
Junior Bum
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Everything posted by Jehudi

  1. Peace Be With You

    Shalom Aleichem I am a Disciple of the Nasarean Path of the Essene Way I am joining this forum to connect with Taoists and learn more about their ancient practices. Nasareans have always sought to learn Truth wherever it may be found. That means we seek the Truth that is inherent in all Spiritual Paths, and that includes Taoism. The spiritual tradition that i follow and represent is re-emerging from centuries of persecution and suppression, thus very few have even heard of the existence of our Religion or Scriptures. Our scriptures explain that our priests and priestesses have been traveling the world for aeons, teaching and healing people of various lands, often unannounced. Our teachings have thus influenced many cultures for the uplift of All Humanity and All Life including Mother Earth herself. This means that although our scriptures are almost completely unknown to the world, fragments of our teachings can be found to exist within the teachings of the various religions that we have influenced throughout history. Of those cultures that were influenced by our teachings, Taoism is one of them. This makes sense to me, because Nasareans practice and teach the Essene WAY. And so when we acknowledge that The Tao means The Way, I can see the beginning of a thread that leads to the Truth that there are Essene (Healing) teachings inherent in the Tao. And I have found this to be true in my research. Before i ever found the Nasarean Path I had been interested primarily in Taoism and Yoga, amongst other religions. I always recognized the profundity of both of these two paths. And so when I began researching the Essenes, before i found the re-emerging Nasarean remnant, i held the Essenes to be of high standing alongside Taoists and Yogis. I considered myself a Taoist Essene Yogi!!! Now that I have been initiated into the Nasarean Mysteries i would consider myself a Nasarean Yogi of the Essene Tao. I also find truth relating to the Nasarean Path among the traditions of Celtic Druidry, Hermetic Alchemy, Zoroastrianism, aspects of Shamanism amongst Indigeonous cultures, Rastafarianism, and a whole bunch of others. Anyway thanks for your patience in reading all the way through my first post to introduce myself to everyone. I just wanted to let everyone know "where i'm coming from", and offer my reverence to Taoism itself from the perspective of someone who ultimately gives allegiance to a different religion. And that religion is one of Peace and Love for the Uplift and Healing of All. Love in All Ways, Always in Love... Amen, Jehudi