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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Yeah - you mean his new SciFi show? I tweeted him about having the qigong masters on it. haha. Joe still has his spirit energy stuck in his cavity of vitality -- it's a strong dopamine energy which is a good bliss -- but he tends to suck people's energy down -- like qigong master Jim Nance says he avoids swear words and sex - which, of course, is the exact opposite of Joe Rogan. haha. So I always have to empty out my Joe Rogan experience - I sit in full lotus while I listen of course but then I might have to wake myself up from a "evil" dream to then go back into more full lotus. But I am waiting - qigong master Jim Nance has a new website in the works for athletics -- and he is going to post his video testimonial from an IFC fighter that Jim Nance healed. haha. Qigong master Jim Nance is also working with some top volleyball athletes - like the national team, etc. hmmm...... So yeah his big interest is the initation process for athletes. Actually I had a dream last night where this dude was coming after me to "pump" me as the term used on JRE -- and so I stood the dude off in a martial arts fight and I ended up literally bashing the guys head in. umm -- I felt bad about it -you know that smashing watermelon sound of the skull smashing open. So anyway I do appreciate this aspect of the sublimation training that the JRE scene focuses on - and I know he definitely dabbles in the energy consciousness stuff - so I still think there is a possibility of this down the road. I do think Joe is a good guy - despite his $22 million net worth. hahaha. I mean -- the thing is that this energy training has such strict mind training standards -- it goes totally against JRE. I think words are one thing -but it's the electromagnetic intention behind them that is crucial - and I can read that about Joe.... he definitely activates the cavity of vitality that kind of sucks off people's energy.....
  2. Are you feeling the heat in the lower tan t'ien mainly? Umm o.k. I will ask him - thanks! But yeah strong heat in the lower tan t'ien I think is to be expected.... I remember Chunyi Lin saying how when he was training -- his home town Guangdong gets super hot and humid - and so it was difficult in that sense.... But he calls Minnesota - the "Tibet of the U.S." haha.
  3. Pythagoras, Neoplatonism, Maths, Geometry.

    Luigi Borzacchini, THE SOPHIST. GENESIS OF FORMAL THINKING IN GREEK PHILOSOPHY AND MATHEMATICS. (Dipartimento di Matematica, UniversitĂ  di Bari). Oh yeah - so my research that I first sent to Borzacchini - I then sent it to math professor Joe Mazur and he said it was very impressive and I should submit it to the most read math journal - the MAA. I did - but again I am critiquing the very foundation of math from the perspective of music theory! So the article was rejected without comment and then Mazur recommend I try a Indian History of Science journal.
  4. Pythagoras, Neoplatonism, Maths, Geometry.

    Luigi Borzacchini, “Music and Incommensurability,” Historia-Matematica, August 18, 1999. Luigi Borzacchini, “Music and Incommensurability,” Historia-Matematica, August 18, 1999
  5. Pythagoras, Neoplatonism, Maths, Geometry.

    Not his article on this subject - he discusses it online on a math forum. I then contacted him in 2001 about a solution I figured out that David Fowler said relies on music harmonics but since Fowler and Borzacchini are mathematicians they could not figure out the solution. So then Borzacchini responded that my math was correct - I sent him a music proof for the solution of the cube root of two as a continued proportion. Then his article did get published finally several years later. Luigi Borzacchini, Historia Matematica listserve [HM] Music and Incommensurability, Mon, 12 Jul 1999. Luigi Borzacchini, “Music and Incommensurability,” Historia-Matematica, August 18, 1999.
  6. Pythagoras, Neoplatonism, Maths, Geometry.

    Carl A. Huffman, Archytas of Tartenum: Pythagorean, Philosopher and Mathematician King (Cambridge University Press, 2005). Huffman argues that Plato and Archytas were host-friends and competitive colleagues -- with Archytas stressing the practical side of Pythagorean harmonics while Plato emphasized the pure philosophy of Pythagorean Number. Both Plato and Archytas were relying on Philolaus and therefore were not “orthodox” Pythagoreans. O.K. so now the FAKE PYthagorean philosophy - remember I quoted John Curtis Franklin on the Pythagorean harmonics of the body-mind? Well guess what - no longer!! Francesco Pelosi, Plato on Music, Soul and Body (Cambridge University Press, 2010), p. 118
  7. Pythagoras, Neoplatonism, Maths, Geometry.

    O.K. so I've now quoted Kingsley stating ARchytas did a "radical reinterpretation" of Pythagorean philosophy. I have stated that Plato relied on Archytas for his Pythagorean FAKE philosophy. So now let's get into the specifics - I have already quoted Burkert - or Michael Hudson quotes Burkert stating Archytas created the Harmonic Mean as the basis for the square root of two. I had stated that Math professor Luigi Borzacchini recognizes this secret music origin of Western math and states the square root of two is a "pre-established deep disharmony." O.K. so OBVIOUSLY Platonic philosophy is the opposite of Pythagorean philosophy. I know it's news to you! haha. Now for the Platonic specifics: “Since 9 actually reduces to a wholetone of 9/8, its cube will reduce to (9/8)³ = 729/512, a Pythagorean approximation to the square root of two, a problem which fascinated Socrates in the marriage allegory.” Ernest McClain, The Pythagorean Plato: Prelude to the Song Itself (Nicholas-Hays, 1978), p. 36 Ernest McClain, The Myth of Invariance: The origins of the Gods, Mathematics and Music, from the Rg Veda to Plato (Nicholas-Hays, 1976), p. 11. Not just the content but the form of Plato’s writings were also secretly Pythagorean: John B. Kennedy, “Plato’s Forms, Pythagorean Mathematics, and Stichometry,” Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science, 2010, p. 17. Plato promoted compromising the citizens by squaring ratios as proper eugenic breeding of the population – the so-called “nuptial numbers.”
  8. Pythagoras, Neoplatonism, Maths, Geometry.

    So you want to debate ideas but Pythagorean philosophy is based on silent meditation! haha. and so Kingsley then notes the role of Archytas for Plato: O.K. so the issue here is what specifically is Archytas' fake Pythagorean reinterpretation that Plato then relied on? Ernest McClain and Luigi Borzacchini provide the answer!!
  9. Pythagoras, Neoplatonism, Maths, Geometry.

    Yeah you should read my masters thesis from 2000! and then quoting Kingsley:
  10. Pythagoras, Neoplatonism, Maths, Geometry.

    Kingsley doesn't rely on secondary sources - it's a Ph.D.!! You keep saying he is superficial - well show an example already! haha. So -- too bad you don't "want" to prove your point. haha. HILARIOUS!! As Kingsley puts it, “By the time of Plato and Aristotle, the doors of understanding were closed...argument is more important than appreciation, reinterpretation an easy substitute for understanding...[the denigration] destroyed the mythical dialectic.” Peter Kingsley, Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic: Empedocles and Pythagorean Tradition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995), pp. 108-110. The issue with Plato is the structural mathematics that warp real Pythagorean philosophy - I have already demonstrated this. As I stated Kingsley doesn't get into the math -- but he does understand this truth. That's why Westerners don't easily appreciate Kingsley so he turns more to the Sufi tradition. So you have not mentioned Archytas? haha. Apparently you are unfamiliar with the mathematics of Plato. Maybe you want to read Ernest McClain's book the Pythagorean Plato. Eudoxus, Philolaus and Hippocrates (not the medical doctor), along with Archytas, were the creators of the foundation of western science – the first logical “objective” math “Power Set Axiom” – not Pythagoras! In other words Pythagoras is lied about and covered-up as a “vanishing mediator” at the origin of the West. The subject being discussed is Plato's misuse of Pythagorean philosophy - which again Michael Hudson, the economics professor even understands! This is from citing Burkert. So this issue is not limited to just the "presocratics" as they are called - it goes into Eastern culture as the newest book by Peter Kingsley focuses on. I have discussed this with other academics: “For Plato’s influence on Pythagoreanism, Burkert 1972. Despite my best attempts to follow McClain 1976, there appears to me still no conclusive evidence for the musical ratios in cuneiform sources – although I would be hardly surprised if it emerges.” Professor John Curtis Franklin, “The Wisdom of the Lyre: Soundings in Ancient Greece, Cyprus and the Near East,” 2000, Symposium on the International Study Group on Music Archaeology. Footnote 10. So that was 2000. I emailed Professor John Curtis Franklin and got the following response: The Pythagorean tuning based on the 4ths and 5ths, almost certainly, goes back to at least 2100 BCE, based on the Sumerian musical terms of some of the cuneiform texts. John Curtis Franklin, email communication, April 12, 2011. O.K. so let's focus on the information being discussed. Pythagorean philosophy is based on the Tetrad using the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth music ratios -- it was corrupted into a "sacred geometry" NeoPlatonism using irrational geometry. “The Lyre Gods' chordophonic super-powers would be based, naturally, on the ritual functions of the instrument in question. From the evidence to be considered, these duties included prophecy, healing, purification, city foundation rituals and the general establishment of Order.” John Curtis Franklin, “Lyre Gods of the Bronze Age Musical Koine,” Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 6.2 (2006). John Curtis Franklin, “Harmony in Greek and Indo-Iranian Cosmology,” The Journal of Indo-European Studies, Volume 30, No. 1 and 2., 2002, p. 13. So this harmonization issue of mind-body transformation was attacked by Plato.
  11. Struggling with Life

    Sounds like qigong master Jim Nance did a permanent healing on you along with your qigong practice of course! That is awesome!! I am very impressed with your training and congratulations on such amazing results!!
  12. What are you listening to?

  13. Taoist Yoga Discussion thread

    Right! So many Westerners think they need to just "retain" the semen - this is not the real practice. The real practice means having the mind focused on the heart - or stilling the heart through unconditional love as compassion -- as the Emptiness. It means -- very specifically -- that the evil thoughts are like a switch that triggers the back of the brain to then cause the chi energy to descend which then activates the creation of the fluid. So obviously just retaining that fluid is not good enough. If such a thing happens then the mind Emptiness has to be restored and this means - to sublimate the fluid back up the spine but then to also bring it down the front of the body again. I do this via the vagus nerve - so the right side vagus nerve pulsates to bring the fluid back up to the brain. The left side vagus nerve pulsates to Empty out the mind (the left brain) and to then bring the energy down to the heart to purify the energy. That's how you then create the chi energy from the generative energy. So I am speaking from experience. To translate that back into Taoist Yoga terms? hmmm.... What I'm talking about it STILL not the real alchemical agent. The Alchemical agent is not formed until the lower tan t'ien is full of yin chi. Yin chi is created by the heart purification process - it is the yang jing energy. So otherwise when the evil thoughts occur it activates the back of the brain which then creates yin jing energy or negative generative force which then creates the generative fluid. So what happens is that yin chi energy is the positive generative force -- it needs to be filled up in the lower tan t'ien first - and then you start making yang chi energy. So the yang chi as prenatal vitality descends but as it descends it turns into yin jing energy and then into generative fluid. If you instead of having evil thoughts - if you empty out the mind and still the heart then the cavity of spirit prenatal vitality descends to create the lower tan t'ien as the cavity of spirit-vitality. So when you create the lower tan t'ien it is FIRST based on the mind being pure - or the heart being pure - and so this then causes the jing energy to be yin chi or yang jing energy instead of being yin jing or negative generative force. So this same purification process has to go on from the postnatal energy sources also - from food and air. umm..... so the big problem is of course to always empty the mind out despite the exterior influences which are evil. Well modern society is basically evil based on this principle. haha. For example qigong master Jim Nance told me that he doesn't like books or movies with swear words or sex - but aggression is o.k. He said there is a very good reason for this and it's crucial to the training! I said - yeah I know that's why I like hanging out with you! haha. I assure you that it's the electromagnetic intention of the brain that matters - or you could say the spirit-vitality energy. So for example if someone has their spirit stuck or fixated in the cavity of vitality - which means they are always draining their energy like that down the back of the brain to create fluid - I can actually sense that electromagnetic intention - even if the person's words do not admit to this!! I used to call this the "perv attack" - but now with Taoist YOga I know precisely what the psychophysiological dynamic is. So the best "defense" for this is to empty out the mind - which for me means just to focus my pineal gland -- so that is the cavity of spirit - I can feel it intensify in magnetic force when I focus on it -the center of my brain - and that actually reverses this back of the brain fluid trigger from evil thoughts. Some times it also takes the "quick breath" method as taught in Taoist Yoga - so like strong exercise that induces strong reverse breathing - to sublimate the energy back up -- and then along with emptying the mind this will bring the energy back down. So obviously people do not take this stuff seriously - but now from the Taoist Yoga book we know in precise detail why it is so serious to the training. There are constant "evil" distractions - since the training is based on purifying the energy. But if you can empty your mind then it's easier to "escape" or defend yourself from the distractions. I am still working on this. but for example if I had gotten angry -- then I try to exorcise the energy imbalance - but lets say then I see qigong master Jim Nance later in the day but I didn't have a chance to get the energy down to the heart to purify the energy -- so then qigong master Jim Nance will not only pick up on that anger blockage - even though I am not currently angry -- it is a subconscious blockage that is stored in the body - and so he will also pick up the specifics of what caused the anger, etc. So then he will remind me to practice unconditional love of the heart. It's amazing how true love is kind of unknown in the modern Westernized world - just because males have not been really initiated into this energy training to open up their hearts and to create the yin chi energy to fill up their lower tan t'ien.
  14. Yeah that's pretty much exactly what qigong master Jim Nance says in the podcast.....
  15. hmm... if you want I can ask qigong master Jim Nance that question. Overheating.... maybe try storing the energy in the lower tan t'ien. Slowing down the breathing. I suppose obviously cool water - but I read about this Tai Chi master in Taiwan who won an award after his demonstration and someone gave him an ice coke and he slammed it and then he croaked because he scorched his lower tan t'ien too much. Yeah I know qigong master Jim Nance - we were in this restaurant back in 2005 and he told the waitress - no ice water please! Well I think bring the energy down the front should cool the energy. Yeah I just got the active exercise C.D. as I used to have the cassette back around 2000 but I gave it to my coworkers. So I do a half hour session and then some sitting and then maybe do another half hour session - like the 2nd half of the c.d. So I start with the moving of yin and yang and then it does the breathing of the universe and the rotating the ball -- whatever it's called. haha. So then the 2nd half is the Harmony of Heaven and Earth and the 7 steps of new life..... But mainly I do the "moving of yin and yang." So let me know if you want me to ask qigong master Jim Nance that question and I'll add it to my list of questions that people have submitted for him. thanks!
  16. Taoist Yoga Discussion thread

    This training is the same as fusing of yin and yang in the lower tan t'ien and this is also what qigong master Chunyi Lin teaches. As for getting the personal supervision of a master - you can always call the Spring Forest Qigong center and the qigong masters will read your energy and then transmit energy to you and you can ask any particular question you have. If you want "proof" that they are real - there are a couple great resources. One is that there is a "gold standard" science study proving they transmit "external qi" that is "especially impressive" - this is from a top medical center research doctor Ann Vincent who did the randomized controlled science study published in a peer reviewed journal. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20626055 and http://www.springforestqigong.com/index.php/sfq-for-health-professionals/medical-studies The second great resource is third party testimonials which are detailed and healings of serious diseases - a few excellent ones are here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkYWWyfbe7k I have posted two "third party" testimonials right on this thread -- from people on thetaobums who have taken me up on this offer. It is an offer - because what an amazing opportunity to have a master who has their third eye fully open to send you energy! They have proven themselves capable of doing amazing healing of very serious conditions. They have even submitted themselves to Western science standards. Yeah so you just call 1-952-593-5555 to set up the phone healing. So on whether abstinence is the only way -- I think Taoist Yoga proves this is true. It depends on how powerful you want to get! Taoist Yoga -- the book - demonstrates amazing biophysical knowledge still unknown by Western science!! This knowledge is that when there are thoughts that are perverse, licentious, evil, passion, etc. this activates the back of the brain - the medulla oblongata - causing it to send prenatal vitality down to the base of the penis to create generative fluid. I can feel this immediately based on these thoughts - that's why I sit in full lotus at the computer. But if a person has their conscious controlled by these thoughts that means their prenatal vitality is stuck in their cavity of vitality and their cavity of spirit in the middle of the brain remains closed. So the practice is to still the heart of passion and focus on the cavity of spirit which then descends down to create the lower tan tien by purifying the lower cavity of vitality to raise it up and turn it into the cavity of spirit-vitality - the lower tan t'ien. This is the physiology of the training - it is not a method as much as the foundation for all the methods!! So for example if you do long horse stance training then the extreme "quick fire" method will sublimate the vitality energy and thereby also empty out the mind to purify the thoughts which will cause it descent. So that is what Gurdjieff called the Fakir method -- extreme use of the sympathetic nervous system causes a rebound back to the parasympathetic nervous system. Your mind goal may not be celibacy -- but think about it - any kungfu movie - the old skool ones - are based on the males training in isolation. The qigong masters are jokingly called "Virgin Kungfu masters." umm so this is just the assumption of the training. Mo Pai is closed to Westerners and so it is easy for Westerners to want to project onto Mo Pai to create their own fantasies. haha. But for example Chunyi Lin went on retreat for three months at Shaolin and then he did cave meditation for 2 months - nonstop full lotus - no sleep - just a few apples and a few small bottles of water. So for advanced training there needs to be retreat. Even Mantak Chia says to have celibacy for at least 100 days - and this means mind celibacy also. So how strict you are on this standard - it is the most difficult part of the training. Just talking about it nullify it. The training has to be done in secret then. Western modern society is completely against this training.
  17. I no longer believe in Aryan Migration Theory

    Have you seen this? Looks worth watching.
  18. Everything is energy! That's what qigong master Jim Nance says in the interview -
  19. http://fulllotusqigong.blogspot.com/2013/06/songs-in-key-of-spring-forest-qigong.html I asked Spring Forest Qigong Master Jim Nance that very question this past Friday - listen to hear his answer!
  20. hi new person

    you gotta post five times to get into the main forum. welcome.
  21. http://www.springforesthealingfest2013event.com/day_3.html?aff=4624 Day 3 of the Spring Forest Qigong healingfest! free podcast from qigong master Chunyi Lin.
  22. Pythagoras, Neoplatonism, Maths, Geometry.

    well Kingsley did his Ph.D. on the PreSocratics -- so the Ph.D. was published as a book called "Ancient Mystery, Magic and Philosophy." So this, as a Ph.D., was groundbreaking work. Of course expertise in the PreSocratics requires expertise on Socratic philosophy which is from Plato. As for the structural disagreement between Platonic philosophy and real Pythagorean philosophy -- as I stated to Seth - the math of Pythagorean philosophy is very simple but it's a matter of unlearning all the Western brainwashing. So then I posted how economics professor Michael Hudson understands this and Hudson references Burkert on Pythagorean philosophy stating how Archytas developed the "Harmonic Mean" as a tool to create the geometric mean as the square root of two - the irrational magnitude as incommensurability, the focus of the Greek Miracle that launched Western civilization. So Kingsley argues that Western civilization has lost its roots in true magical training but that Platonic philosophy is derived from this original mystical magical training. So Plato used the Archytas version of Pythagorean philosophy and so the "harmonic mean" did not exist in traditional or "orthodox" Pythagorean philosophy. O.K. so first of all when we all learn the square root of two Pythagorean theorem in school - that is NOT from Pythagoras! It is from Archytas. When I was in 10th grade in my "enriched geometry" class I never accepted the Pythagorean theorem as true because I knew the true music Pythagorean origins for it. So this is from the major 2nd music ratio as 9/8 which is cubed to the square root of two. Now by me explaining this I have already "stepped in the doodie" as I stated before. I good brainwashed Westerner will say that 9/8 cubed is "not" the square root of two. But I am talking about the secret Pythagorean music origins. The same can be said of the cube root of two which is derived from the ratio 5/4 which is actually the major third music interval based on 10/8 or two major 2nd music intervals. So if you know a bit of math you can see where this is going - it is a conversion of the music intervals to the 12 tone equal-tempered music scale. This is what Archytas was beginning to do and he did it by using fake Pythagorean teachings - so he got them from a man who left the Pythagorean school and so he was not truly initiated. To be an orthodox Pythagorean required nine years of silence!! So what was the real Pythagorean teaching? Well it was actually the same as Taoism! So the Pythagorean tetrad is 1:2:3:4 and guess what? I documented that in Taoism the Perfect fifth music interval is yang as the ratio 2:3 and the Perfect fourth music interval is yin as 3:4. So how does this translate back into Pythagorean philosophy? What does it mean? See the problem of incommensurability remains unsolved even today!! This is acknowledged by math professor Luigi Borzacchini who traces this problem to the very origins of Western math from this secret music Pythagorean tradition. So again incommensurability as the irrational number was created by Archytas and spread as a political and moral philosophy by Plato. But it goes against Pythagorean philosophy because the complementary opposites of the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth means they go on infinitely as number and harmony but they can not be "contained" by the irrational number. So in the West people often learn "sacred geometry" but do so by learning the irrational numbers that go along with it and also the philosophy -- like I pointed out about Drunvalo Melchizadek - he knowingly is promoting sacred geometry as the destruction of ecology! But the thing is that is the structural drive of Platonic philosophy - and it is also the secret structural drive of Western science. Now obviously people are not going to want to seriously accept this - because we really don't have a choice about modern technology - why? Because it is forced on us on a structural level! So I could go into this but the point is it is all based on this math and so it's crucial to understand the origins of the math. As math professor Luigi Borzacchini states the origins of Western math is based on a "deep pre-established disharmony." So Platonic philosophy is this deep pre-established disharmony. A lot of people are not familiar with how Plato used Pythagorean philosophy -- music philosophy - it is the focus of Timaeus for example. Musicologist Ernest McClain has written the Pythagorean Plato book which gives more details - McClain is promoting this philosophy btw. Of course he would have to otherwise he would have to go all against Western civilization and it would be difficult for him to promote that message. haha. So for example Plato has a eugenics philosophy whereby he says that each citizen of the state is the ratio 9/8 which again is the major 2nd music interval. So then each citizen must "be compromised for the good of the state." This is from Ernest McClain - I can look it up from my book. I have a long chapter on this in my book - but anyway I'm just giving an overview here. So that is the promotion of the equal-tempered music ratios from ARchytas - the 9/8 as the untempered major 2nd has to be tempered - into the logarithmic irrational numbers - to create the square root of two which is three major 2nd music intervals as the tritone. What is the tritone? It is the most dissonant music interval called the Devil's Interval. See the Western church was at first against this Platonic philosophy - using Aristotelian philosophy. So Aristotle was against Plato's attempt to "contain" infinity by the use of the "negative infinity" which is the concept of zero and also the concept of starting out infinity from a closed geometric materialistic philosophy. So it is mystical but it is what is called technospirituality - a materialistic mysticism. I go into this more in detail in my book - quoting F.W. Schelling and other philosophers who have analyzed this problem which is found again in Hegel - as the long tradition of Plato is continued. The most recent version of Platonic philosophy is from Leo Strauss, the great inspiration for the Neocons. So what Plato did, as say philosopher of science Stephen Toulmin documented in his final book, Plato changed the Pythagorean concept of "metis" -- as I mentioned already, referencing others who have exposed this and the parallel to Confucian philosophy. So "metis" originally meant female skill or energy without using words. Plato changed metis to mean female cunning to use words as lies. So then Plato argued the people should use lies in order to defend the "greater good" but how was the greater good defined? Exactly by the "harmonic" or geometric mean proportions that create exponential or logarithmic geometric relations. That means the elite get an exponentially greater share of material wealth and this is the greater good that is defended by this new definition of "metis." And how will this logarithmically defined expansion of wealth be achieved? By using technology designed through the same geometric irrational ratios that are logarithmic - and it is all based on twisting the true meaning of Pythagorean philosophy. So geometric irrational ratios are very precise - and in that sense deceptively powerful - how else could we have Western science? But geometric irrational ratios are not accurate and it's more important to be accurate first than to be precise. So the original Pythagorean philosophy was accurate because it did not misrepresent the truth of incommensurability - that number and geometry do not line up and so therefore you get an infinite extension of number as complementary opposites - male and female numbers. So the Pythagoreans taught that the number 1 is male but it is not really a number - why? Because it is actually consciousness that infinitely goes into the Emptiness - Apeiron. And what is the Emptiness - it is the Cosmic Mother. And so then the first matter is the female number 2 which is actually a reflection or resonance of this eternal female void that is not really empty. If this sounds like Taoism -- it should - because it is the same as real Taoist philosophy. So then 2:3 is yang as electromagnetic energy and 3:4 is yin as electrochemical energy. This is the "three-in-one" unity - you can not separate one number from the other - and it has to be contemplated in silence for a long time in a pure environment. Plato was an oil merchant and his goal was not this real mystical training. Sure he relied on it but instead turned it into a materialistic mysticism - based on using the new geometry created by Archytas from the Pythagorean philosophy. So the Pythagorean math is deceptively simple - just like Taoist yin-yang philosophy - but to practice it on a sincere level is exceedingly difficult. Meanwhile there is all this fake "sacred geometry" using irrational numbers which really is not Pythagorean philosophy at all. It's the perfect way to cover up the real philosophy - a "bait and switch" tactic. So that way you say Pythagoras - and people go - Oh I know him he created the square root of two! haha. Quite the contrary. So the myth that someone who discovered his "secret" of the square root of two and then told about it was then killed - this is the typical myth to hide the true Pythagorean teachings. The "Orthodox" Pythagorean philosophers ONLY used the Tetrad - 1:2:3:4 - they did not even use the number 8 - so they could not have even created the 9/8 ratio as the major 2nd music interval. In other words the scale was just the octaves and the perfect fifth and perfect fourth. You find the same music intervals in all human cultures - and it derives from the original human culture - the Bushmen of Africa who were the original Pythagorean-Taoists - using the 1-4-5 music intervals as alchemical training.
  23. Taoist Yoga Discussion thread

    See all that stuff you're talking about is based on attachment to form and attachment to sensation and attachment to conception - which is basically the Buddhist Ch'an teaching of going into the Emptiness. The Taoist Yoga manual is definitely influenced by Buddhist Ch'an teachings. The thing is that the energy is really from yin-yang dynamics which means complementary opposites -- and so this is the secret of why the energy can be built up. So I find the Taoist Yoga book to be amazingly helpful for understanding the form, sensation and conception dynamics of energy. Jascha has claimed that the powers don't happen until you get the golden elixir - but that is just where the book describes the powers -- because if the powers are used before that level then the practiser will fall back in the training. So in a worldly context the "powers" are going to be used right away! This is why the Taoist Yoga book focuses on stopping the loss of energy from so many sources. It's just that I can experience this stuff directly - from the "inside out" as qigong master Jim Nance says. So we have to learn to trust the energy masters who can actually see inside our bodies and therefore know us better than we know ourselves!! In the traditional training it is the teacher who chooses the students and most students are not qualified. In the Western modern setting the student acts more like a spoiled consumer and needs to find the perfect teacher. haha. This reminds me of the kungfu movie - is it prodigal son? Or -- anyway the fat spoiled kid getting trained by fake masters who then pay people to pretend to get beat up by the fat spoiled kid. haha. I can't remember what happens - but that pretty much sums up the scene. For example qigong master Chunyi Lin says that when he does a healing it actually only takes him a few seconds to send the energy!! Maybe a couple minutes. But the phone healing time is set at 10 minutes just because people think they are paying for the time. haha. When qigong master Jim Nance healed my mom I asked him how many times he sent her energy. He said that she really needed the energy so he sent it to her several times. So that was the equivalent of several normal phone healings - he was talking to me for over 2 hours but we were just talking and I had no idea he had been healing my mom until he told me he had been "having a conversation" with her. haha. In 2005 Jim Nance was in full lotus and said he was going to continue meditating and I asked if I could join him and he said "maybe later" and so I biked home and I went into meditation and suddenly the center of my brain was on fire so strong that I could not handle the energy!! The next week when I returned to class Jim pulled me into the hallway - "did you feel anything?" Suddenly I remembered when he had said "Maybe later" and realized what he had meant - not physically later but later as when he would visit me. He then told me that when he goes some place to heal - he is really there. And so then when I later reminded qigong master Jim Nance of what happened he said that when he first was learning distant healing he used too much energy at first. haha. Chunyi Lin said he can read people's past lives and qigong master Jim Nance confirmed this when he told me that Chunyi had told Jim about his past life information but stopped telling Jim because he didn't think Jim needed to know. Chunyi said he only tells people when it will help them for a healing. So when Chunyi Lin said -- when I asked him if he had created a yang spirit - another physical body - and this is when Chunyi Lin also said he personally knows practisers achieving the golden immortal body in the mountains of China - and so when he says people told him they saw his physical body outside when Chunyi was inside meditating. So for the power to see past lives - this is after the golden immortal seed has been created -- and so it seems that Chunyi did create a yang spirit but now he is waiting before he continues his practice. He said his dream is to do a year of cave meditation - no sleeping the whole time. So these are real people achieving these goals but in the mean time they are doing miraculous healings and relieving people's sufferings just like is advocated at the end of Taoist Yoga. And so yes Chunyi Lin has relied on the MCO practice to achieve these goals but he also trained at Shaolin and then did long cave meditation retreats - so he was doing long meditation retreats of several months at a time. Also he set up his work schedule so he could meditate all the time and then just work a couple days a week. So this is the type of dedication that is required. As far as just focusing on the lower tan t'ien -- this would be similar to practicing mind yoga or what Bodri and Nan call "cessation and contemplation." This means the process of meditation is also the same as the goal - but it is also the slowest path of meditation. So I tend to think that knowing the yin-yang dynamics is the real key - and of course this includes the lower tan t'ien secret -- but also the left hand as the dragon cavity and right hand as the tiger cavity - and that is the basis for the "moving of yin and yang" exercise that is the standing MCO practice for Spring forest Qigong. Qigong master Yan Xin warns against too much emptiness meditation and not enough of the movement of energy exercises. So I think while going into the Emptiness as the foundation of the practice is the real key but that it needs to be understood as a dynamic of complementary opposites or yin-yang energy transformation. For example a great way to know if progress has been made is from the full lotus yoga position as this indicates the opening of the macrocosmic orbit. So if a person can sit in full lotus in ease for 4 hours - no pain, no movement - that means their body is full of chi energy and so that means the third eye is definitely opened up. That right there is really all a person needs to know - like how qigong master Wang Liping started out his training - 4 hours of nonstop full lotus - and then continued that until he could read the energy in front of him - outside of his head. So the full lotus also means the eight-circuit energy path - and so the secret of why it works is that it is like connecting a battery of the yin-yang energy channels. It is very very easy for the mind to get deluded in this type of training and so if a person can't sit in full lotus then you know that they have not even filled up their lower tan t'ien yet with yin chi energy. Most people never get to the stage of filling up the lower tan t'ien with yin chi energy and they are also deluded about how to do this. The book Taoist Yoga by pointing out the role of the prenatal vitality cavity in the medulla oblongata getting activated by impure thoughts to then drain the energy out as fluid - this shows that real Emptiness focus then is on the center of the brain as the cavity of spirit which then causes the energy to descend instead to the lower tan t'ien. But obviously putting the tongue against the roof of the mouth is another key secret based on the yin-yang dynamics. So for example in Islam a person is saying Allah all the time and the word requires putting the tongue against the roof of the mouth! Also if you read the hadiths of the Koran it says how Mohammed relied on the Sun being the right hand and the Moon being the left hand. haha. Amazing!! You would never realize that Mohammed was actually practicing Taoist Yoga alchemy. So basically the purification process at first does require all this conceptual knowledge about form and sensation but the fastest and most real way to build up the energy is to seek out real energy masters! It is very rare to find an energy master with the third eye fully open - and Chunyi Lin is one master. That is why there are so many testimonials of how he has healed people with very serious conditions. Chunyi Lin trained Jim Nance to also fully open his third eye. Now obviously they are not full "earth immortals" as described at the end of Taoist Yoga - but they have definitely had a taste of the advanced levels of this training book. But yeah for me to really study this book is really a treasure since it describes specifically the errors I have made - like the powers developed in this training - like False Fire of the Heart - how when you build up the energy it is then more easily activated but this is actually an illusory agent unless it is only based on going into the Emptiness. And so with worldly distractions when we build up energy then automatically other sources will want that energy as that is where energy flows. So this is part of the yin-yang dynamics -- and really it is not "us" who is building up the energy! We sacrifice our egos by building up the energy -- the more you go into the Emptiness then the more power you have. So it requires submission to the energy masters - and also then recharging the energy from the Emptiness. It seems very frustrating if we lose energy that we stored up -- and this is the focus of the book "Taoist Yoga" -- how not to lose that energy. But when the demonic visions arise - which is really how to describe the modern world - then the best method is to go deeper into the Emptiness. As the book describes - to visualize a blackness and then the evil gets sucked into it and then the blackness is discharged from the body as smoke and then we keep taking in more golden light energy into the lower tan t'ien. So for example the golden prenatal eternal life chi energy can be recharged by taking in this golden light into the lower tan t'ien. But you can also recharge your jing vitality using postnatal sources -- like mainly food. So this postnatal energy normally turns into yin jing energy which is then lost as fluid -- and so it requires more emptiness focus to bring down more light energy which then transforms the yin jing into yang jing as yin chi energy. Then it requires more light focus to transform the yin chi into yang chi energy which manifests as the spirit-vitality in front of the eyes. So at that stage of chapter six - then the eternal life can continue being built up since as the middle tan t'ien increases the yang chi energy then the third eye finally fully opens up as the eternal nature immortality. So this yin spirit ability -- as Master Nan and Bodri state - it is dangerous to get attached to this ability because then as an "immortal" yin spirit you can then just keep cycling through the realms of existence. But this is not the same as being a ghost - because the Taoist Yoga training very specifically is based on creating the spirit-vitality cavity in the lower tan tien so that there is a unified chi energy that powers the spirit energy. If it had just been mind yoga on its own then yes it might be possible to then detach the yin spirit from the body without having enough chi energy to power the yin spirit. Then when the body gets sick then the mind becomes confused about the yin spirit and then it does just turn back into a ghost. So this is why qi energy really is the focus and not the shen light energy which can just be the same as a ghost. And so the cavity of spirit is in the middle of the brain and connects down to the feet and the cavity of prenatal vitality is in the back of the brain and connects to the base of the penis as the cavity of vitality. Those two cavities then have to be connected by the cavity of spirit descending to create the lower tan t'ien which is the purification of the cavity of vitality which naturally descends from the cavity of prenatal vitality in the back of the head. And so it is the MCO that makes that connection by reversing the mind yoga process -- instead of trying to get the cavity of spirit to descend you instead sublimate the cavity of vitality so that it finally breaks into and opens up the cavity of spirit. Of course this process is not one or the other - but it is a cycling of this energy. Qigong master Chunyi Lin has stated that 20 minutes of full lotus yoga meditation is worth four hours of any other type of meditation. Qigong master Jim Nance has stated that sitting in full lotus will automatically purifying your energy - as a meditation practice - and using the prayer mudra in front of the heart is best to do this. This is also what Chunyi Lin teaches - this prayer position - is also taught from Zhong Gong. Finally qigong master Chunyi Lin has stated that the small universe MCO will happen on its own when you do the full lotus meditation. So I would say if someone wants the simple direct approach then it would be to sit in full lotus with the tongue up on the soft palate and to focus your mind on the Emptiness, the source of the I-thought. Taoist Yoga says to keep "one immovable thought" for me the best is the I-thought because it is not like other thoughts - it is the root thought of the mind - the root of the ego.
  24. Taoist Yoga Discussion thread

    It's a nice idea but if I were you I would short cut all of that by finding a real qigong master - I could call 1-952-593-5555 and get the spirit shen laser holographic energy transmission from http://springforestqigong.com We have one testimonial already on this thread from someone who called qigong master Jim Nance for a phone energy transmission. We have another person - Jascha -- who thinks this book is fake but admits that qigong master Jim Nance is the real deal and Jim Nance shares the view of this book -- he not only shares the views - he has achieved the views of this book. So this book has a lot of terms that people might not understand right? The issue is not the terms - the issue is the real experience of those terms. No one is going to understand what yang chi as spirit-vitality is - unless they actually experience it! When I practiced this book I was also receiving the energy transmissions from qigong master Chunyi Lin. My energy advanced so fast that I experienced things I did not understand! If I had studied this book in more detail I think I would have trained much better without making the same exact errors that this book details. On page 151 of Measuring Meditation - Bill Bodri and Master Nan, Huai-chin warn against the Taoist Yoga esoteric schools that are very fast in training but too easily get attached to form and to concepts. Then they say you need to first "eliminate the worldly distractions." So then they state - unlike schools that force the MCO practice there is nothing more you can do except cultivate merit, prajna and emptiness and let things proceed naturally. Yeah I agree with this - that when real samadhi is being attained - what's called "achievement of cessation" in Theraveda Buddhism - then this same stage of the ability to go a week without food yet still build up energy - this is achieved. But the thing is that at this stage of practice it is better to do mind yoga - to focus on the source of the I-thought then to get attached to all the various energy phenomenon that are possible. So to keep the practice very simple is also what Master Chunyi Lin recommends - "use your consciousness to go into the Emptiness and keep it simple." So in the book Taoist Yoga it states that if you don't understand all the MCO practices then just keep bringing light down to your lower tan t'ien - and that is all that you need to know!! I know it is ironic to have to go through the whole book just to rely on a simple teaching but that is what is required to distill the fundamental secret of the practice. For example when my spirit was leaving my body from having filled my body with yin chi energy -- my thought was - o.k. now what? Because I am not really interested in astral travel. So at that point in my practice my thought should not have been "now what?" but instead it should have been - "who is this happening to?" What is the source of the I-thought?!! Who is the person who is meditating? So Taoist Yoga says to just maintain that "one pure thought" and then all the energy of the body-mind will return to the Earth center as the lower tan t'ien. The one pure thought is the I-thought - who is meditating. And so just hold onto the I-thought and through time the necessary energy transformations will take place. See obviously people can't do this since their mind is not strong enough -- and so they need to do the MCO and the various other practices like simple Tai Chi. But most importantly is to find a real energy master who can read your energy blockages and then send energy to you. Like Jascha said - he "thought" he already posted his experience to the forum but he has not. He told me when he got the phone healing from qigong master Jim Nance Jascha could feel his third eye expanding in the center of this brain. Jim Nance said Jascha needed energy to his lungs and Jascha said he could feel Jim's energy moving around in Jascha's lungs. So it really does take this transmission to experience the energy of a real qigong master and then a person can know experientially what they are working towards.
  25. Pythagoras, Neoplatonism, Maths, Geometry.

    It might be fun for you but it's not only fake - it's wrong!! Drunvalo Melchizadek might seem like a nice guy but he's pushing some pretty nasty views!! Drunvalo Melchizadek is a fake "Pythagorean" - he is definitely a "NeoPlatonic" philosopher -- but do you really want to replace Nature with synthetic sacred geometry? Because that's what his view is!! First of all -- there are not any silicon-based life forms. He is pushing some fake AI idea that would destroy ecology! That's not a "fun" thing to do. So Drunvalo Melchizadek is against Mother Nature and for synthetically made golden mean "sacred geometry." See -- he's upfront about it! Yes the golden ratio is really not found in Nature. Also the Golden Ratio is NOT Pythagorean philosophy -- is it Platonic? Sure but again that means going against Nature. Not a very nice view for someone on a Taoist website. You gotta watch these New Agers - Drunvalo Melchizadek comes out of a New Age scene that is funded by the CIA - a mind control, mass sacrifice, torture Freemasonic secret society - and yes the Freemasons also rely on and push the Golden Ratio from Platonic philosophy. Athough not by name, the Matrix Plan is also promoted prominently by Drunvalo Melchizedek who states in his first book that the yin/yang ratios as the Fibonacci series of mother nature are not infinite and that the ratios of technological geometry, the Golden Ratio with its “contained infinity,” are actually god and the future of a holographic matrix. I go into what the Actual Matrix Plan is and why it is against real Pythagorean-Taoist philosophy on this website http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_matrix43.htm