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Everything posted by Limahong

  1. What Did The Buddha Actually Say

    "You say such clever things to people, but you do not apply them to yourself."
  2. What Did The Buddha Actually Say

    Dualistically speaking - "Stand up and close down" :
  3. The Self, Does it Exist?

    Hi steve, Granny sends her love. She is warming up to Father Anthony Demello. She likes to remind you this - "Don't forget your prayer before you sleep". Good night. - LimA
  4. Must Kundalini Unfold to become realized?

    Hi falcon, I am moved by this from you in your "Greetings" thread at the Welcome section - "The only stream I wish to get lost in is from the ever loving source. The spirit that is plentiful with inspiration and direction. My heart yearns for the self expression of the divine". I will address this thread from you around the topic of Kundalini and not on the topic per se. Why? I look at and live Life as an on-going process. I am uncomfortable with dogmatic embrace and rigid adherence of cognitive processes. Having said that I am not agnostic and I like inclusiveness. ================================================================================== I'm not sure if the Kundalini is absolutely necessary for realization, awakening, enlightenment. Or is it? I am of the view that Kundalini (K) is good for realisation... But I will not opt for "absolutely necessary" as K is ever evolving. What are your thoughts bums? My thoughts are experiential. 1. If it is a prerequisite, should one worry about attaining it (prioritize)? I followed (and still following) the K path to be where I am now. 2. Or will it unfold naturally as one progresses among a humble path to samadhi/realization through Samatha and Vipassana? Per your humble path - I believe K will unfold naturally. Go for the journey and not the destination. * Meaning no direct intention on energy work required as the natural unfolding of ego and dualism fades Yes and no. *(disclaimer: I know it may be hard to distinguish because energy is interconnected to all thoughts, emotions, state of being, etc. but you get the idea) For me simplification comes naturally with K Also - Bonus question(s): 1. Does the connection between the third eye and crown energy centers need to be opened before hand, or will the kundalini just blow through it all? At the onslaught - I addressed my first three chakras with some priorty~ a very trying time. But thereafter the upward flow is quite smooth. It will be very good if your seven chakras are aligned and energized as One. "Blow" is a expectant word - expect nothing. 2. Is there a difference in effect of a partially open and fully awakened third eye? I don't know and I will give this question a miss. - LimA
  5. Hi Steve, Robin robbed the rich with falsehoods? Do you remember what the Taoist Immortal told me about a persons ego? No. Do you know what they say about people who wear cowboy (or cowgirl) hats indoors? No - please share. I noticed that the two magically changed sides during their performance - yin <=> yang? A good weekend. - Anand
  6. Making sense of "Yin" and "Yang" . . .

    Meditate in The Void wu-wei-lessly? This is not a bait.
  7. The Self, Does it Exist?

    I am that told we have three dantains - so is there a middle self (s)?
  8. The Self, Does it Exist?

    p Hi 3bob, Thank you. Hi rocala, What do you think of 3bob's sharing? - LimA
  9. The Self, Does it Exist?

    But of course - you did not come from Hilter's passion fruits or those of his cronies No need - we are all inclusively human beings.
  10. The Self, Does it Exist?

    Good morning Dada-da, You have German blood? I am Chinese - so am I part of Lao Tzu? I am not part of everyone else. I am only parts of my parents - their jelly bean/sEEd. Part of me came from my Dad's passion fruits, A great weekend. - LimA
  11. The Self, Does it Exist?

    Hi steve, On 'self' - it is good to be selfless. My Granny told me - never be selfish. - LimA
  12. The Self, Does it Exist?

    I am not thinking of what you call is 'nature'. I am thinking of NATURE which is self sustaining with its 'dependent's and 'independent's.