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Everything posted by Aetherous

  1. Not that I'm paranoid or anything but uh.......

    Actually, I gave a bad article...carry on...
  2. Spending money on books

    There are not enough great books; we don't buy enough books these days.
  3. Epic DUBSTEP REMIX Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

    This is off topic at this point, but I saw this video in the past month and found it to be incredibly...coincidental. Not sharing it to prove that GWB had something to do with the attacks...just something that more people should see and be aware of... edit: Actually just watching this again, I saw that when it says "plane" the word being pointed to by the teacher actually seems to say "playing". So, slightly less creepy.
  4. Turn your volume down first.
  5. Epic DUBSTEP REMIX Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

    That's only what some people claim...on the other hand, "no press is bad press" clearly applied here.
  6. This Forum Is Great

    Make sure that you're searching the entire forum, and not only searching this thread. Look just to the left of the green magnifying glass...
  7. Epic DUBSTEP REMIX Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

    Nope. No one needs to appear more sane. Especially not any "Crazies" as you put it.
  8. Not that I'm paranoid or anything but uh.......

    This is pretty huge. Will read through the whole thing sometime. To those on the opposite side of the fence...anyone feeling patient enough to dig through this?
  9. Embryonic Breathing Questions

    That looks increeeeeddddiiibbblllly complicated. Why not just check out the natural and reverse breathing instructions? I think the rest is just for your consideration, or as a supplement to the practice.
  10. Not that I'm paranoid or anything but uh.......

    Totally...if there is a good enough reason, there is no problem amending it. Americans aren't so stupid that they will blindly defend a law. They only defend a law when there is an abundance of evidence that the law protects them, when it's common sense that concealed carry helps with self defense and defending other innocent people, and when it provides them freedom rather than oppression from an outside source. I know what you mean...but consider that the law is in place to protect American citizens, who are your fellow people of the world...from criminals who try to do big massacres, from invading armies if that ever were to happen, and from when the government becomes overly tyrannical. The people that wish for the 2nd Amendment to be gone, are people who want Americans (you) to be defenselessa nd unprotected....against criminals; against invading armies; against the government (or connected corporations) which they are a part of. These people with an agenda are not your fellow citizens of the world...they are the type that wishes to enslave you, your family and friends, your neighbors, other countries, out of greed and a lust for power. They have set themselves apart from the innocents. They do deserve death for attempting to take your liberty and ability to defend yourself and others from all of those things...but only if the punishment were to happen through the proper legal channels. I'm not suggesting that it's wise to assassinate these tyrants. Or, on the other hand...we can allow these types of people to enslave us completely, because we feel that punishing them would be improper. But in my view, that makes us accomplices to the crime, and we would have allowed it to ourselves and everyone else. We can let this thought sink through our heads when we are freezing and starving in internment camps... So, I'd rather go with fighting for your freedom and safety, by ridding the country of these corrupt individuals in one way or another...than to allow you to be enslaved by them, or for you to be a victim of one of the other scenarios. For the people that don't like guns, that's fine...but there will (hopefully) be a man to the left and right of you that do appreciate guns, who will stand up for you when the time comes that you need them. "You" meaning anyone on that side of the argument...not you personally, necessarily. Discussion is protected by the First Amendment...that is not treason to have an opinion or to share it, if just one person or if that many people actually wanted to ban guns. I don't think they do... But what should not be protected are politicians attempting to pass unconstitutional laws, such as Senator Feinstein, who by the way has armed guards and also has a concealed carry permit of her own. She is a traitor to this country (to YOU) and deserves, at the very least, be stripped of all potential power. Really! The 2nd Amendment is totally clear. Look into it more, and don't listen to the likes of Piers Morgan, who is not an authority on Constitutional law. Look into how militia has been means all capable men, not just the military, or not just a militia group. When the shit hits the fan in this country, the ones who are protecting their friends and family will be the "militia". That means every gun owner. Well, some (with an agenda) want to have a gun control debate. Others want to have a "what to do about the mass shootings" debate. Huge difference in terms, which reveals the true intentions of one of the sides. The NRA's solution to the school shootings is to have armed guards...something that would actually help. Versus further saying "no guns allowed" which obviously has not worked in stopping these criminals. All schools are gun and criminal free zones in the first place. The "gun control" crowd is simply nonsensical. So, this was one part of the Daily Show which I thought was horrible; I was surprised John Stewart wasn't intelligent enough to see through the cloud of bullshit. He usually is. About your question of whether an "assault weapon ban" is treason...I think it is. The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is for law abiding citizens to protect themselves against the things I discussed earlier. Mainly, an oppressive government. "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - Thomas Jefferson Look at what our military currently has in terms of technology and weaponry. We would almost stand no chance these days, even with assault weapons. I can see that crazy things like surface to air missiles have absolutely no use for civilians...and that perhaps if people could buy those, there'd be a lot more issues, such as shooting down commercial airplanes or whatever. So it's good to draw the line somewhere. My neighbor doesn't need a Hydrogen Bomb in his basement! In my opinion, we don't need automatic machine guns with armor piercing rounds. But semi automatic? Yes, it's plainly treason to prohibit those. True. And some speech that subverts the integrity of the nation could be considered treasonous. For instance, a foreigner living on American soil with a visa, spreading propaganda on an American news channel. I consider that treasonous. Free speech is one thing...that is another. Consider that not every citizen gets to have their voice heard in millions of homes...that is power...and then consider that the person doing it isn't even a citizen of this country. Although apparently the White House's stance at the moment, is that he is protected under the first amendment anyway. It's a tough question...because I think that perhaps criminals not having armor piercing rounds is a great thing. We don't want cops to be killed when they are doing their job as best they can. Personally, I base my decisions on "what is the bare minimum I could put up a fight with, if it ever came down to that?" My answer is: a semi automatic rifle with a red dot sight, and I don't absolutely need armor piercing rounds if I can aim. Or other types of firearms that tend to be legal, such as handguns, or a sniper rifle. When people attempt to take semi automatics, something is wrong. That's just my opinion.
  11. Epic DUBSTEP REMIX Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

    I'll give you that one........maybe. (edited) on second thought: no. Yes, the fools (those who can't get past a passionate delivery and consider facts) have attempted to cast it in this light...despite him apparently never committing a crime or being part of the mental health system. Others of the same ilk have said that Piers should shoot him, and that his kids should be afraid of being murdered... It's a bunch of bullshit, chi.
  12. How to achieve abundance and wealth

    It seems to be a lot of good thoughts to me. And now I see that you have the motivation to become useful at something, and to have money for the things you want. It's all good...go get it!
  13. Epic DUBSTEP REMIX Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

    Also on this point...who do you think will get more viewers after all of this? Piers Morgan, or Alex Jones. Perhaps we should wait, and see how they both do in the next year or judge whether your mental warfare secret worked in the way that you think it did...
  14. Epic DUBSTEP REMIX Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

    You're right...people can manipulate others, or be manipulated...rather than anyone focusing on the facts. What if Alex Jones was completely right, and not just "partially" as you stated? Can you actually find a single thing wrong with what he said? If not, there is a great chance that everything he said was correct. Does he still seem crazy, if his words are all completely right, but he yells them down someone's throat?
  15. Not that I'm paranoid or anything but uh.......

    Ah, I see. Well, consider that the actual law in place states clearly "shall not be infringed". Anyone who attempts to subvert or nullify that is breaking the law...period. I personally consider it to be high treason to attempt to pass gun control laws and infringe upon that right of the citizens, which has existed for the entire history of this nation...high treason - a crime worthy of something like long term imprisonment, extradition, or death. Yes, really! There should be NO discussion on gun control, not just because it's illegal and unconstitutional...but more importantly, because there is no compelling evidence to suggest that it would actually help. The evidence actually shows the contrary. If there were clear evidence that being sitting ducks would prevent massacres from happening, I'm sure many more people such as myself would be in favor of a gun control discussion. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are not infallible...but they are also not something to try and undermine when (I'm guessing) over half of the nation is in favor of it, and when it actually helps protect lives according to statistics.
  16. This Forum Is Great (I'm not a part of this, and don't think it's related to Kunlun. Just throwing it out there for fun.)
  17. Heat on Coccix

    The coccyx is the firey kundalini...go easy with it!
  18. Cold Body After Practice

    Yea I did read something about how zusanli strengthens everything...including with certain sicknesses maybe it's not the best solution.
  19. Epic DUBSTEP REMIX Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

    It was a misleading I4L pointed out. Yelling and being angry is more than appropriate in times like these. Unfortunately, that approach confuses some people.
  20. @2:45 onwards...pretty awesome.
  21. Not that I'm paranoid or anything but uh.......

    Ha, that's the one episode of The Daily Show which I couldn't stand... Not to put down your opinion. What did you like about it?
  22. Spiders

    I don't mind spiders at all. They live in my bathroom, and just hang out there. I try to tell them that if they mess with me I'll kill them...but I'm not sure they understand.
  23. Christian mingle. Also, get to know people in a church you go to. Christians as well as other types of spiritual people, I think, tend to have an extremely hard time in the typical dating scene.
  24. Cold Body After Practice

    Still going well with that? I never actually did try the moxa on zusanli myself. Your results inspired me to try it, so I ordered some last night for this!
  25. I have been doing a lot of journaling lately... Writing down dreams upon waking, in order to remember them better, and also to go back and see how it correlated to daily life. Sorting thoughts. Making a daily list of things to do, and simply doing one thing at a time (helps to not get overwhelmed)...soon enough it's all done, and I am free for a lot of time. Making a weekly or longer term list, and once each thing is done, erase it...when the time comes to work on it, add it to the daily list. Lists of career necessities, exercise things to get and things to try to do, self improvement steps, etc... Here is how I've been doing work with goals... 1) Problem board. Write down all issues in life...every single problem. Be totally honest. Sort them out by category (career, relationships, etc). 2) Solution board. Write down all possible solutions to those issues, in each category. If there isn't a solution, that's fine, because there is the... 3) Dream board. Write down all dreams, however unrealistic. What is the ideal life I would live, if nothing could hold me back? Whereas the problem board focuses on the totally negative, the dream board focuses on the purely positive. 4) Do it board, or 'action board'. Write down all realistic steps toward accomplishing the solutions and dreams. This is the most important one. This is what I do my actual work from. "God helps those who help themselves." 5) If-then board. Write down options for if the actions fail, what your plan B or C will be. I think pretty much no goal can escape from this process... I also do the thing where you go over how the day went, and ask specific pointed questions...with the intention to improve character from doing some reflection. Along the same lines, I have contemplation where I write out the ideal person that I want to be. Similar to a vision board, but only for character. I do a little bit of law of attraction work...where if I have a "dream" of something I want in life, I will write down about imagining it being reality already. Focusing on the feelings of already having it...such as "it feels great, I am so blessed" etc. Making it a very positive feeling can at times make it happen in life. Basically...writing things down is a process of turning chaos into order. Life will start to flow much more smoothly for people that do it. It worked for me. (I should keep a journal that I date, and keep. I tend to erase all things. But I think keeping it may help cultivate memory, or at least a better sense of the past, which would be good for me)