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  1. Can you deny this?

    Nope. Yoga entails duality. It is, ultimately, not true. A better statement, in my view, would be: Everything's nothing. -- or -- Nothing's everything.
  2. Practical Kashmir Shaivism

    I'm very interested in K.S. I'll be reading one of the books mentioned above, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me, briefly, the main differences (if there are any) between Kashmir Shaivism and Advaita Vedanta. I am very well acquainted with A.V., all types of Yogas, and Sanatana Dharma in general, but lack knowledge about Kashmir Shaivism. Thank you.
  3. Most people misunderstand what Atman means

    Very good original post, my direct experience is fully in line with it. As a reply to the other posts, Self does not radiate anything. It is unchanging, motionless and immutable. Yet from our ignorant perspective, the relative one rather than the absolute one, it seems like Self is radiating something yes - not sound but pure bliss. We are all looking for that bliss, for that happiness, because it's our true nature. The bliss sheath is also called the darkness of ignorance sheath, as that is the mind's experience of it in deep sleep or unconsciousness. When we 'enter' deep sleep fully conscious (formless samadhi) then ecstatic bliss is 'experienced'. We could say Self is pure Existence-Consciousness and its first movement is bliss. Anyway, that is not entirely true, but only from our view as the mind. There might be a time when we might discover that what once was considered to be a sheath (bliss sheath) is actually our true blissful nature.
  4. Levels of conscious mind residing...

    I enjoyed reading this. Not only did that "being" go from "normal-human-ego-consciousness" to "super-guru-ego-consciousness", but he/she even managed to take his/her ego to the "beyond-god-formless-realms-consciousness" and come back with it to tell us the story. Don't take this personally please, but this is just a funny story unrelated to nirvana, enlightenment, etc., of how some mind went up to higher levels of refined illusion and then came back to post on a forum about it. Maybe we should consider being no one. Being nobody. Dissolving completely instead of going temporarily to some "form" or "formless" realm. Why do we want so much to be something or someone and tell others about it?
  5. What "absolute" means in Advaita Vedanta

    I use Absolute (brahman-advaita) more to differentiate it from the relative (maya-dvaita-names-forms). The Absolute/Ultimate Truth mustn't consider the relative, as the relative is only temporary, it can't be an absolute truth, but more of a relative one. If you include "doing pratical things in the dualistic world of names and forms" you obviously have to include every dream you have at night and so on - which we usually call an illusion. We usually call a dream an illusion because it's not self-existent, self-luminous and everlasting. The truth in an absolute sense must not depend on something external for it to exist, which would make it self-luminous, as there is nothing external to it that is aware of it, meaning it is self-existing, as it doesn't need the existence of something else for it to exist (like maya-duality-names-forms need), and is everlasting because it is beyond time (and space). Anyway, I guess both the ultimate truth and the relative truth are only from the point of view of the relative, as in the Absolute sense, there is no relative or absolute truth.. it just is.
  6. Real Advaita Vedanta is Zero. Unfortunately from what I gather around most books, practitioners and supposed "self realized people", they all talk about One. I agree with many posts here, in the ultimate sense, there is no difference between Dzogchen and Advaita. Zero is the ultimate realization, or call it zero not zero... But most people can only "reach" an understanding of the One. One is not nirvana. Zero is nirvana
  7. World perception

    I like where this thread is going. I remember Ramana Maharshi saying: search for your ego and you will find yourself, for no ego really exists
  8. World perception

    To whom does the world appear? To the mind? or the bodiless Awareness itself?
  9. the four levels of love

    That's not love. That's sort of a necessity. What about this kind of love: Fifth, you don't want or need anything. Love is constantly inside you and emanating towards others.
  10. Rasa transmission from

    Your mind is tricking you. (this is what she does to keep us bound in this illusion and we don't even notice it). Read their posts (first two) and then read my post with Attention!
  11. Rasa transmission from

    Re-read my post with some attention and see if it sounds the same as the previous two.
  12. Rasa transmission from

    Oh guys you too? I am amazed, because I have also experienced a powerful rass transmission from It was memorable my ego got dissolved, my mind got dissolved, my ignorance got dissolved I am in completely bliss and love and ecstasy and silence beyond anything I thought was possible! It was so powerful my whole family got Enlightened as soon as they saw me and their friends got Enlightened as soon as they saw them! I feel like if this is going to continue, assgar is going to be out of business. Perhaps he should make his rass transmission less powerful and just to the knee Chakra instead of crown Chakra. So only my legs get Enlightened instead of my whole family and their friends. I am going to do some Augass transmission to my cat now since she's been asking for three or four lives already. She really wants to be cat-realized and my turtle because he thought teenage mutant ninja turtles were Enlightened. Oh wait where am I going with this conversation? I guess it's just my Enlightened ass from that can't seem to stop giving this written satsang.
  13. the two levels of enlightenment

    I agree with the first original post. But on this one, tho whom does their ego appear? Sri Ramana Maharshi said the Jnani is egoless and bodiless, but to an external observer, he will appear to have a body and a mind (and therefore an ego-individuality). There is a difference between having a purer ego and no ego. You experience ego dissolution every time you go into deep sleep. Before you refuse the idea of the actions of someone only being perceived by an external observer, consider the sleepwalkers. They might go grab a glass of milk, talk with you and go back to sleep, yet they are completely unaware of what is going on. It is just happening in your view.
  14. World perception

    You can die while you are still alive. That is Nirvana. Waiting for the body to die is nonsense. That's just a belief, maybe Hindu, maybe not. I'm sure Gautama Buddha had to wait for his body to die to 'achieve' Nirvana...