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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. these case reports are cool but better to have third party testimonials - like if you get a video report from the actual client getting healing.
  2. the grandmasters

    Yep I just watched the Donnie Yen break dancing movie. Awesome - not much martial arts except one kick ass scene. Most of the movie is stupid humor.... But Donnie Yen is so full of energy - very young - and the break dancing is hilarious. Yeah Grandmasters -- reviews say how the martial arts was like dancing -- like a tango for the seduction fight scene... But anyway Jean Claude van Damme was a ballet dancer also before doing martial arts. Zhang Ziyi any "two Z" name has a serious advantage imo due to the rareity of Z.... Slavoj Zizek for example..... well....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0VM4Fut7ZI there's Donnie Yen.... busting out the dance moves....
  3. The problem with your China analysis is that U.S. corporations control the import/exports of China. That's why Henry Kissinger was on the board of directors of China's petroleum corporation. Oil is used a veto power to keep the dollar value high - petrodollars. So china relies on a strong dollar to keep exports to U.S. cheap. Same with Japan. That's why they are the two top buyers of U.S. treasury bonds for printing money.... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203753704577254794068655760.html and http://thediplomat.com/pacific-money/2012/09/28/the-dollar-trap-chinas-misunderstood-foreign-exchange-reserves/
  4. Chronic fatigue from doing qigong

    try sleeping in full lotus - just had a full lotus power nap. When the chi energy shoots up to the brain it wakes you up again....
  5. Communal living

    yeah the qigong masters can read energy of the land, etc. if the qi is strong enough then you can the energy of the house, etc.
  6. Communal living

    There's this Buddhist monastery in Missouri - theraveda tradition by a white dude but the lady runs it. So I contact her about moving there to meditate. Oh you gotta spend half your time doing construction projects, etc. Oh gee I thought it was a place to meditate! Why even go? I already spend half my time doing physical labor. haha. Seriously - I want a place where people want to meditate. Nothing else. Chunyi Lin spent 2 months in full lotus nonstop. That's a meditation place. Westerners want to build fancy Western construction b.s. -- just can't escape the materialist mindset. Just throw up a $20 tent just big enough to sit in full lotus. The only requirement is not to be bothered! I know that is asking too much. Someone is sure to hassle you. Winter time? Throw some rugs over the tent - reinforce with more stakes -- get a snow suit. Have a couple 50 pound bags of organic brown rice and pulses (lentils or black beans). Complete protein. Dried greens for minerals - magnesium, potassium, calcium. Potatoes. That right there is more than enough food. Real meditation should mean fasting also. But anyway there you go. Nope instead you gotta spend half your time doing unnecessary "edifice complex" projects. No thanks. Instead people get all self righteous. How dare you want to meditate all the time?!! Of course you need to spend half your time doing physical labor construction, etc. hahaha. The real most famous meditation monk of Thailand - theraveda tradition.... Meditated ALL the time! Had his students meditate in areas infested with tigers. Just used the chi energy to keep the tigers away. Fear of death is the best to induce samadhi. Rain? Just make a tarp out of your robe - or something like that. Just real minimal supplies - an umbrella maybe and that's it. food? beg. Milarepa. Food? wild stinging nettles. See you try that here and people will call the cops or the ambulance or something. I did 10 days nonstop meditation - just liquids. Whenever I got threatened - just went out side for some physical labor to prove I had energy and I didn't need a doctor. I had to transmit energy the whole time to exorcise the demons so I wouldn't get attacked - I mean to fill up the vacuum from the bad energy I was sucking in from the people around me. SO I was never storing up energy - I just transformed the energy around me. so it's not the same as having a safe place to meditate without being bothered.
  7. semen & the brain

    There is that aspect but at the same time "flexing" also shoots the energy out -- and the suction pulls up from the pernineum. So it is a cycling and transformation of the energy like that. But since it takes a lot more jing energy to make qi energy and a lot more qi energy to make shen then the process loses energy. This is why Chunyi Lin said in one of his guild talks that he does not practice tantra since the jing energy taken in from the female is of such lower frequency then his shen energy. But since his third eye is fully open and his heart is also fully open then he can recharge his shen energy immediately - that is called the "large accumulator" - the heart center. So the key is no passion of the heart to increase the compassion energy as universal love energy - it's from slowing down the breathing to increase the courage energy of the lungs....to transform the wisdom energy of the liver from the willpower energy of the kidneys.... Anyway celibacy has to be very strict at that level - even eye contact with females will cause a reversal of the energy.... So yeah it's best to just keep turning the mind around - to stop the thoughts - to maintain that constant suction vacuum in the middle of the brain. That's why constant meditation is necessary.
  8. Communal living

    http://pinterest.com/pin/323203710728953615/ yep I've been bringing up the backyard hens to the property owner - -- no we're not eating our pets! haha. That was my solution for the long winters here..... so the whole "domesticated" animal versus wildlife deal is a perfect Taoist conundrum. We've got a house cat that gets to freely kill the tropical song birds that have flown thousands of miles to summer here. I've tried everything but always the cat gets defended by the property owner. Funny how the truth is that ecological ignores property lines.
  9. Communal living

    In Brazil it's now illegal for large land owners to let their land sit idle, not growing food, after 7 years. Venezuela has similar laws. The rich see real estate as a tax evasion and speculation - which then gets bailed out by the working class. My cousin, same age as me, has a 2 billion dollar real estate company all based on that scam. So yeah I grow food but I don't own the land - and so the mind-controlled bourgeois think unless you have cash income then you should be forced to get a job. Actually wtih $2 or less a day as the income of 3 billion people - most people still rely on growing food and selling whatever they don't eat. But like with women in India - unless you own the land - then they have no rights and are not considered real farmers. It's due to patriarchy - "plowing" the land is raping the land. The Native Americans considered gardening to be the female connection to the earth and so the whites forcing the Indian males to cut their hair and be farmers was the equivalent of a forced sex change. To cut your hair meant to be homosexual. So anyway .... consider national forests - it costs $12 a night to camp in one! That's amazingly expensive. The Twin Cities has a new program to glean left over fruit crops to donate to food shelves - food is a human right. So yeah getting grants to grow food in the cities is great - money is not real value - food is real money..... anyway... I planted fruit bushes and nut trees here but since my work takes less priority than some other stuff I do - so then it is neglected. I need to transplant the fruit bushes and weed the nut trees - rebuilt the deer fencing, etc. Shud buy or make a bow to hunt deer also....
  10. Cliteracy

    I think we're so used to the mods moving threads to off top or the pit - why even try to make it a "general" discussion anymore? haha. by all means don't let me try to stop the mods from doing an about face.
  11. new 9/11 families inside story doc

  12. new 9/11 families inside story doc

  13. new 9/11 families inside story doc

  14. new 9/11 families inside story doc

    So 9/11 was a Saudi-CIA-Mob job with FBI cover-up.
  15. new 9/11 families inside story doc

    yeah I'm rewatching this doc.
  16. Basic Alchemy

    study the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" http://fulllotusqigong.blogspot.com/2013/06/taoist-yoga-alchemy-and-immortality_14.html
  17. Communal living

    if you achieve enlightenment then it is a permanent psychphysiological transformation. There is no turning back. Your energy will constantly reflect impurities around you - emotional, nutritional, etc. So again let's say you train in your room. Great - but if you achieve "stabilization" - your room is a different environment because who you are is something no longer contained by your room. Ghost pollution for example is more of an issue in cities. Qigong master Chunyi Lin said it sometimes takes him a couple visits to a room to clear out the spirits or bad energy, etc. So this is not true - because the aura expands and includes nonlocal communication - beyond spacetime. Spirit travels into the future and changes the past. For example Chunyi Lin went to a sacred Taoist mountain in China and he did 2 months of nonstop full lotus cave meditation. Then he returned back to society to heal people. Jim Nance quit his job and meditated 6 to 12 hours a day and even all night long at the Spring Forest Qigong Center.... so yeah to become a qigong master does take total concentration. It's rare because a person needs to create that safe space which is no longer honored. This is why traditionally a person first trains to be a kungfu master - that way the person can fight off anyone who threatens their ability to continue purifying their energy.
  18. She needs magnesium to go with the potassium -
  19. new 9/11 families inside story doc

    Top officials' whereabouts and changing stories on the day of 9/11 •Insider trading before the attacks •War games coinciding with Sept. 11th •A confrontation between the families and FBI Director Mueller •British reports that some of the hijackers named by the FBI are simply wrong •Government whistleblowers' calls for accountability •The FBI informant who lived with 2 of the hijackers •A Defense Department program that identified 4 hijackers in 2000 •The families' push to receive the Pentagon crash tapes •Bin Laden extradition negotiations after 9/11
  20. semen & the brain

    I recently worked a job where there was a female in close proximity for a good six hours. She was Mexican - I heard her say that I was guapo to her husband and then she began hitting on me. Just by her looking at me and asking me questions she could suck off my energy - because her electromagnetic spirit was stuck in her lower body - so she thinks to get a man to ejaculate is to fulfill her desires. So as she sucked off my energy first the chi deconverted - the yin chi deconverted to ying jing which is blissful heat and then I got the erection and so I did reverse breathing. Since i was working it was more difficult to do the mind concentration - but mind concentration is the best defense against perv attacks. Then she started doing female display behavior - she was wearing as tight clothes as possible - "tight" being a fetish for male ejaculation - and she then told me to watch her while she bent over for me to look at her backside. I caught on to that and so I didn't look at her after she bent over. haha. But in the past -- what I did for five solid years - actually longer - for a female like her - I just gave her what she wanted. So instead of having her suck me off to ejaculate - I would just go into full lotus and then "flex" my pineal gland and I would then pull up my reproductive fluid into my brain and then the pineal gland converts it to "yin chi" energy. So then I would transmit "yin chi" energy into the female to activate her vagus nerve which connects to her cervix, causing her to have orgasms. So then I would just keep transmitting "yin chi" and then my perineum would suck up her jing energy - and this way I would just sit in full lotus for as long as she wanted -- or until I had to take a piss or something. So I would do that maybe for hours in one session - having mutual internal climaxes with the female - do that for hours. Well in this case I was standing - and also transmitting "yin chi" energy into the females uses up my "yuan chi" - the "sea of chi" from my prenatal chi energy. So I only transmit "yin chi" energy in special circumstances - but I burned up a lot of my "yuan chi" energy and also when I eat food it goes to my brain as the pineal gland automatically sublimates my jing energy to turn it into chi energy through the brain. So then after that female sucking me off - I went home and I ate a bunch of food but I forgot that it would take me hours of full lotus meditation to reverse her damage when she deconverted my chi to yin jing and then to reproductive fluid. So even though I sat in full lotus - I was not meditating with eyes closed and mind concentration. I did that a bit - maybe half hour or an hour - but not long enough. So then at night - I had some loss of fluid but I woke myself up - which I usually do - so I only lost some preseminal fluid. Usually I burn off my reproductive fluid by the females around me sucking up my "yin chi" energy -- and then I just sit in full lotus enough to keep sublimating my lower body energy into yin chi energy. I can't remember the last time I had an ejaculation - oh yeah - maybe a month ago. But before that it was much longer. It was because I had a lot of chocolate which increases the jing from the zinc in chocolate among other factors. Anyway even though I rarely ejaculate - before that I went at least three months no ejaculation - I still am not storing up my energy because the females around me suck it up. So whenever I build up my jing energy then the females around me chase me down - call me out to spend "personal" time with them - go into female display behavior to optimize sucking in my energy - like spread eagle, etc. Also make strange orgasmic sounds around me like deep heavy sighing sounds, etc. This is all because my yin chi energy is sucked up by the females, activating their vagus nerves for an orgasmic reaction. Of course females don't understand that so most "perv" females think if they are attracted to the male they should focus on the male's penis to get the male to ejaculate. Gross!!! haha. So the main thing for training to create chi energy is to avoid females and also male pervs addicted to ejaculation - this is very difficult in the modern world. Ideally you would just stay in your meditation room except when you go to see the energy master - but then what happens is when you build up your energy it then goes through your walls and you can sense people's energy around you as your aura extends through the walls. So at that point you want to go into isolation into Nature to build up your energy even more - this is why people go to sacred mountains or to monasteries, etc.
  21. Communal living

    Twin Oaks or Acorn community - they all rely on having some cash economy somehow - so like they Amish - they have to sell things in the market economy or produce things or try to create some collective business together. It's a big distraction from meditation. The Buddhist commune I was thinking of just practiced meditation and then relied on bulk food items. Sure you gotta save up some money to do it - but that's what I would do. I used to cook with another person for 35 people -- once a week. Yes the co-operative I lived in shared our house chores -buying food in bulk to save money - so better quality organic food. But again the big issue is the modern male psychophysiology - you get the alpha chimp dynamics with rape and warfare as the subconscious goals. Who will be the dominant? Etc. It's all based on a misunderstanding of meditation. Already people on this thread are mad at you - saying that "going backwards" is against the Tao! hahah. I totally agree with you that modern society is against Taoism. I think Plato was against Taoism and yet a lot of people on this forum waste their time on Plato as part of their studies, etc. Everything based on Plato is against Taoism - so all of Western civilization is against Taoism. This forum is against Taoism - it's based on computers and uses dualistic language. So even if Western language was used at a commune then the language would be against Taoism. It takes a lot of unlearning for real Taoism. Orthodox pythagorean philosophy is real Taoism -- but this was covered up by Platonic philosophy. I already went into details on this but people freaked out - how dare I !!! hahaha. Yes real philosophy is very radical. I biked for 10 years and I dumpster dived for food. You do what you can. Currently I do humanure composting to grow my own food. We made 13 pints of pickles and more on the way. anyway I clear the forest to heat the house and to increase the biodiversity in the forest. But yes Nature will reclaim itself against modern Westernized civilization. Automation means less jobs. logarithmic-based technology means a logarithmic-based economy with oppressive inequalities of wealth causing the lower emotional blockages. I call this the rotten root - a play on the "surd" from absurdity. Things have been messed up for a long time. The original human culture shared everything - the Khoisan Bushmen - from 100,000 BCE - they did this by having all the males train to be qigong masters when the males reach puberty. So communal living is good but it's still addressing the symptoms and not the psychophysiological root cause. Communal living can be a good first step - an important one. I have worked for many nonprofits - they are more communal focused - sometimes - but not always. Currently I live with four females -- females naturally sublimate their energy despite constantly being submerged in patriarchial perv culture. So modern females try to be like males - the technofeminists - but still modern females are better than modern males.
  22. Cliteracy

    http://www.examiner.com/article/what-does-the-vagus-nerve-have-to-do-with-orgasm throat singing, the vagus nerve, internal orgasm
  23. The MCO is Taoist fundamentalism

    Chunyi Lin says the MCO is the foundation of the training and that you don't need his higher level classes if you just take the small universe/MCO to the highest levels. When I brought the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" to class Chunyi Lin quoted from the book - even though I kept the book in my unopened backpack. Chunyi Lin said he had just taken his small universe practice to a very high level - and the quote from the book was about seeing snow fall in the sky and like flowers in the winter - it means right before the yang spirit is created. So that was around 2001 but Chunyi Lin achieved that in Minnesota - he had later said he had taken small universe/MCO to deeper levels -- The point is - if you read Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality it's all based on the small universe/MCO practice - it's a very practical concise training manual - it's not based on rhetoric, etc. but on precise psychophysiological and spiritual transformations. The "moving of yin and yang" active exercise is the standing version of the small universe practice. To summarize - the right hand and upper body are yang and the left hand and lower body are yin. This information is even found in a hadith on the Koran - Mohammed trained based on this information! So - this is the focus of chapter six of Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality - the tiger and dragon channels. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_1sPDntOTs So also when you do healing using hands with Spring Forest Qigong then you open the small universe channels of the person being healed - using your hands along their body with no touching....
  24. http://www.infowars.com/rebels-admit-responsibility-for-chemical-weapons-attack/ Rebels admit responsibility for chemical attack
  25. Communal living

    You can find Buddhist meditation "communes" - I found one in Canada -- -- never went to it... but yeah so you are naming the Amish as "successful"? Right there that disqualifies you as a member of any commune I would want to join. haha. Have you seen the Amish cable shows? The people who try to escape the Amish, etc.? I have nothing against the Amish and I totally respect the luddite mentality. I'm just saying that the elderly Amish retire in condos in Florida -- and the whole communes of the Amish is based on patriarchy and bare-footed females. Again it's not necessarily wrong - it's just they don't practice any real meditation or yoga, etc. -- they don't really challenge the status quo that much.