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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. YAN XIN!

    Yan Xin is probably the most famous qigong master in China -- why? Well he went out around the country giving these chi-emitting lectures to thousands of people for 7 hours straight in sports stadiums!! So then the Chinese Government declared Yan Xin a "national treasure" and made a government documentary of Yan Xin called: Yan Xin Supermaster! I saw this documentary when I was taking the Yan Xin qigong classes at the U of MN -- from the Chinese students. So they had the Chinese video of Yan Xin Supermaster and then they just translated for the few English speakers in the room. Chunyi Lin was first healed by Yan Xin at one of those 7 hour chi-emitting lectures!! Chunyi Lin says in his last interview that even if he had the knee surgery he was supposed to get he might not be able to run -- and the surgery was very invasive -- so after the 7 hour chi-emitting lecture to THOUSANDS of people -- Chunyi Lin was 80% healed! 80% of his pain and swelling was gone -- there's no bathroom breaks for the Yan Xin chi-emitting lecture -- 7 1/2 hours long!! Chunyi Lin said first he was extremely burning hot all over his body except for his heart -- and then his body went freezing ice cold except for his heart -- of maybe he first felt ants crawling all over this body -- intense itching. But he did not scratch !! He just kept focusing on Yan Xin's chi-emitting lecture!! Then Chunyi Lin said he saw stars even though it was day time!! So that's what launched Chunyi Lin into training to be a qigong master -- he kept up with Yan Xin's training and then went to other qigong masters to train in person with them and finally he trained with Yan Xin's teacher!! I'm assuming this was near Tibet -- not sure if it's connected to http://qigongmaster.com where Chunyi Lin trained as well -- doing the 49 day full lotus cave meditation without food, water and sleep. Anyway so Yan Xin had to escape to the U.S. for while when there was a crackdown on other popular qigong movements and then after that the public meditation tape that I had been using for the Yan Xin meditation was no longer publicly available! You're supposed to now do this intensive classroom training before you can even get the meditation tape. And that tape is just the first level of many levels that Yan Xin teaches. There are many famous healing stories about Yan Xin -- he is famous for giving people bizarre treatments that are counter-intuitive because this emphasizes that the real healing is the mind energy, not the physical treatment. Still you have to follow what he says exactly -- with total obedience. Yan Xin still does healing with Harvard medical doctors -- I've posted the research -- it's the best peer-reviewed qigong emission healing research, published in Western science journals like the International Journal of Neuroscience, etc. There was a special conference on Yan Xin's bigu phenomenon -- many of his students go without food and little water -- and so chemistry professor Rustom Roy hosted Yan Xin and even cowrote a book about Yan Xin -- and so the bigu was documented and published in a peer reviewed journal. That's a big emphasis of Yan Xin - he calls it the "qigong revolution" and qigong is the "highest technology of all technologies." I think Yan Xin was also at Shaolin -- and Chunyi Lin studied with Master Yao at Shaolin -- so that may have been the teacher of Yan Xin that Chunyi Lin referred to. Even though Yan Xin went to Shaolin at a young age he actually started his qigong training from his grandfather in the mountains when he was only 3 years old or something. And Shaolin was more of a demonstration for him then a training place from what I could tell.
  2. Max Christensen Interview by James Gilliland

    Not quite -- read John Chernoff's book on African drumming and then you get real nothingness Syncopated rhythm as complementary opposites is the music which listens to us. No one listens and so no thing happens -- that's how the energy flows. http://www.amazon.com/African-Rhythm-Sensibility-Aesthetics-Musical/dp/0226103455/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1268544100&sr=1-1
  3. Max Christensen Interview by James Gilliland

    Nothing Ever Happens by David Godman. Read and enjoy.
  4. Virtual Computer Headset

    http://hplusmagazine.com/articles/toys-tools/now-you-can-wear-your-windows Windows you can wear -- voice and gesture recognition.
  5. Max Christensen Interview by James Gilliland

    Please forums are NOT about sharing information. I was hoping you would not tell me. Secrecy is power.
  6. Google Video: Mastering alchemy

    Vice Mayor of San Jose -- definite spiritual master to be sure. But when the pasty dry mouth kicked in after 30 seconds I shut it off.
  7. Max Christensen Interview by James Gilliland

    yes Grantmakers In Health is definitely laughing. Or Gulf Investment House? Possibly Global Information Highway -- yes definitely a laugh from GIH for sure. Or Grants in Herpetology? Warmer by chance? No don't tell me.... must be Gloria solar International Holding. Yes GIH is a fave to be sure: http://www.gloriasolar.com/products_4_3_2.aspx Oh have I revealed too much? Strike me down by the power of truth.
  8. Max Christensen Interview by James Gilliland

    He says he retired from teaching.
  9. http://www.springforestqigong.com/annual_world_conference_2010.htm This would be a sweet energy experience to be sure. The first qigong master I experienced was Effie Chow -- I was suspicious and so called asking for my admission price to be reduced. Half price she said -- $10. And what I got was amazing. This strong electromagnetic ball of energy between my hands. My girlfriend remained skeptical. But then this security guard came in the room as everyone was leaving: "Just wondering what was going on in here since the fuse was blown in the room next door." haha. That was 1995. 1996 I went to S.F. to see if I could experience more of Effie Chow. Instead my ABC high school friend took my to parties. haha. Then in 1998 I was practicing Yan Xin and then Chunyi Lin did a presentation to my graduate spiritual healing class.
  10. Chunyi Lin's new radio interview

    http://www.everythingisenergy.com/Qigong/ Chunyi Lin's new radio interview. He doesn't kick in till around 19 minutes --
  11. Chunyi Lin's new radio interview

    Yeah almost as bad as the asbestos of the world trade center demolition: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1337231563159418946&ei=b2CYS__YH6G6lQe1wYCgAw&q=9%2F11+mysteries+video&hl=en&client=safari#docid=-1431790203558506836
  12. Chunyi Lin's new radio interview

    Oh I'm sorry I was joking in my last reply. No I do not get paid by http://springforestqigong.com but thanks for asking and have a nice day.
  13. Chunyi Lin's new radio interview

    Actually that reminds me - what happened to Biff? Biff PMd me saying he had ordered the "Level One sitting meditation" c.d. from http://springforestqigong.com and then the same day he posts a comment stating he thinks I'm a paid poster for springforestqigong.com So I responded to Biff - lets see if I can find it. Meanwhile Biff has vanished like a puff or whiff.... Nope -- anyway yeah I get paid $20 per post. It's a sweet deal! haha. Seriously it's a free radio interview minus the commercials. Me -- I live with my parents -- my dad is a retired lawyer in his mid-70s, and my mom is a sorority gal in her mid-70s. So I got $1000 in the bank from my last job which I quit for numerous reasons, most prominently that I smelled like shit too much because I was eating meat and sugar even though the middle of my brain is permanently magnetized. There is no going back! haha. So now I'm planning on planting some forest crops -- chestnut trees and a nitrogen fixer -- honey locust -- and some apple trees. We got 10 acres although my parents are heavily mortaged with the banks. But still you never know when the economy is going to crash considering there's some $500 trillion floating in speculative derivatives backed up by government bail out money printed on a jobless recovery! haha. Still considering the nuclear fuel rods are all cracking there should be a good power plant meltdown soon that will wake up this rotting empire. Or else all the depleted uranium Gulf War illness -- if not just move to Fallujah right? Nah I don't get paid but I did get arrested some 7 times protesting the Evil Empire -- the Twin Cities is the largest manufacturer of munititions through AlliantTech -- home of the largest depleted uranium weapon producers. I got arrested there a couple times. I also got arrested protesting the nuclear fuel rods stored in the Mississippi river -- that will be nice when the whole down river gets contaminated a la Chernobyl. Yes there's whole towns with children all orphaned and defects, etc. Then I got arrested protesting the clearcut of the sacred old growth forest -- Big Woods maple basswood at the headwaters of the Mississippi and Minnesota river. The Indian first nations would meet there from the whole region. Strange I had a precognitive dream about that protest 3 years before it happened -- and it was the largest police raid in Minnesota history. And then I got arrested protesting the genocide in Iraq -- twice. I got arrested protesting Project ELF -- the nuclear weapons one way First Strike system that was shut down. Did I get paid for those arrests?
  14. writer's amazing synchronicity

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgzM-RPPafk&feature=player_embedded Doug Moench has something wild to share....
  15. Shaolin Monastery IPO

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/china-business/6831187/Shaolin-Temples-kung-fu-monks-prepare-IPO.html Shaolin Temple has just been put up for a stock market buy-out. People are still falling for the magic tricks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcMNy0icaUA
  16. Shaolin Monastery IPO

    Full lotus is free -- two hours nonstop every night for 3 months straight and you're third eye will open up. Otherwise do the small universe -- microcosmic orbit training -- "Level One sitting meditation" c.d. is the best tool for it -- use the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" charles luk for advanced insights and Mantak Chia's first book "Awaken Healing Energy of the Tao" -- free scribd for beginning training. Then move into full lotus as it can not be "hallucinated."
  17. Shaolin Monastery IPO

    Empty Mind -- Empty Chernobyl Heart http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/chernobyl-heart/

    That Betim Alimi training vid is very cool. But then it was hard to take his drama stunt man acting so seriously, knowing how they hold back on their kicks, etc.
  19. Burt Goldman Qigong Monk

    Burt Goldman gives a free teleseminar on his qigong healing -- and how he was a Kriya student and a monk, etc. http://blog.thehealersway.com/manipulate-energy-burt-goldman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBPuEcgg1N8
  20. Stripping The Gurus

    Ken Wilber's an idiot: http://www.hiddenmysteries.org/themagazine/vol12/articles/epi-justice4.shtml

    Yes that's an EXCELLENT fascinating description. I would say that the physical force is the electrochemical energy -- and if someone has their electromagnetic center in their lower chakra then you get that strong "opposite" magnetic charge which causes a strong reaction from the other person.
  22. Allusion to Full Lotus?

    http://www.businessweek.com/lifestyle/content/healthday/636403.html the often painful posture of Zen meditation thickens the cortex for pain threshold sensitivity.... Appears to be only in French since it's at Montreal.... Here's the head researcher's earlier pain study: Science 15 August 1997: Vol. 277. no. 5328, pp. 968 - 971 DOI: 10.1126/science.277.5328.968 Prev | Table of Contents | Next Reports Pain Affect Encoded in Human Anterior Cingulate But Not Somatosensory Cortex Pierre Rainville, Gary H. Duncan, Donald D. Price, BenoĂ®t Carrier, M. Catherine Bushnell * Recent evidence demonstrating multiple regions of human cerebral cortex activated by pain has prompted speculation about their individual contributions to this complex experience. To differentiate cortical areas involved in pain affect, hypnotic suggestions were used to alter selectively the unpleasantness of noxious stimuli, without changing the perceived intensity. Positron emission tomography revealed significant changes in pain-evoked activity within anterior cingulate cortex, consistent with the encoding of perceived unpleasantness, whereas primary somatosensory cortex activation was unaltered. These findings provide direct experimental evidence in humans linking frontal-lobe limbic activity with pain affect, as originally suggested by early clinical lesion studies. P. Rainville, DĂ©partement de Psychologie and Centre de Recherche en Sciences Neurologiques, UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al, MontrĂ©al, QuĂ©bec, Canada H3C 3J7, and McConnell Brain Imaging Center, Montreal Neurological Institute, MontrĂ©al, QuĂ©bec, Canada H3A 2B4. G. H. Duncan, DĂ©partement de Stomatologie, FacultĂ© de MĂ©decine Dentaire, and Centre de Recherche en Sciences Neurologiques, UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al, MontrĂ©al, QuĂ©bec, Canada H3C 3J7, and McConnell Brain Imaging Center, Montreal Neurological Institute, MontrĂ©al, QuĂ©bec, Canada. D. D. Price, Department of Anesthesiology, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA 23298, USA. B. Carrier, DĂ©partement de Stomatologie, FacultĂ© de MĂ©decine Dentaire, UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al, MontrĂ©al, QuĂ©bec, Canada H3C 3J7. M. C. Bushnell, Centre de Recherche en Sciences Neurologiques, UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al, MontrĂ©al, QuĂ©bec, Canada H3C 3J7, McConnell Brain Imaging Center, Montreal Neurological Institute, MontrĂ©al, QuĂ©bec, Canada, and Department of Anesthesiology, McGill University, MontrĂ©al, QuĂ©bec, Canada H3A 1A1. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]
  23. Stripping The Gurus

    http://www.freedom-house.us.com/stories.php http://fij.org/news/sifry.php
  24. From 375/320 to 20/20 vision!

    Here's a new healing story from Spring Forest Qigong -- 6 months practicing 3 times a day and she reversed her vision from 375/325 to 20/20!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQp-VBpk1f8