Lush Lemur

Junior Bum
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About Lush Lemur

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    Dao Bum

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  1. I am experiencing something similar to what you experienced.

    Would you be able to help me?

  2. Sure. I mentined that my teacher's name is Michael Winn. He co-authored many of Mantak Chia's first and most famous books. He's an extremely accomplished Taoist master. He's also the president of Healing Tao USA
  3. Hello All, This is my second post here. My first was May of last year asking for assistance on how to cure my intense and debilitating Kundalini Syndrome developed from practicing Kundalini Yoga and focusing far too much on my 3rd eye. I was practicing Kriya for about 5 months, two hours a day with little guidance, and completely destroyed my mental stability. I've had panic attacks weekly and sometimes daily for 15 months straight because I was so ungrounded. Kundalini Syndrome is a very real and serious condition and I would never wish it upon any of my worst enemies. When it first started I had so much pressure in my head, I literally felt like I was going to fly out of my body into the heavens. It all started when one day I was driving in my car to grab some food and everything around me suddenly looked completely surreal and dream-like. It was derealization. I had the first panic attack of hundreds. I immediately drove home to my house I was staying at for college, as I am only 24. After I arrived at home, I thought something was very wrong, but ignored it thinking I would be fine the next morning, so I forced myself to bed at around 5 PM. The next morning I arose with a constant onslaught of panic attacks that continued for several days, until I decided I had to go to the ER, so they could check me out because I had no idea what was happening to me. I was petrified this would be the rest of my life. My parents lived two hours away, so they had to come pick me up afterI had been given a very strong medicine to calm me down at the ER. The next 6 months of my life were filled with daily terror and constant fear that I would die at any moment. I had realized what caused the mental breakdown a few days after the Kundalini episode started when I did some googling on the dangers of Kundalini Yoga and realized I had developed Kundalini Syndrome, so this gave me some relaxation knowing what the issue was caused by, but I didn't know how to stop it. After doing more googling, I stumbled across the Microcosmic Orbit practice as taught by Mantak Chia. I understood the basic practice, but couldn't seem to figure out how to consolidate the chi in my brain into my lower dan tien without getting it stuck in my heart causing my heart rate to constantly exceed 120 bpm 24/7. I had to go to a cardiologist and be prescribed beta blockers for this. After dealing with unbelievable fear and heart palpitations until December, I finally cleared most of the energy out of my head and heart, but still had no chi in my lower dan tien. This is when I finally sought the help of Taoist Master Michael Winn. I owe him so much thanks. He taught me the practice of reverse breathing to heal my kidney yang energy and also circulating chi along the yin pathway of the microcosmic orbit in my lower dan tien. This practice has cured me, along with conserving jing, so I could convert it to chi in my lower dan tien. For reverse breathing, I focus on the point between my kidneys near the door of life and breathe in, while also sucking the lower abdomen into my lower back and then hold for a count of 9 seconds or as long as I want. This sucks the chi into the door of life and greatly increases Kidney yang strength and heated my body, which was always ice cold from panic attacks. Then I will push out my lower abdomen or dan tien on the exhale fully, while remaining focused on the kidney point. This sucks more yin chi into the lower dan tien and heals kidney yin. After holding for as long as comfortable, I rotate the chi starting at the point a little lower than the navel and move it backwards into the ming men, then down to my perineum and bring it back up into the area below my navel. I do that 9 times, and it stores the Yin energy in the lower dan tien and really cools down the organs. I do simple reverse breathing 9 times and then finish with circulating the jing 9 times on the 5th breath. I do this maybe 20 times per day, and this has cured me and then some. Storing Jing and not masturbating is vital to this practice, as you use that energy for healing. It's taken me 25 days without masturbating to fully heal myself, but I plan on never losing seed again unless I am trying to conceive a child. There is far more to my story then this, I just don't want to make things too long and complicated. I will probably write a book some day detailing this whole experience, as I think it could really help other suffering from Kundalini Syndrome. I know some people go a lifetime without finding a cure. So I am posting this in hopes it will be seen by others suffering from Kundalini Syndrome, so that they know there is a way out and it can be 100% cured. I never thought I would be cured, but through tireless effort and Michael Winn's help my mental powers have returned and with continued practice I am sure that I will strengthen my internal organs to an incredibly high degree and chase immortality, after practicing Fusion of the Five Elements, Kan and Li, and Sealing of the Five Senses.
  4. Dealing with Kundalini Syndrome.

    Hello, I'm currently dealing with a rough case of Kundalini Syndrome that's lasted about a week. Lots of energy stuck in my head area. I've been doing the MCO starting yesterday, and it has given me hope that I will be able to return this energy to the ground. It's been a very rough week. Went from fully functioning to being extremely anxious and panic ridden. I'm wondering if anyone here has suggestions for the best grounding routine to get rid of this Kundalini syndrome.