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Everything posted by Limahong

  1. simplify

    Negative energy - a hindrance ...
  2. simplify

    New dollar notes.
  3. simplify

  4. simplify

  5. lot of tears?

    Hi Mia, The flows have started .................... There is a rainbow @ 1:46. - LimA
  6. Why live a Virtuous life?

    Hi Wu Ming Jen, Witty brevity. Very good, - LimA
  7. simplify

  8. Hello

    Hi Stumpich, How is the going? - LimA
  9. Hello I am new here and need a little help

    Hi abdahorn, How is the going? - LimA
  10. simplify

    Face changing.
  11. Why live a Virtuous life?

    Hi Lost in Translation, Opposite = ying/yang? What kind of virtuous people are these? Their virtues can be compromised? Like when they go virtual and/or viral? Not very kind to say they can be - "awfully stubborn". Perhaps nicer to say - "highly principled". Yes/no? "go along to get along" - as we go along and ended up alone? "that's very far from virtuous" - but very close to non-virtuous? - LimA
  12. simplify

    Faces -
  13. Why live a Virtuous life?

    Thank you very much Ma'am. To acdbox no intended harm. No setting off of TDB alarms. Virtues - from the Bums? Roll out the Taoist drums. - LimA
  14. simplify

  15. Why live a Virtuous life?

    Good morning acdbox, Virtue in relation to your expectation? What is that? What if I do not expect the same? So virtue is relative? - LimA
  16. simplify

    Now satisfied.
  17. Why live a Virtuous life?

    Good morning Dada-da, Attention to intention is important, otherwise it's just pretension? Leading to no definitions of "virtues" and whatsoever retention? - LimA
  18. simplify

    Ask Father Time. Good night.
  19. Why live a Virtuous life?

    Hi acdbox, Thank you. What is a non-virtuous life in the context of everyday living? Good night. - LimA
  20. simplify

    Need to respond?
  21. simplify

    Again why?
  22. simplify

  23. simplify

    Truth not lie. Is there any typo error?
  24. Why live a Virtuous life?

    Hi acdbox, What is such a life in the context of everyday living? - LimA
  25. simplify

    Beautiful - 123456789 .... if true. I believe - .......1 is true.