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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. semen retention and insanity?

    yeah you want to shoot the energy out of your eyes back down to your lower body. Just hold your hands with your palms facing your lower tan tien but slightly angled toward your eyes. Then tilt your head a bit so your eyes face your palms. I call this the "Yan Xin Secret" -- I have an article about it online you can read -- just search the title.
  2. semen retention and insanity?

    Exactly -- the mind yoga is left-brain dominant yoga as the left-brain vagus nerve connects directly to the right side of the heart. This is why in Advaita Vedanta if you do focus on the body it should be on the right side of the heart. Also in qigong the chi is actually created first in the solar plexus-heart area and then as the chi builds, it opens up the third eye. But the jing creation of chi is from the right brain vagus nerve which connects down to the lower body -- and then transduces the serotonin from the lower body into the brain which gets ionized into the melatonin-DMT (shen) via the pineal gland. This vagus nerve transduction whether it's the right vagus nerve or left -- whether it's from the jing to chi or from the shen to chi -- works through ultrasound ionization of the vagus nerve. Because as we LISTEN to the source of sound we can hear ultrasound internally which then, via the piezoelectric pressure, creates electromagnetic energy. So the body can do this ultrasound resonance but also the mind, directly, just by listening -- and eventually we can FLEX THE PINEAL GLAND directly and this will then create light directly. This is what the "Golden Flower" means by "turning the light around." So it's hard to do at first, of course, but that is the end result of it. The left-brain mind yoga (logical inference or listening to the source of all thoughts as the source of the I-thought) also relies on sublimating the sex fluid but does so through repression -- in other words there is no conscious sublimation of jing sex energy but there is a caste system repression of external sex relations through separation from females (and lower classes, etc.). While the tantra is like the Bushmen tradition where the females are in control and there is no fear of interaction with females but it is also considered "dirty" unless it's in a famine low food practice along with other strict relations (like eating meat only in the morning, etc.)
  3. semen retention and insanity?

  4. semen retention and insanity?

    Good questions. Bill Bodri points out that if you have semen going up to the brain then that's pollution and creates problems. The internal climax will do that -- it does shoot the semen up to the brain, along with the serotonin and even the anaerobic shit bacteria. The pineal gland works through piezoelectric ultrasound pressure. So in full-lotus you're getting maximum piezoelectric ultrasound pressure from the legs crossed on the thighs -- also the channels are a closed circuit like connecting a battery. So again the chi is created through the brain -- first from the shen but the chi is from ionization. Shen is quantum frequency -- which means higher frequency is more intense energy. Chi from kundalini jing ionization is classical amplitude which means more NUMBER or amount of jing energy equals more chi. (i.e. more meat creates more jing but also more pollution bacteria). So if you make chi from shen then that's "clean" -- but relying on the mind alone is like turning a wheel only from holding the axle -- it's very very difficult. Whereas the small universe microcosmic orbit is like turning the wheel along the rim -- it's much easier. Since we are not in monasteries then we are constantly under the influence of people who have their essence -- their subconscious electromagnetic energy -- stuck in their lower chakra -- the men are focused on creating sex fluid and the females are in turn dragged down, sucked off, by the men around them. Neither typically understand alchemy so neither understand that actually what causes the female to climax is not sex fluid but the brain's electromagnetic energy activating the vagus nerve. For the male to embrace the female internal climax is counterintuitive and creates secret training and initiation. So when the male learns to have the internal vagus nerve climax this is what IONIZES or purifies the sex fluid into first the jing energy and second into the chi energy. Once that purification or ionization builds up enough THEN the third eye opens up. AFTER THAT then the third eye will do the reverse kundalini -- the shen or shakti transmission -- which can transmit externally. These two processes -- classical ionization from jing to chi and quantum ionization from shen to chi -- work together. So the toxins will be leached out of the brain -- the anaerobic bacteria -- and the hormones as jing energy are converted or ionized via the piezoelectric pineal gland into the chi-shen energy for external transmission. The full-lotus does this automatically -- it's an impersonal process and the chi-shen energy will then be sucked up by the strong jing energy around it. If there are females around they will suck up the chi energy and then the full-lotus sucks up the female jing energy. This is the "O at a D" or psychic mutual climax. This can also be done back into the male's own body or into other males. It's just a matter of where the chi-shen energy is needed most. As the cycle intensifies then the energy needs to be more pure -- which means the chi is stored in the lower tan tien but also there needs to be less food eaten and also less "sucking off" of the chi -- less deconversion of the chi back to sex fluid. So this means counteracting all the subconscious electromagnetic energy stuck in lower chakras which are focused on creating sex fluid -- and also doing this internally to counteract nocturnal emission. Otherwise the chi can not be built up into shen to further open up the third eye. If the jing is not converted or ionized into chi then at night when the soul goes from the eyes to the liver -- the jing will then naturally deconvert back to sex fluid and be lost. This also means that the more the chi is built up and converted to shen the greater is the risk that the chi will be deconverted back to sex fluid at night. The more chi you have the more evil forces will be attracted to the chi to deconvert it. In other words the opposites attract and if a male wants to increase the chi then a conscious effort has to be made to seek out a more pure or harmonized environment away from pervs -- away from bad food -- away from pollution, etc. For example in Thailand the monks are often now considered "sex idols" by the females. Since modern technology is based on the "sex sells" mentality the more technology advances the less chi is produced -- so also the more chi is created the more the destruction of modern technology is counteracted. These two are opposites but meet in their extremes based on the concept of "pure consciousness" or "emptiness" so that there continues to be an eternal cycling of the shen to chi to jing to physical matter and then back to shen reality. Science itself is based on "symmetric" mathematics whereby eternity is contained into geometry and symbols but reality is based on formless awareness as complementary opposites or asymmetric resonance. This is modeled in nonwestern music in violation of the commutative property -- whereby the Perfect 5th is C to G and the Perfect 4th is G to C thereby violating symmetry (C x G does not equal G x C). In other words nonwestern music as Taoist healing -- or the three gunas of Vedic philosophy -- is similar to the noncommutative quantum logic before it is measured through classical technology.
  5. semen retention and insanity?

    No way -- read "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" -- trans. by Charles Luk. I'm not some fake Western qigong dude. I've had no emission -- no nocturnal -- no nothing for close to 4 months!! Plus I've been eating meat every day and eggs, etc. Again it's just a matter of how much you are converting the jing to chi -- I transmit all my chi into my parents to heal them -- I BURN off my sperm into jing and then chi-shen energy. That's why I've had no emission -- not even nocturnal. And if you have emission you will lose chi -- you can tell because the energy points immediately become cold and lose their electromagnetic ionization. You have to then rebuild your energy. It depends on how open your third eye is for how fast you can rebuild your chi energy. Still if you have any emission you will lose energy -- to say otherwise is just to give into another deeper layer of Western bullshit mind control! haha. No emission is no emission -- Taoist Yoga makes this clear. Can you recharge from the jing sex energy around you? YES you can -- still if you have any emission you are going the WRONG direction for alchemy. It's very INefficient to have to turn sperm back into chi -- that's why if someone is trying to suck you off it is like psychic rape.
  6. Interesting Website... Indeed.

    Non -- you referring to this? Apparently it was a hoax by Marc Hempel in Minneapolis -- which is where I am from and the same last name! I had an uncle Mark Hempel -- but have no idea who "Mark Hempel" is. haha.
  7. semen retention and insanity?

    Non the word retention means holding sperm inside your body. Qigong or Taoist alchemy has the goal of CREATING CHI -- in order to create chi you do not hold sperm inside your body -- you BURN the sperm through ionization aka "purification." When you do the small universe the sublimation is going up the back and the purification or ionization is going down the front. The reason it's purification or ionization NOT retention is because the MIND or electromagnetic energy BURNS the sperm into JING or blissful heat -- on the way up the body as sublimation and into CHI or electromagnetic fields on the way down the front. So if your MIND has the WRONG GOAL of retention then you are FROM THE GET GO having the wrong goal and doomed to failure. Keep in mind that all of modern culture is focused on the goal of sucking off males -- getting them to jerk off, blow a load, etc. -- because SEX SELLS!! So you get such loaded terms as "retention" (still sperm -- not even jing!) as the "goal" of Taoist alchemy or you get "juiced" as meaning chi -- juice is not chi! Juice is still referring to sperm -- again subconsciously. Again these are SUBCONSCIOUS loaded terms -- they are COMMODITY FETISHES to stroke the subconscious dicks of the modern male so that "sex sells" and the whole goal of qigong is once again side-tracked by what I call the trajectory of tantric technology. Good luck.
  8. For all those practicing retention

    I'm almost on 4 months and have lost maybe one or two drops of preseminal fluid while also eating meat everyday and eggs and bacon, etc.
  9. semen retention and insanity?

    Honestly the word "retention" applied to Taoist alchemy was NEW to me before taobums. RE-TENSION. Yep -- it's a big problem. ReTENSION is against alchemy. Ionization? Purification? Sublimation? Try those out. RE-TENSION? nope. You'll just get blue-balls.
  10. Chunyi Lin 1 hr Teleseminar Free

    O.K. so yesterday I thought I could take a break but it was still the "recovery" period as my one sister's family is chronically ill and whenever my mom interacts with my sister's kids my mom gets sick. Normally it's just my mom since my dad has strong brain power and uses his mind to keep his immune system pretty strong. Anyway since my OTHER sister's family was also visiting all my chi energy was going into them -- mainly the young niece was soaking it up -- but also her dad. So then after they left my dad announced he was sick. So THEN it was about 6 pm and so I told my mom I was skipping dinner (that way I could go into full-lotus and shoot chi into my parents while they were above me -- eating dinner, as the computer is in the basement). My mom then told me that my DAD was already skipping dinner since he was sick. So then I had to convince my dad to eat dinner -- I knew he wanted to eat dinner - so when my mom called dinner I quick told my dad I was skipping dinner, thereby enticing him to change his mind so that someone went up to dinner. Anyway when my dad came down from dinner he was already better and then I just stayed in full-lotus. He had completely stopped coughing after two hours of full-lotus and my mom was completely fine. So I just stayed in full-lotus and my dad went to sleep at 9 p.m. I finally went out of full-lotus at 11 pm -- 4 hours of full-lotus with bathroom breaks!! Then I got some food as it had been 10 hours since I had food. Now my dad's starting to cough again but since I've digested my big meal from lunch for a few hours now I can go back into full-lotus again. And that's how it goes pretty much -- there's some deeper healing issues as well besides the usual colds, etc. as my parents are in their mid-70s but my mom is insistent on being VERY active in the community -- doing tons of community service and hanging out with friends, etc. If there is extra emotional energy -- like anger -- then I make sure to FAST from food and then I just stay in full-lotus. The heart chakras open up then and true love emerges and then my dad starts laughing. Usually he's very serious. He has a real good laugh about once or twice a month. The full-lotus harmonizes the lower emotional energy which is what causes most illnesses -- so the full-lotus then CONVERTS someone's lower emotional blockages back to their LIFE FORCE kidney energy or jing energy which is then sucked up by the full-lotus -- AFTER the third eye has filled the person up with the laser-love shen-chi energy. Since the shen-chi energy is more intense (higher frequency) then it doesn't take much of it to have an effect (to harmonize a person's lower emotional organ blockages -- anger, fear, sadness, worry, over-excitement back to the life force jing energy). Since my parents are old they don't have any real extra jing energy and what energy they do have tends to get wasted on the anger-fear-sex cycle. So I just make sure to eat quite a bit of strong energy food so that I can have enough jing to convert to chi for my parents. That's why doing healing in the full-lotus is the best because it automatically harmonizes another person's blockages as the energy is first DETECTED (reflected) inside the healer's body - so if a person is angry then my own liver will get HOT -- and then the energy is transformed (harmonized) back into the love-laser energy.
  11. External Qi Transmission Video

    What about this Derren Brown Voodoo video:
  12. Scroll down for the Level 1 sitting meditation "small universe" exercise -- this is an excellent tool to open up the channels: http://www.springforestqigong.com/instructional_tools.htm
  13. External Qi Transmission Video

    pretty wacky.
  14. The girl who silenced the world for 5 Minutes.

    Ironically I was just watching the documentary "Rosita" on http://worldlink.tv about the 9 year old who had a baby in Central America after the law would not let her have an abortion: http://intlawgrrls.blogspot.com/2009/06/rositas-legacy.html
  15. Chunyi Lin 1 hr Teleseminar Free

    Funny cause I'm recovering from my sister's family visit which required some serious hardcore full-lotus sessions. I was only eating one meal a day and even that was too much since there was meat and milk and fruit, etc. Well I had quite a bit of booze as my antiseptic since my brother-in-law was freaking about my vinegar intake. The booze calmed in. haha. So last night I had this great full moon dream where I was healing someone with this deep intense purple-blue light. When I realized that reality was a holograph in my dream from the healing then I woke myself up. It was inspired by watching the Angels-Shiatsu Paranormaltv documentary I posted yesterday. There's 35 shows in that series -- each an hour long or so -- and there all very well done on all types of paranormal subjects.
  16. Ginkgo Biloba Debunked?

    Nope. I just checked to confirm your claim and indeed the test used these amounts: The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial included 3,069 community-dwelling participants, ages 72 to 96 years, who received a twice-daily dose of 120-mg extract of G biloba (n = 1,545) or identical-appearing placebo (n = 1,524). The study was conducted at six academic medical centers in the United States between 2000 and 2008, with a median (midpoint) follow-up of 6.1 years. Change in cognition was assessed by various tests and measures.
  17. Ginkgo Biloba Debunked?

    ah -- thanks.
  18. Digestion, food, energy etc

    This internal energy monitoring happens through "proprioreception" which is the sensation of pressure from electromagnetic signals. It's also the "tingling" or "chill" sensation which is the detection and subsequent clearing of the internal energy blockages from food. If I eat any sugar -- including from fruit -- then I'll get this tingling reaction because the sugar feeds the shit bacteria. So then I take vinegar which causes a spike in the tingling that decreases the glycemic index and kills off the shit smell. Smell is the only sensation which over-rides the prefrontal cortex -- going straight to the cerebrum instead of being filtered by conscious awarness. This is why people only smell NEW sensations and then can't smell themselves -- but the proprioreception TINGLING is closely related to the pressure electrochemical waves of the sense of smell. The book "The Secret Life of Lobsters" has great details on smell as actually a quantum perception -- in other words smell is from quantum resonance as "direct" consciousness perception through the electromagnetic signals. Cleve Backster calls this "primary perception" which is the same as plants having emotions and ESP, etc. At a certain level most food causes blockages -- since it's an impure form of energy -- compared to getting the pure jing sex energy itself. So the "modified bigu" diet is supposed to be mainly vegetables -- raw or slightly cooked -- Chunyi Lin likes to eat all the different colors of vegetables since each color heals a different organ. He eats one small veggie meal a day and then fasts one day a week. So mainly it's a no food lifestyle. I'm constantly off-gassing the shit bacteria because the brain leaches the toxins via the vagus nerve as the lower body serotonin is also transduced up into the brain. I call this "full body digestion" but it's also called "turning shit into gold" just like Asian farming uses humanure. So diet is very crucial but it's hard to follow for me since my family thinks being vegetarian is a cult -- much less a NO SALT diet! haha. I just eat whatever and enjoy the fun but the people around me suffer the consequences. Again I can monitor the damage from the internal tingling sensations -- like if I take vinegar it kills off the tingling sensation -- kills off the bacteria.
  19. Female Ejaculation=Prostate Fluid

    Sorry I was blushing too much and got sweaty palms trying to read this thread so you all can HAVE it. I'm not coming back.
  20. Everything you wanted to know about ...

    RE: A PM. thanks for the question! I saw dead spirits only once -- yellow lights -- not quite orbs -- but more like bodies -- floating from outside towards qigong master Chunyi Lin. Qigong master Chunyi Lin was in full-lotus leading a 2 hour meditation for a large group of people. It was part of a weekend Level 3 meditation retreat at a lakeside center of cabins in the woods. I told no one about what I saw. Later Chunyi Lin told the class that someone had told him they had seen these yellow spirits come into the room towards Chunyi Lin. So Chunyi Lin explained that those were dead spirits. Chunyi Lin said that this happens regularly when he does the chi-emitting healing lectures -- the dead spirits come to him to find peace. Similarly when Chunyi Lin is in full-lotus you can see yellow shapes like his body float out of his head and break off and then float towards the group of meditators. Chunyi Lin explained that this is just his "yin spirits" going out to heal people and it's a good thing. Chunyi Lin also said that he's had several healings where he had to exorcise ghosts and that you want to be careful about exorcising spirits because it can be dangerous. Also Chunyi Lin has said that it takes him several healing chi-emitting lectures in one location in order to cleanse that room of dead spirits. Chunyi Lin also does a "spirit exorcism" meditation where he asks the evil spirits to leave our bodies. Taoist Master Ni, Hua-ching states that ghost pollution is a serious problem in the cities. Taking all this together, along with my own experience in spirit exorcism from people -- I tend to think that most modern people are actually possessed by dead spirits who are clinging to Earth as a type of Hell experience. This is the lower emotional energy which possesses people as disharmony of their organs -- the anger of the liver, fear of the kidneys, worry of the pancreas, sadness of the lungs, overexcitement of the heart. In order to see the dead spirits I had to do intensive training for 6 months on a diet that was not only vegan but also had no salt intake. Then I did an 8 day fast from food and water -- I drank only half a glass of water over a week period. At the time I saw dead spirits I also had very strong electromagnetic fields emitting from me and I also had telepathy, precognition and telekinesis. I healed my mom of a serious illness and I also accidentally pulled this old lady's spirit out of the top of her skull -- she immediately bawled nonstop for over 15 minutes straight. So that's the spiritual realm -- it's really the opposite of the material realm. Qigong master Chunyi Lin is in the spirit realm all the time which is why he rarely eats and he sleeps little. Chunyi Lin has helped many people to become healers and to see spirits. We can get messages from spirits all the time. Master Ni, Hua-ching states that the spirits of our grandparents live in the back of our heads -- in our cerebellum. So when we relax into meditation, purify our energy and listen to our hearts, then we go into the holographic laser-love realm which is the universe itself -- and the external world of spirits becomes the internal world of our organs! When people close to us die --- even if I have not talked to them in years -- I've gotten the precognition message that they died. Chunyi Lin got one message like that when he t.v. went crazy on him -- he said he knew that was the spirit message that his friend had died. Once I dreamt of a white bear standing against this old oak tree I used to always play by as a kid. I went back to my old yard which I had not visited in a couple months -- and only the tree I had dreamt of was gone -- recently cut down. Finally spacetime itself is bent and we get messages from the future and Chunyi Lin can also read our past lives.
  21. well they say Santiago has lots of drama on http://www.silat.tv/ Anyone want to weed through that website to dish up some specific links?
  22. ParanormalTV

    This is an amazing series of shows -- from half hour to hour each for 35 episodes. This first episode is on angels and shiatsu massage and an ashram in India, etc.
  23. ParanormalTV

    Second to what -- economic money spent on it?
  24. Everything you wanted to know about ...

    Desert Eagle -- The Path of Love website has no specifics that I could find -- so I would avoid that stuff. I mean I looked and looked and it's all just New Age psychobabble -- saying what it's "not" and leaving what it "is" as some mystery. I saw they quote Osho and you posted my quote on Osho -- so that should answer your question about my opinion on Osho already! haha. I would avoid Osho big time. Now you ask is there something evil about "lesser tantra" schools. Well the Falun Dafa attack on Tang Dynasty dual cultivation is fascinating. There's a very excellent German author who has a history about the secret battles between Buddhists and Taoists in China. The author and title slip me -- still he points out that there were the Tang Ren and the Han Ren. The Tang Ren were actually considered to be a different human -- sort of like how the Irish used to be considered "non-white" in the U.S. Anyway I've seen other qigong books make a similar claim about how people living in the South have a different magnetic polarity. It has to do with evil being defined as where a person's subconscious electromagnetic ESSENCE is stored in their body. A perv has their electromagnetic essence stuck in their lower body -- that is the hard definition of evil. The problem with even "innocent" approaches to Dual Cultivation in my opinion is that it's completely against the GOAL of healing energy. So take Mantak Chia for example. People here on Taobums kept pushing Mantak Chia's "retention" methods. So I tried this -- sort of like I tried ayahuasca and salvia. I wanted to see if I could increase my chi levels by increasing the rate of my internal climaxes through physical stimulation and using retention. I can assure you this does not work! It's a total waste of time and just does damage. The reason of course is because the chi or electromagnetic energy is created from IONIZATION which is from the EMPTINESS - from no thoughts -- whereas physical stimulation creates FLUID. Physical stimulation therefore only DAMAGES the creation of chi - you always then have to reverse the damage of physical stimulation. Even thinking about physical stimulation then focuses the DECONVERSION of the electromagnetic brain energy back to jing (blissful heat) and then deconverts back to fluid. So that's a three step process!! Mantak Chia is just trying to help out Westerners who obviously are not going to be celibate monks! The whole tantric householder path is not based on some mad physical sex cult. The secret is that a man can have mutual climaxes with a women -- WITHOUT PHYSICAL CONTACT. So the man is meditating. The female can even be asleep! With the female in the house -- both the male and female will have psychic mutual climaxes over and over and guess what? This opens up the heart chakra for REAL LOVE -- and the energy keeps intensifying. The healing gets stronger and stronger. Less food is needed -- and the real deeper level of tantra takes place. As William Bodri emphasizes tantra ONLY EMPTIES OUT THE DESIRE REALM -- not the Realm of Form nor the Realm of Formlessness. So even "higher" level tantra is "over-rated." Granted -- there is ALWAYS the Desire Realm to be emptied out. Alchemy starts and ends with "jing." But again JING IS NOT PHYSICAL CONTACT. Certainly you can transmit jing through physical contact -- this is what shiatsu and qi massage does as well. Still the transmission of chi energy is much more efficient and even better is the transmission of laser-holographic shen energy. The shen and qi are made from jing and they go back to jing where there jing then makes physical matter. But the deeper this level of transformation the less there's a "you" who makes the transformations!! It's an impersonal process of resonance requiring the trance -- of going into the "emptiness" -- where the energy knows what to do. So all these teachings based on storing the energy -- the "immortal fetus" is considered completely WRONG by William Bodri and Master Nan, Huai-chin -- are still stuck in the realm of form even. It's the formless realm that is the source of the energy -- and any attachment to the realm of desire or the realm of form will only block the energy. This is the ultimate teaching -- where the goal is the path -- where there is no "you" to have experiences, etc. There is no "higher" nor "lower" -- and by the Law of Love -- by the complementary opposite resonance -- Evil is attracted to Good -- and the extremes dialectically reverse.