morning dew

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Everything posted by morning dew

  1. Does the Zhuangzi promote moral relativism?

    Yeah, this was basically why I abandoned Christianity at the end of my teenage years. I couldn't get past the 'problem of evil', the problem of reconciling what was going on in reality compared to the description of God in the New Testament.
  2. Does the Zhuangzi promote moral relativism?

    Good post. You bring up some interesting thoughts. Human/original nature: yeah, I agree, there are many different perspectives on this. It's been a long time since I've looked at things like neuroscience, so I don't really have a fixed opinion. Right now, if I had to guess, I'd say it's probable that there are individual (brain) differences from birth for humans, and that early childhood traumas and deprivations (physical or emotional) can permanently damage people. Having said that, I'd agree most people probably do have empathy to some degree otherwise society would just collapse. Maybe the author(s) thought there were enough people with 'good' original nature to justify writing/compiling the Zhuangzi, even if a few people with 'bad' original nature came across it and read it? I'm not sure. I get the impression some Eastern systems like Buddhism tend to treat people mainly like blank slates (when it comes to dysfunction) with an initial 'good' core/setting when they are born. I wasn't really sure what Daoists thought about this the matter (if there even is a consensus). Another thing I was wondering about was how the Zhuangzi viewed reality/the Dao: is it some mindless mechanism or some kind of gigantic creature with no concept of or connection to human beings 'inside' it; or is it something that actually actively favours or cares about humans, is aware of them and has some sort of moral code? I got the impression it was more the former than the latter.
  3. BK Frantzis's 'Taoist Sexual Meditation'

    Thanks for taking the time to write that. It was very interesting to read. I didn't realise he was still doing live seminars on Doaist sexual meditation. Was it by something like Skype or did you attend in person? I've only read Daoist Sexual Meditation once, but it's as you say: the bulk of the practices is all focused on dissolving, not on sexual qigong as other people seem to define it. [From what I can remember, he divides the practices into three main categories: ordinary physical sex, sexual qigong (outer dissolving) and sexual meditation (inner dissolving).] I also have Relaxing into your Being and Opening the Energy Gates. I must dig them out again and have a more in-depth look on all the dissolving. They are good recommends, IMO. My main motivation is health (although I thought it might be an interesting/fun thing to try with somebody). I do a bit of outer dissolving by myself at the moment but was curious as to how much more effective it actually was to do dissolving with somebody else. Also, he says it's more powerful, but I was wondering as well if it was just a quantitive difference or whether there was any qualitative difference. That is, if you dissolved by yourself, would you still get to the same point as doing it with somebody else even though it might take a bit longer and more effort? Or are you getting something extra when you do it with somebody else?
  4. BK Frantzis's 'Taoist Sexual Meditation'

    Fair enough. Thanks for the feedback. I shall have to add his book to the list.
  5. Does the Zhuangzi promote moral relativism?

    Yeah, that's kind of the conclusion I came to. It's probably why I enjoy ZZ so much – plus I find him very funny.
  6. Does the Zhuangzi promote moral relativism?

    Okay, I think I understood this. So you're saying ZZ might favour Cook Ding over Assassin/Serial Killer Ding, not because Cook Ding is necessarily morally superior or 'good/not evil', but because being Cook Ding is more efficient and conserves more energy than Assassin/Serial Killer Ding, who would waste extra effort struggling to hide their nature and/or fit in with society, etc, while also spending energy training in their 'profession'.
  7. Does the Zhuangzi promote moral relativism?

    Yeah, I think that's fair enough. After some pondering, I'd say he comes across more as a (decent) stand-up comic rather than a preacher or an activist.
  8. Hi all

    Hi folks. I've been dipping in and out of this site for years and have enjoyed reading all the discussions. I've been doing Eight Pieces of Brocade in the mornings for a couple of years or so and in more recent times have added Hua Gong. I'm also in the process of learning Wu Tai Chi (short form). I like reading about all sorts of paths and topics, including what I've read of the Zhuangzi. That's a little bit about me. Look forward to getting to know everyone in the forums.
  9. Hi all

    Yeah, I've read bits and pieces of this, especially the first few chapters. I found it quite fascinating and helpful. I think it was a great project you organised (and contributed to). I don't think I've really seen anything in depth like that anywhere else online.