
Junior Bum
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About bfish0

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Thank you all for all the responses. Unfortunately a willing woman is sort of out of my reach atm. Plus my priorities are more focused on myself, building my life get on my own two feet. I will look around the forum and thank you very much for all the support and encouragement.
  2. Hello everyone! I'm an Irani-born, Italian raised, Bengladeshi lived, brown guy who is currently living in australia as an international student. Spirituality and the inner worlds have always been something of interest to me personally, and I really like Stuart Wilde's thought on daoism. Recently I've taken up NoFap (Quitting pornography and masturbation for a while) and soon discovere the benefits of semen retention. I used to edge a lot before, thinking I would get the benefits of semen retention, but in my experience stopping porn etc. all together changed my life. However sometimes it's just hard to avoid wet dreams, and you feel like there is a lot of sexual build up. So what I realized is that I need to do something about it. To cultivate my life nad manifest what I need. Use this energy to good use. I was thinking of taking up Zhan zhuang for a practice, but I cannot afford or get a teacher at the moment. So I ended up here. Any advice or tips would be highly appreciated!