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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Fascism + Solutions

    http://thewallstreetshuffle.com/podcasts/20130528-Seg5.mp3 The Bilderberg Group - inside story podcast
  2. I want to overthrow the System.

    I think he meant overthrow the lobby system by getting his five posts in. Congrats!
  3. Tsunami_MAPUA

    Yeah check out the Shaolin qigong master Yan Xin, etc. -- qigong is the real foundation of the martial arts.; lots of info here --
  4. I'a newbie here. I been looking a a spiritual group.

    Roll the spiritual healing testimonials! tons more on that youtube channel.
  5. How many people experience god?

    Then you ask but who am I to let go of all personal ideas? haha. just two more posts to get to the main forum!
  6. More Evidence Against the Carbon Dioxide Scam

    http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Reciprocal_Theory Dr Isaac Asimov, Chemical and Engineering News, July 29, 1963
  7. Great documentary by @Greg_Palast on the Assisnationn of Hugo Chavez go get yours now, Totally FREE - http://bit.ly/ZrE4AL I just watched this - awesome job as usual. Greg Palast is AMAZING. I was in Venezuela in 1998 with a friend from there - I met some bare-footed peasants who had never voted before but they told me they were going to vote for Chavez. This doc shows just how crucial Venezuela is to the U.S. empire and why he had to be assassinated. Anyone who has read John Perkin's amazing book Secret History of the U.S. Empire based on John Perkin's career as an economic hitman for the U.S. empire..... knows that assassination of Latin American presidents is standard CIA operation. Well you gotta watch the Greg Palast documentary. Anyone interested in oil - the future of energy use, etc. Actually I met a former OPEC Venezuela representative -- he was there when the "Jackal" broke into the OPEC meeting to terrorize everyone.... He wanted me to get his film script into Hollywood..... haha. Nice guy and I helped his daughter get a job here in Minnesota. But anyway....
  8. Greg Palast doc: The Assassination of Hugo Chavez

    You all gotta watch the doc. haha. Seriously people in the U.S. are totally mind-controlled. If anyone is courageous enough to watch the doc and report back -- here's more info: http://www.madcowprod.com/2013/03/08/who-killed-hugo-chavez/ Who Killed Hugo Chavez?Posted on March 8, 2013 by Daniel Hopsicker
  9. Fascism + Solutions

    Noam Chomsky: The Kind of Anarchism I Believe in, and What's Wrong with Libertarians http://www.alternet.org/civil-liberties/noam-chomsky-kind-anarchism-i-believe-and-whats-wrong-libertarians
  10. Fascism + Solutions

    http://www.democracynow.org/2013/5/30/did_public_television_commit_self_censorship Did Public Television Commit Self-Censorship to Appease Billionaire Funder David Koch?
  11. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    http://fulllotusqigong.blogspot.com/2013/05/spring-forest-qigong-internal-alchemy.html So I just posted a Spring Forest Qigong as internal alchemy overview blogpost. Glad to see there is now a third internal alchemy training manual.
  12. A Simple Fact

    Great documentary by @Greg_Palast on the assassination of Hugo Chavez go get yours now, Totally FREE - http://bit.ly/ZrE4AL
  13. Hello, I'm new and I have a question, too

    http://www.scribd.com/doc/99535352/Foundations-of-Internal-Alchemy-%E2%80%94-A-Slideshow Cool slideshow overview of Wang Mu's book -- thanks! Yeah the "small universe" aka microcosmic orbit opens the two main channels of the eight extraordinary channels - so when those two open up then the other six also open up and then you go into immortal breathing....
  14. Hello, I'm new and I have a question, too

    The 8 extra are usually grouped as the "macrocosmic orbit" in Taoist alchemy training - you can find details in the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" - it's a free download from mediafire.... So the "small universe" or microcosmic orbit is the foundation practice and then as the energy builds up it goes into the eight extra channels and then you start immortal breathing - with the chi energy creatings more shen spirit energy to open up the third eye more. That's an advanced level so you can do the small universe meditation - you can get the practice meditation c.d. from http://www.learningstrategies.com/Qigong/SmallUniverse.asp
  15. You can suffer in the after life.
  16. A Simple Fact

    Why are you waiting? just google it. It was in the NY Times, etc. You should watch the netflix doc -- oh if you have netflix - We're Not Broke - on how corporations dodging U.S. taxes is the biggest reason for government cuts of social funding like schools, fire departments, etc.
  17. I think it was concluded that's not the "same" Sifu Lin. But anyway here is his twitter account: https://twitter.com/SifuLinXiangFuk you can check who he is following - I don't see the Naziri dude.
  18. Kundalini

    http://genes2brains2mind2me.com/2010/10/27/the-vagus-nerve-as-a-living-kundalini-serpent/ The vagus nerve as a living Kundalini serpentOctober 27, 2010 by dendrite http://books.google.com/books?id=qzYgfNyIdjgC&pg=PR16&lpg=PR16&dq=vagus+nerve+and+kundalini&source=bl&ots=wJ_ogz1cju&sig=oIRUy6N_AxfUHhQFfRZUGVZC7tI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=1UalUaanCoOTyQG5lYGADw&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=vagus%20nerve%20and%20kundalini&f=false Kundalini as right side vagus nerve. Yeah that is my experience the right side vagus nerve brings the energy up from the lower body and then the left side vagus nerve brings it down to the heart. http://www.scoop.it/t/health-and-the-vagus-nerve/p/289836057/kundalini-the-importance-of-the-vagus-nerve-some-correspondences Here's the KAP instructor on the vagus nerve and kundalini http://kundaliniawakeningprocess.com/blog/kundalini-the-importance-of-the-vagus-nerve-later-stages-of-alchemy-and-more/
  19. Kundalini

    I just got off the phone with Spring Forest Qigong Master Jim Nance and he was in his car in a parking lot getting ready to go into a store. So then I head loud beeping and he goes - oh I did it again! My energy sets off the car alarms. So as he is walking into the store all the car alarms are going off. I said - can you reverse it? He said well I didn't do it intentionally or something like that. Anyway he goes "I feel like such an alien sometimes." haha. Yeah Chunyi Lin talked about kundalini at the Level 3 class - he says it happens from focusing too much on the tip of the tailbone. Chunyi said he's had several people come to him for healing - people who had kundalini symptoms. He said he's been through all of that himself so he knows how to heal people of that. http://swamij.com/kundalini-awakening-3.htm this mentions the vagus nerve. But yeah that is just an early stage of kundalini. The MCO or small universe can be taken to the most advanced levels of meditation as documented in the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" I'm not recommending a kundalini meditation - I'm saying that the small universe will balance the energy since it brings it down the front of the body. The KAP teacher has a bunch of videos on the vagus nerve as the "central channel" - for the Kundalini Awakening Process. http://www.1-spirit.net/pages/metaphysics/tools/breath.htm that's documented by science that increased carbon dioxide inhalation - holding the breath - activates the vagus nerve. http://thetaobums.com/topic/6330-the-vagus-nerve-and-the-female-orgasm/ Vagus nerve and the female orgasm....2008 thread. Wow that's a NEW edition of Taoist YOga - and the subtitle is changed!! Holy bonkers - Random House? Crazy. I guess it was sold to Random House by Samuel Weiser....
  20. Watching The Birds

    We've had the Indigo Bunting feeding on the ground below the feeder, the Scarlet Tanager at the grape jelly, the Orioles at the grape jelly. All beautiful tropic birds.... http://whyy.org/cms/radiotimes/2013/02/05/cats-and-their-impact-on-wildlife/ Stanley Temple - he was my professor at UW-Madison for my Ornithology class..... being interviewed on the new killer cat study. I got a response from the local naturalist - he just said it's almost impossible to talk to these cat owners. So then I find out Stanley Temple has gotten death threats about WI considering a new cat hunting law of feral cats. Temple took no position on the law but he got death threats. Crazy psycho cat owners. Amazing how the tropical songbirds get blamed - blaming the victim by the fascists!! http://www.conservationmagazine.org/2012/03/cat-fight/
  21. Kundalini

    Nausea could be emotionally induced -- like butterflies in the stomach when it's strong - makes you lose appetite, etc. So yeah being sensitive to other people's emotions is completely to be expected as part of meditation. Your energy field expands beyond your body more as you strengthen the field. So I actually stopped meditation for a couple months after my "enlightenment experience" because I could sense people's energy through the walls of my apartment and also people around me were freaking out from the strong electromagnetic energy. You actually can do exorcisms of people from your energy. So yeah basically the mundane and the spiritual do not mix so easily - or even at all -- if you are serious about meditation. The more you meditate then the more you realize just how bad off humanity is -- how unnecessary it is for people to be like this - it is just a matter of people doing the meditation training. So then when people meditate they take on all the bad karma of people around them - and also become the "fall guy" for other people's lower emotional blockages - you can suck them up. So the question then is how to personally deal with the negative lower emotional energy to exorcise your brain again. What technique is required is probably personal - for me I have relied on full lotus. But yeah whatever works -- obviously you want to be relaxed about it. People don't think meditation is work but it can be easily overdone -- it's kind of ironic since people who don't meditate think meditation is just being lazy. haha. I work outdoors but it's been raining here off and on all week - the past -- over a week now. So....still getting some stuff done but the weather has been too freakish. Too hot and then too cold, etc.
  22. Nice to be here!

    Sounds awesome - any sensation you notice in the center of your brain -- like a magnetic bliss? Can you focus on that to intensify it? Welcome to the forum - five posts and you're in the main forum.
  23. A Simple Fact

    yeah it's like when people complain -- so you don't want to use a car? Or a computer? The U.S. is based on force-feeding the massive infrastructure that depletes natural resources. For example Apple Computer was not a self-made corporation -- it relied on government funded public research and yet Apple doesn't pay billions in its owed U.S. taxes. http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2012/07/who_invented_the_internet_the_outrageous_conservative_claim_that_every_tech_innovation_came_from_private_enterprise_.html
  24. Kundalini

    yeah -- but yeah qigong master Yan Xin emphasizes to just ignore the emotions - I remember this dude complaining how he wasn't "feeling anything" when we were doing the Yan Xin qigong. So I reminded him that Yan Xin said that - but anyway http://fulllotusqigong.blogspot.com/2012/10/maintaining-state-of-listening-but-not.html and
  25. More Evidence Against the Carbon Dioxide Scam

    Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/8/2/024024/article http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/28d54536-bd7b-11e2-a735-00144feab7de.html#axzz2Uc1UJcRU