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Everything posted by qicat

  1. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    DO I need to send couple monsters to you so you actually START meditating? What are you afraid of? /******************************/ What he posted is a chart which applies to MOST of people. However, it seems to be more and more nOObs like you and me are waking up for whatever reason. We are clueless in the systems, yet we have abilities which rank on that chart quite high. I know you are deaf right now to anything I say, but I was ( and still is) in the same shoes as you. Energy education clueless and energy powerful. However, since I don't come from Western society by breed, I don't have this SUPER EGO I observe my american born friends have. For me it's more like "who? me? What such a puny thing like me would have to do with all those super powers? " ( and bam, smash somebody with full blown qi ball). You got the point. ( I hope). Put all your MENTAL MASTURBATION ASIDE. MEDITATE FOR A WEEK. If you want to heal people, go for it. As in all fairytales there is a catch "with great powers come great responsibility". At this point you have 90% of probability of ending up in a psych ward within next 2 weeks. BECAUSE MONSTERS ARE REAL, lolz. So do yourself a favor, meditate and stabilize the mind.
  2. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    SO...MEOW... DID YOU DO IT??? ( seriously dude, just SHUT UP and do it, STOP THINKING!)
  3. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    so, did you do it? how did it go?
  4. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    dude, if you cook yourself by the end of the week, go find someone asap so at least they know what are you doing... p.s. how if meditation going?
  5. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    okay, here it is: 1. Get into quite place where no one can disturb you. 2. Sit in a comfortable position. ( does not matter how at this point, don't do fancy full lotus if you never done it before) 3. Set a timer for 20 minutes. 4. Sit and observe. Energy, thoughts, visions, nothing, boredom, etc. If your LD is running, just note it, but don't fixate, just let the feeling and thought go. 5. When timer buzzes. End the meditation. Repeat this twice a day. Report about your findings here for 3 days. You can report after each meditation. With your sensitivity ( I am playing your ego here, btw), you might achieve results very fast. This is the most classic meditation as touted everywhere( no linages attached, as many claim it to be their OWN). Let's see what you find in it...
  6. First attempt at healing!

    oh, from that point yes. Kali places... But do you think for somebody who is just started do that stuff is even reasonable? I think foundation is the first step. On this note, I am sure he can take a weekend drive to Stonehenge and get some interesting energy stuff... But is it safe at this point?
  7. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    here you go... why don't you research on this part? Yourself. Why do you need to sit and meditate. Do you "need"? What is the purpose of it? How many meditations types are there? What is the goal of the meditation? What are good/bad things to happen? How long should you meditate ( i.e. length of the practice in min and in days i.e. 20*2 for 40/108 days as an example)... You are smart, you will figure it out... check out your local bookstore. it will be easier than doing same thing on internet. Internet is full of junk, bookstores are at least curated....
  8. First attempt at healing!

    I don't have direct experience with this, thus, won't suggest anything. At my old yoga studio one of the instructors did 500HR at Mysore and when he returned I can say he was more "refined" from mechanical/asana perspective and more into mantras than before, but overall I had not notice any changes. But he was a young lad anyway... everything is yet to come... I am still not sure Mysore would be my first choice if I wanted to go learn about healing... But I am sure there are good ayurveda schools?Only seems OP is more on a "mental" phase right now...
  9. World changed today...

    well finally someone is coming down to this dump... keep us posted Jeff we need to get gifts ready, yeah?
  10. interesting topic... few thoughts from kitty's head... 1. Forgiveness means there is no energy charge attached to the situation anymore. For example, you had a girlfriend ( "first love") at 13 and she was not nice to you. You got hurt. She probably was not aware at all at the situation. Ten years passed. You are at 23 college graduate with cool job/Tesla/" i.e. "great marriage catch", but you won't be able to walk to that girl and talk to her because you are still mad/hurt/upset. Notice, I added "first love" for a purpose to show the degree of emotions involved... I noticed this is the most common pattern of "forgiveness" ( besides "heavy" family/parents stuff), which actually requires "healing" vs. some imaginary "my mother did not buy me a toy when I was 5, so this is a reason for my 20 years depression" crap modern psychology is feeding common public with. So, release the charge and you will forgive, but not forget... Used on self, it works in general. 2. Responsibility. Rabbit hole here for sure... first, if you buy into non-duality, what's the point of victim/attacker? yada yada yada... If you you buy into "fate", then there is no responsibility by definition as "it was meant to be by karma" blah blah blah stuff. I think you just need to use your internal moral compass for this. I've heard even Buddha killed someone... so...If your internal moral compass ( assuming you understand what Virtue means and how to accumulate it) is tuned, responsibility would kind of be "part of the package" ( i.e. I take responsibility for my own actions. I.e. if I am being bully on a forum, I understand I will be banned, but I have made my choice - just an example)... 3. Trauma...I am still thinking about "what is trauma"? Mental stuff vs actual energy "stuck" in organs/field. If you do qigong purging stuff/go to healers/do other stuff, why some people after doing it for 30-40 years are still in the same "trauma" mode? It is very simple to get them to the "breaking point" for me, I just start asking questions and usually they start crying pretty soon. In 20 questions of less cat can get all your traumas out... but are you willing to look at it? ( ANSWER IS NO) p.s. What other person?...
  11. First attempt at healing!

    why don't you create an online course on Udemy or like or create a book/video/youtube channel/podcast and channel that energy there? It seems there is a "chatter" part in you wants to be heard ( ask me how I know this "philosophy" creature, lolz, we are very good friends and mine can only shut up when I actually channel it into something creative, usually works:P ) you are correct on physical part though, if you don't do it, it ( energy) will tear you apart. You need to clear meridians to let it flow, but you also need to learn lots of stuff ( how do I know? I am in a same boat as you. And I am slowly figuring out that throwing qi balls around filled with different ranges of energy is probably not so good for humanity.... I can be very cruel and very powerful...kind of does not go well with "nice and fluffy kitty" attire...)
  12. First attempt at healing!

    yoga teachers? No insult to MPY ( modern postural yoga) yoga teachers, but for this you probably need someone "not a yoga" teacher. I wish I could recommend you a good yoga school, but they are either all dead (real yoga teachers) or don't exist anymore ( US/Europe, you might get lucky in India, but the latest I heard it's bad there as well). At most luckiest way, you will find a yoga teacher who got her injuries already from "too much asana" and is into much gentler yoga ( where energy can be actually felt). If you go to any of those "beer yoga", "hip hop yoga", "playboy bunny yoga", etc, you will most likely injure yourself ( wrists, hips, knees) and have zero progress. Of course, you will be versed on misspelled mantras and Rumi quotes and essential oils in savasana while Deva Premal is playing... but that's not what will make you progress... Check this out: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS520US520&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=london+qigong+master&* if any of them calls ( i..e intuition says needs to go), go for it. p.s. +1 on everything Starjumper said. My teacher was just saying it yesterday, that even he still gets "battle scars" from picking up sick energy from people. How you have to carefully watch any changes in your mood/thoughts/emotions/physical wellness and purge it right away. Otherwise you won't be able to get rid of it yourself and will need someone to do it for you ( this is why it's important to have at least one other energy healing contact for yourself. Think about it like acupuncturist would not needle himself, but would go to someone else. Same thing here.)
  13. First attempt at healing!

    well... if you insist on cancer healings... at least get some info on precautions... ( this is just a sample, there is more info on it: https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Teachings-Chinese-Energetic-Medicine/dp/0991569040/ref=pd_sbs_14_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0991569040&pd_rd_r=5BDQ9265ARCEJ8SJM91Y&pd_rd_w=Oyicv&pd_rd_wg=BXdz0&psc=1&refRID=5BDQ9265ARCEJ8SJM91Y)
  14. First attempt at healing!

    great work! just learn protection techniques or you will pick up crap pretty soon. Also, don't try to do this with cancer patients until you have proper training. ( you will cook yourself). meow
  15. Cannabis and Qi

    I never smoked pot or used drugs. I also do not drink alcohol or smoke tobacco. Thus, what I am sharing here is not from my personal experience, but "someone told me". I usually prefer to share "that's what I have done/felt/did" vs "or so I heard", but in this case I feel compelled to share. ( your name gave it away) I assume you are familiar with ganja yoga beyond "let's smoke pot" and are able to appreciate the power behind it? So, here is a story... One time I was at sunrise at Esalen farm. It was super early and everybody was asleep. Old man comes to me and starts talking. Blah, blah, blah... He calls himself a ganja yogi and wants to share the knowledge with me. He studied in India with those "soma" people. I am like... dude, there is plenty of space on this bench in this beautiful garden for everybody. So he draws picture for me, and explains each step. Mantras/mudras/body position. Where you have to face and when... It is a basic cycle of creation ( if you do it at sunrise, that's why he was there that day at the sunrise, his practice). In return I shared my wisdom I learned from my herbology workshop which plants he could take from the garden to make himself "happy"... So it was a fair trade... So, since I am feeling generous, I am sharing this knowledge with you. Everything on that picture is encoded. Use at your own risk. Start at the sunrise and follow the creation cycle ( destruction cycle at sunset)... Who knows... maybe Shiva himself will join you.... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0H3J1I1Jz5-SHpzamNVd2ozRnZHTkFLWm10eFZCdm9Zc2Rr/view p.s. I have not done it myself ( as you need to smoke at each step), so I dunno the results...However, what I see is very close familiarity with bagua ( walking the circle for a purpose)...
  16. Analyzing historic pictures

    kind of not about the pictures question... but... "a body builder"... mmm... how do I put my question right... so, here is a story... one time I was at the Jai Uttal's kirtan and he was saying he will call his "guru" now. So they are singing, blah blah blah, I sit there in the music, enjoying it... my eyes closed... then I see " a "body builder" with an elephant head shows up. Three dimensional. He does not pay attention to me, but looks around like "you again, ( i.e. to Jay), whatever..." and disappears. I am like... whoa... so Ganesha is your guru, but you obviously do not hear him. ( I am gonna skip the topic of cultural appropriation, not the point here). But to me what was odd is that "shiny", "glowing" Ganesha was a body-builder.... I mean, as a woman I appreciate nice male bod... meow....but everywhere else he is pictured rather "not so body builder"?.... Another time in another place, I was ... well... who knows where this cat walks.... anyways... I run into a "guy with a coyote/shakal head", again, shiny, three dimensional, topless ( body-builder bod)... Since I had to go and do something, he kind of helped. So... question... anybody else ran into those "well looking body-builders" during "field-trips"? If they ( gods?devas?holograms?) are from the previous civilizations, why humanity is so far away from those standards of body these days? I mean... Seems to me ( and based on posted pics), body-builder bod was kind of like a pre-requisite? thoughts are welcome...
  17. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    yes... and...? that's what I am saying, there is no viz attached...as taught in JAJ's lineages... am I reading your topic wrong?
  18. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    mmmm perhaps you talk about only some ( of many) meditations? As it is already ingrained in my brain ( some super secret pose, teacher's voice "No intention, no cultivation, no visualizations, just let energy do it thing"). Specifically forbidden to use mind for anything... because qi flows much faster than thought, light, visuals, etc... hope it helps...
  19. Sexual Destiny

    Cats are always right... unless when they are left...
  20. Sexual Destiny

    mmm... I'd suggest to look deeper into your own pre- and postnatal energies. Seems you are a Water Pig ( -34 years back is 1983). Water by definition is picking up all the emotions you get... so you are kind of signed up for it before you came here... too late to complain... Also, check where is Venus in your chart. If you got it in the 5th/7th house this year, your Love will knock on your door and you will forget all those silly posts...
  21. Going to drop the hottest moral philosophy of 2017!

    great inspirations! welcome... meow...