Or using another phrase, living non-dual in real-time.
But once there is a subject vs object, it is dual thinking going on.
- Non dual as in i'm not obsessed with thinking, meaning i can stop thinking if i want to and also don't identify with my thoughts, more like the perciever or the observer of my thoughts and don't feel the need to act out any thought but choose what thought to follow or act on?
Subject vs object: Because everything is in relation to yourself since the world is percieved through your brains filtered lens of viewing life?
I'm not into meditation... But the caveat is that we should deal with where we are and where we are lead or are most non-dual. For some that will be contemplating on meditative practices and so that is a phase to pass through.
I feel that meditation gives me more time to react to how i want to respond to my thoughts instead of just reacting, giving me more inner peace or quietness or space or how you want to call it. I'm not sure but when i stop meditating i loose that more i atleast believe myself to.
I might only say: If you are 'trying', 'forcing', 'wanting', 'seeking', or 'attaining' is within the mind... then your path traveling a terrain it has to eventually overcome, in this life or another.
But i think that's a thing that needs to be finely defined, right now i just don't know what is "forcing" and what is just flowing, my dilemma is you need to do something in life to live, eat, drink, sleep and excrete and the balance of non doing and doing is a hard balance for me.
Any tips or tricks or should i just more like try and find my own balance? It feels weird speaking the words when you say that's what i shouldnt do but i don't know if we're trying to convey the same meaning from these words.
When I turned my thoughts to figure out what was nagging me, internally, I first found Buddhism but knew to keep moving on... found Zen Buddhism and laughed for a while but knew to keep moving on... found the TTC and understood something immediately. While most of my last several decades have been appreciating Taoism, it is still but a finger pointing onward.
Yeah but it's like deep down every religion is one true religion but it doesnt really matter but as i find religions now, it's that they often atleast have some profound wisdom in them based on it and that they're a good source for useful stuff in life. Good ways of viewing life or new ways atleast. I don't believe everything i hear because i don't believe that's how you learn, that's how you get stuck in life i believe and if you don't question yourself is this reasonable or is it anyway this could be true or possible or any like that.
Books, silences, autopilot, trance... these are all grasping on objects with you as subject. You alone can only resolve where to go, where it leads, and realize subject=object.
With me as subject? hmm i'm not quite sure i understand but is it like i am as i said before the one that chooses how to view or percieve this book and therefore i'm as much the book as i am me or that we are a relation. I can't exist without the book or otherwise i would be the universe or if there was only book then it would be the universe so in relation we are the universe.
There is good and bad as long as we use words... The place of no more good and bad doesn't use words. Think of your intuition. When you follow it, you are on a kind of cruise control beyond the sense. It is like a meta-sense.
Yes but pain will always be there even if you choose not to think or label is at that, is it not?
I know you can get rid of a lot of emotional pain and mental time but that doesnt mean you get rid of all suffering or change.
What you experience in work is your experience, perception, and emotional response. What actions you take are yours. They define you within society as a person.
But how do i take action while still flowing or are you getting what i'm trying to say? Yes so it's nothing about my thoughts is more what i do and how i feel, if i know i can get a better life for myself is that selfish? or atleast what i think would be a more enjoyable life.
You feel sorry based on your vantage point but it might be different from their vantage point. Can you adopt theirs to see them?
I will try, maybe they don't have the proper education to work at a better place, maybe they don't want to work somewhere else, maybe they have to work their because of their kids, maybe they need the safety of the work or atleast find comfort in it, maybe they like the money it gives, maybe they actually enjoy it (who am i to judge or think i know), maybe they feel that it's too late to change carreers, maybe they have gotten stuck in a pattern. I don't know but when i'm working there i don't feel good most of the time and most people who work there don't always seem to have a great time, eventhough i really appreciate the times we laugh and talk about everything but of course those moments are rarer than bad or the ones i quess i label as bad.
In your search to understand yourself, I also hear there is room to understand others.
I'm trying and i've been better at it before, i guess i might have become a more selfcentered person, i really like caring for others but sometimes it's hard and i slack off or don't really have the energy for it. i want to help people but i've also heard there's really no one you can help they must do their on work and therefore it's never me doing any helping.
I believe there are some questions in life you don't need to think about cause they're irrelevant but how do i know which ones are actually things worth or i don't know how to explain but that you should or would be helpful if you think about them.
I don't know i'm very confused but i guess for now i'll just have to accept that, Thanks once again for taking time to respond.