, hold the ball from the inside.
  5. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    Its utterly ridiculous and shouldn't be taken seriously.
  6. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    He is amused at the absurdity of this universe and the beings in it.
  7. Doing is you taking an action and there is a result. Without doing, you are there, actions occur, results appear. However 'you' didn't do or cause any of the action or results. This can be confusing at first because sometimes some of the actions involve your body. If you are still identified with your physical form, you might assume (incorrectly) that 'you' took the action.
  8. Before enlightenment chop wood, carry water After enlightenment chop wood, carry water After enlightenment there is no 'practice', there is only being. It's true that activities still occur but this is incidental to being enlightened.
  9. First of all, cheat codes are not going to help, to achieve any sort of self awareness requires one to be aware. Others can provide helpful experiences or guidance to make that process a bit easier. Help from other realms is not much different than help from this realm. As to the need for transmission, this is obviously not required. The first 'master' had to become enlightened somehow. Having done something like transmission (inducing inner silence), my experience is that it was not all that helpful to those trying to learn. Having experiences does not teach how to get there on your own. It can serve as a marker of when you do get there on your own. I make no claims of whatever you think enlightenment is. However, I discovered most of the spiritual 'truths' found in books and some not in books, without any assistance that I know of. Oh, I so wanted help with that process, but alas.
  10. Let's Talk About Enlightenment(s)

    Just because you are "endless, eternal, infinite" does not mean you can't be uncreated. Our minds have limits, most notably restricted to things that can be known.
  11. Let's Talk About Enlightenment(s)

    In my view 'awakening' simply means one becomes aware that there is a 'spiritual' realm (something transcendent to the physical). It often implies a bit of acceptance of this fact even if begrudgingly or in the face of complete ignorance of the meaning and implication of such. There can be many further awakenings as understanding/awareness deepen. The formal definition of 'enlightenment' varies according to spiritual/religious tradition. Some traditions have a series of expanding enlightenments, some only one. In my experience the profoundness of being enlightened in each tradition varies greatly. The minimal end of the spectrum it is merely recognizing and accepting that you are a spiritual being/part of the One spiritual being. At the other end of the spectrum in omnipotence and omniscience.
  12. when should long time

    It's not my job, I am under no obligation to guide others. Being "really accomplished" does not change that. I know many teachers get caught up in endlessly guiding others. It's something few get past. I post when I am called to do so, because I want to.
  13. when should long time

    Other than supporting a slightly higher amount of internet traffic (which can not cost much), what harm do 'lurkers' cause that one might want to eject them? Having been here a long time, despite reading every day, I seldom post any more. The main reason is that most of the topics don't interest me. A minor issue it that there is a hostile minority that makes it impossible to discuss certain topics, example: enlightenment.
  14. Life is Chaos until you find Order.

    Life has its own chaos/order balance. Your contribution to that is minimal. What changes as one 'grows' is to recognize/distinguish chaos and order. -------------------------------------------- Synchronicity seems to happen mostly in threes for two reasons: 1. It requires at least 2 instances for them to be coincident. 2. It is often uncertain if two instances are coincident (related) or not, three reduces doubt greatly. In my life coincidences often occur in groups of 2, 3, 4, and 5. Keep an eye out for them (don't stop looking when you find 3).
  15. Creating a World from Scratch

    First: is this a world model (3D) or images of a world? A world needs some basic parameters/attributes/concepts (physics,geography,biology,source of energy,etc). How do you plan to put this basic knowledge into the generator. Your example is "let there be light" but what is light? Where does it come from (note that worlds don't generate their own light, that usually comes from a star. Perhaps this is a stable diffusion image generation project where the above work is already done?? If you look through the exo planet database of real planets, very few are interesting other than to scientists. So, it seem like its going to take a lot of guidance to make something of interest. You might want to look into algorithmic world generation used in video games. Keep in mind that even a small world will take a lot of computer storage.