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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Secrets of Female Formless Awareness

    1D at http://radiorbit.com asked if Oannes as either Sirius or Sitchin's 12 planet reptilian. I stated the only thing solid on Oannes was that he was sent by EA, the god of 2/3 governing water, and therefore resonating back to female formless awareness. Sitchin and Robert Temple are CIA-Freemason pawns. Yeah here's the excerpt from my blogbook, actually from an old blog entry: "The secret of Freemasonry is that Sirius-Orion is the apex of the precessional cycle (moon-sun torque) by representing the Hunter who kills Canis Major — the Hunted Bull." The above should be in my blogbook -- so the moon-water resonance of the Nile-tidal cycle was replaced by Sun-based imperialist Freemasonic farming using slave labor, as Sirius became the Brahman (Bull-GOTT) symbol through the influence of the sea invaders -- the Hittites. I'll post what I just posted over at http://rigint.blogspot.com which is relevant as well. Peter Levenda notes that Robert Temple was sent to the Dogon research by Stargate CIA mind controller Dr. Andrija Puharich. You should really read "The Stargate Conspiracy" by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. Ah "square Hebrew" derived from Aramaic based on Greek sources. FASCINATING! http://www.cs.utk.edu/~mclennan/BA/SNHIG.html That builds on the article you cited. My research cites the use of the lyre as the transistional linguistic device between Egypt and Babylon, via the middle East. To conclude, bringing this back to Kali as a spiral -- this is time, as per the 60-based number system, defined by COMPLIMENTARY OPPOSITES that diverge to female formless awareness. The cosmic mother Nuit in Egypt was also based on this model of a matrifocal cistern -- or sound-box -- that creates the cosmos. And in Egypt the ratio 2/3 was considered to be sacred but Western mathematics does not know why. Based on complimentary opposites in matrifocal culture, using the 60-based natural numbers, 2/3 was known to be the yang light-bliss. The secret importance of 2/3 in Egypt is completely lost to Western mathematicians since they're trained musicians first.
  2. Secrets of Female Formless Awareness

    So this is from Professor Ernest McClain's article. He and I corresponded this summer about chapter 4 of my blogbook: "Secrets of the Greek Freemasonic Miracle" which concentrates on the connection between left-brain logic, math and music harmonics as complimentary opposites, used to create three-dimensional "containment" through 4:5, the major third, changed to 5:4, the cube root of two. I should add that the question was presented as one of "efficiency" -- try adding the difference between the Lunar and Solar calendar using right-brain ideograms? So, as David E. Duncan notes in his book Calendar -- the switch to 10-based number system using phonetic language developed. But again this is assuming that Lunar calendar was ALREADY based on a "divide and average" Babylon math system -- not the complimentary opposite synchronization of 7 x 4 with 13 months equalling 364 days. Babylon used logarithmics and was patriarchal while Sumeria and the early Indo-European Harrapan cities still had a matrifocal, ideogram, musilanguage, the latter also having a full-lotus Shiva statue. Here's McClain: THE DEIFICATION OF TONE NUMBERS The deified Sumerian numbers, taken over by Babylon, are 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 50, all fractional parts of "father" Anu/An = 60, head of the pantheon. Their fractional values and god names are indicated here with a brief description of their mythological functions. Anu/An, 60, written as a large 1, "father of the gods" and earliest head of the pantheon, is any reference unit. He is equivalent in our notation to 60/60 = 1, where he functions, according to modern concepts, as "geometric mean in the field of rational numbers." Enlil, 50 (5/6), "god on the mountain" possessing fifty names, is mankind's special guardian and was promoted to head the pantheon circa 2500 B.C. Enlil deities in base 60 what the Greeks knew as the human prime number, 5, in their base-1O harmonics. By generating major thirds of 4:5 and minor thirds of 5:6, he saved Sumerians tremendous arithmetical labor, as we shall note in due course. Ea/Enki, 40 (2/3), "god of the sweet waters" and perhaps the busiest deity in Sumer, "organizes the earth," including the musical scale. He deities the divine prime number, 3, in the ratio of the musical fifth 2:3, the most powerful shaping force in music after the octave. (Notice that the trio of highest gods (40, 50, 60) defines the basic musical triad of 4:5:6 (do, mi, sol, rising, and mi, do, la, falling). The ratio 4:5 defines a major third and the ratio 5:6 defines a minor third, taken either upward or downward within the matrix of the musical octave.) Sin, 30 (1/2), the Moon, establishes the basic Sumerian octave matrix as 1:2 30:60. Shamash, 20 (1/3), the Sun, judges the gods. Ishtar, 15 (1/4), is the epitome of the feminine as virgin, wife, and everybody's mistress. Nergal, 12 (1/5), is god of the underworld.
  3. Secrets of Female Formless Awareness

    Ok a "two-gendered being" is not "undifferentiated" as is supposedly claimed by Rene Guenon -- he did not mean that because it's a logical contradiction. Guenon clarifies himself when he states that any talk of yin and yang is only in relation to material reality. The "symbolic revolution" at 10,000 BCE initiated anthropocentric art for the first time -- the appearance of human figurines in art. Before that art work was abstract or animals or some chimera paintings. At the same time that male-female art work appeared, all female circular housing was destroyed, while rectilinear housing, based on plow agriculture was promoted. The circle female housing as the Wu Chi is connected to the Earth-Lunar cycle, as for example matrifocal cultures had the females do the gardening or horticulture or gathering, based on the lunar calendar. Consider what I just posted on http://truthbeknown.com -- just scroll to the bottom, click on forums, and see my comparative religion post. I'll just repeat it here: The passover is celebrated by Christians only during the Full Moon because Jesus means the Sun while the Gnostic (banned) Greek gospels claims that Jesus died and resurrected during the Solar Eclipse which can only happen at the New Moon. So then when Pagan Easter merged with the Church it was a big debate - how can Jesus represent the matrifocal fertility power of the Moon conquering the Sun during a solar eclipse? It can't so no new moon passover. This same debate happened in the Essene texts as well -- whether to use the Solar or Lunar calendar which represents the switch from a divergent, natural number system of complimentary opposites -- the original 60-based number system, whereby the ratio 5:4 meant the ORIGINAL SIN -- in synch with the Lunar god, and as an approximation of three dimensional spacetime -- the cube root of two. The same ratio 4:5 as logarithmic conversion is the harmonic resonance of Saturn and Jupiter. Quantum chaos has proven that when their orbits are in synch then the combined resonance sends a comet, turning to an asteroid, that destroys all three-dimensional life on Earth. Our two eyes give us bifocal depth for the illusion of three dimensions while the original Christian artwork had light auras around heads (as I can see) because female formless awareness was still achieved through the third eye. So the magnetite meteorite (asteroid) as the original source of iron-based monotheism (the Kaaba for lunar-worship origins of Islam and the source of the Black Madonna from Egypt magnetite-meteorite worship and the source of Cybele worship in Anatolia, which became Diana black madonna worship in Europe). This source happens because 5:4 is the moon conquering the sun (during the eclipse) as the original sin, so that three dimensional life is destroyed via comet-asteroids in synch with saturn-jupiter. Again the moon is the left eye, right cerebrum, left cerebellum-pineal gland stellar resonance. The moon calendar is based on the natural number system -- 7 (law of octaves) x 4 (Tetrad) with 13 months. I give the technical details in chapter 4 of my blogbook. Basically 4:5 as the natural overtone harmonic of the complimentary opposite major third is converted to left-brain phonetic-based logarithmic math as 5:4 (the original Sin) thereby putting the Solar Freemasonic ideology over the lunar-stellar ideology. In fact this was the obsession of NeoPlatonist Freemason John Scotus Erigena, as detailed by professor Joscelyn Godwin - the connection between 4:5 and the moon and Saturn and Jupiter. For example in Egypt the Female Formless Awareness was known to be a cosmic reality, the source of all energy and matter and spacetime -- NUIT, empty awareness. The earliest form of organized religion is the Turkana pastoralist animal sacrifice at the Solar Eclipse -- when the moon conquers the sun -- and so an animal must be sacrificed because the Sun is Sick. This represents an early version of patriarchy -- fear of the female power. An even earlier one is the Eland Bull Ritual (female lunar fertility relying on the most primitive Bushmen harmonics -- a pentatonic scale) as paralleled with the Flute Goddess-Rainbow Serpent rituals. The natural numbers as complimentary opposites based on "musiclanguage" are thereby lost and converted to anthropocentric logic and math and art work -- whether it's "two-being" or just "one-being" does not matter.
  4. Secrets of Female Formless Awareness

    I think you're referring to psychic "mutual climaxes." That's not orgasm counting -- at least not male orgasm counting. I've found that 3 is the limit for public psychic mutual climaxes because the third one creates a fairly strong physical reaction -- total body shiver for example, through arching the back -- releasing all the internal stress. I've seen that 3 times and twice I've seen females actually begin to physically stimulate themselves with their hands while I was sitting in full-lotus near them (both of them college students). Usually the physical language based on the psychic mutual climax is more subtle and usually two climaxes is enough because the third would be too intense for a public environment. I've found that in more intimate settings the psychic mutual climax causes intense heat in the heart chakra, after about 5 climaxes, and then creates strong electromagnetic fields. The key is not to eat food because food converts the electromagnetic paranormal healing energy back into electrochemical energy. I've stopped counting psychic mutual climaxes after realizing these generalized dynamics and I start to see light around people's heads if I eat just a light meal a day, while sitting in full-lotus with lots of yin recipients around me. If I stayed in my room then the yin source would be the lower half of my body, while my eyes are closed, with the palms facing my stomach, receiving the yang bliss-light shooting out of my forehead. Or possibly the same dynamic while standing with legs bent. Usually I just shoot the yang bliss-light into the females at the free food kitchen where I might have lunch or in the fast food joints where I hang out -- or in the cafes -- or at work -- etc. I shoot the yang bliss-light into males as well but, as I've stated, when they get charged up enough then they just convert that energy back into generative fluid that dissipates their electromagnetic paranormal healing from the bliss-light. This is because of the left-brain patriarchal right-hand projection of repression lower emotions as oppression. So this is why I'm correcting your claim of "counting orgasms" -- psychic mutual climax is the sending of yang light-bliss into a yin electrochemical source and if that source is female then it remains internalized, as the ability to send the yang light-bliss by the male relies on using the female internal climax, via the right-side vagus nerve. All the best,
  5. Secrets of Female Formless Awareness

    Yeah looks like it's time to kill the buddha: http://www.buddhistchannel.tv/index.php?id=42,4830,0,0,1,0 I have a new blogbook: http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com I had a tenative agreement with http://trineday.com to publish it next year but that was before I threw it online for free but most of this discussion has come from another trineday author's blog -- http://rigint.blogspot.com so this might help interest in a hard copy version with more of this info added from the online feedback. Thanks.
  6. The Secret of Harmonia

    Only the female formless awareness is true harmony. Relying on technology creates imbalances. Well the points given in the book are, again, based on harmonics aka "the playing of the flute without holes." I go into this in my masters thesis. Mantak Chia uses more points and he didn't directly relate it to harmonics but Michael Winn figured this out and does relate the microcosmic orbit directly to harmonics. Qigong master Chunyi Lin also uses the 12 points as the small universe (neither more, nor less). His "small universe" c.d. is very very helpful in keeping the mind focused. The idea is to develop the awareness of the energy as it transduces -- heat to electromagnetic fields to light. It's necessary to first open up the body channels in order to create enough mind power. Once the 3rd eye is permanently open then the specific points may vary because the body itself becomes full of light and electromagnetic fields. The mind is bending spacetime at this juncture. Professor Nan, Huai-chin makes this point as well -- the microcosmic orbit is preliminary before true samadhi is achieved. As Master Nan, Huai-chin details most modern practicers "fall back into worldliness" by "heroic overexuberance" - using the paranormal powers that develop before true samadhi or "emptiness" is achieved: about chapter 10 in Taoist Yoga. Master Nan, Huai-chin also notes that true samadhi can not really be translated into words. Gurdjieff makes the same point -- when the higher emotions are accessed (of the heart and mind) then the brain is easily overwhelmed with the intensity of information and the brain tends to shut-down -- or black out. Both Master Nan, Huai-chin and Gurdjieff question whether true samadhi is even favorable for modern society since obviously such a state is not amenable to normal functioning, unless you can specialize in this practice. The small universe is the specific tool for maintaining the health of the body and once this foundation is achieved then, as Taoist Yoga states, if "vitality is scattered" through heart-eye passion, then at least health can be maintained. This is because the scattering of vitality (yang light energy) is through the 3rd eye as a full-body cycling of energy, in contrast to the "separation of heaven (mind) and earth (body)" as is the case for left-brain disconnection with the body's lower emotions. Scattering vitality is still transducing the lower emotions into light-bliss (which then leads to light-electromagnetic energy). Gurdjieff also makes this clear -- once Level 4 is reached a "permanent center of gravity" is achieved in the 3rd Eye: magnetic bliss. But the activating of this direct access to the "large accumulator" -- the female formless awareness -- can manifest through the 3 main energy centers (or in Taoism: Tan tiens). So the three are jing, chi and shen or electrochemical, electromagnetic and light. When Taoist Yoga states that the process starts by focusing on the point between and behind the eyes -- this is admitting that the female formless awareness (eternal nature) is what Gurdjieff calls the Absolute. By focusing on eternal nature (stillness or silence) the yang energy is then able to descend down to meet to the yin energy which must be raised up. But mind yoga just typically focuses on descending the yang energy while ignoring and repressing the yin energy yet the yin energy is the foundation of the practice -- both the beginning and the end of the practice. It's called "energy" because that's how it's experienced but when we "listen" to it by focusing on the space between and behind the eyes -- in fact we connect with pure consciousness which then creates the energy. So the source of the I-thought is asymmetrical. One is male but is attracted to female formless awareness which enables one to resonate as two -- yin energy as matter and then resonates as three - yang or 2:3, the perfect 5th. This overtone of 2:3 then creates the whole energy spectrum through further complimentary opposites. The female formless awareness is always-already -- beyond spacetime and energy-matter. It's just a matter of harmonizing with it through complimentary opposite harmonics. Standing exercise is also very important at first. Taoist Yoga notes that when the legs go numb then the feet should be pounded and the leg channels should be focused on. Again sitting in full-lotus at ease for at least 2 hours straight demonstrates the channels are opened -- that the body's energy is necessary to establish permanent awareness with the female formless awareness. Consciousness as female formless awareness is neither words, nor images, but rather what enables telepathy and telekinesis and precognition, etc. This is experienced as strong electromagnetic fields surrounding the body and then transducing the thoughts and emotions of people in the vicinity -- as communicated by their body-mind -- most powerfully through the eyes. This information then travels via the electromagnetic and electrochemical energy -- based on light (the synchonized biophotons of the 3rd Eye) -- back into the 3rd Eye. Then the brain translates the information (emotions, thoughts) of what happens in the vicinity. In true samadhi this information and energy is communication directly through the female formless awareness beyond barriers of spacetime. The distance is based on "what level of emptiness" is achieved. For discussion of this paradox, "levels of emptiness," the best source is Master Nan, Huai-chin: his "What is Enlightenment" series. The goal of Taoist Yoga is to go so deep into female formless awareness through the yin energy of the body that another physical body is achieved and then this body is "scattered as vitality across the universe." It's taught that before this physical body is achieved the person can already travel in yin spirit across the universe and this final step enables physical immortality. This is the opposite of Advaita Vedanta which states that no travel is necessary since logically everything already is formless awareness and instead of the vitality radiating outward, in self-enquiry, the vitality spirals to the source of the heart-mind, called the direct path. In this second case final "immortality" is achieved when the body is killed and with each breath the mind automatically empties out to female formless awareness beyond any pain of the body. Both of these end goals are the same and both are not talked about in their respective schools. How many would state -- our goal is to explode our own body into electromagnetic light in order to create an immortal physical body! Similarly how many would state our goal is to kill ourselves! Rather what's important is the harmonization process itself -- which is impersonal and has no start, nor a beginning. Even though Buddhism is based on this philosophy that all is emptiness as consciousness nevertheless the same conflict arose -- Hinyana being just like Advaita Vedanta and Mahayana being just like Taoist Yoga. This is why I rely on music as the model -- with the proof that yin and yang are from the same music ratios used in every culture for healing -- 1-4-5 intervals. The crucial issue being that their complimentary opposite meaning has been lost in the West.
  7. The Secret of Harmonia

    I listen to ghazal's on http://kfai.org -- the Sangam show on sat. 5 to 7 pm (it's archived and the last show was superb! There's a different d.j. every week, about 5 in all taking turns -- all S. Asian music). As for John Chang -- just consider the comments over at the latest michaelprescott.typepad.com blog where the "white male gurus" have banned me. I'm bringing up the necessity to sublimate sexual energy so that it's ionized in order to create electromagnetic fields. I'm emphasizing that full-lotus is by far the most effective means to do this but that the small universe practice enables a person to stay in full-lotus -- after the "foundation" has been achieved, the opening of the third eye. I'm stating that this process is completely based on complimentary harmonics of yin (3:4) and yang (2:3) from the Pythagorean Tetrad or 1:2:3:4. This knowledge is not found in the West because it relies on asymmetric harmonics, while all of Western science, as per correspondant, quantum chaos math professor Ian Stewart notes, in his new book, is based on "Why Beauty is Truth: A History of Symmetry" (2007). This asymmetric, complimentary opposite knowledge is passed on starting from trance dance healing -- so that people could see light within the body. Then the full-lotus is found in the Dravidian statue in the oldest city in India. It's also found in Native American culture. The small universe is a mediator practice that connects trance dance or tai chi with the full-lotus through complimentary opposite harmonics. In other words the "small universe" is the key practice to create paranormal powers. John Chang knows of these principles and practices them as a master. I have had the amazing opportunity to study with a master of similar level -- Master Chunyi Lin who is recommended by the Mayo Clinic for healing late-term cancer. He says he has a 90% cure rate for everything from HIV positive to MS to deafness to paralysis and he does PHONE HEALING. Qigong Master Chunyi Lin just co-authored a Mayo Clinic medical textbook chapter with Mayo Clinic doctor Nina Mishek and qigong master Chunyi Lin has given qigong classes to the Mayo Clinic doctors. Qigong master Chunyi Lin is also currently doing an N.I.H. study. Mitch Horowitz, the spiritual editor for Penguin, responded to my email stating that he planned to attend qigong Master Chunyi Lin's class to investigate Master Chunyi Lin's healing at the Mayo Clinic. This may be included in Mitch Horowitz' forthcoming book on Occult America. The discussion at michael prescott's blog on what enables paranormal ability is similar to what has happened here -- the emphasis is on "suppression of the left brain." In fact if we read Lynn McTaggert's excellent new book "The Intention Experiments" it's been proven that meditation relies on the left brain AND ON THE CEREBELLUM. In fact the whole brain is VERY active in meditation -- the difference is that it's highly synchronized and therefore creates intensity of light. It's not "irrational" or "crazy" -- rather it's nonwestern music which is just as much mathematics (the Harmonic Series) as emotion and analysis a la Poe. I can "flex" my pineal gland at will -- when I do this my vagus nerve on the right side of my neck starts pulsating. Last time I saw one of my sisters she noted that my "eyes flickered" and it was "freaky" -- that's just the beginning stages of the energy opening up blockages in my eyes. As the energy converts from electrochemical levels, through further ionization, to electromagnetic, then the light becomes more coherent and more intense. At this stage it's a deeper "trance" condition -- again all of this takes place while in full-lotus. If I eat just one meal a day then I can maintain open energy channels so that I can see white light around people's heads. This means transmission is a go ahead. Of course I can feel the transmission -- the emotions of those around me being transformed as they are cycled through my body. What qigong master Chunyi Lin is doing is presenting and teaching a very accessible method that enables anyone to achieve these capabilities. His "small universe" C.D. or tape is an excellent tool to learn these abilities. He has told the classes I was in that he levitated 9 feet, spiralling up, while in deep meditation in the mountains. He stated that he sat in a cave for 40 days straight, in full-lotus, no food and no water and no sleep. He stated that once he transferred all the alcohol content from 6 bottles of wine into another 6 bottles so that the latter had twice the amount of alcohol. He stated he received very specific news about what the future of China was to be -- names included and it came to pass. Now it would be easy to dismiss these testimonies of his meditation experience but as I've mention in my "this reminds me" post -- I've experienced consistent application of his healing skills in a very respectable manner. Sure he makes some light-hearted jokes that sometimes utilize telepathy but that's to be expected by someone who can make you immersed in bright light filled with bliss and who can look at a specific part of your body, immediately created intense blissful heat. Master Chunyi Lin and Master Jim Nance both state they can smell cancer as "rotting flesh." I think this is because when they smell the cancer they are already burning it away with the synchronized laser power. In fact I too have had this experience when the light in my skull was very intense. I assure you that every night when I sit in full-lotus my skull makes loud cracking noises and I can feel strong pressure behind my eyes, my eyebrows, etc., as the blockages leave my body -- through my eyes. This is called "the quick fire" in Taoist Yoga -- the eyes are a pathway for healing. Master Chunyi Lin has studied with very amazing paranormal masters in the mountains in China -- with the "Gold Aura" that is the creation of another physical body -- the level 7 of Gurdjieff's system. Master Chunyi Lin, before I saw the John Chang video, already shared how one of his teachers, Buddhist master Yao, would light paper balls on fire -- using his eyes.
  8. The Secret of Harmonia

    I've posted on Laura's "sign of the times" forum in response to a http://conspiracycentral.info poster or maybe it was http://unexplained-mysteries.com (where I was banned for bringing up these tantra issues). Anyway Laura does a good job on understanding the Stargate Conspiracy (and taking on the AboveTopSecret website). But again this whole mind-psychic channelling thing is, as Stan Gooch details, based on generalized philosophy with really no applicable details for practical healing energy. Laura's article on Gurdjieff is very revealing. This is the critical revelation: "And yet...! Is not the System of Octaves symbolized by the musical scale (tones and semitones) as well as by the notes that compose it (Dominus, Sidereus orbis, etc...). Is not the origin of these notes a Christian hymn to John the Baptist? Mouravieff reminds us of this in detail (Gnosis, chapter 10). He therefore responds, in preventive measure, to the issues raised by Patterson by showing that Christianity, including its European version, contained the System of Octaves at a certain period." God this reminds of a passage I read last night: "Is not this the same thing which is described in the Acts as the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles, when they began to understand divers languages?" asked someone. [of Gurdjieff] I [Ouspensky] noticed that such questions always irritated G. "I don't know, I wasn't there," he said. p. 96, "In Search of the Miraculous" Now for Boris to claim, as Laura records, that Gurdjieff has bad communication skills and therefore was dependent on Ouspensky is a complete joke. This joke is verified when Gurdjieff asks Ouspensky to provide his commentary of the cosmos: "See what you can say from your point of view, taking everything just as I said it." (p. 208) Ouspensky rattles on for FIVE WORTHLESS PAGES (which I tore out of the book because they're so stupid). Then on page 213 Gurdjieff responds with this very SLY comment: "I will only add one thing more: "Time is breath -- try to understand this." He said nothing further. (p. 213) Now that Ouspensky reports this without even seeing the SLY joke involved is proof that Gurdjieff in no way was dependent on Ouspensky and also that Ouspensky was simply a scribe, not a teacher. Not only that but Boris does not understand Gurdjieff, because as I've stated, Gurdjieff was translating nonwestern alchemy into Western philosophy and this confused people. First of all the Christian scale that Boris' refers to does not rely on asymmetric harmonics -- there's no understanding of how to apply this to the body, as Gurdjieff details in his alchemical teaching which exactly parallels the same as the Taoist Yoga book. The crucial emphasis of Gurdjieff is that in the West the lower emotions remain undeveloped and it takes a conscious sublimation of these emotions. The sex center is the neutralizing force of the moving center, the lower electrochemical energy center of the body. So what enables a person to sit in full-lotus is the ability to shoot the yang light-energy back into the yin electrochemical-energy. This creates an increase in vitality or electromagnetic energy. Taoist Yoga teaches that not until yang light-energy can be seen OUTSIDE the head is the female formless awareness established. Otherwise there continues to be just a repression of the lower emotions that creates a projection of oppression outside the body. As the female formless awareness deepens -- what Gurjdieff calls the "possibility of consciousness" then the electrochemical astral body -- shooting yang energy outside the mind -- turns into the electromagnetic astral body (the sun energy of immortality). Finally, as the Golden Light of the yin electrochemical energy merges in the Heart (source of Eternal Nature as Taoist Yoga calls it or the female formless awareness) another physical body is created -- the level 7 of Gurdjieff as the "starry" astral body, immortal in this solar system, beyond the sun. Master Nan, Huai-chin also discusses these different "levels of emptiness" in his books which are truly amazing. Now Gurdjieff reveals his secret translation of Western philosophy into nonwestern complimentary opposites with the following SLY comment: "But, in this connection, it must be remembered that 'intelligence' is determined not by the density of matter but by the density of vibrations. The density of vibrations, however increases not, by doubling as in the octaves of 'hydrogens' [and the Christian doubling scale Boris refers to] but in an entirely different progression which many times out numbers the first. If you know the exact coefficient of this increase you will be in a position to solve this problem." (p. 320) Of course "coefficient" is a logarithmic term so the Western readers will never be able to solve this "entirely different progression" -- which, again, is the resonance of complimentary opposites. Finally Gurdjieff emphasized again that alchemy is impersonal and based on the law of three as complimentary opposites: "You must understand that each center is divided into three parts in conformity with the primary division of centers into 'thinking,' 'emotional,' and 'moving.' On the same principle each of these parts in its turn is divided into three. In addition, from the very outset each center is divided into two parts: positive and negative. And in all parts there are groups of 'rolls' connected together, some in one direction and others in another direction. This explains the differences between people, what is called 'individuality.' Of course there is in this no individuality at all, but simply a difference of 'rolls' and associations." p. 388, the last quote of Gurdjieff in the book, "In Search of the Miraculous." On John Cook introducing the term "taboo" from the South Pacific, I'd would add another John Cooke, the subject of a book I just read the past couple days: The Tyrannicide Brief by Geoffrey Robertson (2006, Vintage London). Robertson rewrites the history of the barrister John Cooke who established "the right to remain silent," along with other modern rights. Robertson notes that "the fabled sexual promiscuity of the Ranters inspired a moral panic in Parliament" while the Levellers were considered "the enemy within." In honor of this taboo today I'll read Andrew Eames: "Crossing the Shadow Line: Travels in South-East Asia." (1986)
  9. The Secret of Harmonia

    I got this from having qigong master Chunyi Lin burn a magnetic bliss-light hole in the center of my brain: Again the West is wrong. Boris is wrong. Gnosticism is not yoga. Boris' book is available online for free. Gurdjieff was the real thing and this is exactly why he continues to be slammed in the West. How could there be someone after Ouspensky implying that Oupensky could somehow be after Gurdjieff? WHAT A JOKE!! Oupensky was completely clueless and so was everyone else. As I've stated Gurdjieff almost committed suicide because of this and he worked so hard that he almost died in a car accident. Bennett's book on Gurdjieff is very fair but that doesn't mean Bennett can continue Gurdjieff's teaching. Ouspensky quoted Gurdjieff and tried to understand Gurdjieff. I came to Gurdjieff only after studying Taoist Yoga and Pythagorean harmonics. Ouspensky went on claiming to teach Gurdjieff and so everyone followed Ouspensky or Orage or Boris -- none of them matter. GURDJIEFF was real. The rest fake: Crowley, etc. -- even Steiner. Essentially there has to be a lineage of masters -- people with the third eye FULLY OPEN -- which means the person CAN SEE INSIDE SOMEONE ELSE'S BODY and their own body channels are open and so they can transmit energy and sit in full-lotus at ease. It's very simple yet radical. Full-lotus not only shows that the 3rd Eye has been opened but it is the practice to continue channelling the yin-yang harmonics. Jim Nance is the qigong master in the lineage of Chunyi Lin. Jim Nance used to be a kung fu master. Jim Nance spent several months with the Dogon in Mali. Jim Nance told me that during this whole time the main form of thinking was NONWESTERN MUSIC. Tribal Trance Transduction. It's a very strict practice that has been largely destroyed even in Africa. This was Gurdjieff's emphasis as well. I read one book a day and have done so for the past seven years yet what do I recommend: nonwestern masters. Chunyi Lin's book "Born a Healer" is a great example. David Godman's biography of H.W.L. Poonja, the master in lineage with Ramana Maharshi is another great example: "Nothing Ever Happened." Professor and Buddhist Master Nan, Huai-chin has 5 books on meditation and philosophy in English. I had to read each book 3 times just to get the jist of what he was saying. He's a true yoga master and sits in full-lotus all the time. He is a Ch'an master with the full Buddhist and Taoist canon memorized. He's almost completely unknown in the West -- precisely because the West is so afraid of the need to confront and process the lower emotions. It's very simple -- the full-lotus enables resonance with female formless awareness. I sit in full-lotus as much as possible because this ensures the harmonization of energy. Harmonics is impersonal and female formless awareness is not a physical body, nor is it "light," -- it's nothing visual nor physical nor is it energy -- it can be logically inferred as the source of the I-thought. Just like in deep sleep -- we don't know the world exists, nor that we exist yet deep sleep is necessary and we remain individuals. We can infer that our consciousness is not the words or images in our heads but rather the source of our deep sleep. 20 minutes of deep full-lotus meditation equals 4 hours of sleep. Is music a cult? Is practicing music based on using words? Meditation is the same -- the 12 nodes are yin and yang cycling on different levels. The back of the body is yang, the front yin, the lower half yin, the upper half yang, and so on, resonating to the female formless awareness. So this is just practice and more practice and the process is done because it's fun and resonates with the source of reality. If we listen to harmonics the process is infinite yet the result can be inferred. Consciousness is real and secretly guides our subconscious desires modeled by yin-yang dynamics. If we repeat I-I-I over and over to logically seek the source of our thoughts, all of them arising from the I-thought and then we listen to the space between our I-thoughts, this is the same process as yang-yin-formless awareness. The difference is that there is no process to sublimate the yin energy and so there is no will power, there is no focus and therefore no real results. The west is too conceptual because of our left-brain addiction -- phonetic language. So the "small universe" tape or c.d. from spring forest qigong is very helpful. It's just a matter of how much practice. The active exercises are also very helpful. The philosophy is simple yet very radical. For example in the Level III retreat qigong master Chunyi Lin drew the tai-chi symbol and stated the sine-wave in the middle is consciousness and the circle is the universe (female formless awareness) and when we use our consciousness to go into the universe then we create yin and yang energy which is everything else. So, coming from an Advaita Vedanta perspective I'm truly perplexed -- I mean REALLY zen-like perplexed. So what's the difference between "my" consciousness and the "emptiness" and if there is no difference then how can I really practice anyway, etc.? Finally I realized that the difference again is that when the source of the I-thought is inferred this process still uses the complimentary opposite harmonics -- there is an innate desire in humans to seek this source of reality -- because of this asymmetric difference between my "consciousness" and the "emptiness," thereby creating yin and yang.
  10. The Secret of Synarchy

    Hi Melanie -- here's my response that I posted at http://rigint.blogspot.com and also my blogbook http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com and elsewhere probably. Thanks, drew OK just to stay grounded in reality here -- consider the career and vision of military Star Wars game theory statistical computer programmer -- Joseph George Caldwell: http://www.foundationwebsite.org/WhoAmI.htm Caldwell currently works for USAID in Zambia but he has a history of US Army contracts in electronic warfare and various thinktanks in Virginia, North Carolina, etc. Now Caldwell is devoted to "New Age " politics of synergism and synarchy. This movement explicitly states that systems engineering is better than representative democracy and that, via NeoPlatonics (Bucky Fuller), it can create a win-win world. Techno-spirituality. Melanie Purcell, a philosophy PhD and activist in Australia, gave me the link on this info. So I explored: practical applications are military-banking-tax regimes while stated goal is world peace, etc. This is the classic "double bind" that Gregory Bateson both studied and created (he worked for the CIA and is the father of social systems theory). The essential problem is the definition of TIME. Bucky Fuller argued that synergy, from tensegrity, relied on "continuous pull" as a converging system of time and "discontinous push" as a diverging system of time. Bucky Fuller, just as Plato and Archytas did, REVERSES the definition of continuous -- to make it converging as GEOMETRY. In fact continuous time is DIVERGING as the Harmonic Series, the foundation of the Riemann Solution mystery (about which I've corresponded with quantum chaos math professor Steve Strogatz, Los Alamos researcher). Bucky Fuller stated that truth must be told at all times but he was lying about what logical truth is, because of this reversal. This is the ultimate double bind of logic, as Gregory Bateson realized -- the error of "logical type" based on time paradox, the subject of math professor Joe Mazur's new book: The Motion Paradox. Again math professor Joe Mazur stated this summer that my analysis, now chapter 4 of my blogbook: Secret of the Freemasonic Greek Miracle, is "very important" information. So under current psychoanalysis a person who refuses to lie at all times is actually AUTISTIC. While a person who lies all the time would be SCHIZOPHRENIC. In fact it's well known that math specialists have the highest level of ASD -- autistic spectrum disorder. Not that I agree with psychology -- but according to their definition this is a problem. Consider Harvard professor Marc Hauser's recent book: "Moral Minds" -- the fact is that MODERN humans rely on the "white lie" by the age of 4. The "white lie" is considered the right thing to do whenever an action violates the moral norms of a culture. Professor Marc Hauser studied this connection to other primates and animals which also have norms. In other words -- the connection between language and actual communication is a social system. Professor Chris Knight focuses on this issue as DARWINIAN DECEPTION -- whereby "lies" as signals are again essential. An obvious example is mimicry. So the most essential lie is the taboo about sex within the family. This is the core of psychology and in behavioral physiology or ethology this is called the "voluntary exclusionary principle." I discussed this with Professor Robert Sapolsky at Stanford. Why do male mammals choose to leave the protection of their kin network -- against all adaptive advantage? Because before sexual maturity there is no sense of territorial fear -- the young leave freely. But with sexual maturity there is the taboo of incest, coevolved with the sense of physical territorial fear. The incest taboo wins out and so the male leaves before the taboo is violated with the mother. Now in nonwestern cultures this taboo is violated as a norm -- in the sense that sexual emotions are consciously sublimated through right-brain rituals of time as continuous divergence -- nonwestern music. For example Dravidians marry their direct cousins and Bushmen marry girls. Professor Robert Sapolsky's mentor -- the Harvard physiologist Kummer -- hit this secret in his book "The Tangled Wing." Ionization of serotonin enables the testosterone to by transduced through the vagus nerve so that serotonin can overcome fear and sex and also bypass the blood-brain barrier. Even though Bushmen marry girls the culture is matrifocal with very strict sexual relations. The males must work for years to provide for the new wife's family -- BEFORE any sexual relations are allowed. Kummer just didn't know the technique to cause this ionization -- which is using sound as the primary perception, as is the case in forest-based cultures. In other words converting the testosterone-adrenaline-ACTH sympathetic stress system into the serotonin-oxytocin parasympathetic love system. The forest is the mind of the planet and the epitomy of harmony. So Joseph George Caldwell, intuitively, knows this. He is distraught about the clearcuts of "virgin" forest in Africa and he even has solidarity with the new return of witchcraft in Zambia (he posts an article from 2004 or so). He promotes meditation as well. Nevertheless as a Western-trained mathematician he still relies on time as inherently defined using SYMMETRICAL logic that does not create an inherent self-organizing of continuous information which can not be visualized, only listened to. So, in contrast to the autistic neurotic that never lies and uses pure logic that has no time, there is the schizophrenic psychotic that believes civilization can be immortal through NeoPlatonic right-brain geometry, "contained," through left-brain logic. In this latter case of the mad scientist the result is to rely on "random acts of violence" -- the true M.O. of Joseph George Caldwell's work for the military. Professor Marc Hauser documents that indeed this is the original norm for sexual monogamy as true democracy. Essentially, as the case with gibbons, there is monogamy so that every male can get regular access to females but only because there is also tight competition for resources (in the case of the gibbon it's fruit -- the original sin of protosapiens). So while monogamy as sexual democracy appears to be an improvement, in fact the trade-off is obedience to a hierarchical normative system that over-compensates any threat by using "random acts of violence." The most common threat is the use of hyperbole in language -- lying not as concealment but as exaggeration. Chimps use this type of overcompensation in language. In this analysis -- social systems theory -- language is still considered to be a "signal" -- a visual-based system. For humans the signal is digital because that's more efficient -- converging digital analysis as continuity. In fact the real signal system is ANALOG -- and not even analog -- because analog still relies on symmetrical or visual-based analysis. By listening as the defining means of analyzing ratios language then relies on complimentary opposites, thereby harmonizing the original class of information -- self-organization of energy.
  11. The Secret of Synarchy

    I got the same response at http://brainsturbator.com and http://webofmimicry.com but these are actually reposts from http://rigint.blogspot.com where one reader actually investigated the books I recommended and figured out what I'm talking about. You can find my further replies and discussion with other clueless readers there.
  12. qigong database

    Dr. ken Sancier compiled this -- over 4000 entries on qigong studies: http://www.qigonginstitute.org/html/databa...5beac44bf38de2e How your cells talk to each other: ionization: http://www.tohtech.ac.jp/~elecs/ca/kobayas...ScientistE.html This brings us back to Karl Pribram's protege Dr. Daniel Levitin, author of "your brain on music," and how COHERENT or harmonized light enables paranormal healing powers: http://www.rense.com/general50/buiop.htm Dr. Mae-Wan Ho hits home with her yin-yang acupunture light-communication article: http://www.healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/artic...mp;articleid=28 Wow -- this dentist has corresponded with quantum chaos biologist Dr. Brian Goodwin -- who also captured the concept: "subharmonics of frequency create a significant increase in amplitude" http://www.eclipse.co.uk/moordent/health.htm#synch Excellent overview of this research!!
  13. qigong database

    http://kfai.org live stream the Sangam NONWESTERN Indian music show -- it's awesome. I have a perfect work attendance record for 8 years. My hours are flexible -- I work when they need me but I always get the job done and have never been sick. Sometimes I use garlic for healing or cayenne or curry. I usually use tea tree oil and peppermint as well. It's true that full-lotus 3rd Eye paranormal healing makes a person have a "full body" processing of the imbalances in civilization -- emotions and nutrition are the two main ones. But this just is a full expression of the true left-brain, right-hand "rotten root" at the core of technology and science which is normally repressed in day to day interactions. We have 20 years left of freshwater. I'm not waiting for any revolution -- it's always already and I discovered this after doing the whole radical progressive activist scene successfully. So I know fully what I'm in to and I've read one scholarly book a day since I achieved my masters degree to make sure I have the "intellectual self-defense" to back myself up. What enables me to sit in full-lotus in public with no problem? Because yoga is now bourgeois so it is fully assimilated already into the tantric technology trajectory. I'm just pushing what's already commodified to it's logical conclusion: tribal trance transduction. The fact is western medicine now accepts and promotes qigong and yoga for healing serious conditions. In other nations this stuff is known to be more radical and so to do so here is just to be in solidary with the global poor -- the two billion without sanitation nor plumbing. The future of the U.S. IS Iraq. Asia, Latin America and Africa were made poor BECAUSE OF COLONIALISM AND SCIENCE. Increasingly shamanism is being relied on in these cultures and we can now do the same here.
  14. Music and the Tao

    The 1-4-5 intervals are found worldwide, as I reference in my masters thesis linked at http://nonduality.com/hempel.htm So this basic yin-yang dynamic then creates the pentatonic which in the West was converted from the Babylon cycling of the elements at the Pentagon -- into the Golden Ratio. Qigong works because of the ionization of electrochemicals from ultrasound -- what Buddha called the "inner ear method." Then through the small universe -- the 12 notes of the scale as the perfect fifth -- (which is why the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality calls the small universe: PLAYING THE FLUTE WITH NO HOLES cleanses and purifies the ionized electrochemicals (yin vitality) as the alchemical agent to create blissful electromagnetic fields (the focus of the heart energy). So the chi -- is the result of harmonizing the lower emotions of the pentatonic scale -- anger, sadness, fear, worry and overexcitement -- into bliss-electromagnetic-light or yang-vitality. Then finally the chi shoots up to the brain to create shen -- which is the manifestation of the Female Formless Awareness as the "Mysterious Gate" or Tai Chi -- the final harmonization of yin and yang of the body. The chi can then be "scattered" through the mysterious gate so that the yang-vitality shoots into yin sources outside of the body. I do this all day while sitting in full-lotus. Or the chi can be reharmonized back into the body -- through the "yan xin secret" to build up the female formless awareness to create an "immortal fetus" -- I do this in my room.
  15. Music and the Tao

    So you're just blatantly ignoring what I'm saying or.... NONWESTERN TUNING. Not personal taste. Coltrane got into yoga in his final days but like Miles Davis and Yusef Lateef, the closest they got was to "modal tuning." That's not it. Here's some examples: raga music, traditional chinese music, gamelan music, dagomba ghana drumming, Berber hand clapping, Sufi music, Japanese flute music, Temiar Malaysian healing music, Anurada Paudwal devotional singing. Again NONWESTERN TUNING based on the overtones used.
  16. Music and the Tao

    I'm glad that any qigong videos online are apriori "bogus" -- because this is the trend of the internet -- everything has regressed back to hollywood and boob-tube material. It's just like UFO videos. So how can we even trust the written word? Isn't that the focus of this blog post? Well what if, on occasion a scientist zeroed in on the secret and just about discovered it -- so close but yet so far. As it happens last night I had such another encounter. This is from "Programs of the Brain" (Oxford U Press, 1978) by JZ Young, FRS (Oxford or Cambridge physiology chair or something) -- : "It is the relative position of the formants that are important. Each vowel sound can be produced at any pitch of the human voice. The vowel sounds are thus the result of the balance of higher and lower frequency components irrespective of pitch-shifts. There may be an anology here with Land's discovery that colours are reported as the psychophysiological products of contrasts of higher and lower wavelengths irrespective of their position in the frequency spectrum (1959). Perhaps we shall find brain mechanisms that respond to such relationships in all the sensory fields (Ohe 1962)." Yes PERHAPS ALL the sensory fields (like proprioreception, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.) -- if only one understands that the "higher and lower frequency components irrespective of pitch-shifts" and the "higher and lower wavelengths irrespective of their position in the frequency spectrum" ARE RESOLVED BY UNDERSTANDING OVERTONE HARMONICS AS COMPLIMENTARY OPPOSITES. Pitch started from violation of the commutative principle from the Law of Pythagoras, the ratio 2:3 as an infinite transduction of energy, through the empirical truth of natural overtones. C to G is Yang as the Perfect 5th (2:3) while G to C is Yin as the Perfect 4th (3:4) and yang turns into yin, through the whole energy spectrum, thereby creating all the sensory fields, and starting from LISTENING to female formless awareness. The source of the I-thought as the source of 1 is an asymmetric resonance into female formless resonance, resonated back as the octave: 1:2. This "pitch-shift" is asymmetric so that the 7th octave, as the 12th perfect 5th, does not return to the same frequency, but transduces, in continuation with the complimentary opposites of yang, 2:3, turning into yin, 3:4, thereby violating basic symmetry of western logic. C x G does not equal G x C just as momentum x position does not equal position x momentum in quantum mechanics. And so another scientist stumbled on the truth, only to wander off wondering what production value it had as a Nova special.
  17. Music and the Tao

    In my 2001 masters thesis I document that yin and yang are indeed music intervals and this is the key secret to understanding paranormal powers, because the intervals use COMPLIMENTARY OPPOSITES -- unlike all of western music and science. My masters thesis is "epicenters of justice" linked at http://nonduality.com/hempel.htmI Also my latest blogbook has further details on this at http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com OK so yin is the Perfect 4th music interval or 3:4 and yang is the Perfect 5th music interval or 2:3. So in western music we are taught the "circle of fifths" or c-g-d-a-e-b-F#-C#--back to C through 2:3. In fact, the natural overtones known as the Law of Pythagoras is an infinite spiral of fifths with no beginning and no end: So the octave or 1:2 resonates into the overtone 2:3 as C to G and then 2:3 YANG turns into YIN as 3:4 or G to C. The yang ratio creates all the other ratios through this complimentary opposite process that violates basic Western logic. So western science is based on the commutative principle but since C to G is 2:3 and G to C is 3:4 this means that C times G does not equal G to C. I give the technical details in chapter 4 of my blogbook -- "Secrets of the Freemasonic Greek Miracle" -- which math professor Joe Mazur stated this summer was "very important" information. He had me submit it to the most read math journal the MAA Monthly. He also asked me to add my personal comments, making it not appropriate for that journal....
  18. qigong master video

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6UTGkC73GE This one on qigong Master John Chang is a must-see (life-changing information)! http://www.mind-energy.net/archives/209-A-...us-of-Java.html
  19. Jing-Chi-Shen dynamics

    Well the past week I've averaged probably a dozen internal climaxes a day. Yesterday my forehead was pulsating as I shot my yang shen out into yin jing around me (thereby creating a mutual climax). I call this "O at a D." You can maintain your health this way but to really create chi you need to send your own shen back into your jing -- to create "prenatal vitality." the microcosmic orbit is the foundational practice to open up the pineal gland for these abilites -- it transforms the jing into chi but as the alchemists state, the process begins and ends with jing (because that enables creating another physical body).
  20. Jing-Chi-Shen dynamics

    Read: The Stargate Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince: http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/hambone/people1.html Wow just googled CIA and Cult Awareness Network, a CIA front and got this strange blog: http://www.susangroulx.blogspot.com/
  21. Jing-Chi-Shen dynamics

  22. Jing-Chi-Shen dynamics

    Consciousness or how your perceive what I am is contextual -- http://sci-con.org/2007/04/consciousness-i...-single-neuron/ The connection between opposable thumbs and language is answered by Professor William H. Calvin's amazing book: "The Ascent of Mind." Corballis argues that left-brain-right hand dominance coevolved since bipedalism makes an unstable and unsafe situation while left-brain language and right-hand function protects the left-side asymmetry of the heart (the most important organ of the body). What Calvin adds to this is Darwin's perception that adaptions can have multiple functions -- so sequential time functions (eye-hand precise throwing) and sequential syntax actually use the same part of the brain, byproducts of the same adaptive function. Calvin errors though in suggesting the music was a side-effect of the above two functions. In fact, as Dr. Daniel Levitin and now Professor Oliver Sacks emphasize, not only did music start as the first language but it remains essential for proper brain-body function, as the processor of electrochemicals. If we take into account Dr. Jeremy Narby's argument that DNA is an information transductor for superliminal visions and that DNA uses a 3 in 1 language code, just like nonwestern music and that psychotropic training relies on music to guide the visions -- then we've solved the whole retarded western language as globalcide condundrum. By the way -- Chomsky' Zyegma also is a 3 in 1 function but since he's using logarithmic-based deriatives his analysis, like Corballis, is limited to symmetry, and therefore inherently flawed. Western math is derived from nonwestern music.
  23. meditation and psychedelics

    It's more than just chemicals -- it's light transduction of consciousness: http://deoxy.org/meme/CosmicSerpent
  24. Jing-Chi-Shen dynamics

    I had posted the following link at Http://breakingopenthehead.com. a few days ago, which led me to the "hug the monkey" blog -- linked there as well. http://www.musica.uci.edu/mrn/V4I2F97.html This is about the Musical Hormone -- basically nonwestern music reduces adrenaline and cortisol production. After I last posted I found myself reading DMT: the spirit molecule by Dr. R. Strassman. What's amazing about that book is it's actually funded by the Freemason Foundation for Schizophrenia! Strassman argues or postulates persuasively that the cause of schizophrenia is too much adrenaline which then increases DMT production in the brain, causing delusions. I think it's the enzyme MAO that inhibits both melatonin and DMT production but Strassman actually thinks that the RESONANCE of meditation could somehow override this enzyme production (also stress can do this). Serotonin is now thought to be the direct cause of schizophrenia with dopamine as an indirect cause. Serotonin is a tryptomine, like DMT and melatonin. Increased MAO production, decreases melatonin, causing less sleep to be needed and sleep is regulated by serotonin -- too much serotonin in the brain and less sleep is needed. I know that the vagus nerve transduces serotonin, oxytocin and melatonin -- and in fact all these chemicals are overriden by nonwestern harmonics creating ionization as ultrasound. the closest Western equivalent is "autoionization" that violates the Paul Exclusion principle, as I discuss in my blogbook. This confirms what I just posted: http://www.nature.com/npp/journal/v32/n7/full/1301262a.html