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About dontknwmucboutanythng

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  1. Is there a "safe" way to contact spirit of recently departed Induced After Death Communication: A Miraculous Therapy for Grief and Loss Paperback – May 1, 2014 by Allan L. Botkin PsyD (Author), Dr. Raymond Moody MD PhD (Foreword)
  2. Is there a "safe" way to contact spirit of recently departed

    Silent Thunder and Nungali said to authenticate/test the unbodied in earlier part of this thread. I am told recently that do not try to contact loved one departed spirit. If they already crossed-over or moved-on (is crossed-over or moved-on the same?) they cannot response. Regardless, there are bad spirits who can read mind so it's not possible to test by asking questions that only the tester and departed loved ones would know. Is this true? Thanks again.
  3. Hello, Can ghost, spirit, angels, deities, etc appear or exert influence during the day? Thanks.
  4. Is there a "safe" way to contact spirit of recently departed

    > But it would all revolve around like causality, reincarnation, life, >death, transmigration, ghosts, the various bodies of man, and how they > relate to this, the process of death etc, past (and future lives), soul, > spirit etc etc Hello Shadow_self, I read "Tibetan book of the dead", "The Tibetan book of living and dying", a number of books on NDE, research on NDE and reincarnation by University of Virginia Division of Perceptual Studies, summary of a few Buddhist Sutras, and of course lots of posting on this site relating to these topics. Obviously, I don't know much compare to all the people on here. Regardless, I feel that my belief/understanding about what happen after death is still very much bookish and not so very deeply held. All of what I do regarding to these subjects is Pascal's wager. I hope that in these subjects your knowledge of them are empirical if this is the right word to use. Hence my first few questions are: Is there anything after death, and what did you do to convince yourself of that? What are signs that a soul has successfully make the transition vs stuck around in this realm? What are signs that a soul is still around here? Is it possible to find out where a soul transition to, i.e another human life, or ? Thanks again Shadow_self!
  5. Is there a "safe" way to contact spirit of recently departed

    Hello Shadow_self, >But i'm eternally grateful that i've had almost all of my burning questions answered already Could you please list those "burning questions", and if it's not too private please share their answers? Thanks so much.
  6. Is there a "safe" way to contact spirit of recently departed

    Hello Nungali, > ... Depending on their transition, 100 days might not be enough ... "Not enough" to transition from earthly realm to next realm? Or "not enough" for the soul to "learn" or "gain power" to communicate to earthly realm? Does this imply the soul cannot communicate to earthly realm until it complete the above? > ...One dear and close 'spiritual friend' taught me that Is this "spiritual friend" an earthly friend who passed away? Thank you Nungali.
  7. Hello, Is there a safe way to contact the spirit of recently (about 100 days) departed loved one, just to find out if they are ok? By "safe" someway that doesn't hurt the deceased's soul or the living. I recall reading somewhere that this activity can harm the departed soul, or open pathway for bad spirit to harm the living. Many thanks.
  8. After just about 40 years of marriage, 27 of which we fought stage 4 breast cancer every step of the way by her side, she passed away unexpectedly in my arm without being able to say goodbye. I didn't feel/see anything "supernatural" as she took her last breath, and days (38 now)after . Although it's extremely hard to control emotion, I didn't want to mess-up this last step that might cause her soul to linger on. Two days after she passed away, I passed out on a couch in the afternoon, as I came to (maybe half awake) I saw her smiling full of health (vs emaciated body just before dead) bent down look at my head. I hope this was the sign she already moved on and came to say good bye. Thank you all for reading and commenting, I wish life treats you very gently in health, loved ones, and friendship.
  9. What are some of the signs that a soul has moved on, and signs that a soul has not moved on? Thanks again.
  10. Stirling, >My experience is that it has been possible to channel my grief into love, compassion and kindness for the one who has passed, rather >than toward a more common absorption into personal loss. Could you elaborate on this please, even though I might not be wise enough to understand or to do it? Thanks.
  11. Hello, In some tradition, one is supposed to suppress emotion for 49 days after loved one passes away. Is casual talking (good morning, I did this today, etc) to the air or hugging an empty pillow prevents the soul from moving on? Thanks again.
  12. Hello, I am looking for prayers and/or mantra to help the recently departed's soul to move on. Also looking for prayers/mantra to lessen the pain of the bereaved. Thank you very much.