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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Free Kindle Book on The Logic of Tao Philosophy

    installing kindle.... o.k. Dr. Wang. Muchas Gracias.
  2. I am a

    so you already made it to the main forum.
  3. Greetings!

    high five me five times.
  4. Hi again. I'm having problems.

    o.k. so high five me five times.
  5. Hello

    hi - say hi back to me 10 times.
  6. Back When I Had A Self...

    I guess it's ten posts before you can post in the actual forum. So just say hi back to me and 9 other fictional friends. I mean wudang is fictional right. so....
  7. Mo Pai Nonsense

    It seems strange that you would move the actual nerve tissues? I have heard of the hard chi ball stored in the lower tan tien - but did not think it was actual nerve tissues? Or how is that related? Also - so by compressing your make the nerve tissues more dense.... and solidify makes it easier to move. This seems counterintuitive - like the tissues are less fluid but easier to move?
  8. Mo Pai Nonsense

    O.K. I will give you an example why I ask what the cords are being broken. So I built up my energy and I was in full lotus and the room was spinning around me. So I tried to find the answer what happened. I went to a bookstore - pulled out a book and opened it up and the first thing I read is this question to Shri Chimnoy - what does it means when the room is spinning around? Shri Chimnoy says "oh that's just the cosmic energy." Sorry but not good enough answer for me! haha. So I read a couple other sources saying the room spins around when entering into astral travel. O.K. a little better but I still need more details. Finally 10 years later I am rereading the original book I was relying on "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" and .... I find the details I need - the dizziness is from not enveloping the spirit energy with the chi energy and so the spirit was leaving the body without enough chi energy surrounding the spirit energy and so it's necessary to store the spirit energy in the lower tan tien more.
  9. The OFFICIAL Shifu Lin aka Micah aka Hern Hung.

    Yeah whatever happened to "sticks and stones my break my bones but names will never hurt me." haha. I mean I think it's good for people to be able to joke around -- actually the Bushmen original human healing culture strongly relied on joking to bring down a man's ego -- like if he had a successful hunt - the other men would make sure that the man had really achieved NOTHING. haha. But I mean that was all in good fun so that the man understand the power comes from God or the Emptiness or the Tao or whatever. I mean -- as Yan Xin says the foundation of martial arts is the qigong training -- but in the modern world this has gotten turned around. Because the qigong masters could only train after they had mastered martial arts but that was still in a safe environment in the monastery, etc. So all the fights were just practice fighting supervised by the qigong masters. So yeah in the modern world it is difficult to find a safe place to practice and then maybe other people want your energy right away or get jealous, etc. And so really we have to forgive people and give them even more. I have been the "fall guy" on numerous occasions -- and it is very difficult - but anyway to build up merit from practicing forgiveness is very powerful.
  10. Mo Pai Nonsense

    what are the cords that break?
  11. Controlling sexual desire

    yeah if you feel that you can do reverse breathing and also the index finger against the thumbs which keeps the energy from leaking out of the body. umm... the perv attack -- for me to sense that -- it is something I sense through the pineal gland field of energy -- so basically the perv has their electromagnetic energy stuck in the lower body and so the "secret" intention is -- if they sense you have more energy - then they want it from you -- it is basically just attraction, etc. So I'm not sure females can help it - most females -- like just going into orgasmic sighing sounds around me when they sense the jing energy is strong. So yeah as Chunyi says for tantra he does not do this because when taking in the energy from the female after transmitting the male energy into the female - the female energy since the female does not meditate - so the female energy is just so much lower frequency or just the emotional jing energy. But then that has to be turned back into chi energy and for Chunyi back into shen spirit energy. So he says he does not do that with females. But basically if you open up the third eye more than the pervs can not even sense you have extra energy for them to take because the energy is too high a frequency. I notice with chi energy the perv is somewhat confused by it - they sense the energy but it takes a delayed reaction before they realize they can utilize it for their purposes. haha. Anyway so again this can be subconscious because a perv will use nice words to try to fool a person to let down their defenses. So the perv -- like the speed of light - will sense that a person has extra energy -- and then like the speed of light - strike up a plan to get it - and then like the speed of light - trap the person into a "normal" conversation. The goal is to keep the person talking because when you talk then you transmit your energy out of you and they can suck it up. Another way is to "get a rise out of you" and this means if the perv can not use seduction then they perv will purposely try to get you angry so that you release the energy as anger energy and they can suck that up also. But this is unfortunate since it takes meditation to purify that anger energy back into the parasympathetic internal bliss energy and the perv will not know how to do this. So basically the perv is stuck in this world of addiction and so they cycle from sex-fear-anger with some sadness mixed in and worry, etc. Yeah so the perv will use body language - obviously the closer they can get to you -- or if possibly body contact where a hug or even a handshake is actually really a "groping" to suck off the energy. Sometimes you can actually feel the buzzing sensation as your higher frequency energy goes into their body and then downshifts to their vibration level. So emotions are the main cause of energy blockages -- and so people who don't meditate -- they are constantly sucking off the energy of people who do meditate. But the more you can open your third eye then the faster you can recharge your energy since the higher frequency energy has stronger energy intensity. The other thing is when the perv attack happens to just chant in the mind to concentration your mind and effectively that sublimates your lower body energy back into the brain -- and I find that more effective even than reverse breathing. Like when I had the hiccups I could not stop it by reverse breathing or flexing the diaphgram so instead I just flexed my pineal gland and the hiccups immediately stopped. haha. But also the perv will want to get under your skin - and so when you sense what they are doing - then your thoughts about what they are doing actually causes you to lose energy. So that's why emptying out the mind through chanting internally as concentration - that will counteract their electromagnetic thought energy that is attempting to possess you. So you can see how such interactions could happen very quickly and you notice it but then it goes subconscious again and you forgot about it - but then when sleep comes the subconscious then manifests itself again. So that is why meditation should just be a must routine habit since it depends on your subconscious energy being processed correctly to prepare for sleep. I am still learning about all of this - but also I just transmit energy anyway besides people trying to suck it up from me - sometimes I just transmit it since people just really need the energy and they are not able to make it themselves. haha. But yeah I did five years of free healing -- and since my third eye was not fully open - then lots of times if you sent out more energy then you get back in - then it requires a lot of food to rebuild the energy and also deep meditation, etc. So like I said someone recently thought I was ten years younger than I am - but that is nice but also I do have low jing energy if I don't eat good food just because people are constantly taking my energy. qigong master Jim Nance said I would have to build up my energy so that people can not even sense I have it for them to take - this means fully opening the third eye - he said it is very difficult to get to that level. But I was innocent of all this until I did the training and suddenly this female made eye contact with me and suddenly I could sense she had an orgasmic reaction from my energy. It wasn't until maybe six years later that I really acknowledged that had happened when it happened again just much more blatantly as I had been sitting in full lotus in public. haha. The female lept into the air. haha. Anyway so it is pretty difficult to build up the energy but as you said you already are having healing effects and that is the great thing about it - the energy is infinite from the spacetime vortex - God or the Emptiness - etc. It's just a matter of resonating with that source and actually "hoarding" the energy was considered the first great sin. So I'm not complaining even though I have not gotten to a stage where I can do stronger healing or recharge my energy real fast -- I was at that stage for a few weeks but I "fell out of enlightenment" as Jim Nance said. haha. Yeah at that point you need personal supervision for the energy training. Oh on the standing exercise -- it is because the feet are the main kidney energy channels. I suppose as the Mo Pai people are not emphasizing - the "yin chi" energy comes out of the Earth into the feet - so ideally the exercise is done outside with barefeet. But anyway so since at first it is about converting the jing to chi energy then the feet channels need to be activated and built up. For example Master Nan says how babies still have strong chi in their legs so they are always kicking their legs and Master Chunyi says to massage the baby's feet to soothe the baby.
  12. Controlling sexual desire

    yeah the post that joeblast did is a great overview -- so almost always I can wake myself up my dreams to stop from losing the fluid and then I go into full lotus -- but I have to make sure to concentrate the mind and wait until the fluid goes up into the brain - there is cracking noises in the neck as the vagus nerve pulsates and pulls up the lower body fluid into the brain. But that's just sublimation - then it has to be purified by the heart energy - so that is only after an hour of full lotus then the left side vagus nerve pulsates down to the heart to increase the chi energy. ummm..... yeah I am doing more standing active exercise now that I got the c.d. for level 1 from http://springforestqigong.com - it was only $8 but really nice to have chunyi guiding the exercise. So I really feel the chi energy more when I combine the standing and sitting exercises -- but yeah the western explanation is to burn off the sympathetic stress energy to its extreme by bending the knees, holding the arms out, etc. and this causes "parasympathetic rebound" to the opposite extreme of relaxation which is then creating the chi energy as the positive ions of the vagus nerve. So but the eastern way utilizes the positive and negative fields of the body - and the slow breathing changes the iron instead of oxygen -- again increasing the chi energy. This is why it's said to eat black foods like black beans are high in iron -- to increase the jing energy - this is to create the "yin chi" energy. Meditation is just to go into the parasympathetic directly by emptying out the mind - I do this by concentration -- so I repeat the I-thought over and over to concentrate the mind and empty out any other thoughts. So the heat from food is also the jing energy but it is "yin jing" energy that still has to be turned into yang jing as yin chi energy. haha. Most of this is subconscious - if I get a "perv attack" -- usually I can avoid this but anyway like I said the mundane influences constantly try to lower the frequency of the energy -- and so if I don't meditate to reverse this and then say I eat a lot of food -- so I have two factors going against me -- and so then the jing energy can easily be deconverted back into fluid. So the thing about meditation is that it is a subconscious process - it makes your otherwise subconscious thoughts become apparent to you -- so more and more you go into your subconscious energy to make it your superconsciousness as spirit energy. But at first Chunyi says to do three times as much standing active exercise than sitting exercise. I still have not done that yet -- but at least doing 1 hour of standing active a day. For example the hands are the heart channel and then holding the hands over the head -- this really then adds chi into the brain -- and various other movements really build up the energy into chi.
  13. Master Zhang Hong Bao

    Yeah Chunyi Lin totally says he goes to the most important Taoist Temple in China - Master Zhang - on the same mountain. So he totally knows and has studied with that Master Zhang -- of http://qigongmaster.com Also the Buddhist monastery he went to see the "living buddha" appears to be Ta'er Monastery aka Kumbum Monastery. Still haven't found the name of the lama yet but should be soon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arjia_Rinpoche hmmm.
  14. Controlling sexual desire

    Yeah the Tridaya teacher points out that holding the breath from the reverse breathing of the diaphgram - this causes the iron hemoglobin to be released more and this increases the positive ions since iron is positive ion while oxygen from breath is negative ion. So then building up the positive ions then creates the lower tan tien heat and burns the jing energy into chi energy. This is what Gary Clyman emphasizes also - the flexing of the various muscles - the abdomen exercises. Of course visualizing fire and light in the lower tan tien then brings your mind spirit energy there also. I was thinking of the deeper slower breathing as activating the vagus nerve which increases the heart chi energy. So I guess that's the same thing really - but I had never heard of that angle by the Tridaya teacher. very cool. I use full lotus but otherwise standing active exercise - the more knees bent the better.
  15. Can Kundalini "burn up" entities?

    basically spirit energy is still part of the ego -- as is taught in nondualism. Anything experienced is experienced by someone - by a mind - so the astral realms are still a projection of the ego. The impersonal Self is God aka the Emptiness -- a spacetime vortex that can not be seen - it creates the light consciousness but it is not the light consciousness. So some traditions say just focus on the Emptiness aka nirvikalpa samadhi aka the Self, etc. and any powers that happen just ignore them since they are part of the ego/mind and so not permanent.
  16. Tridaya Inner Power Website

    ralis care to explain -- the cords are supposed to be ripped? But tearing the LTT is bad? Or what.... Sounds like this is part of filling up the tan tien and then activating the pre-natal spirit energy as "real" kundalini, etc.
  17. Master Zhang Hong Bao

  18. Controlling sexual desire

    Yeah I have posted the quote from physiologist Dr. Robert Sapolsky - for males the desire goes from the parasympathetic relaxation to increasingly the sympathetic stress which causes the loss of energy. So for meditation it reverses this to change the sympathetic back into the parasympathetic relaxation. So that is why it goes away - this is the "purification" or ionization to create the yin chi energy from the jing energy becoming more yang jing. So what happens is that if you have stored up chi energy then the mundane world attempts to deconvert or feed off the chi energy by lowering the frequency of the energy - this moves it from the heart to the liver (righteous anger at being deconverted) and then to the kidneys (bliss heat) and finally to the full sympathetic stress reaction. So if you are catching that deconversion process early then you are sensing the heart switching to a sympathetic response -- that is very impressive. This is why the 100 days training requires mind celibacy also and why most people never even achieve this goal - but for females it is easier if they commit to practice since they can stay more easily in the parasympathetic relaxation energy - they connect to the heart energy more easily. But once you get into the pre-natal energy - the spirit energy -- that requires going beyond all the emotions - and as the energy builds up it makes the emotional reaction even more strong if the person is not careful. So this is why then storing the energy in the lower tan tien is key because it keeps it from the heart and from the reproductive area. Anyway also dreams have to be controlled. Yes -- it is delicate as diet changes things - this is why Ramana Maharshi required a vegetarian diet - but the Brahmin rules are strict on gender separation also for mind yoga. So the factors -- the energy is always transforming - it is a personal situation.
  19. The OFFICIAL Shifu Lin aka Micah aka Hern Hung.

    haha. "don't judge a book by its cover" - so true! haha. Westerners though are really visually controlled -- things have to look "good" - but by whose standards? haha.
  20. http://www.examiner.com/article/taijifit-and-taijizen-march-together-to-popularize-tai-chi-worldwide Looks pretty awesome. I remember reading on Taobums how Jet Li went to go train with that master featured on the Bill Moyers qigong special -- the Fa Jing dude tossing his students away without touching them. The master told Jet Li he would have to first show up every morning for three years before he received personal training. Jet Li then split after getting that news. Anyway -- how about that new Keanu Reeves Tai Chi movie? Should be interesting.
  21. TaiChiZen -- mass marketing through corporate training blitz

    http://www.nityama.com/blog the testimonials and vids are there. there's youtube vids also.
  22. Master Zhang Hong Bao

  23. The OFFICIAL Shifu Lin aka Micah aka Hern Hung.

    The other thing about Mo Pai "followers" or "seekers" is this semantic hang up that Nei gong is somehow better than qigong. haha. It all depends on the teacher! People just grab after labels like they are possessed for finding "gold" -- gold crazy or something. Anyway I just read Jim's comments on the general discussion and his adamant dismissal of John Chang following his "demon spirit" is very telling because Jim says that John Chang's family even discouraged Jim from following John Chang's ancestor spirit teacher. So consider the Westernization process in Indonesia - the family there identifies themselves as Christian and both Jim and John Chang's family are in agreement that what John Chang is doing is wrong because it goes against Christianity. So obviously that puts John Chang in a position to have to cut off Westerners. For example qigong master Chunyi Lin goes to church every Sunday and so considers himself Christian but he said that he considers himself a Buddhist first and that almost no Christians are actually very spiritual. So he said when he was in church he saw this light shooting down from the image of Jesus but the light only shown on him and the lady next to him -- no one else in the church could see the light!! So also qigong master Jim Nance says the spirit of Jesus is always with him but he also talks about other spirits. So once I mentioned to qigong master Jim Nance that the Lord's Prayer is actually Egyptian and so didn't it seem like Jesus could be somehow from Egypt and he said he knew what I was getting at. Anyway the view of not working with spirits while being a Christian -- this is the difference between focusing on God as the Emptiness and then the spirit realm which is the energy realm. It is an important distinction - the Emptiness as consciousness is NOT light energy. Ramana Maharshi makes this distinction but many do not understand this. So God as the Emptiness is not consciousness as spirit light energy. Spirit light energy is the realm of the personal consciousness awareness. For example Chunyi Lin teaches to use your consciousness to go into the Emptiness - and to keep it simple. That's it. So for example when Chunyi Lin was in full lotus meditation I saw yellow forms shaped like humans being created out of the top of his skull - he explained - those were his "yin spirits" going out to heal people. I also saw yellow forms shaped like humans float into the room and hover around Chunyi Lin. He explained those were dead people spirits coming to him to get healed. Then recently qigong master Jim Nance confirmed what another student saw at Chunyi Lin's "lotus meditation" - that Boddhisattva angel spirits had joined in with the meditation. So clearly qigong master Chunyi Lin has connections to Buddhist angelic realms of spirits and obviously he does spirit healing and spirit communication even though he also considers himself Christian. Qigong master Jim Nance emphasizes when he heals people he does it by going into the Emptiness -- that it's all about his relationship with God. So qigong master Jim Nance is not relying on some spirit to do the work for him - but on the other hand he says: he lets the energy do the healing for him. So the thing is that the realm of the Emptiness is like when the mind is very pure - there is brighter light as spirit energy but that is the pure mind as the spirit light energy connecting with the Emptiness. Qigong master Chunyi Lin describes the Emptiness as blackness but bright blackness that then leads into the light. And so working from the Emptiness means maintaining a state of samadhi in the spirit light energy -- so that a healer is not falling back into the ego realm which causes emotional attachment to the energy and then causes the energy to fall out of the Emptiness and the energy gets disharmonized. So for example in the Thai meditation master Phra Achran Mun biography -- his meditation colleague is levitating but when he notices he levitates then he falls back down. So he had to train to maintain his samadhi while he is observing he is levitating - he can not switch over to the left brain ego - he has to work with the spirit energy itself. This takes practice but the main issue is a person will at first get too emotional about it - too afraid or overexcited and this causes a disharmonization that stops the connection with God or the Emptiness creating that level of spirit energy. If a person just focuses on God or the Emptiness then they do not actually leverage or use the spirit healing energy - qigong master Yan Xin makes this point. So just focusing on God or the Emptiness actually will damage the body instead of focusing on the spirit light energy also.
  24. The OFFICIAL Shifu Lin aka Micah aka Hern Hung.

    No one has mentioned that Jim was posting in the general discussion board last night. Maybe this thread encouraged him but he's definitely getting out his anger -- I think that's a good thing. Personally on a philosophical level I do not think Taoism can be Westernized. So I totally respect the decision to not teach Mo Pai to Westerners. I have been fascinated by how qigong would play out in the West - someone who does achieve the ability to have their third eye opened all the way - in the West -- this context is very bizarre to an extent. For example qigong master Chunyi Lin emphasized in one of his international guild videos archived - he says how qigong is just a technique and so it should not be the primary goal of a person. He says if a person feels they need to practice qigong then that is an attachment and it is not healthy. So qigong master Chunyi then differentiates two questions: "Who am I?" and "What am I?" -- he says the latter means a person is an energy being just using this body in 3D spacetime -- but what they are is actually a light spirit energy being. Who they are means their role in society -- their job, etc. So he is clearly saying qigong should just be a hobby for people in the West - he is not advocating someone devote their life to qigong training -- to make it their sole purpose in life. Anyway if people do use qigong as their job they should not be attached to it -- so it is something they can also leave behind them. This is a subtle difference between the energy and the Emptiness source of the energy. To be successful at something but not be attached to it is actually a very great skill.
  25. The OFFICIAL Shifu Lin aka Micah aka Hern Hung.

    One thing to keep in mind is that a master really does rely on spirits healing him to send energy and build up energy. So in that sense the spirits really do control the energy but it seems to be more holographic -- the master embodies the spirits and it is then called in from a different dimension. I think nondualism is appropriate here - the Tao as impersonal consciousness is a "one-ness" that transcends individuality -- but that also means dead spirits maintain a connection with the living and spacetime is much more fluid - but unless someone is an energy master then they are totally cut off from this level of reality. Also whether a Chinese teacher tells as much to a nonWesterner - it depends on the context of course and on the person individually -- it's just not possible to generalize. But I do think it's fair to say that the student needs to meet the teacher halfway at least. If a student is not ready to receive the energy then the master can not transmit it -- the highest teaching is done in silence as a spirit shen transmission into the student. But the brain will be on fire when this is happening - it is a total rewiring and most people can not handle this. I had this happen to me twice - and I just wanted it to stop as the energy was just too intense.