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About voidisyinyang

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  1. Just to clarify that this is not what the book "Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music" states. The corporate-state media conflates "orgasm" as the same with males and females. On the contrary - if the qi energy is received (or attempted to be taken) by a "Number one" perv male then the male will not have an "induced orgasm" but rather the male will be "obliged" (i.e. addicted) to have an ejaculation. The female orgasm is the vagus nerve activation whereas, as Professor Robert Sapolsky emphasizes, the male ejaculation is the OPPOSITE of the vagus nerve orgasm. The male ejaculation is spiking of the stress cortisol via the sympathetic nervous system. For example as I mentioned when I attended the Level 3 healing retreat there was a male who announced he had shown up to get "special healing" and this was the same male that I could barely stay in the same room with (even though I was in the far back). The qigong master then explained that cancer smells like rotting flesh to qigong masters and when the qigong master healed this male then the rotting flesh smell went away. I had seen the spirits going out of the qigong master when he was going this healing of people. So it was a Shen-Yuan Qi (emptiness) healing. So then when we went on break and I was in my room in full lotus meditation then I smelled the rotting flesh smell again and it was through the wall and I heard the male having sex with a female. So I realized that because he had ejaculated therefore his cancer had came back - and as Westerners I guess he and his "partner" had no idea that the healing energy could be reversed by lowering the frequency of the energy that way. Just wanted to clarify my book in case anyone discovers this thread as they discovered my free book online. thanks
  2. yes to feel the Yuan Qi then you can get phone healings from Chunyi Lin http://springforestqigong.com or his former teaching assistant Jim Nance http://guidingqi.com I personally overused my energy doing too much free psychic healing. But I do have a lot of free research online. Glad you found it useful. thanks, Those two books sources you mentioned are my best written sources online for training. I sent you the link for my video uploads - but I am just talking - so it is still a bit too abstract. haha. I do have a good youtube playlist though for qi demonstrations.
  3. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Ok I created this thread to serve as a psychic black hole to attract all the low frequency energy on the site. So anyone who PMs me - due to excessive PMing - I'm no longer going to reply to this thread. It's all yours!! haha. My offer still holds though - a $20 gift donation to my paypal then enables your PM to be read by me and then I'll respond to your PM after doing 4 hours of full lotus meditation.
  4. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Sorry I don't read this thread either. It's quite clear though that if someone PMs me then I post a reply to this thread. I don't read it though. haha. So I'll check to see if the person who PMd me makes a $20 donation. http://paypal.me/ecoechocultivation So far there's been no donation. If I receive the donation then I will read the PM and do four hours of full lotus meditation and then reply to the PM.
  5. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Someone sent me a PM so I checked my paypal account and since I had no $20 donation then I did not read the PM. If the person wants me to read their PM then please send a $20 donation to http://paypal.me/ecoechocultivation If I receive the donation then I will read the PM and then do 4 hours of full lotus meditation and then I will respond to the PM. thank you for your cooperation.
  6. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    to the person who just PMd me - if you want me to read your PM then you first need to donate $20 to http://paypal.me/ecoechocultivation and if you donate then I will read your PM and then do four hours of full lotus meditation. Then I will respond to your PM - thanks
  7. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    I've gotten another PM. So again I have not read any PMs unless I first get a $20 donation and then I'll do four hours of full lotus meditation after I read the PM. Then I'll respond. So no donation means I don't read the PMs. thanks https://www.paypal.me/ecoechocultivation
  8. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    The person who just sent me a PM needs to make a $20 donation and then I will read the PM and do four hours of full lotus meditation and then respond to the PM. Thanks for your understanding. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/ecoechocultivation Just to remind people - the only time I respond or reply to this thread is one I receive a New (i.e. a different) PM. So for each reply I've posted to this thread I've received a different PM. thanks
  9. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    As has always been the case with this thread, I've only replied because someone has PM'd me. So if you want me to read your PM please make a $20 donation to https://www.paypal.me/ecoechocultivation and then I will do a four hour full lotus meditation after reading your PM and then I will respond. Thanks! And here is a new blog post I did on a recent donation in the context of rereading Opening the Dragon Gate! It's been almost twenty years since I've read that book! https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2019/12/revisiting-opening-dragon-gate-as.html Just scroll way down for the blog post. Wang Liping taught Zhang, Hongbao who taught http://springforestqigong.com who taught me. thanks
  10. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    The only time I have posted replies to this thread is when someone PMs me. So just to remind people if you want me to read your PM then you first need to donate $20 to http://paypal.me/ecoechocultivation and then I will do four hours of full lotus meditation after I read your PM and I will get back to you. thanks again.
  11. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Cambridge and MIT trained physicist on how 30 minutes of Padmasana full lotus yoga sitting increases energy dramatically. Dr. Alex Hankey - he used the acupuncture meridians to measure the energy change. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5433118/ So he mentions it about 2/3rd into the interview - he discusses the padmasana research. Remember if you want me to respond to your PMs then make a $20 donation to http://paypal.me/ecoechocultivation I will then do 4 hours of full lotus meditation and get back to you. thanks
  12. Climate Change

    Oceanographer Jim Massa in livestream chat tonight starts 45:10-1:08:15 Super Scientific Researcher, Oceanographer Jim Massa So I just "live streamed" chatted with Jim Massa - he's a very excellent researcher. He says it's too late for life on earth to escape mass extinction from abrupt global warming... So of course hardly anyone sees his youtube channel! Feedback Loops already here. https://twitter.com/jim27182 at 1 hour to 1:15 Livestream chat with Jim Massa https://www.edge-show.com/we-talk-to-a-super-scientist-oceanographer-and-climate-expert-first-politics-from-the-road-with-michael-shure-and-journalist-brooke-thomas/ starts 45:10-1:08:15 Super Scientific Researcher, Oceanographer Jim Massa http://kotz.org/2019/11/13/study-links-emergence-of-foreign-virus-in-arctic-marine-mammals-to-loss-of-sea-ice/ Coal Knew, Too A newly unearthed journal from 1966 shows the coal industry, like the oil industry, was long aware of the threat of climate change. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmassa https://www.researchgate.net/profile/James_Massa latest on arctic vid
  13. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Since someone else PM'd me - just to let you know - I don't read PMs unless you FIRST make a $20 donation to https://www.paypal.me/ecoechocultivation Then I'll read your PM and then I'll do four hours of full lotus meditation - and get back to you. thanks
  14. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Just to remind people that if you send me a PM then I also need a $20 donation before I read your PM. So I will check to see if I get the $20 donation to http://paypal.me/ecoechocultivation and then I'll read your PM and then I'll do 4 hours of full lotus meditation to get back to you. thanks
  15. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Just so people know - I don't even READ your PMs unless I get a $20 donation via paypal. http://paypal.me/ecoechocultivation thanks again if I get the donation then I'll read your PM and I'll do four hours of full lotus meditation. Then I'll answer your question.