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Everything posted by Aetherous

  1. Study of Logic

    III Abductive arguments = a kind of ampliative argument, where the premises don't guarantee the conclusion. It tries to provide the best explanation for something, rather than something we could rely on as absolute truth...and the explanation could be wrong despite being reasonable. The conclusion is supposed to be the best explanation for the premises. Good explanations = they fit with what you already know, and they're not overly complicated. How to make an abductive argument better = add more premises/more evidence, or come up with a better explanation. With half of the evidence, one could make a case for a certain explanation...but with more evidence, new things may come to light, and a different explanation may be required.
  2. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    How do you define Fascism, or how do you define the successful elements of it? Do you see any weaknesses in it?
  3. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    What do you think of the anti-propaganda bill in light of all recent events? Is it good for the government to try to decide what we can think, or what information we even have access to?
  4. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    I actually misread the part where he said it's a means to an end, due to reading too fast...I thought he was speaking against it. I liked his post due to bringing the anti-propaganda bill to our attention.
  5. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    I said thank you to your post because of agreeing with partisan baiting of the title...not because of wanting you to re-evaluate your (valuable) presence here. Tensions are high with politics this year. In a sense this is a good thing, because it makes everyone more aware of things happening which affect us.
  6. Good Charities to Donate too
  7. Bad Awakening Experiences

    This isn't a universally used definition, but we could say that black magic is where you alter anything except yourself...white magic deals with changing oneself only, and not with changing external circumstances. So, self improvement is basically white magic. Pretty much all spiritual paths fall under that. Nope. Those are considered supernatural abilities. A normal person can't move objects with their mind only, travel out of their body, etc.
  8. Zhan Zhuang Practice Videos

    Of course the Su Wen doesn't discuss TCM...TCM was invented in the 20th century. Su Wen chapter 1 does speak of life extension, which is what I was saying...feel free to go take a look. Furthermore, TCM deals with yuan qi...go read a basic book on it to see those words used. It deals with prenatal and postnatal. There are also schools of thought in Chinese Medicine which dealt with the prenatal, such as the fire spirit school, whose practitioners lived over 100 years. Not interested in further discussion with you. If you are going to choose to continue saying wrong things about subjects you're not educated in, it won't reflect positively on your lineage here at the's just more negative behavior.
  9. Zhan Zhuang Practice Videos

    Su Wen chapter 1 doesn't talk about "restoring yuan qi with TCM".
  10. Insular

    Beware viewing people that way...for one, none of us know the intellectual and emotional depth of the person we're choosing to put into that box...perhaps they're light years beyond us in terms of having considered different perspectives. Not good to underestimate your enemy, or even to make an enemy when they aren't truly that. Secondly, it primarily reveals our own insular perspective, rather than the person being's the old saying which applies 100% of the time: "When you point your finger, there are three pointed back at you". We see others through the lens we're wearing, and primarily talk about that lens. A cultivation technique: see what you say about your enemies, then stop saying it about anyone else, and start seeing how what you said could be applied to yourself.
  11. Bad Awakening Experiences

    The author is on to something, despite our knee jerk reactions to fundamentalist Christian thinking. "Opening up" sounds positive, but it also implies being open to everything. What was previously hidden within us, as we open up, has resonance with those same things outside of us. Seek and you'll find. The real world is vast and filled with all sorts of things...the darkest thing we can ever imagine is out there in the waters, even if not thinking spiritually (for instance, serial killers). There is also the not so subtle differences in two ways of practicing "white magic" (cultivation, or making yourself a better person): 1) you do it for your own glory (boosting your ego, as the newage crowd would say), 2) you do it for the glory of the highest good (or God as the Christians would say). The most fulfilling path is the latter, which the person writing that found out. It's the true path. Tibetan Buddhists also make this a clear distinction by speaking of motivation for the practice. If you do it for yourself, it'd be better that you hadn't done it at all. If you do it for others, it's all good. There is also the spiritual materialism considerations...moving objects with your mind, traveling out of body, becoming a "god". Those things are lame and self-absorbed, if one is even capable of truly achieving them, and they accomplish nothing worthwhile in the world. Those things actually ruin the practitioner and drain them of their life force.
  12. Zhan Zhuang Practice Videos

    Actually the first chapter of the Su Wen addresses that subject.
  13. Zhan Zhuang Practice Videos

    I haven't commented about neidan at all...whereas you've commented about TCM. Yes, TCM deals with yuan qi. Read up on it if you're interested...look at a section on diagnosis that has to do with qi blood and fluids - in the qi part it will mention yuan qi. This is not me personally mixing neidan into's part of the system. TCM also deals with the prenatal in a few ways. It would be admirable if the proponents of the Russian school knew enough about TCM to distinguish how its discussion of prenatal and yuan qi are not actually dealing with the xiantian...rather than just saying it has nothing to do with it. The latter is obviously not true to anyone who has studied TCM.
  14. Zhan Zhuang Practice Videos

    Of course they can. It's good to "stay in your lane"...if you practice a certain type of alchemy, and aren't a Chinese Medicine physician, it's best to only speak about your particular style of alchemy and not about Chinese Medicine.
  15. Trump's bazi chart

    I thought exactly the same thing.
  16. Trump's bazi chart

    Heiner Fruehauf, a Chinese Medicine figure, recently did his own analysis of Trump. Most found it disagreeable...but putting another Chinese culture/Daoist perspective out there.
  17. Restructuring the Economy... & Society

    So adjust the living wage yearly based on inflation and local cost of living.
  18. Study of Logic

    II Valid argument = "if the premises are true, then the conclusion must be true". An argument could have false premises (and therefore, a false conclusion) and still be considered to be "valid". Note that this is also the definition of a deductive argument. Sound argument = a valid argument with true premises, and therefore a true conclusion. The prerequisite of being a sound argument is being valid. Invalid argument = where both premises are true, but the conclusion is false.
  19. Cooking up a storm

    You strain the chicken out, too?
  20. Bagua mastery program

    Interesting. Will you share your source for bagua having linear walking? Thanks!
  21. Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?

    I'm glad you liked it. I've heard of John McCain being involved in the Syrian mess.
  22. Seems like there are people in China calling themselves Wu Liu Pai who aren't similar to the Russian school.
  23. Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?
  24. Under Trump

    If they were smart, they'd realize that money in the pockets of the middle class can only make their businesses more profitable.