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Everything posted by Miroku

  1. Merging and guru yoga

    What is being transmitted is the knowledge of the state of guru yoga and the practice. No energetical connection is there. The main connection is that you have transmission of the practice and you become part of the lineage that carries a blessing. If you develop that knowledge (it doesn't mean you have to get it the first time, but the seed is there) and work with the transmission (by practicing and therefore developing the knowledge or discovering it) then the blessings will appear and you will attain buddhahood sooner or later. That is my limited understanding.
  2. Thanks a lot for this great overview!!! May I ask what is the source? Also why is pornography damaging for jing and shen?
  3. Also to build on what DaoKeeper said, every extreme depletes jing, qi and shen. The middle way is really the safest route, unless you have so much pre-natal jing you can share (like many who lived over 100 seem to have based on their long life recepies).
  4. Thank you. Could you please clarify what depletion of shen means? For me it is very strange to imagine mind being depleted.What are the signs of depleting? I wouldn't say that jing is just sexuality and libido and things like that. Shouldn't it be the life-force itself? That is much more than just sexuality and stuff. I'd say it is more like and inner spark of vitality and basically the base on which other things (qi and shen) stand are attached to.
  5. Tibetan prostrations

    Glad to hear that Vajra Fist!! 35 Buddha confession practice is great! I heard the Tsongkhapa (founder of gelug school) himself did this practice a lot in retreat.
  6. Qigong and buddhism

    Hi, I would like to ask you how did your qigong practice influence your buddhist practice, or how your buddhist practice is integrated in qigong. Just anything that has qigong and buddhism together in your life. Are you vajraya, mahayana or hinayana practitoner? Why do you practice qigong?
  7. Qigong and buddhism

    I started practicing buddhism first, but daoism and taiji were part of my interest for quite a long time, however where I lived back then there was nothing of that sort. Four years ago I moved to my current town and started visiting buddhist sangha where I met qigong instructors and a year ago I finally started doing qigong. For me qigong is a tool to be more healthy and live longer high quality life so I can practice buddhism. It is also a great tool to develop mindfulness as one should be mindful while doing the movements and while standing. In that sense it has helped me to develop my practice.
  8. Haha! You caught me. Yes Inuyasha will show up, but only on my screen as it is my favourite anime.
  9. May I ask for a Personal Practice Discussion?
  10. I really dont think qi is the same like post-natal jing. Post-natal jing has to be changed into qi and is stored in kidneys I think ... not sure there. Qi is everywhere. I am keeping myself from saying that qi is blood or sth and that jing is genetics or sth. I just leave it as it is without putting too much western medicine into it. But yeah if your family has some problems like that it is wise to work with that. But if you do qigong then I think it is taken care of automaticaly. But maybe not, my only experience is eagle in the nest and that is complete system. I don't know what qi is. I think it is best to learn to feel it as it doesn't quite fit anything to be honest.
  11. Well as far as I understand this topic the thing with jing is that it is divided into two. Pre-natal and post-natal jing. You cannot really do much about the pre-natal as that is the amount you got from you parents, but you can slow down the process of using it. Post-natal jing can be nourished and is gained through good food, breathing etc.. If you do enough zhang zhuang and some moving qigong and relax in general, then you should be able to have enough energy and not use up much of your jing. But that is at least what I think. So it might be wrong as I am quite a beginner myself.
  12. Daoist Winter practices

    I wasn't talking about breathing exercises. I meant sharing texts that advise you how to work with tummo and other. Otherwise if something helps and can be easily applied it is a good idea to share and try. For example the wim hof method seems interesting.
  13. Daoist Winter practices

    Thank you for your apology. And since I am not a teacher nor have I ever even pretended to be in anyway advanced, I feel welcomed to continue. I do not feel insulted I just merely pointed out that what you write is insulting and disrespectful towards the same tradition you are sharing secret texts out of. It is like making a catholic mass at home without being a priest and saying that catholicism is full of fat pigs who crave only power and sex. This is the exception I am talking about. Tummo is a gun and people without preparation are a child. Teacher student relationship is not about being a slave. You completely misunderstood the point of such relationship. It is about two equal partners who care about each other, however one having the wisdom and experience and the other aknowledging it and therefore respecting and following advice of the other one. Yes student might serve his teacher but teacher also serves the student. Ofcourse there are unqualified teachers and students and those should not go into a teacher disciple relationship. However, ofcourse sometimes there is a lot of curruption etc and people with common sense should stay away from such places and people. But saying all is like that is like saying democracy doesn't work because my state has corruption therefore all democrats are power hungry pigs. It can have its flaws, but done properly it is the best system we have. Thank you tho for the advice on not being insulted by speech of others. I appreciate it and will make it a part of my daily practice. I would like to give you a tip too, perhaps next time you would like to show your wisdom by controlling your speech so you are not being unnesecarily disrespectful.
  14. Tibetan prostrations

    Sorry for reawekening this thread but here is and interesting info I found. Taken from A Lamp Illuminating the Path to Liberation An Explanation of Essential Topics for Dharma Students by Khenpo Gyaltsen which can be found here
  15. Daoist Winter practices

    Hm, your post is quite insulting, but whatevs. Have fun, use common sense and be safe. Sorry for trailing off and now back to the topic.
  16. Daoist Winter practices

    Sorry for spoiling the fun, but I must advise you against sharing or practicing tummo or other vajrayana teachings without empowerment, explanation and permition from a qualified lama. Without it it won't work and if it does there is quite a possibility of hurting yourself or fucking up in some other way. If you do have those I must even more strongly advise you to not share such teachings openly even if they are online. Samayas are serious thing and secret teachings are secreat for a reason and should stay that way. Otherwise thx, interesting info about food.
  17. Fit Bums

    Hi, it is probly quite important to not only do some light qigong but also take care of ones muscles a bit, so what would you recommend as a full body workout suitable for a lazy bum? I do pushups and also some crunches what else should I add? I do not have a possibility of going to gym. What exercise regime keeps you fit?
  18. Fit Bums

    Thanks for the advice zanshin. I have them usually forward since doing qigong.
  19. Counting our Blessings

    I am most grateful for my teachers and their gift of dharma teachings they gave me and continue to give. Then also for my loving boyfriend that makes samsara feel more pleasant and for good food and tea that sometimes appear on my table.
  20. Fit Bums

    I did go according to the dvd of yantra, but maybe did something wrong. Thank you very much.
  21. Fit Bums

    Yes there is. I will give it a try since you recommend it. Do you think that gentle warming up and stretching and maybe just tsigjong movements, could help if done for week or longer? I kinda suspect it could be due to me overworking the joints and muscles and etc around it while I did yantra.
  22. Fit Bums

    No I do not. I think I might have been too rough, but don't know. One of my friends and older practitioner adviced me to massage the knee joint with alcohol to warm it up. I find this quite odd that my knees hurt from it when some other practitioners I know claim it helped heal their knees.
  23. Fit Bums

    Thanks! I have tried Yantra few weeks ago after 2 years without it but my knees don't seem to take it well they hurt after practice of yantra. Do you have any advice? I had to cut down my prostratio practice because I am quite worried about the knees.
  24. Organ meditations

    Organ meditations are great. I love to smile and gently massage my organs with my mind (sounds really weird) before I go to sleep. Sometimes I also do meditations with sound and colours and movements but only when I can sleep in as I have noticed that I tend to sleep long and deep due to the organs needing extra chi. Seems like I will have to stand more before doing it again. However, cool experience with emotions. I haven't noticed something like that, but I didn't do it much tbh.
  25. Daoist Winter practices

    Could you please give some examples how to generate the internal warmth?