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  1. Juicing

    I understand. I'm considering to buy a vitamix or comparable blender too for making smoothies and nut milk. Have you experience with blending nuts like macadamia or almonds?
  2. Juicing

    Yes, it's a easy and fast way to get some healthy food in. But is Vitamix not a blender and no juicer?
  3. What happens to suicides

    In the place I've grown up a young man did suicide. I don't know what happened to him afterwards, but I know that his mother never got over it.
  4. Ok thanks for the answers. And for those who wouldn't give advice to their younger selfs, what do you to avoid doing mistakes from the past again?
  5. In my case it would be these: Meditate and always reflect about life, know that there is a spiritual world and explore it, cultivate wisdom and compassion. Treat others good. Treat yourself good. Read spiritual texts and examine their truth. Believe in yourself, live healthy, eat healthy, be satisfied with what you have. Love is something wonderful. Don't watch porn.
  6. Well, I've practised and thought about the advice you gave me since I've asked the question. First I have to say how appropriate all of your replies where. Therefor thank you all of you. Here is how it worked so far. First I dived too agressive in a discussion, switched from defending myself to attacking, lost my temper and had pleasure in the fight. But all worked well, we handshaked figuratively after the fight. Then I was again more passive, also because I was a bit lazy and had no interested in discussing. But there are some people who don't stop until you rebuff them. At the moment I'm again practising and it starts to have effect and make progress.
  7. Taoist microcosmic orbit vs kundalini yoga

    Ok and what is with that sexual energy movement thing like published in taoist and kundalini texts? Like you can move the orgasm from the pelvic floor to the head and have multiple orgasms? Is this done by energy movements or is it just done by muscle contractions with the pc muscle?
  8. Taoist microcosmic orbit vs kundalini yoga

    OK, I've practised again and I've noticed when I focus at the center in the head and then bring attention to the navel, the energy flows from self down to the navel. I just bring attention to the throat shortly, then to the heart, solar plexus and navel. Like guiding just the energy down and it flows automatically. This felt better but it's very subtle at the moment. Not so intense like moving the energy up. Is this the way to go with downward energy path?
  9. Taoist microcosmic orbit vs kundalini yoga

    I've read the book from mantak chia and read some text in the internet which deal with the basics of the microcosmic orbit. Maybe I do it a bit to pragmatically. I can feel the qi and move it around in the energy centers - it's just that moving the energy down which doesn't work well. Do you have some advice? When I have the energy in my head and I want it to move it into the belly how this can be accomplished? In taoism they also say it's important to collect the qi in the navel because it can cause heat in the head. So I'm wondering why kundalini yoga then doesn't have such advice? What is the microcosmic orbit about in your understanding? I like practising it, but sometimes it could be more refreshing after training. Like the relaxed feeling I have after qi gong with body movements. Is this also possible with just inner energy work?
  10. Yes, good warning. It's important to don't go too far and to take no pleasure in it.
  11. Well, then... let's go in and win.
  12. Hi everyone. I've practised a lot inner energy work the past 4 years. I've started with the microcosmic orbit where the energy is moved up at the back and moved down at the front. A few weeks ago I've started kundalini yoga in which I move the energy only up from the pelvic floor up to the head or even further through the head to the crone chakra. I do both (microcosmic orbit and kundalini yoga) sitting or lying with no asanas or such. The thing is, kundalini feels somehow more easy and relaxing because it's only moving the energy up. In the microcosmic orbit it doesn't feel natural to move the energy down and I must force it, which creates tension. Am I doing something wrong or any thoughts on this?
  13. Hello everyone. I'm very much into the buddhist practices and philosophy. But my problem is, I'm so afraid of karma that I dare to do someting. It's like fear of creating karma. Especially in my social interactions this has great effects. I don't want to hurt other people even when they attack me. I always remember then the quote from jesus where he said: "When someone someone slaps your right cheek, give him also the left cheek." I understand this I should remain confident with myself but also don't fight back. But sometimes I'm not sure if I don't should defend myself more or to show others more my borders. Any advice on being afraid of remaining confident or defending myself because of the fear of hurting others or creating karma? And what is confidence from a spiritual perspective?
  14. First time hello post

    Unfortunately the topic to request part of the Men's Haven is currently locked. it's not really doing something for someone else - more thinking in a positive way of others - wishing others the best. like I would think of a brother. But the point with intent is here appropriate too. And it's maybe something I can learn or practice if its at the moment not real every time. And yes I think because I had been exploited in the past now I'm careful. But it's also that at the beginning of my spiritual journey I thought the ego is something I must destroy - but it's not always bad, now I think more I must just control it and look to both sides of the coin. Don't know much about Chuang Tzu, just remember Lao Tzus quote "ruling a nation is like roasting small fish, it has to be done cautious".
  15. First time hello post

    Thanks @Marblehead What is for you the connection between daoism and anarchism?