
Junior Bum
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About tomliu

  • Rank
    Dao Bum
  1. Hi Dao Bums, I am Tom Liu. I was once a University of Sydney undergraduate friend of Frank Zhao but I had lost contact with him since 2013, reunited briefly with him during 2014 in Thames, New Zealand, then All Manner Of Shits Happen during The First & Second Arrests of "The One" then I get sent to all manner of other dimensions in Planet Earth & outside Planet Earth. May I Please Reveal My Confessions To Dao Bums Regarding The True Workings, The True Major Players, The Truest Major GameMasters Behind All The Spiritualities, All The Religions, All The Politics, All The Financial Systems, All The Food Eco-Systems Of This World? Because If I Do Not Do So, Or If Dao Bums Refuse To Allow Me My Confessions, I Might Be Massacred And Tortured By The Powers That Be, Which Are The Entertainers Media Stars Of All Nationalities Of All Races Of This World, In Particular, Japanese Media Stars, South Korean Media Stars & Hollywood Media Stars. Please do not ban me & please allow me to confess my sins against God The Dao The One And Only Creator Of All Our Universes, All Our Dimensions, All Our Existences.