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Everything posted by Limahong

  1. Phrases we never want to hear again.

    Good evening ~ here is the fake news... President XXXX is reelected for another term of office.
  2. Where do you sit?

    Hi RodB, Wherever my bums make contact and... Good Good Good Good Vibrations - Anand
  3. Hi Nun, I've not forgotten that I have lost him... forever... (Marblehead) Nobody can be at TDB forever. To circumvent this impermanence, can TDB strive to be a self regulating community? - Anand
  4. Phrases we never want to hear again.

    The serpent which came forth from the earth has risen; the flame which came forth from Nun is fallen. GREAT leap of Faith !
  5. What is Fear?

    Hi Barbara, We called it Nature? I am happy that I am still growing with Nature at TDB. Although sometimes I feel like... But I flip the switch and start to grow again as a budding Daoist. - Anand
  6. Hi Michael, Take the herbs at/from TDB - after discerning the weeds? - Anand
  7. Hi Jesse, Is your uncle into weedicides? A great weekend. - Anand
  8. Good morning Yueya, I am surprised to find you here. Do you like TDB to be a self regulating community ~ with its wheat, weeds and herbs? - Anand
  9. Phrases we never want to hear again.

    Throw them into the dustbin of history. My dustbin is now almost full. How about yours?
  10. Hi Barbara, I can almost feel I was there with your group. I can... A great weekend. - Anand
  11. Hi Nun, Great - now in the midst of wheat and weeds at TDB ~ there are herbs... They can be used for healing. (Try and read the comments re this video ~ very uplifting) - Anand
  12. I do not plant myself at TDB ~ but I visit to enjoy its garden. As a community ~ TDB is communally capable and abled at self weeding. It is a community that embraces the co-existence of wheat and weed?
  13. Hi Michael, This is my personal take ~ TDB is on route to be a self regulating community. Why? Can I borrow from the parable of weeds? - Anand
  14. Jesus Christ

    Hi Nun, Yes ~ ONE... when within/without is experienced... as part of living/learning forward experientially. - Anand
  15. Living in the Now, vs. Dementia

    Hi cheya, Yes ~ a body can be trained thus differentially from an experiential perspective. Especially so when our bodies can feel the different energies (fuels) flowing within. - Anand
  16. Living in the Now, vs. Dementia

    Good morning Barbara, There's a big dusty room. You'll come with broom? New broom sweeps clean ~ you are happy. Very good. - Anand
  17. Living in the Now, vs. Dementia

    Yes ~ you have done yourself in. My day is closing. Good night.
  18. Living in the Now, vs. Dementia

    I'm not smart and I cannot keep silent.
  19. Money

    Hi dmattwads, Your mantra ~ Om money padme hum? - Anand
  20. Living in the Now, vs. Dementia

    I'm also not as smart. They are not questions. Indeed ~ no.
  21. Living in the Now, vs. Dementia

    Hi Michael, Gossip ~ conversation in between sips of spirit? - Anand
  22. Money

    Hi dmattwads, What are the alphabets of your karma? Simply... ? - Anand
  23. Money

    Weird can be due to perspectives wired wrongly?
  24. Living in the Now, vs. Dementia

    Hi dwai, How about falsehood speaking to falsehood ~ on truth? - Anand