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Everything posted by Aetherous

  1. Blizzard Tao of the Midwest

    I used to go to a big parking lot and do 180s in my car. ...then the transmission broke.
  2. Blizzard Tao of the Midwest

    Haha! Blizzards can be fun...hope this one is good. I hope everyone stays safe and maybe goes outside to enjoy it for a bit.
  3. Utter Nonduality

  4. Utter Nonduality

  5. Utter Nonduality

    Hmm, still don't know what you're getting at. I guess I don't see the difference between Buddhahood and "god realms"...if it's nondual realization. My understanding of terminology is poor. So luminosity is experiencing all things as one? Then experiential emptiness is...?
  6. Utter Nonduality

  7. Take it easy. Before enlightenment, chop wood carry water, after enlightenment, chop wood carry water. You should probably have experience getting to the destination first, before telling me that I'm going in the wrong direction.
  8. How to keep warm/cool

  9. Attraction

  10. side effects
