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Everything posted by Aetherous


    800 dollars or more for a book...
  2. Qigong fundamentals

    Yeah it just takes a while until it gets better.
  3. Sem priest Egyptian Shaman

    Isn't that more spiritual?
  4. Qigong fundamentals

    Qi is never boring. Although some practices really are.

    His jedi powers really wouldn't work on someone who doesn't participate.
  6. Stress Eraser

    In the Zhan Zhuang topic, Sheng Zhen said... Totally awesome. Thanks for the heads up on what looks like an absolutely great product. I will definitely get it once I have the moolah.
  7. Stress Eraser

    Hey KE, Yes I still use it from time to time. Should really use it more often. You shouldn't be running out of breath when you use it. Try to keep your breathing more natural. Basically, when the triangles appear you can breathe out. When the squares appear you can breathe in, or you can count. I tend to count to like 7 or something, and I count pretty fast. There's a program on there that lets you know your ideal exhale time. I suggest spending some time with the manual and trying to figure it out more. It's hard to know how to help without being there in person. Combining it with dantien breathing...I've found that it's better to just breathe naturally without trying to move the breath into a specific area. Then after you're done using the SE, start the dantien breathing. That is what I do.
  8. Question on Sleeping/Body/Mind?

    Yes, breathing does the same thing for me, as joeblast. If I get in a good session in the evening, I end up waking up totally refreshed after about 4 hours of sleep. However, I've also noticed that I get "groggy" later on the next day, despite being very alert.
  9. Brain science documentary

    Thanks for posting looks really good so far.
  10. Pain and Energy

    No one's healing is limited by what I say, and I will always share my experience without holding back.
  11. I Think You Guys Are Awesome

    I guys suck! Just kidding...I love everyone here! Even Marblehead!

    Some of the video is obviously fake...but some is legit. Of course, the student is really exaggerating it or perhaps falling for it.
  13. Qi Gong - Taoism for the Overweight

    I really think going with a personal trainer and nutritionist is the way to go with someone who is so overweight. The first priority should be to get the fat off and get a better lifestyle. After that, then qigong can be good. If they don't get the fat off, then qigong might make them feel good sometimes, but in all honesty it will be worthless. Also, consider that the person themselves has to WANT to change...then DECIDE to follow through with it no matter what. It's rare that someone who has gotten to that condition has the fortitude to stick with something good for them, but who knows. Just recognize that your efforts to help may not work.
  14. India's Top Guru is Fake Perv

    Me too. Regarding Sai Baba... Worshiping human beings is not good for anyone.
  15. retention contest

    Totally agreed.
  16. My brief introduction to the bums. A little about me.

  17. From Zazen to the Microcosmic Orbit.

    Perhaps the greatest thing ever said on this forum.
  18. Confused

    Hey I will PM you.
  19. Need some Zen koan help!

    That just made me think...perhaps the whole spiritual path is like a koan, in this sense.
  20. Confused

    Hey Ryan, you're welcome! I would be nice to have a video of Rubbo's full form, or especially to learn it in a seminar. But for someone who doesn't have money, the ebook works if they are motivated. I saw Winn's version, and it's the same basic thing, but in my opinion Rubbo's is more accurate. There are lots of details to pay attention to in Rubbo's, but both versions of the practice basically do the same thing I think. Here is a portion of Winn's for those who haven't seen it... Here is a portion of Rubbo's...
  21. retention contest

    If you have nocturnal emissions, it means you need to do more spiritual practices, not retain more.
  22. Did I feel Qi while high?

    It's normal to feel all sorts of sensations. It's not qi, but is a side effect of it.
  23. Confused

    Makyea, Here is another thing you can consider, called Primordial Qigong. It is 19 bucks through paypal, and you get an ebook to download. Takes about 25 minutes to practice once you learn it. Peace!