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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Taoism Vs Buddhism

  2. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    oops - patriarchy slipped into this Gold buying frenzy..... http://bigstory.ap.org/article/baubles-bars-india-gold-culture-defies-curbs
  3. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    yeah so the gold rush in India is in Mumbai -- an urban phenomenon -- so ... probably not too many female farmers are getting gold from their husbands: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-04-16/indias-response-gold-sell-buying-frenzy
  4. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Your question is answered in the article -- but you don't quote the answer? haha. It's forty some percent of men work in farming.
  5. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    November 14, 2012, 10:30 AMBy the Numbers: Where Indian Women Work http://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2012/11/14/by-the-numbers-where-indian-women-work/ Gee those women should just cash in their gold and quit their jobs!
  6. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    A great doc on the whale hunt is that "Wild Medicine" documentary -- it's on netflix - two medical brothers - they go to tribes around the world -- Tibetan traditional medicine, the whale hunters, the ayahuasca, the pgymy Baka people. Anyway the whale hunters has this reflex where their body increases blood flow to their extremities so their hands stay warm. Dang - that would be so awesome! Seriously that's like being a mermaid or something. haha. I got frostbite when I lived in the cabin in Alaska and ever since my fingers get cold frosty real fast here in Minnesota..... Anyway I didn't even get bad frostbite - I didn't think anything of it at the time but I didn't realize it would set me back for life. haha. So I wonder if that "hunter reflex" involves some qi meridians or something. haha. Like when John Chang turns on his chi they show his arm pulsating - some nerve. Probably switching to his parasympathetic nerve from his sympathetic --
  7. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    So what about the hunter gatherer cultures that eat meat -- the original human culture -- the Bushmen - relies on eating meat. Sure when they do the qigong training they are vegetarian and fast and the teenage girls are kept from getting pregnant by keeping their diet low in fat - no nuts allowed - the main food source is nuts. About 80% of their diet is vegetables and greens and nuts but probably 20% is meat. Anyway people in cold climates tend to rely on meat -- like even in Tibetan Buddhist culture they eat meat. So for the Bushmen they take into account the spirit of the animal after the animal is killed - so they actually don't eat the meat until the spirit leaves the area - they wait overnight before eating the meat. Otherwise the spirit would tell the living animals what the humans are up to and the living animals would get scared off. Anyway especially people who live off ocean meat - like whale and walrus, etc. - they are extremely healthy since it's all high in Omega 3 and unsaturated fat.
  8. AA

    So you're "healing" the females. haha. I remember Jim Nance earlier in his practice - he was teaching the class and one of the female students - after we meditated - she started to try flirting with Jim Nance. He suddenly just went silent and gave her this look. She reacted appropriately -- got meek and knew she had done wrong -- put her hand over her face like the classic "Asian" female gesture of humility. haha. So in my opinion - that's what it takes - a super alpha male to be able to have the psychic energy space to train to be an energy master. I tried to bring this up with qigong master Jim Nance last night but I just was saying how the Sapolsky video describes the baboons and so the beta baboons were more friendly but at first too stressed out by the alpha males who had the lowest stress hormones. But then the alpha males got killed off by tuberculosis from eating human trash food and, so when the beta males took over, the culture of the baboon troupe changed to a friendly cooperative culture. So for the qigong training or this shamanic training it seems the alpha male is actually a good guy protecting the weak and probably beating up the evil alpha males. haha. Just like in all the kungfu movies. But anyway it seems only a super alpha male can afford to be nice and yet at the same time protect himself from having his energy drained if he doesn't want it drained. Now qigong master Jim Nance has achieved a level where that is not even an issue -- he seems to project his Causal body -- the formless awareness -- and this is pure being that is already our intrinsic nature -- so people can not even feel it and so don't know that it can be taken, etc. haha. So if we identify with that level of awareness -- the Emptiness -- as our goal -- then it should make recharging energy more easy. I don't know about scaring off females. For example once we finished meditation in class and right in front of Chunyi Lin this female classmate locked eyes with me and then like in a trance just started towards me from across the room. So luckily I smelled like crap I think -- but I'm pretty sure I just smiled at her and got out of there. I think it was the next class that Chunyi Lin said how we should not develop "crushes" in the class. haha. I mean if you were to shrug off the females that want to chat with you - they would probably turn on you as some evil male for whatever reason. haha. So just think - the ability to just "give them the look" and they shirk in shame just because of how physically over-powering you are. haha. They still have to respect you because they can not deny your dominance and yet they can't get what they want from you - lust.
  9. dang your inspiring me to go meditate -- standing active -- even though I've only had four hours of sleep. haha.
  10. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Actually Gabriel Cousens says the key to his yoga meditation in India with Muktananda was that Gabriel Cousens did not eat fruit because the sugar made his energy too imbalanced. I actually have the same issue - I eat fruit of course but like bananas have the same glycemic index as a cookie - and so I get an internal tingling sensation from fruit just as I do from sugar. So after researching this for years I discovered that the chi energy ionizes the free radicals created by sugar and this ionization process creates the internal tingling. This is why "grounding" or "earthing" also causes internal tingling because "earthing" - walking barefoot - increases the ionization in the body from the lightning striking earth all the time and the Schumann resonance of the heart-mind. So once I learned that - I go - yep finally the cause of the tingles is explained. So I have read Tony Wright's book on the fruit origins - and I sent him some recent research on the acid levels of early hominid teeth showing that when we began increasing brains we actually were not eating that much fruit.... http://news.discovery.com/human/evolution/human-ancestor-diet-nuts.htm so yeah some fruit but not fruitarians - as Dr. Mercola documents fruitarians get pancreas cancer and diabetes, etc.
  11. yeah definitely but he also said that he used kungfu to help him also train in basketball and so he was such a good "street player" in basketball in Philly that he was then recruited into the pros. He was about to go pro in the U.S. from his pro team in Europe but then he got injured...... and anyway when I finish uploading his Qi-talk he goes more into why he really like Athletics and what it was about it that he was trying to recreate - and how that was related to qigong..........
  12. AA

    Having just babysitted my one year old niece -- I posted a thread on this. Baby energy is VERY PURE - they exist in the heart love oxytocin love realm. Their brains are not even developed enough -- lack of glutamate - to be "working" people or scheming, etc. despite the claims contrary that have become the new norm -- maybe this is due to personification of babies as adult minds like from the Simpsons? Anyway so as Master Nan Huai-chin says babies are always kicking their legs since their leg chi energy is very strong and that is the key for opening up the chi channels - to develop the yin chi energy of the legs from the bottom of the feet. Qigong master Chunyi Lin says to calm a baby massage the bottom of the feet and when I do this it releases the chi energy from the baby. So baby's actually HEAL adults if only adults are opening to listening to the love of babies - but it is a very pure heart love with no lust intentions like older females thinking they need to get into a man's pants for love or something. haha. Sad but that is the effect of patriarchy on parenting because the pediatricians tell parents to abuse their babies, causing the brains of babies to be damaged - this lowers their oxytocin heart levels and increases their cortisol levels. The baby is turned into a mind controlled zombie - and the baby even becomes abusive! Why? Because the baby innocently has to defend themselves against the abuse they are experiencing! And so even at such an early age there is "dissociative disorder" and brain damage and it becomes hard-wired into the baby for their life time development and also the "abused" becomes the "abuser." So it's a good question because the energy transfer is about jing energy but there is "yin jing" energy and "yang jing" energy - I would say that because of the strong chi energy in babies from their strong heart energy then they have lots of yin chi energy as "yang jing" energy - and so qigong master Chunyi Lin even made this point at the Level 3 class - how babies can cry and cry but after just maybe resting for 10 or 15 minutes their voice is just as loud as it was before. I don't recommend this but his point is that babies do have strong jing energy as the voice transmits and expresses the jing energy. To hear the voice of a baby in a happy loving energy transmission is the best - a singing baby is so pure and full of love. Or the baby just learning to speak - learning as an expression of love.
  13. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    actually Hitler had one testicle - and he was homosexual also. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1087380/Did-Hitler-really-ONE-testicle-A-historian-sorts-extraordinary-truth-far-flung-myths-Fuhrer.html or maybe not - but when it comes to Hitler I definitely would not consider "lack of corroborating evidence" as proof to dismiss the circumstantial evidence showing otherwise.
  14. Another thing - qigong master Jim Nance said in his guild talk that he had gotten rid of his television since watching t.v. was just bad for his qigong training. Maybe that was when he was living in his car - but I mentioned to him how our qigong friend said that Jim likes to watch the food network. Actually qigong master Jim Nance then told me how he was healing another person I met - a friend of my qigong friend - so he was talking to her once a week to do healing on her and she liked to watch the cooking shows and so Jim was also watching the cooking shows with her as he liked that also. By the way - this friend has recovered her life - it took a couple years of healing by qigong master Jim Nance - but he was very happy that now she was feeling so much better. So then qigong master Jim Nance said that when he gets home from healing work at the Spring Forest Qigong Center then maybe he watches an hour of t.v. with his dinner - usually a game show like Family Feud and then he likes to watch Leave It To Beaver. So we can see that the television that qigong master does watch is very - very ummm... lite viewing - food show, game show and a 1950s drama. Pretty innocent stuff and I know qigong master Jim Nance previously said he had stopped watching certain kinds of movies and television and so we can get an idea of what he now considers appropriate. But when we were preparing for the meditation - qigong master Jim Nance was differentiating the "watcher" from our awareness. And so with the watcher we made an image of a green apple in our minds but then we moved our awareness away from the watcher - and so the awareness the changed how we "saw" the apple in our minds. So someone had asked if this was -- if the Watcher was the same as the "observer" and qigong master Jim Nance said yes. So my take on this is that the Watcher or Observer is "consciousness" - our spirit vision energy -- but the awareness is Being or Emptiness - what I previously called female formless awareness. So this meditation exercise and then what qigong master Jim Nance later told me about his ability to feel the chair and become not just one chair - but become all the chairs in the room - this, for me, really clarified what this formless awareness as Being really was. Before I had been thinking of it as an impersonal spacetime but I knew that wasn't quite right - and now I know it really is this impersonal knowingness -- our essence that is impersonal - it seems to me this is the Soul awareness. Of course philosophers debate the differences between the various viewpoints - Soul or Emptiness, etc. but the importance for me is to hear is explained, in real time, as it is being experienced.
  15. yeah good points Ralis - from your criticism I was inspired to add more details to my blogpost. thanks.
  16. Well I know qigong master Jim Nance at first was doing standing active exercise. But he quotes qigong master Chunyi Lin who emphasizes to keep purifying and purifying your energy. So Qigong master Jim Nance was meditating at least 6 hours a day but also he was working for qigong master Chunyi Lin as his teaching assistant - this meant he spent hours with qigong master Chunyi Lin every week - driving to classes on road trips or helping teaching the classes and also the guild meetings on the weekends. So then qigong master Jim nance actually was living out of his car and he was training at friend's houses - I asked him about where he did his standing active exercise? He said he would do it after class in the building where they taught the class at the community college or he would go to a friend's house for a few hours. Qigong master Jim Nance was also working as a painter to get money and also couch surfing at friend's houses during the winter - as Minnesota gets super cold. Finally he did long meditation at the Spring Forest Qigong Center when it was at a previous location back in the first have of the 2000 decade. Yeah so as Chunyi Lin says when starting out to first do a three to one ratio of standing active exercise to sitting passive meditation. So the standing active then builds up the jing and when that is built up then the chi energy builds up and when the chi energy builds up your channels open up and you can sit in full lotus without pain, in bliss. I got to that stage when I did my initial training in 2000 but then the energy increased so fast and got so powerful I would have needed personal supervision to keep training. Qigong master Chunyi Lin said I should have called him on the phone - I just didn't feel like I could intrude as he was healing out of his house and also I didn't have any money to pay him so I didn't want to impose on him. But yeah I got to two hours nonstop full lotus with no pain and I'm sure I could have taken it further quite easily just that the astral travel spacetime vortex kicked in among other things like telepathy, telekinesis, seeing spirits, etc. But for example one thing I did in full lotus was I just used the sword fingers to point at my feet when I had pain and so I would just shoot chi at my feet and the pain would go away instantly. haha. So when the body fills up with chi energy then you become supple again and can sit for long hours. Anyway so qigong master Jim Nance relied on qigong master Chunyi Lin's personal supervision for energy transmission, etc. but of course qigong master Jim Nance was actually already very strong in his training from his youth. Yeah anyway qigong master Jim Nance was a teacher and counselor for 34 years or 35 years in the public school system. They were going to make him an administrator down town but he quit his job so he could train solely on qigong with qigong master Chunyi Lin. Qigong master Jim Nance had done similarly with kungfu when he was 18 and 19 years old in Philadelphia - he trained 10 hours a day and also he taught kungfu and so that was when a Chinese master visited his school, as Jim Nance sparring and how Jim Nance was trying to hide his sobbing after he won. Jim Nance would always win and always see the opponent moving in super slow motion - so Jim nance could plan attack and counterattacks but as he planned this in his vision mind he also felt the pain that he would be giving to the other person. So when he won he also felt the pain he had done to the other person and so he would hide his head in a towel right after winning - as if he was wiping his sweat off. haha. But the Chinese kungfu master saw this and he told Jim nance he had to stop doing kungfu and instead he had to train in internal martial arts as qigong or Aikido. Jim Nance could not find a master of qigong in the 1960s in the U.S. nor could he find an Aikido teacher but he did stop his kungfu training even though that had been his life and he was very close with his fellow kungfu brothers. Anyway so then Jim Nance studied shamanism with an AFrican-American healer in Cambridge Massachusetts and that was after Jim Nance was a professional basketball player in Europe but he got injured. So then Jim Nance moved to Minneapolis in 1978 because of a Zen master who lived in Minneapolis -- because the focus of Jim Nance was already on spiritual training. So then finally he was about to move to Arizona but then he met qigong master Chunyi Lin in 1994 or 1995 - and so he stayed with Chunyi Lin -- he said that once they even turned up at the same parking lot in a huge mall - both trying to park in the same parking spot at the same time! I mean they didn't plan it at all but that is how close their energy had bonded since Jim Nance like in his kungfu training he knew to just "follow the teacher" as close as possible if he wanted to be a qigong master. So Chunyi Lin had immediately healed Jim Nance of his basketball injuries which JIm Nance had spent years hoping to heal and to get back to be a professional player - but when Chunyi Lin healed the pain by 80% in just one sitting - then Jim Nance said he had to learn to do with Chunyi Lin was doing.
  17. Oh yeah Jim Nance's initial full lotus training is the subject of the first qi-talk I videod -- it's on the forum. http://fulllotusqigong.blogspot.com/2013/04/on-longing-spring-forest-qigong-master.html Yeah I linked it on youtube vid description also since I transcribed that talk -- but that is also the vid link for it. Essentially he underwent some severe pain to get into full lotus kind of like Wang Liping because qigong master Chunyi Lin then supervised it - Jim would call Chunyi Lin and anyway.... so he was meditating 6 to 12 hours a day - he quit his job and he trained full time like it was for the Olympics! haha. that was in 1995 and he was declared a qigong master ten years later - but it took him a few years just to initially get into full lotus - maybe a couple I think.
  18. yeah my jing energy was super strong when I woke up even though slept for only 4 or 5 hours.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqKeB_bROjE&feature=youtu.be There's the bonus finale of the video - I am still editing the rest as I first saved the whole upload after formatting it - takes a while. Yeah I finally figured out the smell issue - I had ate these onions that had gone bad -- a few days ago. haha. I'm so bad! haha. There were some onions in the frig that had been cut up and I cooked them in with rice and peas and then I had that in the frig again for too long. I just added some vinegar and ate it anyway since my standards for food are low. So anyway when I finally went to sleep last night maybe 3 or 4 a.m. first I meditated in full lotus and the energy was very strong -- like I really felt like qigong master Jim Nance was in my room again! And why not? haha. So then I was dreaming about food quality and then i cud smell myself and i remebered haha. got baby now so typing one finger
  20. AA

    oh yeah I got -- I remembered this Ch'an master goes to see his former disciple who is now this tantra sex master like in Japan I think - with some fancy enclave of basically sex slaves. So the former disciple trys to suck of the Ch'an master's energy but he just sits there in full lotus and doesn't try to fight it - it's the same message that Chunyi Lin gave. http://www.amazon.com/Bones-Master-Journey-Secret-Mongolia/dp/0553379089 That's the book. So that master does not demonstrate his powers but I think maybe once -- anyway so like I've said I've charged up the "closeted thugs" -- and they then have to just go to the bathroom to take care of their addiction. haha. Meanwhile I'm just staying in full lotus laughing at them. But that's from actually just transmitting energy to them - instead of them trying to fight with me - I just give it to them.
  21. AA

    Yeah people have invoked me. haha. So it seems people say to get your energy to a higher frequency so that the psychic vampire can not sense it. Qigong master Chunyi Lin talked about how some psychic vampires were stealing his energy and so he just let them and then he recharged himself as they were taking his energy. So then the psychic vampires were forced to an unfortunate conclusion - they could not "steal" his energy since it was an infinite supply and so it was not even really "his" energy. So then the psychic vampire realizes their whole materialist win or lose mentality is wrong. Our WHOLE Western culture is based on this "win or lose" mentality - consider say Burma in contrast, the national sport is a form of hacky sack with mind-blowing manuevers but the goal is for everyone to cooperate and help each other and then to go into a trance while doing it - everyone is a winner, there are no losers. haha. That's their official national sport!!! Obviously I'm not idealizing Burma but as far as sports go that's pretty cool. Yeah so the psychic vampire then has the negative intention resonate back to them "twice" as hard -- on the rebound -- amplified. There are a lot of tactics used -- but anyway I was told by the qigong master that people take my energy because my energy is usually higher than theirs and so I would have to get to a level where they can not sense I have energy for them to take but that it is very difficult to get to this level. So this means fully opening the third eye - it is very rare to get to this level -- otherwise a person really does have to "protect" their energy. Even qigong master Yan Xin says to practice in secret until you reach this level where you can recharge your energy. But in our modern culture meditation is considered being lazy and the whole culture is based on psychic vampirism - Western genocidal colonialism and neocolonialism - call it whatever you want - raping and pillaging. So yeah this practice is going against the times and so at first a person can practice it innocently -because their energy level is not yet strong enough to notice. But then it's realized that modern humans are actually primates instinctively controlled by their lower emotions. So if they don't get their lust fix then they go for anger to "get a rise" out of a person as that means the person discharges energy -- burns it off. So the best thing to do is to suck up people's extra jing energy that is their lower emotional energy. This is difficult because say a male perv is trying to get you to ejaculate to suck off your energy -- so obviously that is not a good situation. I use full lotus as my main defense. It can take me all night sometimes just in full lotus. Well I have to go now get ready to do the qigong master Qi-talk that I will video. So look forward to that and hopefully another write up of enlightenment stories. haha.
  22. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Yeah if you read her research - basically the Brahmanization means that the local Goddess is changed to look less Melanesian and then also made to be less fierce. But if the Goddess is "Pan-Indian" the she is also more pure but actually less powerful than the local Goddess that has been Brahmanized yet retains a local ritual connection like animal sacrifice or inclusion of all castes or a local shamaness doing channelling, etc.
  23. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    The Guru in South Asia: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives edited by Jacob Copeman, Aya Ikegame http://www.academia.edu/1786329/Guru_proofs_1 the whole book is there. for free - nothing to buy. haha. published as The Guru in South Asia: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives edited by Jacob Copeman, Aya Ikegame http://books.google.com/books?id=r2O3W7mkAwAC&pg=PA37&lpg=PA37&dq=guru+multifarious&source=bl&ots=EE7PjyoDTo&sig=DUWpwFr8oh1QJwEr_cTy-y05M2E&hl=en&sa=X&ei=bXGMUZSSJcS6rgG_qoGoBQ&ved=0CFoQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=guru%20multifarious&f=false 2012 googlebooks
  24. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    At the Feet of the Goddess: The Divine Feminine in Local Hindu Religion By Lynn Foulston http://books.google.com/books?id=42K_YyLJPugC&pg=PA92&lpg=PA92&dq=Lynn+foulston+brahmanization+of+goddesses&source=bl&ots=rT3mmFjbGh&sig=1MLGKbF7KV5x_6AQC6v5W979Pp8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=HGqMUbynGMbnqQHcwoCwCA&ved=0CDIQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Lynn%20foulston%20brahmanization%20of%20goddesses&f=false Googlebooks on the Brahmanization or Sanskritization of local goddesses