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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Climate Change

    the farmers are not the indigenous cultures of the Amazon - if that is what you're implying. So you have loggers and farmers - but the indigenous cultures did not rely on monocultural export crop farming. So in terms of "victimhood" - there are many different layers to that. In terms of "persevering" the equatorial rainforest - well the indigenous cultures are actually now relying on GPS technology - to guard their land - so I'm not sure how "romantic" that is. haha. But indigenous cultures have been brutally attacked as genocidal assaults for Western expansion. A good book on this is https://books.google.com/books?id=gWVVBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA187&lpg=PA187&dq=The+Myth+of+Progress+bodley&source=bl&ots=D35vfdWdSV&sig=ACfU3U29eUBvWiIOd4FDgJLMH7_fAP132A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_sJGe7s3gAhWk6oMKHe1oD0IQ6AEwA3oECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=The Myth of Progress bodley&f=false
  2. The mind is actually the shen going out of the eyes - and so the key is actually the Lower Magpie Bridge - this is the secret that I give SEVEN different references to in my training manual - linked below.
  3. Climate Change

    Oh and let's remember Jevon's Paradox as well. The West is based on what Professor David F. Noble called "The Religion of Technology" - the title of his excellent history of science book. So there is this deep seated lie that technology is somehow increasing efficiency of energy and therefore can overcome entropy of environmental destruction. This is completely turned around of course. For example entropy is defined as the infrared heat that the Earth emits after the solar radiation - so there is a conversion from high frequency to low frequency with increased entropy. But this model of entropy just ignores the fact that life on Earth is based on absorbing the energy of the Sun - so plants and bacteria perform photosynthesis that then stores the carbon. So that means the infrared heat is then allowed to escape the earth and it is not trapped by too much CO2. That is how the biosphere naturally cycles on Earth - and so it's not entropy but rather it's controlled by quantum frequency as coherence since photosynthesis as quantum biology depends on quantum entanglement - to then store the carbon. But the West considers clearing land and developing technology to be "progress" and therefore "against entropy." So the definition of entropy is completely turned around. So then even our supercomputers can not model the ecology of an equatorial rainforest - too many interactions. And yet we subsidize Cargill to then illegally built soy elevators - to store soy and then induce farmers to sell soybeans - so the rainforest and peat bogs are all destroyed, the Pantanal wetland - to convert to monocultural soybean farms relying on Monsanto herbicides and genetic engineering. This is considered to be going against entropy!! haha. So in traditional nonwestern cultures - the Forest is the Mind of Earth - and the West is literally performing a lobotomy on Earth and then calling it "progress." And then Jevon's Paradox, of course, is that the more "efficiency" is produced then the more "demand" is increased for said "efficiency." Why? Because consumerism is driven by the commodity fetish which is a psychological void that can not be filled - it's patriarchy as ejaculation addiction - the Missile Envy as the Edifice Complex or Oedipal Complex going back to the myth of Egypt - due to lack of proper psychophysiological training by the males. So that's why I call this the Alchemy of DeNile.
  4. Climate Change

    Self-censorship - it's what the cool kids are doing!
  5. Climate Change

    Have you read "Christ in Egypt" yet? So you want to assume that there is a separation between "me" and the people I was interviewing - the "Ticos." https://the-eye.eu/public/concen.org/01052018_updates/D. M. Murdock - Christ in Egypt - The Horus-Jesus Connection (2009) pdf.pdf Jesus really was Horus from Egyptian alchemy - as that book proves. So the point with Abrupt Global Warming is that Apopis is in charge - the Cosmic Mother as Apocalypse. We are delusional to believe in separate egos. As our economics professor stated in Costa Rica - the best we could have done to help Costa Rica was not to fly down there - due to al the carbon emissions from the airplanes. So in terms of "complex life" on EArth - the "venting" that you refer to - this is a closed system. The carbon emissions then absorb and re-emit the infrared radiation from the Sun. This is happening at a faster rate than ever before in life on Earth - over billions of years - what modern humans are doing now. So what modern humans are doing now is worse than an asteroid or comet hitting earth, or super-volcanos, etc. Abrupt Global Warming is teaching us that we are Doomed. I have a book on Amazon.com called Do-Ohm Up the Yin-Yang! https://www.amazon.com/Do-Ohm-Up-Yin-Yang-Spiritual-Training-ebook/dp/B012Z45TR2 So I got into Daoist qigong meditation training because I knew we were doomed due to the wrong Western metaphysics. I had an article published about this - my final master's degree research. http://www.nonduality.com/whatis8.htm The Rotten Root by Drew Hempel It is now, only under the severe crisis of postmodern late-capitalist globalization, that access to experiential nondualistic knowledge is finally beginning to be recognized by the globalized West. Introduction: The Root Problem This investigation is based on the assumption that there is a severe global crisis of injustice and ecological damage that primarily stems from the elite-controlled institutional policies of western culture. Working from that premise the issue at hand is how to overcome the root of the problem that drives the interlocking oppressions symptomatic of westernization. Since the root problem has been analyzed at length in the past, I provide simply a brief presentation and then focus on the facets of implementing the solution ã the subject of my experiential applied research and what I contend to be dialectically transcending nondualism. In terms of format, because of the very broad and untraditional nature of my project, the introduction references are contained in my thesis and the sources for my applied research are listed at the end of the text. Whether it's the Dalai Lama or, Hanne Strong, one of the organizers of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (the Earth Summit) or, Charles Mills, author of The Racial Contract -- there can be found a focus on one common underlying problem for all levels of oppression. For theorists it is described as an inaccurate "naturalized" hierarchy: There is a repression of the self, a projection of that repression on to others -- call it an externality or a prejudice -- and then the denial of others' rights as justified through that projection. In the history of the West, this Self/Other oppressive dynamic has been traced back to Plato and Aristotle by their concept of dualistic, materialistic and rationalistic "natural law." Thus as people were labeled subhumans, natural slaves, and savages, they, along with the Muses, were devalued (i.e. destructively controlled and killed through indoctrination, slavery, disease, starvation, and organized slaughter) and an elite linear, imperial "utopia" was envisioned -- this is the beginning, the root concept, of western culture. From that primary definitive vision of the West, this root crisis has become globally encompassing today: The Great Chain of Being, the witchhunts, the enclosure acts, the papal decree of "territorius nullius," Manifest Destiny, the "natural" efficiency of the homo economicus, corporate personhood, and the World Trade Organization. Just before the beginning of the West there was an ecologically and socially just culture of nondualism (definition below) that taught integration and balance of knowledge through self-discipline, concentration and wisdom. The recent Oxford graduate, Dr. Peter Kingsley, documents that this Pythagorean culture was stripped down and driven out as the definitive years study in Egypt, combined with many excursions into eastern areas, the knowledge of Pythagoras became very fertile fodder for the materialistic elite. A great imbalance of power was thereby established. Pythagoras taught orally and his knowledge was integrated via experiential theory -- as compared to the reified and closed, dualistic and linear, symbolic knowledge system of "the West." Ironically the latest in scientific findings describe the universe as one great multidimensional, yet connected harmonic string of energy-knowledge (nondualism) -- literally the same scientific principles as Pythagoras. Unfortunately current western scientific "progress" continues to be based on externally forcing nature (and those cultures living close to nature) to reveal internal truths, thereby creating the great global sufferings via the same root of limited and inaccurate unbalanced methodology. As Kingsley and others have documented Pythagoras was a powerful healer who knew of his past lives, and had the power to experience life after death. Not only was he a spiritual leader, similar to Jesus Christ, but he taught a system for realizing this knowledge -- the same essential system as the laws and practices of the Buddha, those contained in the ancient Vedas of Hinduism or those found in the hundreds of endangered indigenous shaman practices found worldwide. Through extensive research and my broad background in music theory, philosophy, and global development policy, I have reconstructed the scientific harmonic principles of the teachings of Pythagoras (as described in my masters thesis). These principles are the basis for understanding transcendent dialectical mind-body dynamics, group social power dynamics, and the transcendent dialectical means for analyzing and organizing technology and social institutions. Nondualist principles have been intuitively grasped in piecemeal by previous western cultural producers and were subsequently systematically rediscovered during the western social upheaval in the 1960s, developing into the potential of New Paradigm Science (again as described in my masters thesis). It is now, only under the severe crisis of postmodern late-capitalist globalization, that access to experiential nondualistic knowledge is finally beginning to be recognized by the globalized West. A truly transcending global dialectic is being visualized -- one that addresses the root of the mass global suffering and goes beyond the traditional dualistic schisms systematic to western power relations threatening the future of the planet and humanity. The Systematic Principles of Nondualistic Direct Knowledge or Immediate Awareness The scholar David Loy, in his Yale University publication Nondualism: A comparative philosophy, analyzes the nonwestern systems of thought and documents their successful universal application. The systems that Loy investigates reveal a transcendent means of knowledge derived from principles of organization that are accessible to all of humanity. But intellectually describing these systems is one thing, as I did with Pythagorean thought in my thesis -- actually realizing the power of nondualism is another ã a process that I will describe in this investigation. Once that power is established or stabilized it is much easier to truly pass that direct knowledge or immediate awareness on to others. To realize or actualize the power of nondualism, great self-discipline, concentration, and wisdom is required. The common principles found in all systems of nondualism (whether it's from the Vedas, Buddhism, Taoism, shamanism, or Pythagoreanism) are the following: 1) The whole universe comes from the void or absolute nothingness that is the original form of universal energy. Total Emptiness equals Total Energy this is ONENESS/NOTHINGNESS (nondualism). 2) This Universal Energy (nondualism) divides into connected harmonic principles of organization. Complimentary opposites, through their mutually excluding logical extremes, reveal their common underlying transcendent ONENESS/NOTHINGNESS and evolve into (and evolve via) this third transcendent truth-state. 3) From this Third transcendent state All Myriad Things of the Universe are further formed (i.e. modeled by the synthesis or the third stage of the complimentary opposites). All these myriad things/processes or forces are derived from the first FIVE SYNTHETIC SETS OF HARMONIC COMPLEMENTARY OPPOSITES (These five sets or categories are grouped by matching elements, directions, color, frequency, animal, planet, etc. and all five are direct manifestations of ONENESS/NOTHINGNESS). 4) DIRECT KNOWLEDGE OR IMMEDIATE AWARENESS OF THE UNIVERSE -- NONDUALISM (beyond the first five perceptible senses and the first four perceptible dimensions) IS POSSIBLE BY MEANS OF HARMONIZING OR RESONATING WITH THE SYSTEM OF CONNECTED BASIC COMPLIMENTARY OPPOSITES. THIS KNOWLEDGE -- ENERGY IS POTENTIALLY OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT and at the least is required for understanding how to achieve PERSONAL HEALTH and HAPPINESS and POSITIVE PERSONAL RELATIONS. These principles of nondualism need to be further applied in detail (as will be done below) for them to be utilized and more accessible as a means of achievement. Although westerners are intellectually taught the golden rule (treat others as you would treat yourself) this ethical basis for developing western knowledge and science is, because of the limitations of dualistic materialism, replaced by actions of "the end justifies the means" or literally "he who has the gold rules." But it is exactly this principle of humanity -- the pervasive and recognized existence of suffering, the knowledge of delusion, or the limit of ignorance -- that provides such an excellent motivation for achieving the harmonic means of transcendent dialectical problem-solving. Because of the recent unique position of China as a location of ancient nonwestern civilization and rapid industrialization after the institution of scientific materialism, there have been hundreds of scientific studies documenting the details of achieving nondualism and the applications of nondualism. These applications have become known as qi gong or "energy work" but come from ancient Taoism. Their usage has been documented to be over 7,000 years old. Although it has been integrated with Buddhism and Confucianism, the nondualism of China or the Tao is considered the most ancient true way of organizing society. The thirteenth-century taoist adept Chang-chun, the Master of Eternal Spring and originator of the Dragon Gate branch of Complete Reality Taoism, was of such power that Genghis Khan requested he be the personal advisor on preserving the ancient civilization of China. By the abilities and wisdom of Chang-chun, millions of lives were saved in China. He is known as a spiritual immortal by Taoist tradition and until just a few years ago his lineage and skills were passed down, in secret, through a process of intensive, exclusive training, generation after generation. The Harvard Ph.D. in East Asian studies and translator of numerous ancient texts, Thomas Cleary, recently published Opening the Dragon Gate: The Making of a Modern Taoist Wizard by Chen Kaiguo and Zheng Shunchao. Opening the Dragon Gate is the authorized biography of Master Wang Liping and Master Wang is an eighteenth-generation Transmitter of the Dragon Gate branch of Complete Reality Taoism. Just like the Kogi, who for hundreds of years have kept secret an ancient civilized system in the unattainable wilderness of the Andes, the Dragon Gate Transmission of Complete Reality Taoism has now come public with its powerful esoteric knowledge. This dramatic change of approach was due to the modern spiritual revolution of "energetics" or qi gong in China that started in the early 1980s. Everyday in China qi gong is now practiced by the equivalent of the whole population of the United States. Master Wang explains that powerful Taoist nondualist energy-knowledge is also now being presented because of the current westernized crisis of the planet and humanity. Opening the Dragon Gate distinguishes three types of government for humanity. The first is by law, the second is by principle and the third is "Government by the Tao, or the Way".... As the book states: Government by the Tao, or the Way, is on an even higher level, nurturing the people by means of the Way, returning to naturalness and going back to reality, assimilating humanity to heaven and earth, taking no artificial law as law, but being orderly without being managed. Lao-tzu said, 'The sage says, ‘Since I contrive nothing, the people are spontaneously civilized. Since I like calm, the people are spontaneously upright. Since I have no interests, the people spontaneously prosper. Since I have no desires, the people are spontaneously innocent. Government without artificiality is government by the Way. This is the highest level of social development, and the highest attainment of government. Described in detail in Opening the Dragon Gate, the training and accomplishments of Master Wang Liping are extraordinary to say the least and since he has come public he is conducting extensive training and healing in China. As the concise and powerful Taoist teaching, considered to be authored by an all-powerful immortal Taoist adept, The Secret of the Golden Flower, states, "When you keep presence of mind, only then do you have autonomy. When you have autonomy, only then can you manage affairs.... However, presence of mind is easily interrupted. Practice it for a long time, though, and it will naturally become unbroken.... Ordinarily, once people let their eyes and ears pursue things, they get stirred up, only to stop when things are gone. This activity and rest are all subjects, but the sovereign ruler becomes their slave. This is 'always living with ghosts.'" "The conscious mind is like a violent general of a strong fiefdom controlling things from a distance, until the sword is turned around…. Now steadily keep to the chamber of origin, turning the light around to look back, and this is like having a heroic leader on top with great ministers helping. Once the inner government is orderly, the strong and violent naturally become tame." For an example of another powerful Master of the Way (of nondualism), one can attend the upcoming free public information sessions conducted by Master Chunyi Lin, a taoist teacher who lives in the Twin Cities and teaches through Anoka Ramsey Community College. His motto is "A Healer in Every Family, A World without Pain." Master Lin continues to heal many people of severe cancer (lymphoma, breast, lung, etc.) and of Parkinson's Disease and many other severe health conditions. He is doing research at the University of Minnesota Medical School and has been contacted by several other interested research hospitals that have become familiar with his success. He treats people from all over the world by sending energy focused via the telephone and other high technology. Master Lin, by drawing in universal energy, treats twenty to thirty people a day, has a four month waiting list for appointments and he only needs to sleep three to four hours a night. He meditates four to five hours a day and teaches almost every night. Master Lin recently brought the Coon Rapids City Council to China for a sister city educational exchange program that focuses on qi gong. For endorsements and testimonials (i.e. a doctor from the Mayo Clinic) see http://www.potentools.com/body/qigong/endorsements.htm http://www.potentools.com/body/qigong/testimonials.htm The Development of Nondualistic Direct Knowledge or Immediate Awareness Just in the past ten years there has finally been translated many of the ancient meditation texts of Taoist Yoga and Taoist meditation has been the subject of much academic research. The principles of nondualism are achieved through various techniques found throughout the world: Mantras can be repeated in order to focus in the mind and create energy resonance that purifies the person. Another approach is to use self-enquiry ã a question that turns the attention of the mind back onto itself. For instance "Who Am I?" -- repeating this question with true doubt, while meditating, will cause the investigator to contact the living nondualist energy that is the source of their thoughts. Taoist Yoga focuses on a more accessible approach. In qi gong people are taught basic, very simple active exercises that use posture, breath and mental focus to open up the energy channels of the body. By using certain breath, hand and foot movements based on the knowledge of complimentary opposite energies of the mind/body, a person can enter a stage of deep relaxation and focus that will cause the living energy-knowledge -- nondualism, to be activated. Once activated the energy is further developed through still meditation. Taoism teaches that when a person is conceived great universal energy/knowledge is focused. Not only is the genetic energy passed on from the parents but the energy of Heaven and Earth is passed on as well. While the baby is being developed as a fetus in the womb, this energy is balanced ã it enters through the umbilical cord and circles up the back and down the front of the body. The baby naturally holds its tongue up to the roof of its mouth and this acts as the switch that connects the front and back energy channels of the person. After birth the energy of the person slowly begins to separate, settle and become unbalanced: The lower half of the body is associated with Earth energy and the upper half is associated with Heaven energy. As the person undergoes puberty and further development the energy of the body is continuously dissipated through emotional stress, pollution and environmental stress, unbalanced nutrition, and normal hormonal and reproductive processes. Taoist yoga teaches a person how to perform "needleless acupuncture,” whereby the practitioner consciously recognizes and activates the subtle energy of the mind/body, balances that energy, and then uses resonance to take in more energy and consciously connect with higher energy levels. This is the process of going back to the root of a person's existence, of mind-body awareness ã of understanding the power dynamics of not only the self, but also the interactions of the self with the outside environment. Under nondualism it is known that humans represent a microcosm, a holograph, of the universe and that the universe is a hologram with each part containing the energy of the whole -- another way of describing nondualism. In the beginning of the practice a person will feel great heat being generated in the energy centers (the Earth center, the Heaven Center and their combined Center in the Heart-Mind). As the practice develops the energy will surge, like high-pressured water through a hose, up the back and down the front of the body. The person will experience different internal organs of the body become very hot ã the kidneys, the thyroid. This is the subtle energy resonating and opening up the subtle energy channels of those organs. Many hormones will be stimulated during this process and there will be a feeling of great energy, serenity, bliss, and lucidity. As the practice develops the energy will be experienced as electrical and magnetic fields that actually move the body. Ailments of the body will be healed. The person will have the ability to send out energy to heal others and the person will need less sleep, less food, and will not have normal cravings. As the body energy channels continue to resonate, higher levels of energy will be activated eventually leading to the opening of the Heaven center or the Third Eye of the person. This is beginning of spiritual cultivation and the beginning of samadhi in yoga. At this point all the energy channels of the body will be open. When meditating the person will not feel their body at all ã it will become one with its surroundings. The mind's thoughts will stop on one point of focus. The breathing of the person will slow down to such an extent that for all purposes it comes to a stop. The person will experience a bright light when the eyes are closed and when they are open as well. The person will develop psychic abilities and will process the thoughts and emotions of others as direct energy vibrations. The person will experience their aura, their subtle energy field, extending out around them and interacting with/processing the conditions of those around them. This experience is the development of direct knowledge or immediate awareness. Unfortunately it is very common to develop "over-exuberant heroics," meaning that a person becomes very excited about their new exalted state, they become attached to the powers and lose focus of the nondualist principles that the powers are derived from. At this stage the person wants to tell everyone about their "awakening" experience and wants to act out on their powers when instead this is the time of the greatest need for continuing to focus on the nondualism source, to focus on the macrocosm within. Also at this stage, beside the problem of getting too excited and out of balance from attachment to the powers, it is also very easy to become scared. To literally not feel your body, or too literally feel your pituitary gland in the middle of your brain become heated up and charged full of energy is a bizarre experience to say the least. To literally experience psychic powers as the norm of processing reality, to experience one’s aura extending out -- a field of energy vibrations rippling and processing the thoughts and emotions of others before those thoughts or emotions are communicated through words or body language ã these can be intimidating experiences. Also to literally not need to eat food or drink water because one can rely directly on the subtle energy as a means to create protein or to have one's thoughts stop and one's breath stop all this can be startling to say the least. As a practitioner of Spring Forest Qigong, taught at Anorak Ramose Community College, I practiced for four hours a day over a three month period and I began to experience some of these symptoms of the beginning of samadhi or what is called "the emptiness" in qi gong. I didn't see the bright light and I didn’t have my body disappear or my breathing stop. I did develop psychic powers, have my aura extend, have no need for food, need less sleep, and feel my pituitary gland become charged up. I did conduct very successful external energy treatments (no touch) of others whereby they had their symptoms disappear after feeling heaviness leave their bodies, intense heat, electrical shocks, internal movement. Although I fell back into the other extreme of normal reality, I experienced enough to get a taste of "the otherside" -- the nondualistic source. The Otherside or the Nondualistic Source In Taoist Yoga, once "the emptiness" is obtained and stabilized then a person's power of healing and power of wisdom is greatly increased. Because Taoism focuses on balancing the mind and body with all other levels of energy, longevity or immortality is also obtainable and explainable in Taoist Yoga. Not only is there an ability to project the energy of the person across space-time dimensions but as the energy is continued to be developed then the power of physical replication and transformation is also possible. In the final stages a person is able to literally dematerialize the body and to finally exist in a cosmic form that is "at-one" with the universe. This person is considered a "celestial immortal" by Taoist standards, meaning they can exist outside the space-time continuum and have achieved the Tao -- nondualism. To the "normal" westerner this all seems ludicrous but the academic book published by SUNY, Taoist Meditation, actually gives the explanations of how this state is achieved in methodology. The principles are the same as the nondualist principles stated above -- it is just a matter of deepening the practice. After the initial levels of samadhi or emptiness, direct knowledge or immediate awareness can not be captured by the normal means of communication and is essentially impossible to explain except through direct experience. The ultimate nondualist state is beyond any form, any concept, any sensation, any limitation of time and space, any source of mind and matter. Of direct consequence for modern western culture are solutions to psychoanalysis, to social and economic conflict, to health issues, and to realizing the effects and potential of technology. Without this basic knowledge of nondualism power relations can not be understood very well, an accurate model of reality can not be maintained and a sense of unfulfilled desire will lead to an unbalance of power. Many elite societies of leaders in the West have attempted, as a means of maintaining an unhealthy, imbalance of material power, to keep secret and utilize this nondualist knowledge that Pythagoras once taught. This extreme of Western control, since it relies on maintaining ignorance of nondualism and utilizing it for limited, inaccurate development, can not last. The motivation to externally control the environment and people around you through destructive superficial means simply does not last when one can truly stabilize direct knowledge or wisdom through nondualist means. Sources U of M Master of Liberal Studies thesis: Epicenters of Justice: Music Theory, Sound-current Nondualism and Radical Ecology by Drew Hempel (Lightmind Libraries, 2000) found at <http://lightmind.com/library/hempel/epicenters.html>;Vipassana and Social Change at http://www.vri.dhamma.org/general/vipintro.html; The Beverly White Community Outreach Project; Engaged Buddhism in Thailand: to cure AIDS, Enivornmentalism etc., http://www.buddhanetz.net/projekte/thailand.htm; The Engaged Zen Foundation http://www.engaged-zen.org/home.html; Opening the Dragon Gate: The Making of a Modern Taoist Wizard by Chen Kaiguo, translated by Thomas Cleary and Zheng Shunchao (Boston, MA: Tuttle Publishin, 1998); Healing Society: A Prescription for Global Enlightenment (Walsch Book) by Dr. Seung-Heun Lee (Hampton Roads Pub Co, November 20, 2000); Twenty-Five Doors to Meditation: A Handbook for Entering Samadhi by William Bodri, Lee Shu-Mei (York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, July 1998); Cultivating the Energy of Life by Liu, Hua-yang, (Boston, Mass.: Shambhala, 1998); The Secret of the Golden Flower: The classic Chinese book of life by Lü, Tung-pin, b. 798.; Cleary, Thomas (San Francisco, Calif., 1991); Working Toward Enlightenment: The cultivation of practice by Nan, Huai-chin. (York Beach, Me.: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1993); To Realize Enlightenment: Practice of the Cultivation Path by Nan, Huai-chin (York Beach, ME: S. Weiser, 1994); Tao & Longevity: Mind-Body Transformation: An original discussion about meditation and the cultivation of Tao by Nan, Huai-chin., and others (York Beach, ME: S. Weiser, 1996); Grass Mountain: A seven day intensive in chán training with Master Nah Huai-chin by Nan Huai-Chin., and others (York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1986); Taoist yoga: Alchemy and immortality by Chao, Pi Ch‘en, b. 1860., and others (York Beach, Me. : S. Weiser, 1984 1970); The Root of Chinese Qigong: Secrets for health, longevity, & enlightment by Yang, Jwing-Ming, (Jamaica Plain, Mass.: YMAA Publication Center, 1997); Taoist ways to transform stress into vitality: the inner smile, six healing sounds by Chia, Mantak, (Huntington, N.Y.: Healing Tao Books, 1985); Awaken healing light of the Tao by Chia, Mantak, 1944-, and others (Huntington, NY: Healing Tao Books, 1993); Awaken healing energy through the Tao: Ancient Chi-Kung: learn how to circulate energy through acupuncture channels by yourself by Chia, Mantak, (New York?: Taoist Esoteric Yoga Center & Foundation, 1981); The Jade Emperor's Mind Seal Classic: A Taoist Guide to Health, Longevity and Immortality by Stuart Alve Olson (Translator), (St. Paul, MN: Dragon Door Publication, 1993); Eight Brocades Seated Ch'Ikung by Stuart Alve Olson, Patrick D. Gross (Editor) (September 1997) Eric Naylor; The Venerable Phra Acharn Mun Bhuridatta Thera, meditation master by Bauw Ñanasampanno, Phra Maha.; Siri Buddhasukh. (Samudra Prakarn, Thailand : Buddhist Books Service, 1995); Nothing ever happened by Godman, David (Boulder, Colo.: Avadhuta Foundation, 1998); Self-enquiry: being a translation of the original instructions by Ramana, Maharshi. (Tiruvannamalai: Niranjanananda Swamy Sarvadhikari Sri Ramanasramam, 1947); The Secrets of Chinese meditation: self-cultivation by mind control as taught in the Chan, Mahayana and Taoist schools in China by Lu, K‘uan Yü, (York Beach, Me.: Samuel Weiser, 1999 1964); Taoist meditation: the Mao-shan tradition of great purity by Robinet, Isabelle. (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1993); Tranquillity & Insight: an introduction to the oldest form of Buddhist meditation by Sol*-Leris, Amadeu. (Kandy, Sri Lanka: Buddhist Publication Society, 1992); Calm and Insight: A Buddhist manual for meditators by Khantipalo, Phikkhu, (London: Curzon, 1994); The Tao and Chinese culture by Da, Liu. (London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981 1979); The Tao of Health and Longevity by Da, Liu (New York: Marlowe & Co., 1990); The Bhagavad Gita translated by Easwaran, Eknath. and Morrison, Diana. (London: Arkana, 1986); The Price of a Gift: A Lakota healer's story by Mohatt, Gerald Vincent., and others (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2000); Awakening Spirits by Tom Brown Jr (April 1994) San Francisco: Berkley Pub Group; Asceticism in Early Taoist Religion (SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture) by Stephen Eskildsen (November 1998) State University of New York Press; Entering the Tao: Master Ni's Guidance for Self-Cultivation by Hua-Ching Ni (May 1997) Boston, MA: Shambhala Pubns); 8,000 Years of Wisdom by Hua Ching Ni (October 1994) L.A., CA: SevenStar Communications Group; Miracle Healing from China-Qigong by Charles McGee, Effie Poy Yew Chow (June 1994) Medipress; Chi Gong: The Ancient Chinese Way to Health by Paul Dong, Aristide H. Esser (Contributor) (January 1995) Marlowe & Co; Encounters With Qi: Exploring Chinese Medicine by David Eisenberg, Thomas Lee Wright (Contributor) (August 1995) W.W. Norton & Company; Raja-Yoga by Swami Vivekananda (June 1980) Ramakrishna Vivekanada Center; Mysterious Samadhi by Surath Chakravarti (April 1984) South Asia Books; The Summits of God-Life: Samadhi and Siddhi: Liberation, Enlightenment, Nirvana and Realisation by Sri Chinmov (June 1984); Ch'an and Zen Teaching by Kuan Yu Lu, Charles Luk (December 1993) Samuel Weiser. The Ampersand Copyright 2001 Drew Hempel. All rights reserved.
  6. Climate Change

    For example when I was in Costa Rica in 1992 - studying conservation biology and sustainable development - I went around the local peasants living next to a supposed protected forest. Us Gringo students were living on this ranch and we were told the forest next to us was protected. So the local peasants wondered about my bad Spanish - they asked if I was Mexican - since they didn't know about our Gringo school. haha. So they openly told me how they hunted in the forest for food. So then I went back to our School for Field Studies, 1992 - and each student had to give a presentation of their research. I repeated what I had learned - I was the only one who had gone out to interview the locals. Most of the Gringo students didn't know Spanish. And anyway - soon after that Costa Rica implemented a program to HIRE and PAY the local peasants to work as forest guardians - to protect the wild animals instead of eating the wild animals.
  7. Climate Change

    This must be some fantasy? Yes Western genocidal colonialism does destroy people's ability to eat. For example native indigenous people had their lands stolen - and then the government refused to pay them - so the "indians" were starving to death. Or in Central America - the colonialists took over the land and kicked the Mayans off the land. Why? Because if you want FREE slave labor - then you have to make sure people can't grow their own food. The land meanwhile sat idle - it's called "speculative investment" for a reason. Land is a monopoly. Some countries have made it illegal for rich people to own big tracts of land without actually growing food - and so poor people can just move onto the land to grow food. Yes again you are confusing the regime of Morocco with the traditional Berber village I visited. So that village was just having the government put in a gravel road. When I was there ONE truck drove by and all the women raised their fists in the air to protest against the intrusion of noise and pollution. The village had been self-reliant for thousands of years. The women also were tattooed because the Arabs used to steal the women and use the Berber women as sex slaves and then when the women were "used up" sexually - they were tattooed and returned back to the village. So the women just all preemptively tattooed themselves to prevent themselves from being stolen - and this tradition lives on. Yes this is what Marx thought - being against the "backward peasant" and then millions of people were starved to death in the industrialization of China and Russia - why? So that the farms could feed the cities. Now we have global inequities via food dumping - so yes heavy oil inputs with heavy government subsidies enables Cargill to dump food in other countries (while the farmers dump nitrates into the ocean creating huge Dead Zones). So it's not really an either or scenario - both China and Russia tried to mimic Western industrial farming - so huge combines, etc. yes you can just do "forest farms" - or as I mentioned with the Berber - humanure compost transforms the desert into food - for the housing they use adobe. No "hacking" necessary. But Western Asian monocultural farming did burn down the forests to create lime ash to water proof the housing - this is proven by archaeology - going back over 8,000 years ago. So the first white people (created from lack of vitamin D in the wheat monoculture diet) were literally ecological crisis refugees that fled into Europe when Western Asia succumbed to drought - ironic since the burning and clearing of the forests stopped the rain that the lime ash was suppose to protect against. Actually there's a great NGO called "Forests for the Future" - or something like that - I used to donate to them. Trees for the Future. https://trees.org/ So it's basically the difference between making someone dependent on US "donations" - or growing your own food. This is a big "debate" in business - called "import substitution" - so the Western business markets are against this. The whole goal is to make other countries "develop" export crops based on colonial trading regimes. For example the Sahel exports peanuts to Europe - at the expense of their own local food subsistence. And so Ivory Coast and Ghana export Coca for chocolate - and the same for coffee and bananas - and cotton and rice, etc. For example the British imposed rice production in Bangladesh even though the local ecology was not suited for rice - the traditional crop to grow was jute. But Western colonialism does not care. Similarly the traditional crop in Tibet is barely but the Chinese imposed wheat and rice - so this goes against the local ecological adaptations in order to benefit the importers of cheap products for profit. https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520220874/insatiable-appetite Here is a good book that gives an overview on those dynamics. Insatiable Appetite The United States and the Ecological Degradation of the Tropical World So this whole "conversation" we're having is a moot point. It's too little too late. You can make your claims that the West is "helping" the rest of the world - and that is the prerogative of the invader to claim. But Mother Nature will claim justice in the end - as the ancients stated Justice is Blind - but that does not mean justice is ineffective. haha.
  8. Climate Change

    yes just click on the link on my profile below for free research of how to life with less food - bigu The original human culture, the San Bushmen, trained in this skill - Tshoma - a 1 month fasting that is done every year - away from the females. This training spread around the world.
  9. Climate Change

    Yeah so the Brits imposed their Western stupidity onto India and Africa, etc. - so just as the Chinese are now doing in Tibet. That's just how Westernized imperialism works - the trade patterns are based on export commodities, not local food sovereignty. For example in Somalia - Mogadishu was controlled by the farmers. So when Cargill dumped US food into Somalia - at 1/6th the local food price - that was not to "feed" Somalia. It was to undermine and take over the political control of Somalia. So Westerners tend to underestimate nonwestern cultures. Somalia was trading with China and India - centuries before Western colonialism with "textiles" being their main export. So just to put abrupt global warming into perspective - consider the book by Professor Alfred Crosby - "Ecological Imperialism" - it documents how intensive Western style farming (with the animals in close quarters) then spread plagues and invasive species around the world. Then as Western "growth" kicked in like a cancer - so too did abrupt global warming.
  10. Climate Change

    Maybe you're confusing the most traditional Berber village in Morocco and the regime of Morocco that is an "ally" of the US corporate-state empire. The idea of Cargill "helping" is silly - food is DUMPED at below local prices - into countries already dependent on colonial export markets - so the farmers are highly susceptible to their lower markets being wiped out. For example the number one reason Mexicans have fled into the US is due to Cargill DUMPING corn into Mexico after the passage of NAFTA. And so global warming - abrupt global warming - is really a byproduct of Western colonial imperialism. So in the case of Morocco - it provides phosphate to the West - it's the main source of phosphate for farming worldwide. This is not a "sustainable" export. Whereas humanure compost provides phosphate - not from mining but instead through a sustainable renewable feedback.
  11. Transmission: Useful? What? Where? How to?

    Dr. YanKwai Leung He talks about the brain getting fried!! I'm listening right now - repeating it. So I'll transcribe it - when I get to the part.
  12. Transmission: Useful? What? Where? How to?

    A person is limited by what their brain can handle. The brain can literally be FRIED by too strong of a "transmission." So Poonjaji once "transmitted" Shakti to a Western young male who then ran around for a few days screaming that he was Jesus. Too strong of a transmission - fried his brain. I did a blog post on this - a Chinese qigong master discusses this problem. Because people so rarely experience real qigong masters then they have no idea of the LASER power of Shakti or Shen healings. This is why a proper "foundation" of the lower tan t'ien is needed. What is this specifically? The lecithin (celibacy) is what myelinates the nerves so the nerves can hold a charge. Without celibacy that myelinates the nerves you're gonna fry your brain. So in quantum biology it's called "negentropy" - meaning the Sun's energy is literally from the same cause of life for quantum biology. Schroedinger predicted this in the 1930s - and it's now proven true. So we create biophotons from the Emptiness - and biophotons are coherent laser energy as spirit energy. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2017-11-eye-contact-baby-synchronise-brainwaves.html So even Western science has proven - brain waves are synchronized through eye contact. They don't know "why" - well unless you study quantum biology. haha. And so Poonaji for example said by looking into someone's eyes then he can see their past lives. A qigong master said something similar to this also but he said he doesn't tell people their past lives unless it would help them heal.
  13. Climate Change

    Yes qigong master Yan Xin stated that qigong will always be a threat since it enables people to survive without eating so much - and so the big business food companies would be against qigong. And of course Falun Gong still provides about 10,000 people a year for clean qigong organs - to feed the organ harvesting business in China (for international Western failed organ transplant surgeries).
  14. Climate Change

    Another good example of supply side economics is Roman AQueducts. So Western civilization shits in its clean drinking water - that's considered to be "civilized" - whereas nonwestern culture COMPOSTS the human shit as ecological sanitation. So then supply side economics states that Rome HAD to build aqueducts to haul clean drinking water from far away since Romans had shit in their clean drinking water. And so today - if you want to "improve" your land that means you HAVE to not compost your shit - but instead have a sewer system hook up (composting shit is illegal in cities). Or you need to install an intensive septic system with a drainage mound - costing over 10,000 $$ - if you "want" to compost your manure in the modern Western civilized world. Also you would need "special" legal permission through a special appeals process - requiring an expensive lawyer, etc. Meanwhile in the nonwestern world - like the traditional Berber village I visited in Morocco - they transformed the desert into growing food for THOUSANDS of years - by composting their shit. oops.
  15. Climate Change

    yes modern civilization is based on supply-side economics imposed by the elite on the populace. So for example Chicago was created as a company town for the meat industry - and Minnesota is controlled by agri-business. Consider Cargill - the world's largest private corporation governing food control. So farmers in Africa want to share and save their farm seeds - seems innocent enough right? But that should NOT be allowed according to the top-down "supply side" economics scheme. Meanwhile the "public" is just fed corporate-state PR releases as news so the mass mind control keeps everyone in ignorance. I exposed all this. Profile on The Largest Private Corporation: Cargill Friday, December 31, 2010 Cargill: Our Taxes, Global Destruction! MAR. 2, 2000 – EDITORIAL/OPINIONS ————————————————� �————————————————� ��—————— Cargill: Our taxes, global destruction Minnetonka-based Cargill is often noted as the world’s largest private corporation, with reported annual sales of over $50 billion and operations at any given time in an average of 70 countries. The “Lake Office” of Cargill is a 63-room replica of a French chateau; the chairman’s office is part of what was once the chateau’s master-bedroom suite. A family empire, the Cargills and the MacMillans control about 85 percent of the stock. Not only the largest grain trader in the world, with over 20 percent of the market, Cargill dominates another 12 sectors, including destructive speculative finance, according to “Invisible Giant: Cargill and its Transnational Strategies,” by Brewster Kneen. Taking advantage of the capitalist speculative collapse of 1873, Cargill quickly bought up grain elevators. After vast cooperation with the state-sponsored railroad robber barons, central grain terminals averaged extremely high annual returns on investments of 30 to 40 percent between 1883 and 1889. Cargill hired a Chase Bank vice president to secretly help the corporation through the Depression, writes Dan Morgan in “Merchants of Grain.” “There are only a few processing firms,” and “these firms receive a disproportionate share of the economic benefits from the food system,” states William D. Heffernan, professor of rural sociology at the University of Missouri. Details of Cargill’s price manipulations at the expense of farmers worldwide was documented in the classic study, “Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity” by Frances Moore Lappe and Joseph Collins. They report that Cargill has had a history of receiving elite government price information that should be told to U.S. farmers. That secrecy, along with tax-subsidized market control, enables Cargill to buy from U.S. farmers at extremely low prices and then sell abroad to nations pressured under the same destructive elite corporate control. See the Institute for Food and Development Policy’s Web Site at http://www.foodfirst.org…. Between 1985 and 1992, the legal entity called Cargill received $800.4 million in tax subsidies via the Export Enhancement Program, a continuation of the infamous “Food for Peace” policy, writes Kneen. Promoted by Hubert H. Humphrey and instituted as PL 480, food became a Cold War tool, i.e. “for Peace.” If we can induce people to “become dependent on us for food,” then “what is a more powerful weapon than food and fiber?” Humphrey declared, according to “Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies” by Noam Chomsky. Actually, most of the nation recipients of tax-subsidized Cargill food dumping were, and are, net exporters of food already — policies imposed by colonial trading patterns. The food (for Peace) has been bought cheaply by neocolonial regimes, and then sold at a huge discount on the local market — in Somalia, for example, at one-sixth of the local prices. Many examples of these misguided policies can be found in “Betraying the National Interest: How US Foreign AID Threatens Global Security by Undermining the Political and Economic Stability of the Third World,” by Frances Moore Lappe, et al. Cargill’s undercutting wipes out the local farmers’ self-reliance, while the revenues (going to the elite) are tied to required purchases of U.S. weapons, writes Chomsky, citing “The Soft War” by Tom Barry, 1988. But the main beneficiary of “Food for Peace” has been Cargill. Keen writes, “From 1954 to 1963, just for storing and transporting P.L. 480 commodities, the heavily subsidized giant Cargill made $1 billion.” Indian lawyer N.J. Nanjundaswamy reports that a Cargill motto is, “One who controls the seed, controls the farmer, and one who controls the food trade, controls the nation.” Yudof’s recently stated support of federal foreign policy Title XII is another public promotion of the University of Minnesota-Cargill partnership’s raiding of sustainable agricultural cultures. Cargill is such a damaging threat that in Dec. 1992, 500,000 peasants marched against corporate-controlled trade, and the irate farmers ransacked Cargill’s operations. Fifty people were arrested at the partially completed — and subsequently destroyed — seed-processing plant in Bellary, India. In 1996, 1,000 Indian farmers gathered at Cargill’s office and destroyed Cargill’s records. For more, see http://www.endgame.org&#8230; Cargill has been doing bio-piracy, stealing traditional products. For instance, it used Basmati, a rice from India, as its trade name, and the company continues to be one of the main promoters of corporate-driven intellectual property rights. The U.S. Trade Act, Special 301 Clause, allows the United States to take unilateral action against any country that does not open its market to U.S. corporations. The United States, for example, has threatened to use trade sanctions against Thailand for its attempt to protect biodiversity. A bill that has been before parliament in India and promoted by Cargill, “takes away all the farmers’ rights, which they have enjoyed for generations — they will no longer be able to produce new varieties of seed or trade seed amongst themselves,” writes Nanjundaswamy. The research center, Rural Advancement Foundation International, found that “fifteen African states, among them some of the poorest countries in the world, are under pressure to sign away the right of more than 20 million small-holder farmers to save and exchange crop seed. The decision to abandon Africa’s 12,000-year tradition of seed-saving will be finalized at a meeting in the Central African Republic. The 15 governments have been told to adopt draconian intellectual property legislation for plant varieties in order to conform to a provision in the World Trade Organization.” Cargill, with extensive funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development, is also destroying the world’s largest wetland — the Pantanal, in South America — in order to dredge a channel that’s designed for convoys of up to 16 soybean- and soymeal-carrying barges, according to the Institute on Food and Development Policy. Cargill has been on the Council of Economic Priorities’ list of worst environmental offenders. Mother Jones magazine and Earth Island Journal report that Cargill is responsible for 2,000 OSHA violations, a 40,000-gallon spill of phosphoric solution into Florida’s Alafia River, poor air pollution compliance and record-high releases of toxic waste. With help from the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy, located at http://www.poclad.org…, states have recently begun to respond to citizen pressure and revoke corporate charters. The assets of Cargill should be revoked, allowing the citizens of the United States to give farmers the benefits of fair trade instead of Cargill’s secretive policy of tax-subsidized global destruction. by drew hempel, anti-copyright https://www.tcdailyplanet.net/stop-cargills-destruction-amazon/ So Cargill illegally built soy bean storage elevators in the Amazon rainforest - and said grow as much as possible and we'll buy them all!! That's how supply side economics works. For example George Washington made his money buy going out to speculate on land that was stolen from native indigenous people. So he got it for free - but since land is a monopoly - then he turns around to make a nice profit. Supply side economics. So for example you pretty much HAVE to own a cell phone now - even though they cause brain cancer. And if you don't have a "smart phone" - then you are shut out of many "opportunities." So the Medium is the Message - most cities in the US had electric car systems - trolleys - but a corporate conspiracy bought them up and shut them down - Firestone, Goodyear, GM, etc. Again Supply Side Economics. Shut down the electric car trolleys - and people HAVE to buy cars. So don't expect the Interwebs to 'solve" any problems - it's just a nice way of blowing off steam. The equivalent of everyone watching a television in their sectioned off apartments - as Noam Chomsky points out about the interwebs. It used to be that each city had dozens of newspapers and one worker was designated to READ to all the other workers - to keep workers educated. So with each new information mass mind control medium there is a steady dumbing down of the population. A good documentary on this is...
  16. Climate Change

    well of course - because abrupt global warming and the ecological crisis is just a marketing phenomenon (kind of like Health Insurance and medical Big Pharma, etc.). You know biology can be engineered!! (just ask Freemasonic Cargill and their buddies Monsanto)...
  17. Transmission: Useful? What? Where? How to?

    Transmission is just a term - some don't accept it and instead call it HEALING. And it is the Universe that does the healing. So for example - I like to tell this story. I was in full lotus in class - qigong class - everyone was gone - just me and qigong master Jim Nance http://guidingqi.com - actually he was not declared a qigong master yet! This was around 2003. He said he was going upstairs to continue doing full lotus meditation. I asked him if I could join him. He said, "Maybe later." So I thought cool - I'll keep practicing and maybe down the road we can meditate together. So I bicycle home a few miles - and I dumpster dive a bagel as I had not eaten yet that day. Then I go into my little slum flop house boarding room - and go into full lotus meditation. Soon after suddenly my brain is ON FIRE!! I can't figure out why the energy is so intense in my brain. I think to myself - is it the full moon? No - full moon has 10 times greater energy according to http://springforestqigong.com but this is gREATER than the full moon energy. So no. But the energy is so intense - the bliss-fire in the center of my brain - that I go out of full lotus and I stop meditating. The week goes by - I forget about what had happened and I bicycle to class again. I am walking down the hall and suddenly Jim appears - he comes out the door and turns to face. He asks: "Did you feel anything?" Suddenly I remember what he had said the week before: "Maybe later." And I am so shocked that I can not say anything in response. So he knows my answer and he goes back in the class room and I follow. Then ten years later I am hanging out with now qigong master Jim Nance. The first time I remind him of that story - he says that when he was first practicing long distance healing then he used TOO MUCH energy. But the 2nd time I reminded him of the above story - then he said that I did not experience external energy being transmitted but actually that was my Higher Self coming through.
  18. Climate Change

    Wow - that's some creepy stuff. I had NO idea that "climate change" was a right-wing meme but I'm not surprised. Thanks - I'm gonna post that over on Black Bear News - where I discuss all things "abrupt global warming." The denial about this stuff is deep. For example consider the promotion of "Trans" rights - I just posted research on my blog. Female mammals have way more oxytocin receptors than male mammals - that's what induces female bonding with the baby. It's hard-wired physiology! But no - instead the debate is whether Trans people "should" exist - because everyone knows Nature can just be engineered by your local M.D. or whatever. haha. Meanwhile we are completely wiping out Nature in the real world. Now ask yourself - what's in the news more - FAKE TRans "human rights"? Or... the above - the wiping out of real female mammaling bonding in Nature? I think you know the answer.
  19. Water above Fire

    I added more quotes from the Taoist Yoga book. That sentence sums up the point I am making. https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2019/02/freezing-spirit-part-3.html So again the secret is that the left eye is the outer sun [yang shen] but is the inner fire as yin qi of the heart while the right eye is the outer moon [yin shen] but is the inner water as the yang qi. So the Taoist Yoga book uses the term "nature-spirit" and "nature-vitality" - the first one is yang shen and the second one is yin qi. So "life-vitality" is yang qi and "nature-spirit" is yang shen - So there is a cross over from the right eye (yang qi) to the left eye (yang shen) to create the "light of vitality" (a combination of the yang qi and yang shen). So the "Light of Vitality" on it's own is the light of the yin qi of the yang shen - so at first it is red but then it turns white when the yin qi is fully restored. The "the Light of Nature-Vitality" is another name for "light of vitality" in contrast to the golden "Light of LIFE-vitality" from the yang qi. and so then the "Life of LIFE-vitality" is also called: in contrast to the "light of Nature-vitality" So the key secret here again is that the yin shen is when the yang qi is activated but as the yin qi keeps being purified then the yang shen is activated (hence the rotating of the eyes also as the small universe MCO meditation). So the golden light is not the final stage - it is part of the process of the yang shen then "sucking" off the yin qi to purify the yang qi into Yuan Qi. So what this means is that the "golden seed" as yang qi goes down - along with the yin shen - (the rotating of the right eye down) and then the yang shen rises up (from the yin qi in the generative force - the left eye going up). I added the "image" - to the blog post. This is a quite fascinating image to examine - as the "Heart" as the yuan qi-yuan shen - is what overlaps the cross correlation. I rotated the image - to emphasize how the left eye and right eye cross correlate the energies of shen and qi.
  20. Water above Fire

    Basically you know what Socrates taught, "Know Thy Self" - and this is called "logical inference" - so the self is defined as the "I thought" (as in god defined as "I Am that I am." So you repeat the I-thought as I-I-I-I and you "logically infer" that any thought that arises in your mind is based on this sense of I - and that is just the logical truth. So to KNOW the source of the I-thought you repeat the I-thought without allowing any other thoughts. Then when the I-thought "congeals" or concentrates - you listen to the source of the I-thought (or logical infer the source of the I-thought). This truth is then "experiential" based on your logical inference. So that means whatever words you use to describe this experiential truth are also derived from the I-thought and so the truth of those words also must be logical inferred. So this sets up an eternal process of energy creation that is self-organizing based on eternal listening. The "yuan qi-Yuan shen" is experienced first in chapter 6 of that book. But that's only the "first half" of enlightenment. To "finish the job" as it were - then that first yuan shen arising from the yin shen - when the yang qi fills up - then you have to purify it more by building up more yuan qi. So that is the 2nd half of the training - to "empty out the body" (that is the phrase that Master Nan, Huai-chin uses). You can try reading his books on Buddhist Ch'an philosophy - as they deal with the logical paradoxes of logical inference. The books are out of print - but go into the various "skandas" - they can be found online as free pdfs if you really dig for them. "To Realize Enlightement" and "Working Towards Enlightenment" and - what's the third one - there's also "Tao and Longevity" - and he had a couple more. Then Bill Bodri has written many books based on his following of Master Nan, Huai-chin - so his tome "Measuring Meditation" is a cross-referential analysis - comparing buddhism with vedanta (advaita) and daoism - and western esoteric studies. Yes the problem is that the "mind" is how we normally define our "selves" - and so this is a deep psycho-physiological rewiring of reality. Then in the 2nd half of enlightenment - even our spirit as spiritual ego is then interacting with our people's spirits or just other spirits - and all these interactions then have to be "emptied out" back into the Yuan Qi of the universe itself. So the more "powers" we develop the more we have to realize that the Power IS the Emptiness - that only really the Yuan Qi exists. This was the focus of Ramana Maharshi's teachings. You can read his books as well - although he is frequently misunderstood in the West also. Yes so basically when we are in "deep dreamless sleep" - that is actually our real SELF but we are just not "aware" of it consciously. And then to become consciously "aware" of it - means that the spirit light becomes so bright - as intensity of energy - that it "jumps" (think of a quantum leap) into a higher vortex of spacetime. So for me, when I experienced this "spacetime vortex" as the Emptiness - the Yuan Qi energy directly of the full body - this is what really freaked me out. I didn't know what that meant. Actually it is described in chapter 11 of the Taoist Yoga book - stating if you sublimate and raise up your spirit of vitality (from the yang qi) - as the yin shen - without enough yuan qi surrounding the shen - then this will cause dizziness and confusion. So this means the lower tan t'ien has to be focused on to keep building up the Yuan Qi energy and this can only be done through purification by fire (through the yin shen and yang shen cross-resonating with the yin qi and yang qi) to create more yuan qi-yuan shen-yuan jing. Yes I admit - it is all quite esoteric and also the logic is very cruel. For example the Yuan Qi logic is NOT tantra - so it's not based on the psychic different of forms (of an external form of light as beauty). The SELF has to "merge" back into the formless as logical inference - so that the source of the light can not be seen. So again this is like Deep Dreamless Sleep - only the light is so bright that you lose your sense of self. But at the same time there are still "spacetime" or yuan qi transformations - only there has to be an inherent "difference" that is not simultaneous. In other words - from the perspective of the Yuan Shen (the self of no self) then EVERYTHING is happening at the same time (since at zero rest mass light experiences no space and no time). BUT in fact the Yuan Shen is resonating the Yuan Qi (and vice versa) - and the Yuan Qi is changes in spacetime that then creates new Yuan Jing (as new matter). So this is the equivalent of "capturing" virtual matter from the future. Qigong master Yan Xin calls his healing - a "virtual information field" - so that is what is being referred to. So it truly means the Emptiness does the healing (and this is the truth of Shakti as well). So it is a stunning experience - like for example Precognition! If you experience something - only to realize you had dreamt that very specific experience before - then you have to realize that what our "minds" think of as "reality" is not the actual real "truth" of reality. It is easy to be like the Matrix - when Keanu is constantly being told he is NOT the "one" but this only reinforces that he "is" the One via the Trinity (as love) and then Cipher - the traitor - says - "his mind is gonna blow."
  21. Water above Fire

    thanks - I get no results from searching "snipping tool" - yes whatever operating window systems I have - doesn't seem to allow saving a snipped image. strange.
  22. Water above Fire

  23. Climate Change

    Notice the people who willingly IGNORE this issue (much less feel psychologically forced to veer off topic). It's quite amazing - the self-censorship, etc.
  24. Climate Change

    Atlantic 'conveyor belt' has slowed by 15% since mid-20th century ... https://www.carbonbrief.org/atlantic-conveyor-belt-has-slowed-15-per-cent-since-mid... Apr 11, 2018 - Overturning. The Atlantic Ocean plays host to a perpetual conveyor belt that transports heat from the equator up to the North Atlantic. . Yes this could happen much faster than people "predict."