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Everything posted by Aetherous

  1. Yigong by Sifu Jenny Lamb

    Nah, what I said stands, Sloppy.
  2. Yigong by Sifu Jenny Lamb

    Just something I thought of, not debating about anything... Consider how mythological Taoism has been throughout the ages (very). Especially the Shangqing school. Is it "lying" to keep it that way, by adding a little mythology and stories to the history of the practices? Is it disempowering? Or is it actually empowering? Doesn't it increase the enthusiasm and personal exploration of the practitioners? I personally believe in both answers to the question...I'm all for knowing the truth, but also see very clearly how knowing the whole truth can sometimes detract from someone's enthusiasm for the practices...and that by shrouding everything but the method itself, it can sometimes be more beneficial. Luckily for us, we have both the truth and myth with Kunlun, and it can be challenging to really know which is which, if you're honest enough about things. Edited: to clarify a sentence.
  3. Yigong by Sifu Jenny Lamb

    Seth Ananda, Eh, I disagree with your view and could debate it, but it's a total waste of time. I'm living my own life, and while I hate to see someone awesome slandered behind their back, I also don't wish to be the thought police here. Peace, and best of luck to everyone in their spiritual path.
  4. Yigong by Sifu Jenny Lamb

    Consider this: a total beginner comes into this thread and reads your questions. Automatically, they begin to form the opinion that Max: 1) Has bad publicity and a "pseudo scandal" following him. 2) Doesn't play well with others. 3) Has an unnecessarily flashy website. 4) Attracts beginners who end up experiencing problems. 5) That the practices are called something else, by other (supposedly better) teachers. 6) That he is hyped up. 7) That he's a liar, and doesn't acknowledge his teachers. 8) That Sifu Jenny was his teacher. 9) That he is trying to sell his book. 10) That he is placed upon a pedestal unnecessarily. 11) That he attracts negative attention. 12) That he doesn't act like how a true spiritual master should act. 13) That he "likes to make himself seem all mystical, unreachable and special, interesting ego trip". So the total beginner already thinks these things that have been said about Max are probably true, because they're being presented as common knowledge. But the fact of the matter is: none of those things are true. Not one. Yet this total beginner will go on to repeat these things... This is the nature of spreading rumors. The more people that do it, the more true the rumors can seem. I am not saying that you were attacking Max, or calling you an idiot, or a troll. Just pointing out why people, yourself included, say that stuff. Because we tend to take other people's word for it, especially when it's considered to be common knowledge. In the case of Max, this stuff shouldn't be considered common knowledge. Enough said.
  5. Yigong by Sifu Jenny Lamb's totally rumors, gossip and negative assumptions. Not wise to spread that garbage, but do as you wish. It is truly your choice, and I will actually understand if you feel the need to continue. One of my favorite quotes is "when you point your finger at someone, there are three pointing back at you". I said "focus on the practices" for your own benefit, not to shut you up in any way. Life is better with letting go, enjoying the moment and doing the right thing. That's all.
  6. Breaking Bad

    You can also rent them at a video store, or even buy at amazon for 11 bucks if you watch it on your computer.
  7. Yigong by Sifu Jenny Lamb

    Yeah, well. I like Max. Someone recently asked me, do you think Max is qualified to combine some practices and create his own Kunlun system? My answer was: more than anyone alive at the moment.
  8. Most important question

    I am my body. Deal with it.
  9. Kunlun:4 Years later

    Sorta incorrect...but correct enough to give a basic idea. If you are interested in it, get instruction from Max or one of his apprentices/facilitators/instructors.
  10. Yigong by Sifu Jenny Lamb

    I say focus on the practices.
  11. Young Generation is Screwed

    One way to help is by bringing spirituality into the mass media, and also telling the half truth, that being spiritual can benefit them. For instance, when I was 16, I had the mistaken notion that if I became enlightened everyone would like me and I'd be super popular and cool.
  12. Breaking Bad

    That episode rocked my world. Recommend watching it from the beginning for noobz.
  13. Smarty smarts

    I was reading some Egyptian alchemy stuff last night. It said that ghosts are the Ka bodies of people whose Ba bodies have separated to be reincarnated. And that the purpose of their alchemy was to combine the Ka and Ba, so that the Ba would stop reincarnating and the Ka would be able to ascend with the Ba instead of being stuck on earth reliving negative experiences. Not saying I believe it...just throwing it out there, since it was interesting and timely.
  14. Smarty smarts

    We aren't currently looking for the type of person who asks that question.
  15. DNA Evidence Rocks the Boat

    Eh...maybe the pictures indicate that the artists were somewhat racist. It would be more clear if the white man were at the top, and all others were beneath him. Instead, the white man is surrounded. And the asian and (native american?) at the top appear superior to him. So it's unclear. And Immortal clarified his personal if you're taking offense, then that's what you're taking.
  16. How to die, while remaining alive

    It's totally not enjoyable to die while alive.
  17. Your Favorite Martial Art

    I would put a well trained western boxer against a well trained taiji practitioner any day. I do claim ignorance as to the "real Taiji" which you're referring to. The taiji I'm referring to is the weak sauce that everyone knows about, which people would start with if it's suggested to them that they learn taiji.
  18. Heat

    Cold hands and feet...maybe also related to stress. Ever do deep breathing and get super relaxed, then notice how your hands and feet are warm? Stress can do weird things to the body. Red wine is pretty effective for staying warm. Cold showers, for like a minute or two, are also good (closes the pores and keeps heat within...can actually increase internal heat based on some sources). Eating meat is warming. Maybe try self massage for the kidneys, too. Hard to say, but these are some extra things that came to mind.
  19. Considerate Christian Women Abort

    At least personally, I think it's very problematic to take one verse out of the Bible and live your life by it. Usually when something is important, it's repeated over and over. For instance: forgiveness. That lesson is even repeated in the OT, not just the New. Some think God created the Bible...I personally think (or know) that men created it, and that it's prone to error. If you feel like there's something to it, it's better to take a big picture view of it, and be more contemplative rather than adhering to beliefs. Be honest with yourself: you haven't spoken to God, you haven't ever seen heaven,'s totally fine to say, "I don't know!" and still try your best. There are many ways to interpret the book. So the idea that a "considerate" Christian woman would abort her child because a verse says that it would go to hell? Stupid.
  20. Hey Aaron, We never really talked so I don't know you too well, but there is always floor space and a sleeping bag where I'm at, as well as some spare food. You are welcome for however long you Michigan. No one should be homeless against their will in this is a very hard thing to work yourself out of! Best of luck.
  21. I could only believe that if we could replicate it today...say for instance, provide enough power to light up a lightbulb.
  22. Hey man, Canada would be nice too, if it was warmer.