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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Lama Dorje

    Yeah I did a 9 day fast as well -- an energy feast -- and got to immortal breathing described in Taoist Yoga. Basically you transcend death (as most would die from 9 days with only half glass of water). After that I was so detached from physical reality that I destroyed a 500 page journal of mine and threw away my Yan Xin meditation tape. haha. No regrets -- it's just a very REAL obtainment. You see dead spirits, you have real healing powers, you have telepathy, telekinesis and precognition, etc. More importantly your energy is so purified that the mundane world seems totally evil. I broke my fast with some home made soup sold at a friend's restaurant. She had put salt in it -- tasted like death! haha.
  2. Most likely it's the sex energy -- the fluid -- going up to the brain. As the brain channels open up expect lots of cracking noises and sensations -- like stripping away cellophane (to steal from Daniel Pinchbeck's DMT trip description).
  3. Mouna Samadhi

    Blogger Great Galactic Ghoul said... The conscious observer in science is technology since the measurement relies on negative infinity through geometric proof by contradiction as an upper limit, ever since Plato's introduction of zero and geometric incommensurability (see professor H.M. Collin's recent academic article, "Lead to Gold.") Science relies on the consciousness of matter as mass or amplitude density -- the increase of the time period or height of the energy wave, from increased tension of space as weight -- thereby destroying organic life on earth. According to the three different consciousness science books by Puharich, Bentov and Fred Alan Wolf, as brain nerve frequency decreases to 7 Hz, the pulse of the ionosphere-earth resonance, then the amplitude energy of the brain, the time period, increases as synchronized light, as per the square of the time period, just like a laser. The increased amplitude enables consciousness to detach from the body but because of quantum uncertainty, as the time period increases, the space period decreases, so that ultimately only infinite consciousness remains, as taught by Ramana Maharshi. The decrease in space period is why the projection of mind consciousness, through increase of nerve electron-proton time period, is inversely proportional to the decrease of nerve pulse frequency of the mind-body electrochemical system. In chapter 16 of "In Search of the Miraculous" Gurdjieff diagrams this inverse relation of mind-body-consciousness through the change of "center of gravity," for the three main energy centers -- the brain, heart and stomach. So for an astral body to develop the brain must decrease from the thinking nerve pulse frequency (Hydrogen 48) to the moving center frequency (Hydrogen 24 -- an inverse increase in electron light time period or consciousness) while the heart is now the brain frequency as Hydrogen 48). The final stage of this inverse relation between brain and body is when the sex energy (Hydrogen 12) is now in the heart center as love energy (the sublimation and ionization of the lower emotions) while the brain energy is the slower frequency of Hydrogen 6, with in inverse increase in light consciousness time period. The full-lotus accomplishes this harmonic inverse ratio ionization naturally since the brain frequency is slowed down by the increase in body amplitude energy going up through a harmonic vortex, like a black hole spacetime cone, thereby enabling the time period of the consciousness to expand. Again the synchronization of the consciousness as light wave amplitude or holographic laser is enabled by the inherent asymmetric or complementary opposite harmonics of pure number based on logical inference beyond time -- not the geometric proof by contradiction of incommensurability used ever since Plato and relied on in Einstein's relativity and Bohr's quantum mechanics.
  4. Mouna Samadhi

    Ok what I'm talking about is abstract yet really radical so bear with me. The circle of fifths is western because it averages and divides the natural overtones so that pure number (1:2:3:4 as yin-yang-consciousness) can be subverted into time as distance (irrational geometry). So the 12 fifths don't keep naturally resonating when they are warped into the equal-tempered tuning because that relies on the square root of two, determined as an inverse square law (with the original equation as arithmetic mean times harmonic mean equals geometric mean squared, so that 3:2 x 4:3 = 2 as the octave, no longer as the overtone harmonic of doubling frequency, but as the square as geometric mean with the square root as the tritone or 9/8 cubed. Again my article with commentary, "against archytas" by drew hempel at http://mind-energy.net goes into all the technical details. Listen to traditional nonwestern music -- which is hard to find because even global music relies on western tuning now. But there's a lot out there. I like Anuradha Paudwal -- an Indian singer -- her T-series devotional music -- even though it's some what westernized. The female voice is the best for meditation, as per the Bushmen practice.
  5. Mouna Samadhi

    It's a good question and people get pissed when I tell them I don't listen to equal-tempered tuned music aka western music. For example consider raga music. Ravi Shankar states IT'S NOT JAZZ. So all this fusion stuff -- it's ignoring and even destroying the true meaning of the raga -- which is a form of yoga. There were ragas that even created lightening -- because the musicians body would be so full of chi. Music should be an extension of the yin-yang dynamics of mind-body consciousness. So in the Bushmen culture the women sing 10 hours straight all night using really precise harmonics while the men do qigong healing through trance dance. Equal-tempered tuning cuts off the complementary opposite harmonics as yin-yang healing -- so any music where the western tuning is the structure of the music destroys this dynamics. Some western music may just rely on octaves -- like some R & B or hip hop -- where the polyphonics are really barebones and the main reliance is the voice.
  6. Mouna Samadhi

    OK first of all a guitar won't work! That's EXACTLY my point -- I'm against equal-tempered tuning because it kills the complementary opposite harmonics which violate geometric symmetry. That's what is so radical about Taoism -- all of western music is mind control creating a condition of military-type aggression (the major mode) or nostalgia sentimental obedience to the state (the minor mode) as sanctified by Plato. Now on Ramana Maharhi's "heart" -- we'll again he's promoting mind yoga which relies on separation of Brahmin males from females -- that's the only way mind yoga works. Mind yoga relies on an anthropocentric view of reality whereas Taoism relies on snake goddess worship, documented to be 80,000 years old, as per the recent discovery of a Bushmen snake statute in a cave, a statue from 80,000 BCE. That's why jnana yoga is all the rage among the white male bourgeois "what is enlightenment" scene -- just like zen was in the 1970s, etc. That's why Master Nan, Huai-chin trashes zen -- it's too conceptual and doesn't rely on opening up the body channels. So we have to be careful with Ramana Maharshi.
  7. Mouna Samadhi

    So your name means "unconditional love"? Is this your teacher? http://www.shengzhen.org/meeting_the_master.htm
  8. Mouna Samadhi

    OK on Friday I was talking to my coworkers about these issues after having given one of the Gurdjieff's second book "Meetings with Remarkable Men" and also Autobiography of a Yogi. They're asking me questions and the radio is on in the background. All of a sudden Bessie Smith is singing the blues and I say see -- she just went to the 4 chord, now back to the one, now to the 5 chord, the 4 chord and then the one chord. They couldn't hear it because they're not musicians. Then another blues singer came on the radio and I showed them again: see -- he's singing the same note as while on the one chord but the chord switches to the 4 chord since it's the same harmonic. This adds tension which builds to the 5 chord and then resolves back to the one chord. He can sing the same note because it's based on the same overtones and Taoism works the same way -- the consciousness or emptiness is what Ramana Maharshi calls: THE UNDERLYING CURRENT and as this resonates it creates bliss -- the 4 chord -- the yin electrochemical energy of the harmonized lower emotions and as they resonate it goes to the 5 chord -- which is great intensity of consciousness -- and so it finally resolves back to the one chord. The process is something we LISTEN to because we exist within consciousness. So the microcosmic orbit or small universe is just the 12 notes of the chromatic scale only as along the outside of the body -- the 12 notes are actually a cycle of the 1-4-5 harmonics: C G D A E B F# C# G# D# A# F C That's the Western "circle of fifths" but the actual REAL harmonics is infinite -- so that the 1-4-5 doesn't return to the same "C" an octave higher but an "evolved" level of consciousness -- an increased awareness. The self-awareness is actually the 5th or yang, electromagnetic energy, while the Underlying Current is formless -- it's own own reality that we exist within. No One can Know the Tao -- we just listen to it. I have articles at http://mind-energy.net for more details. Just google "Secrets of Psychic Music Healing" or "Against Archytas" , or "The Yan Xin Secret" The full-lotus is just the Tetrad -- 1-4-5 as the harmonic ratios 1:2 (octave) 2:3 (yang or fifth) and 3:4 (yin or 4th). The tetrad is the Western Pythagorean Logos as the Tai-chi symbol. The full-lotus is just a 3 dimensional tetrad -- the tetrahedron -- based on nonwestern harmonics of consciousness. The central chakras are 7 to 9 in number -- the same as the diatonic scale built from the 1-4-5 dynamics. It's 7 to 9 because the octave starts over at 8 but the octave doesn't line up with the previous octave -- this is called "the Comma of Pythagoras" in western music and it undermines all of western science and philosophy, etc. My blogbook http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com is about the structural effects of this issue in the West.
  9. safety of mantak chia's practices

    Hey Sean Denty! Wow -- what's the "little bag of tools" that these sex vampire prostitutes use? Umm... hopefully not an acupuncture needle the size of a sewing needle! Ouch! I personally find it strange that Mantak Chia doesn't teach full-lotus. I know he says he's seen lots of knee problems but most of the Buddhist monks don't sit in full-lotus -- they sit just with the knees crossed and that doesn't open up the channels. I've read about these Thai monks needing surgery for example. Anyway from my experience qigong master Chunyi Lin sits in full-lotus at least 4 hours a day and most of the qi transmission he does is through his third eye. His lifestyle is exactly like Master Wang Li Ping or whatever -- the Opening the Dragon Gate dude. Also Michael Winn's essay on sex yoga -- mentioning his time under Sri Yuketswar (sp?) -- that was fascinating, stating how that full-lotus master needed young females to feed him jing energy. My experience is that when I suck up yin energy while in full-lotus it is based on an energy exchange with my vagus nerve along the right side of the neck pulsating while yang energy shoots out from my pineal gland through my eyes into the females. This creates an "O at a D" with the female climaxing and I climax as well - my dick throbs, the ejaculate shoots up the back -- doesn't seem like any prostrate build up going on. haha. If any thing it's more of a sperm whale issue. haha. So I'm not sure how a person would just suck up the yin energy without yang energy also leaving through their third eye. I know you're supposed to control the energy and store it in the lower tan tien but that is much easier if you have the eyes closed and your third eye focused back onto your own body, etc. Mudras and breathing techniques help but it seems more natural just to let the energy flow in my experience. Thanks for sharing the exotic stories though.
  10. Mindfulness

    Ok so sure I was in hella pain last night but I got a ton of work done. You have to leverage the need for extreme mind focus as a means to distract you from your body. So I bike home -- sit in more full-lotus. Fall asleep. Wake up with this insane amount of bliss in the nether regions -- like the deepest amazing orgasm. It was awesome. So did more full-lotus, more sleep. Read Ramana Maharshi and Gurdjieff. All I'm saying is that as Gurdjieff states the biggest problem in the West is the lower energy centers remain undeveloped. Read "In Search of the Miraculous" and ignore Ouspensky.
  11. Secret of the Big Accumulator

  12. Mindfulness

    Just sit in full-lotus all night long.
  13. Ah, it's the same old...

    Just as thoughts are waking dreams so thoughtless bliss is a sleeping dream.
  14. Ah, it's the same old...

    Neither passing nor staying such is that beyond time and space. Time is breath.
  15. Anyway -- the deal about "evil fire" is that you lose electromagnetic energy through the eyes -- looking at chicks -- but if you're sitting in full-lotus you also take in their electrochemical energy when you look at them as well. Or reverse breathing does this. BUT -- since that energy is electrochemical then it HAS to be "burned" through meditation (more full-lotus or small universe) back into electromagnetic energy -- or else you'll lose it as nocturnal emission -- the jing as generative heat will convert back to fluid. The same with too much food -- or too much work and not enough meditation, etc. As far as BUILDING up the energy -- well it's difficult to do if you are just cycling it through yin-yang exchanges -- what I call "O at a D" -- but then this was the main use for paranormal healing energy anyway, as per the Bushmen culture. The women would throw water on the men if they tried to do spirit travel. haha. The "immortal fetus" is shown as a full-lotus position so I strongly recommend this for efficacy. The stronger the energy gets the MORE you have to burn off the increase yin-yang exchange in electrochemical energy intake (the yin energy). So you can see where that's headed -- when the deep samadhi occurs -- the 10 days without food and water that is described in the book. And then it's even harder to get past the "immortal breathing" chapter which is where I got -- that's actually just right before what's called: Nirvikalpi Samadhi in Vedic philosophy. Unless of course you're a professional.... haha.
  16. Spring Forest Hits Hollywood

    The below is from the new Spring Forest Qigong email newsletter: A Special Guest! Master Lin was introduced as a special guest at the forty-fifth Annual ICG (International Cinematographers' Guild) Publicists' Awards Luncheon this past Tuesday, February 5, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California. Along with other guests, including Barbara Walters, Anthony LaPaglia, Shirley Jones, and Armand Assante, he was introduced to the more than one thousand people Master Lin, Shirley Jones, & Anthony LaPaglia in attendance by Henri Bollinger, Awards Committee Chairman. (photo) A growing list of Hollywood's movers and shakers are discovering Master Lin's approach to exercise and self-healing. His number-one-selling book on Amazon.com, Born a Healer, together with training DVDs and CDs on Spring Forest Qigong, were included in the gift bags given out to the honorees and special guests in attendance. The ICG awards traditionally take place in advance of the Academy Awards and recognize outstanding Master Lin and Billy Bush (photo) efforts in publicity and promotion during the previous calendar year. They honor people responsible for the success of movies and television shows that have performed exceptionally well throughout the world. This year's honorees included Harrison Ford, Lifetime Achievement Award; Judd Apatow, Motion Picture Showman of the Year; and Peter Roth,Television Showman of the Year. Master Lin and Armand Assante (photo) _____________________________________________________________________
  17. Extraordinary Powers Research in China

    Jonah -- thanks for promoting this book. It's an excellent read. Dr. Palmer sent me one of his articles back when he was at London School of Economics. He teaches in Hong Kong now. Dr. David Eisenberg's "Encounters with Qi" also covers some of that same "extraordinary" children powers research as well.
  18. Spring Forest Hits Hollywood

    This just in from NYC: Yo wild man Drew, Thank you!!!!! Just got back from Level1 & 2. W O W ! ! You really weren't kidding about Mr. Chunyi; he told me to do 50-50, 4 hours total, exercise and meditation. I can't wait for level 3. Its so cool, I find him and his method very tantric in that its so powerfully direct and generous. I put down on the evaluation sheets that Drew Hempel recommended SFQ to me. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....wow
  19. Bushmen Healing Secrets

    OK so according to this 1999 Indiana University Press book, Tricksters and Trancers: Bushmen Religion -- the source of the boiling heat for healing (bliss, tummo) called N/UM is from the "young maidens" while the healing trance of the males called !KIA, is considered equivalent to the "staying power" of the males orgasmic energy. http://books.google.com/books?id=TVMZ8Y2xw...LQf3o#PPA175,M1 See pages 174 and 184 -- around there. So anyway that's EXACTLY what I experience when sitting in full-lotus -- nice to have rediscovered the dominant human culture from 10,000 BCE to 80,000 BCE -- despite it's oh so controversial nature in today's society. haha. While in full-lotus, "I" shoot out the yang bliss-light through the third eye (yang energy) while sucking in the yin electrochemical energy from females.
  20. Bushmen Healing Secrets

    While we're at it: http://books.google.com/books?id=bIdQHy2O_...piracy#PPT10,M1 http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id...e4o510gM1-mzxYw
  21. Yogins of Ladakh

    This review of the book I just bought states the author rely on Taoism to help describe the practices of the Ladakh yogins. Ladakh is also known as "little Tibet" -- in Kashmir I think, it was never invaded by China and is Tibetan in culture. http://www.hermitary.com/bookreviews/crook.html Ladakh is just south of the Kunlun mountains!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladakh Book photo puts Ladakh lama lady into trance as given by a trekker who took photos: http://www.12357.dk/ladakh/?The_Road_less%..._Dzongkul_Gompa
  22. Well Put Post about Zaneblue

    OK so she outed her self as author of a new Randomhouse book! Congratulations! And covered in the Briton press -- wow! I'm assuming you're a yank? who knows! haha. Still I think probably more than one male on this forum has had a partner like yourself -- who just runs them over with their libido! haha. Thanks for your research and being professional enough to get it a place in history... or the great mystery? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/fashion/main.jh.../storgasm12.xml OK West Roxbury -- that's Boston right? haha. Anyway scanned your forum site -- very cool -- this caught my eye. Very crucial SECRET here boys and girls... Nice going! http://www.estronaut.com/a/coital_align_technique.htm Sweet stuff.
  23. Well Put Post about Zaneblue

    Witch -- thanks for you take on math. Here's my drug experience: I couldn't find any full-lotus salvia accounts online but I did find a druggie who combined DMT with Salvia, realizing that Salvia was stronger. Salvia is the stronger psychedelic microgram per microgram. I know people who smoked Salvia after doing every other type of drug yet Salvia scared them to death because their spirit flew out of their body -- from 10x. So I decided to see which was stronger -- full-lotus 3rd Eye or Salvia. The 10x caused my spirit to get pulled half out of my body. I just laughed at the salvia. haha. So I tried stronger stuff -- 17x. I kept blacking out (level 6 or the highest Salvia level). Since I was in full-lotus I wouldn't fall over or faint -- just come to with the sensation that my whole life and the world was a dream. After running out of my house a couple times until I left this dream state, once time coming back from black out I found myself stating: Wow my third eye is finally open. Then I lifted my hands and even though my eyes were closed with a hat over them, in a pitch black room, in the middle of the night -- I saw rainbows around my hands -- with my 3rd Eye. That was awesome. I tried to recreate it and smoked a whole gram of 17x in a total of 3 nights. Usually 21x or 60x is just a one hit affair on rare occasions, so that was the end of my drug experiment. I've never done any other type of drug but basically I discovered that drugs work on the electrochemical or JING level of power while alchemy creates electromagnetic energy (or CHI). Just to specify by electrochemical energy I mean that salvia activated internal climaxes while I was in full-lotus. So I would literally have maybe 6 orgasms that would shoot my JING up the spine into the brain where it would mix with my SHEN -- the spirit-vitality. So combining the JING or generative force (transduced via the vagus nerve) with the SHEN or spirit-force, then creates PRENATAL VITALITY or aka positive spirit aka the immortal fetus. So the electromagnetic 3rd eye overpowered the electrochemical energy. Normally drugs cause the cerebellum to bypass the thalamus so that visions are downloaded directly from your subconscious to your cerebral cortex. That's the electrochemical power and if it's strong enough your spirit will disconnect but it won't travel that far, because it's not powered by CHI -- electromagnetic energy. As you asked about the JING, CHI and SHEN in another post -- let me specify that the practice of PLAYING THE FLUTE WITHOUT HOLES -- the small universe practice -- cleanses (kidney) and purifies (heart) the generative force (JING) so that it turns into CHI. The cleansing is the kidney turning testosterone into serotonin and oxytocin and the purifying is the neurotransmitters combining with the oxytocin and serotonin to create melotonin and DMT. What creates the CHI -- is the ultrasound ionization of these harmonized electrochemicals. When we have emotional thoughts -- the intensity of the emotion is the extent to which the emotion is stored subconsciously as a stronger electrochemical imprint. So the purification is basically the visionary playback of our subconscious desire which otherwise gets controlled by the cerebellum while we are dreaming. Since it gets ionized through the emptiness (LISTENING to Female Formless Awareness) then it turns into electromagnetic energy. So if you read about the Salvia trips -- the spirit flies into the floor or wall. That's it. After it's out of the body then there might be a subjective sensation of ANYTHING -- depending on context -- but no real astral travel, which relies on electromagnetic power. So the slight electromagnetic power of my 3rd eye -- which is permanent -- causes me to already be able to flex my pineal gland at will (therefore the drug wasn't strong enough to overpower my thalamus). I always can sense my cerebrum at all times -- ever since qigong Master chunyi lin used his finger to shoot energy into my brain. Once he was opening my third eye with his third eye, after he had left the room, but I wasn't ready yet, as this intense blissful heat burned my brain!! Another time Jim Nance actually did the same thing -- after class when I had gone home. He was just experimenting as he was new to this ability. The next week he pulled me aside and asked me if I had felt anything. I then realized what had happened but since he didn't tell me he was going to do it then I had the same reaction as before -- I didn't stay in meditation because the energy was too strong. Anyway I have more about that drug experience at http://breakingopenthehead.com.
  24. Ramana Maharishi

    Yes the teacher of Ramana Marashi is a MOUNTAIN -- the tetrahedron as full-lotus....
  25. Ramana Maharishi

    OK well if you read Ramana Maharshi in detail he states that of the three -- consciousness, bliss, existence -- consciousness is only permanent. But Ramana Maharshi is defining consciousness within "time" -- whereas it's beyond even permanence! haha. The fact is Brahmin priests completely relied on separation from females in order to perfect mind yoga and Ramana Maharshi advocates breath to control the mind if someone can't control the mind on their own. He, himself, rejected his own mother so that he could stay isolated in a sacred place for Brahmins. As Gurdjieff stated: "Just remember -- time is breath." haha. So Gurdjieff also states that the Absolute is MATERIAL but he states that it's also beyond the duality of matter and energy. What he means is that it's the "highest" frequency of matter -- as found in the source of the Heart. I think this is also why Ramana Maharshi states that the first siddhi is to become as small as an atom -- Essentially the laser used to test quantum physics matter -- the protons and neutrons and electrons and whatever else the physicist decide is matter -- is the same intensity of energy as the sun. Healers also create laser energy because they SYNCHRONIZE the energy of the body through ultrasound of the language inside the mind, creating yang -- sun -- energy. So this is why the Absolute is a 3-1 paradox -- not just the "one" that Ramana Maharshi relies on. Ramana Maharshi states that consciousness can not be seen and it's best taught through mouna samadhi -- silence -- but he states it's best transmitted THROUGH THE EYES. This transmission is actually the yin electrochemical life force of the BODY resonated into synchronized laser light through the pineal gland -- and it's directed by the complementary opposites -- the desire of the body. When we listen to the source of our thoughts the process is the same 3-1 paradox and it is permanent as a PROCESS but it's not anthropocentric -- not the "heart" as the body-mind projected as the SELF -- instead it's the earth as nature projected as a balance between the moon (female electrochemical energy) and the sun (laser electromagnetic energy). If we ignore the moon (body) then we destroy the earth, as is happening due to the symmetric-based "I am that I am" logical axioms which Ramana Maharshi relies on. He's teaching patriarchy as much as he's teaching the truth. Sri Aurobindo is no better unfortunately. There is a purpose for form -- visual-based truth -- and that's the sacred snake or kundalini -- the gopis that join Krishna which Sri Ramana Maharshi dismisses. OK so the Tai-Chi symbol, the female form of beauty, the kundalini, etc., is resolved in three-dimensions as pyramid power -- the center of the 3-1 or tetrahedron. As Gurdjieff describes there's three forces -- active, passive, and neutralizing or yang, yin and emptiness or consciousness, bliss, existence. He states that in order to be aware of the three forces they always have to be observed in relation to another force but if they exist on their own with no other force then they are matter -- making it a 3-1 paradox. He calls the three forces, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen and the matter is hydrogen. Carbon relies on a tetrahedron for binding to nitrogen whereas hydrogen and oxygen bind as female formless awareness -- or in science water is now called a "macro quantum molecule" relying, again on a tetrahedral form, to create anomalies -- see physics professor J. L. Finney's "What's special about water?" article in the PHilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society journal. So water is the key, as lunar female force, since it creates negentropy -- or the ability for life to live on earth -- through the macro tetrahedral binding. Oh yea -- the tetrahedron is the full-lotus of course.