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Everything posted by Aetherous

  1. Developing and Already Working Clinic

    Nice commercial, Lin! You were very welcoming and calming in I think that will help many people want to go there.
  2. Developing and Already Working Clinic

    Nice looking clinic.
  3. Free Seminar Preview

    Jonathan, It's a good topic, but I didn't see any practicality in the video. That was the biggest thing...because it's one thing to speak about this stuff but another thing entirely to put it into practice. You spoke about it clearly enough in terms of the concepts, and I guess that was all this video was supposed to be about...but then I'm left wondering: how does it work? How does one do this? I have my own ideas...but I was interested in what the QuanZhen school said. Still am. Or perhaps I missed it somewhere in the video...I wasn't able to watch the whole thing because I have a lot of homework (in college). If it's in there, what part should I fast forward to?
  4. Kunlun Portland 2008

    Fair enough...then when it comes to Taoism mixed with regular spirituality (in other words, Taoism that's practical) then he should stay in his lane. Why rehash an old topic? Does anyone care to argue that point again? And again and again? I believe Sifu Lum who Max learned from was a Maoshan Taoist who happened to live in Hawaii. If you don't, then that's your problem. I don't see why someone wouldn't.
  5. Free Seminar Preview

    Well the email was to everyone who joined your site, right? I didn't think it was it seemed okay to post. I'm glad you didn't think that was rude...if you did I could edit my post. I didn't mean to get personal or offend you. It is obvious you put a lot of time into it...and perhaps it's good for what it is. So I didn't mean much by hard feelings? Regardless of what I said, I think you're a cool guy. It's just that your attitude of dismissing other systems is offensive. Why can't yours be dismissed as well, as being not up to par/theory and no practicality/beginner's Taoism? So I guess I just felt the need to review the video like I did to kind of tell you: you're wrong.
  6. Headaches and microcosmic orbit

    Stig's advice in the thread he linked to is good. Also, if you just stop focusing on the energy and visualization and forget about it, continuing to go about your daily life, it will disappear. That's the best way to sort this out in my opinion. People should only do Taoist practices if they are seeking the immortality or enlightenment. It's a dangerous path, and there are many bad suggestions coming from everywhere. Almost everyone fails while attempting. As a rule, pretty much any suggestions of working with energy or chakras or whatever that comes from the internet is dangerous. Even learning from books on how to open and cleanse your energy body is dangerous...this is because most people begin teaching at a stage where they experience a very tiny bit. Like if you were taking a math class and once you solved a single problem you began trying to teach math. It's best to ignore energy and focus on physical things. That way the excess energy sorts itself out. The headache will disappear.
  7. Kunlun Portland 2008

    YM, It seems that not many people care about your opinion...since no one has listened to you before. Also, you're mistaken. No one is thinking what you're suggesting. As fiveelementtao said: "Tao Ga is Lum family martial arts BASED ON other Mao Shan practices".
  8. Free Seminar Preview

    Well here is my honest review... I couldn't finish watching the video. Saw about 1/4th of it. Fast forwarded to see if anything would happen...checked up on a bunch of the different topics, such as "the golden elixer" and "the mysterious female"....then gave up because I saw that it was still more theory. JUST theory. Nothing practical and useful in my opinoin. Just Taoist philosophy, which I'm sure most here know after simply reading the Tao Te Ching. If they don't, then perhaps the video will clear it up a bit. I was anticipating something great, since this was apparently: (these quotes are from the email I got asking for reviewers) I disagree. People can learn all of what I saw on the internet. Maybe I should've watched the whole thing, but every part I looked at was mediocre. Not trying to be rude, just being honest. Except, there is a reason to be rude.... No one needs to give any money for watching the video. If the site costs money to keep up, then move it to a free hosting space, or get a job...or make the site and content worthwhile. I don't think it is, and because of the tactics used, I won't give any money. It's not proper to say "all of this is free!" then say "oh yea I need some cash". If it's free then it should be free and there should be no asking for donations or payment. As it stands, it's not exactly it shouldn't be advertised as such. Sorry for the negativity, but perhaps you should rethink how you advertise things. Or, if your content is actually free, then stop advertising...why would you try to sell something that's free? Just put it out there.
  9. Kunlun Portland 2008

    Wow, nice report. I agree with everything that you've said, which I'm capable of agreeing with. It's an honor for everyone to have another Maoshan practitioner besides Max get into the practices and post a report: so thanks.
  10. Headaches and microcosmic orbit

    You can really open Pandora's box by experimenting with this stuff on your own, practicing from intuition. I'd go back to that Hawaiian healer and talk to them about it.
  11. getting paralyzed from chi kung?

    Yes it is.
  12. 30 days free trial

    Sounds good then.
  13. Can I change my username?

    Jonathan, Betty sounds very gorgeous.
  14. Energy Problem

    Stig gave good advice. Also... Inner smile is good, but the rest can be risky.
  15. Oh so that's where the confusion lies...I said: "ONE of the best."
  16. 30 days free trial

    Did you ever state that the payment couldn't be refunded? Maybe you should from now on, so more people like rookie know what they're getting into.
  17. Starman returns

    I look forward to reading what you write.
  18. I think someone would need a real life teacher for this stuff who is expert in the techniques. A lot of info appears to be missing, and at least just reading it is very misleading. To me, there's simply no way someone could do anything with it as it is.
  19. Starman returns

    It seems to be a self-revealing system...and the spontaneous practice contains a near infinite amount of exercises within it. I'd say it's complete if the practitioner masters the 2 main techniques.
  20. I know nothing about the completeness of foundation training and whatever is beyond the foundation stuff. To me it seems like if you do what I know and also real stillness meditation you can go freakin far.
  21. The Dhammapada

    Sorry, I can't. I only read a few online years ago.
  22. 30 days free trial

    Thanks, it's a picture I took of my rainbow body.
  23. Starman returns

    Wow that's an awesome place! If that were near me I'd be there ALL the time. When I was first getting into kunlun I read all of your posts in that whole discussion. I was a big lurker. A lot of fun reading all of that. Recently I went to your forum and read more about what you practice. Once again, a lot of fun. You share a lot. So, welcome back Starjumper.