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Posts posted by Conradom

  1. 1 hour ago, Lairg said:

    When the sexual energy is refined in a stable way, it is common for the voice to become more cultured as the energy moves from the pelvis to the throat - the higher center of creativity.


    The husky sexy voice becomes noticeably smoother and more pleasant





    My wife is telling me I'm sounding more like Barry White .

  2. 1 hour ago, Blissdao9 said:

    Many of these posts are interesting, but I think that a more practical answer might help.


    When one starts doing energy work, it is natural that one may see an improvement in one's sexual energy, as one's awareness grows and blockages starts clearing up. The system will start feeling more vibrant, and so will sexual energy. Understand that it is very normal, but now you might need an outlet. Sexual energy is very potent, so it must be refined and utilized for some purpose, digested back into the system, or released through ejaculation. You must consider which is your goal. 


    1. The first thing I would recommend is stillness meditation. When one is still and empty, it becomes much easier to calm the system and the mind. Naturally, the sexual energy will also be refined and flow upwards, bringing greater vitality and exuberance, perhaps even possible spiritual breakthroughs if you wish.


    2. Go work out or do something to tire yourself out; drive yourself towards some purpose. Your body will naturally burn the energy to reenergize you towards something you are passionate about. When you are dead tired at night, you will not think too much about sex.


    3. Cultivate the Dantian. Condense the energy into your lower Dantian. 


    4. Go jerk off if you really do not have any use of sexual energy. The recommended healthy timeframe is every 2-3 weeks. The longer the more health benefits.



    Yes, I was looking for some practical answers! Thanks Blissdao

  3. 19 minutes ago, Lairg said:


    The human as you may know is properly made up of a myriad of intelligences including atomic, cellular, organic, elemental, lesser devas, greater devas, and usually includes a variety of predatory intelligences such as succubi.


    The very substances used by manifested humans are borrowed from greater entities.  For example the oxygen being used in the human body is repeatedly cycled through the rest of the planet and its organic structures.


    There are also the Lords of Karma on various scales including trans-universal.


    So there are a trillion trillion intelligences within or influencing/claiming aspects of the human system.


    Even so the typical Earth human likes to think that it is a singular intelligence - and as it happens the non-enlightened human contains a lower mental intelligence that hates to be wrong.  It is seen as the personal will.   That intelligence does have value as it forces the human persona (mask) to unify/integrate in order to protect the self-esteem of that intelligence.  That integration is a precondition for enlightenment.


    A wide variety of intelligences can trigger sexual activity in humans.  Most have non-human agendas.


    Personal karma is also central to most human sexuality.







    I can now relate and understand from where your point of views are coming from on this specific topic. By the way can you recommend a few good books on this subject?

  4. 55 minutes ago, Maddie said:

    I just thought I would share my personal opinion on these Incubus and succubus beings. Are there potentially entities out there that prey upon people's sexual energy and excite them to get this energy? Maybe, maybe not who knows?

      What I do think is probably more likely is that some people experience guilt over their sexual feelings and find it easier to create an external entity that's responsible for these feelings then acknowledge that they come from themselves because of guilt.

    Oh Maddie, if you knew how much I enjoyed some of those encounters! Lol  I understand your point, and I do agree with you to a certain extent...



    • Haha 1

  5. 31 minutes ago, Nahfets said:

    You are right but I'm not agreeing to comparing the subtle energy vampirism that happens between lower functional humans to what is going on with the subversive groups who works in cahoots with these demons to sexualize and prey upon the people on Earth. In ancient times these creatures got sent far far away, now they run rampant and are symbiotic with certain demonic worthshippers I don't dare name here due to the shear smokescreens and lies that have been intertwined into our culture these past centuries. 

    I think we are all in this together. Deep down in the rabbit whole there are no victims.


  6. 49 minutes ago, Maddie said:

    Ooooooor its just made you more healthy and raised libido is a sign of good health lol. Again mindfulness can help.

    I will try to implement what you said: instead of focusing on the object I should focus on the feeling..

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  7. 11 hours ago, Lairg said:

    So the obvious alternate hypothesis is the one I suggested that you have one of your succubi back again.


    How do you discover the presence of a succubus?  Do you see/feel it?


    If you detect one now, push light from your heart to it and require it to depart.


    If you are not sure it is a succubus, visualize stepping outside your lightbody/aura and look back at your lightbody.  Then visualize the word "succubus" and put that word next to your lightbody.  What happens to the word?




    Usually it's through vivid dreams. It can also be normal entities like us who just wants to have sex. The succubus is a whole different kind of energy which you probably know. The dreams are so vivid that i can tell who the woman is in real life. The smell of her skin.. etc....

    But what I am experiencing right now is pretty much a consequence of my practice. I can feel the basic Chakra "turned on". I usually feel the chakras on top of my head and my forehead on a regular basis. Anyway if it's a succubus the energy is quite heavy and you don't feel well. Which is not the case at the moment.

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  8. 5 hours ago, Maddie said:


    Mindfulness over time helps to decrease this. If one pays attention to sexual desire as opposed to the object of desire it can be seen it is indeed suffering, and when the mind realizes something is actually suffering then it lets go of it. 

    Thanks for that. For a moment what you said enlightened me. I will pay attention to the sexual desire itself.



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  9. 34 minutes ago, Lairg said:

    There are non-physical entities that like to feed off human sexual energies.  They learn to manage their food sources



    Yes, I know. I've had many experiences in the field of succubus attack which I find quite fascinating but yet deleterious to my physical/mental health. But my original question is concerning the excess of energy to do internal practices. There is a cause and effect situation here because I just started to do theses practices and I've noticed a change in my sexual energy.

  10. I've notice that my sexual energy is really high. I'm assuming it's because of all the energy work I have been doing lately through tai chi and standing meditation. It's something that I never felt before, and it's a bit uncomfortable. Which exercises are recommended to balance the sexual energy?




  11. 7 hours ago, Gerard said:

    This whole path is not about an specific religion; intrinsically they are all valid, but Taoism differs from the rest as it is closely related to the action of the two major forces that give rise to our entire reality and which lie deep inside all of us: Yin & Yang.


    A good method taught by a good teacher who has practised in earnest will help you understand the whole thing proven you have put the effort and concentration levels required which will lead you to self-realisation. 


    No books can replace wisdom.


    Its also a must practicing in the natural environment; it's immensely beneficial since the Tao follows what is natural: fresh air, good Qi, five elements in equal proportion, mind becomes relaxed as a result and your practice will greatly improve. 


    I can't see how a book can provide all of the above. 



    I seem to have a pretty good Tai Chi teacher. He's hands on. Lots of teaching on internal aspect of tai chi. His classes are almost like a work out. He comes to your side and "molds you": he puts put in the right form. I feel blessed that I found him, but there's another aspect that I'm curious about which is neigong, the internal alchemy, the meditational practices etc. It seems that they can go hand in hand with my tai chi practices, so lately I've been looking to get into this practice, but I don't want to overwhelm my self. I do meditate. It's not something new to me. Anyway that's why I am looking for a program, somewhere to start.

  12. 1 hour ago, silent thunder said:

    Welcome to the Bums Conradom.


    I appreciate each of the books of Dr Yang Jwing-Ming that I've read. 

    The Root of Chinese Qi Gong in particular gives solid overview and theory as a starter, with a few practical applications discussed as well.


    Best to you on your journey mate.


    I will have a look. Thanks for the book recommendation.

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  13. I'm looking for some book(s) recommendations. I'm interested in the internal arts, so i'm looking to have a better theoretical grasp of the whole energetic interplay of our body and the cosmic forces.

    Where Is good place to start? I've been meditating for a few years already; I've done some energetic healing courses and I'm currently learning tai chi, so I have a little background on the subject.

    I was also looking into doing the Nathan Brine online course or Damo Mitchell's but maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. Maybe I should start by doing some general reading....


    Thanks in advance

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  14. I'm Conrado, from Vancouver, Canada. For the past few weeks i have been drawn to taoism. Hopefully i can connect with some people around my neighbourhood, or any where else for that matter, in order to learn, to know which path to take, what books to read etc etc etc....  :D

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