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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Spring Forest Qi Kung

    Here's my latest: OK my research demonstrates science as what's called in Freemasonry: The Separation of Heaven (mind) and Earth (body). This process means left-brain dominance for right-hand technology while the right-brain is cut off from transforming the body's emotions. So the technology is a projection of repressed emotions (what Dr. Helen Caldicott calls "Missile Envy") and since the brain is cut off from the body, there is an increased focus on sex as a pure animal-materialist process. This is one of those rare articles that just comes out with the obvious. Here's the alternative: Well I would say the most important reference is Louis Kervan's book "Biological Transformations" because the light that is created through ionization is a product of internal focus. The best book on this subject is "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality." To create electromagnetic fields in the body (thereby clearing out the electrochemical blockages), the "spirit of no spirit" (the female formless awareness) is really just the silence of the inner ear that then creates generative force. Generative force is just ultrasound (that can only be heard INTERNALLY) thereby ionizing what would normally turn into seminal fluid. So males do not normally produce much testosterone in the adrenal gland (in contrast to females) -- unless males connect the reproductive organs with the kidneys (called the "internal reproductive organs" in Taoism). This can be done through trance dance around a fire, as was the case for the Bushmen culture. The dance is done at night (after 11 pm) because that's when the circadian rhythm naturally resonates the generative force (the combination of ultrasound and electrochemicals) up the spine. After 1 pm during the day the circadian rhythm closes the generative force (electrochemical) channels of the back (the governing channel) and instead opens the front channels of the main organs (the functioning channel). Ultrasound is created through internal focus -- with the two eyes as the sun and moon external electromagnetic energy, that when crossed (or focused on the tip of the nose -- or on a candle or on the palms of the hands in front of the belly) thereby connects the circuit to open up the pineal gland, again through the ionization of the electrochemical energy. As the ultrasound descends as negative or yin generative force, (the spirit of no spirit) then the positive generative force (the sex hormones) unite with the ultrasound, creating great heat as "prenatal vitality" -- the alchemical agent. In fact the whole process is based on the harmonics of complimentary opposites - through the logic of inference, which again can not be contained in a geometric measurement, using symmetrical number. So the observation of particles (or an alchemical agent) is really just a byproduct of the male attempt to contain the female formless awareness (also called essential nature). The best alchemy can do is to "scatter vitality" or electromagnetic information throughout the universe -- as the complete transformation of the physical body. This is the highest ability -- to create another physical body but even so when the final "jump into emptiness" occurs then it's no different than the original female formless awareness which is just the silence or space between our I-thoughts.
  2. Spring Forest Qi Kung

    Well I posted quite a bit already about my experiences with Master Chunyi Lin -- here's the link: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?showto...p;hl=chunyi+lin This link gives the link for my previous qigong testimonial -- with more details: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?showto...p;hl=chunyi+lin
  3. LSD+Spinning Lady=Fun

    OK so the dude puts people on LSD and makes them watch the spinning lady -- the result: He proves that the brain is indeed a quantum consciousness system (contrary to consciousness being an effect of materialism). The key point of this study is that "time" is an infinite potential whereas "frequency" is dependent on "complimentarity" -- the same asymmetric logic that I've been emphasizing. Pretty cool stuff -- but of course no one can really understand this shit: http://www.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0709/0709.4516v1.pdf
  4. Purloined Phantom Limbs

    Yes my brain makes crunching sounds all the time when I sit in full-lotus and I have a "V" on my forehead from the skull fissures. Then things come to me as we resonate with the Universal Mother.
  5. Purloined Phantom Limbs

    Yes the Phantom Limb "illusion" is featured in a recent issue of the New Scientist -- based on the "inner ear" or proprioreception "sixth sense" of the brain. Basically if you take a vibrator and stimulate your arm tendon while reaching towards your nose the brain thinks that your hand extends PAST the nose -- or something like that. Anyway the whole concept of resonance transduction is lost...just as is the case with Michael Corballis (someone I emailed but received no response from). He states in the Sept. 2007 issue of New Scientist that recursion is the defining trait of the human mind but then makes a logical error: "Birdsong, for instance, is often relentlessly repetitive. But there is no evidence that non-human species can use recursion to flexibly and progressively qualify and add meaning, in the way that we humans can." Sorry -- but again he's assuming birds use Western harmonics which they don't. Not only does birdsong TRANSDUCE into ultrasound but it goes through the whole energy spectrum and resonates plant stomata -- with who knows what else complicated effects.
  6. Spring Forest Qi Kung

    Hi: I took classes from Master Chunyi Lin for several years. He has a healing center that receives people recommended by Mayo Clinic doctors and Master Chunyi Lin heals late-term cancer very well, also deafness, paralysis, HIV positive, and many other difficult conditions. http://springforestqigong.com. I healed my mom of a significant leg disability she had from smoking so now she no longer needs surgical stockings or to keep her legs elevated or to sit after an hour of standing. Master Chunyi Lin spent a month or so in a cave in full-lotus the whole time, without eating any food or drinking water or even sleeping. The way he described his practice to me and his lifestyle it's very much like the book "Opening the Dragon Gate" -- Master Chunyi Lin eats just one small meal of raw tofu and veggies a day while he fasts every Monday and he sleeps just a few hours a night, while sitting in full-lotus probably at least 4 hours a day. A former kung fu master, Jim Nance, became a qigong master as Master Chunyi Lin's assistant. Jim has also been very nice to me and once did a long-distance healing on me to help further open up my 3rd Eye! It was amazing! Jim Nance trained intensively for about 10 years in spring forest qigong to become a qigong master. I now sit in full-lotus throughout the day and "scatter my vitality" for doing healing (I'm quoting "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" trans. by Charles Luk). I got to "immortal breathing" as described in that book -- where the feet and hands breath through chi or vitality without needed to hardly breathe through the lungs or nose. I had gone on a 7 day "bigu" fast -- no food and only half a glass of water while needing only 5 hours of sleep. It was after that time that I healed my mom but my chi was so strong that I needed further guidance to control the energy better. That was 7 years ago and since then I've literally read one scholarly book a day as intellectual defense so I could translate my experiences back into Western knowledge. Now I've returned to the first book I used "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" and I now realize that I hadn't really processed the information in the book. But after so many years of training I can really relate to the detail of the practice. I see white light around people -- especially if I do not eat much which then makes my energy channels open up faster while sitting in full-lotus. The main issue is transforming the food into chi since I haven't really cut back on my diet. The food can easily clog the energy channels but then it does get transformed. The intensity of the light experience depends on how much chi you develop and since I "scatter my vitality" (chi) as soon as I make it then the intensity of my healing is mainly still just generative force (or electrochemical energy) to transform negative emotions into blissful emotions. I call this the "O at a D" because as my energy leaves through the third eye then the generative force in the lower tan tien is pulled up -- through the right-brain vagus nerve, and this causes a mutual climax between the recipient of the energy and myself. The more that euphoria occurs then the stronger the heat gets and the generative force as heat then turns into electromagnetic fields or chi. Otherwise I can just focus my eyes on my nose to keep the chi from scattering and also point my eyes at the palms of my hands so the yang energy in my brain reflects off my hands back into the yin energy of my stomach, as I detailed in the "Yan Xin Secret" exercise. So that's how my practice has been for the last year or so -- I can keep my mind focused for reading one scholarly book a day and then keep my body healed and then also heal other people as well.
  7. Tensegrity

    Anthropology professor Rodney Needham has an essay on Carlos Castaneda in one of Needham's books. Needham PROVES that Castaneda directly stole his material from a 1950s autobiography by a German who studied Zen in Japan -- the German (a former Nazi) ALSO lied about his training! Anyway looks like the inner circle of Tensegrity was so devoted that they committed suicide after the death of Carlos -- from http://salon.com. this april: At the heart of Castaneda's movement was a group of intensely devoted women, all of whom were or had been his lovers. They were known as the witches, and two of them, Florinda Donner-Grau and Taisha Abelar, vanished the day after Castaneda's death, along with Cleargreen president Amalia Marquez and Tensegrity instructor Kylie Lundahl. A few weeks later, Patricia Partin, Castaneda's adopted daughter as well as his lover, also disappeared. In February 2006, a skeleton found in Death Valley, Calif., was identified through DNA analysis as Partin's. Some former Castaneda associates suspect the missing women committed suicide. They cite remarks the women made shortly before vanishing, and point to Castaneda's frequent discussion of suicide in private group meetings. Achieving transcendence through a death nobly chosen, they maintain, had long been central to his teachings.
  8. The book seems consistent internally except I did find one translation error -- the use of "respectively" incorrectly -- in correlation fire and wood with dragon and tiger. It's turned around but you can correct the error by just reading the glossary. Respectively means the same order of reference but in this book the order is opposite....
  9. biology of kundalini

    Here's the basic problem with Bentov: The issue raised is structural and not about individuals. People like Keely, Tesla, Schauberger, Moray, etc., were either purely inventors, or used basic, mystical math or made the math fit after the fact. Nevertheless the logic driving their inventions -- external transformation of Nature -- is one based on a Western concept of left-brain, visual dominant materialism: infinity can be contained by something we can see. This is wrong. External alchemy does not work because it has a rotten logical root while using nonwestern music as the foundation is based on inner ear listening which goes beyond our deep sleep state of awareness -- beyond spacetime. As Godel stated, one Westerner who did understand the logic that drives science: A person can travel in time because they would not DESIRE to change their future. Now why is that? How can Godel be so sure? Because the ability to time travel is based on harmonizing desire through logical inquiry of the source of materialism. As Buddhism teaches: Ignorance is suffering. Suffering is caused by desire. Understand the source of desire to stop suffering. The inner ear method enables understanding the source of suffering because music is direct access of desire. Now in the West we still rely on Western tuning (except maybe some violin or viola players) -- even in the "alternative" or "conspiracy" scene. Hell even global music has been westernized -- because this philosophy is not understood. As for an effective global revolution against elite capitalism -- well science is freemasonry and even these individuals who contribute alternative technologies are only furthering the assimilation of the alchemical transmutation of Earth into a silica-based quantum chaos hologram. A great book detailing this structural assimilation process is Professor David F. Noble's "Forces of Production: A Social History of Automation." The concept of not doing anything is actually the result of doing the most possible. This is the secret of free energy -- it is a tuning device using asymmetric logic. Here's an excellent example of the structural denial problem I ran across recently. BTW I call this structural issue: The surplus value of consciousness. In Itzhak Bentov's "Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness" book he states this: "One can visualize physical matter as being a beat frequency caused by the interaction of two such 'sounds' having a slightly different frequency. Such an interaction would cause waves of much lower frequency and higher amplitude. This is, if you remember, how we described the 'visible manifest aspect of the absolute' -- the physical realities." (pp. 187-8). Now sounds pretty cool -- except he fucked up. Bentov, as "alternative" as he is, still makes the same basic denial that is oh so consistent in the West. He converts sound into a visual measurement. He states one can "visualize" and then he starts talking about sound and then converts it back to the "visual." As I've detailed in my blogbook, frequency and amplitude are "visual" terms based on symmetry, while the Law of Pythagoras is logic based on listening or inference -- using asymmetric harmonics (i.e. C to G is 2:3 while G to C is 3:4). So in fact if you DO NOT VISUALIZE but rather listen to what one supposes is physical reality then the "beats" disappear, and ONLY then, because the overtones of frequency are the same as the undertones as amplitude, with both converging as formless awareness. This is the secret of the Logos -- the I-thought as the One of the Tetrad: 1:2:3:4. So we listen to sound, we hear the overtones as harmonics -- the simplest case is the 1-4-5 progression in blues music (an intuitive attempt to kill the materialism of Western mind control). That simple progression is actually the same perfect fifth resonating into the perfect fourth -- it's the same "frequency" only inverted into its complimentary opposite as amplitude (one might say). It gives the progression a sense of depth. It's taught in the West that the Law of Pythagoras is dependent on a string which has a beginning and an end -- materialism. In fact, as is known, the best musicians play by ear and also the best logic is by the ear -- the Logos. No musical string is needed. So when we listen to the source of the I-thought (as Godel did) we are actually creating an asymmetric desire of one ratio (the One as male or yang) resonating back into formless awareness as female energy. The octave (two of the Tetrad) is the overtone of this infinite process -- or the "material" reflection (maya, metis) which then resonates into the overtone of the fifth (2:3) and the fifth as the first multiplication of matter (two and three) then creates all of reality (3:4 and everything else): 666.
  10. It's basically the small universe practice only to achieve "supreme complete enlightenment." Personally I agree with the recent comment on the embryo breathing thread about alchemy. The whole idea that "spiritual vitality" creates an immortal physical body beyond the universe is not valid. When Taoist Yoga states that we should "jump into emptiness" -- that's admitting that there is no eternal physical body -- only female formless awareness. This book though is the best detailed description of achieving supreme complete enlightenment in my opinion. I like the part that states after immortal breathing then you can easily go insane from all the paranormal perceptual powers.... yep -- that's why I stopped practicing so that my energy channels closed up.... partly because I accidently pulled this old lady's spirit out of her head! She bawled nonstop for at least 15 minutes.... haha she was fine though -- some healing she had asked me for! haha. No touch -- just I forgot not to pull energy out of the top of someone's skull....
  11. Reptilians?!

    Homeland Security Mind Control contract is based on "ultrasound" -- just as Microsoft's "MATRIX" technology in development. http://www.wired.com/politics/security/new...09/mind_reading Hence the "inner ear" method of meditation -- ultrasound ionizes our chemicals so that we can surpass this Freemasonic mind control stuff.
  12. Compressing the chi in the Dan Tian

    I recommend "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" -- the chi is converted back into stillness in my opinion -- through ionization. Isn't this what "jumping into emptiness" really means? haha.
  13. fractality cause of gravity..

    Is this "the" Dan Winter? I've never seen you post on forums before! haha. I debunk your fractal golden mean propaganda in my blogbook -- http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com. -- specifically chapter 4 that Math Professor Joe Mazur wanted published in the most read math journal in the world (only before he had me add my personal comments!) haha.
  14. Embryonic Breathing

    Thanks for asking -- amazingly it's been turned into a free google book! oops -- this is just an excerpt preview... http://books.google.com/books?id=a_olqazEV...Q6UO__lrmcUBeng There's also this.... http://www.kheper.net/topics/Taoism/circul...n_of_light.html
  15. Iron Crotch

    No replies? How about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqkgQqPf-uE
  16. Embryonic Breathing

    Well I read just rereading the "embryonic breathing" in Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality -- trans. by Charles Luk. It's been a long time since I read this book because my practice was so powerful from this book that I thought I could never return to it. I thought I had only got up to chapter 6 for results but actually got to IMMORTAL BREATHING which is deeper than embryonic breathing. In "immortal breathing" the vitality or chi in the body naturally cycles from the feet and the lower back -- you breathe THROUGH YOUR SKIN -- not through your nose and lungs. I had this ability for several days when I did a week long bigu training -- no food and only half a glass of water. I think "Taoist Yoga" is a very amazing book but you really have to achieve and experience what it describes to understand the book. What I experienced was so intense that I wasn't even able to realize how it was described in the book until some 6 years later! So I thought I had gotten to only embryonic breathing but had actually got to immortal breathing.
  17. Reptilians?!

    Well Dolphins use sono-fusion blasts to kill prey! Nevertheless since paranormal powers are based on Buddha's "inner ear method" or proprioreception of the special forces --- the dolphin is very apropos. Oh yeah -- the Brain Port: http://scienceblogs.com/cortex/2007/10/tea...ngue_to_see.php I discovered this a few weeks ago: I just finished Julia Whitty's amazing book: "The Fragile Edge: Diving and other adventures in the south pacific" (2007). She talks about Dr. Ken Norris' discovery of "sound-pictures" as a "sensory integration system" for complex social behavior, focusing on dolphins. http://www.kulanaia.org/research2.html#acoustics Ah and 90% of deep sea life is bioluminsecent. Rock on. Also I just was reading "Out of Thin Air: Dinosaurs, birds, and Earth's ancient Atmosphere" by professor Peter D. Ward (2006). He states this zinger: "While a lizard rapidly loses body heat in a cooler night, a 100-pound reptile does not." Ectothermic animals (reptials) need 15 times LESS oxygen -- as qigong masters know: TIME IS BREATH -- and some masters can even live underwater!! Why limit your Self? haha
  18. Reptilians?!

    Thanks. I had some typos so I just posted my edit -- anyway I post on http://conspiracycentral.info. and http://breakingopenthehead.com. besides here. I have three articles published at http://mind-energy.net the latest is the "Yan xin secret" My masters thesis, epicenters of justice (2001) is linked at my actual Matrix plan summary: http://nonduality.com/hempel.htm. my new blogbook is http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com. It's very philosophical. My old blog is http://drewhempel.gnn.tv. I have an article at http://viewzone.com. I got banned from all LOOM science blogs, from unexplained mysteries and from tim boucher's blog. I post at http://ufomystic.com. That about sums it up! haha. Oh yeah -- the latest http://rigint.blogspot.com. is mostly my comments....
  19. Reptilians?!

    As per a question at conspiracycentral.info -- more on why left-brain dominance is inherently disharmonious: Anyway the "half-human" is the secret -- basically modern humans -- Freemasonic-controlled humans -- are only "half-humans" because our brains are limited to phonetic-based speech which is cut away from right-brain tonal language. You can see this difference in U.S. subcultures -- so ethnic slang tends to either emphasize vowels (Swedish-Minnesota accent) or tones and even just TEXTURAL sounds -- instead of phonemes. Anyway the point being that musilanguage accesses the RIGHT-brain which then accesses the left side of the cerebellum. The right-brain is our emotional side which is controlled by the cerebellum -- the reptilian brain. So if modern humans are stuck in the left-side (for Freemasonic right-hand technology) then modern humans are actually controlled by their reptilian brain -- against their intentions. The book "The Accidental Mind" by the Johns Hopkins neuroscience chair -- a recent book -- emphasizes that the cerebellum acts as an inhibitor for neurons, creating a negative millivolt potential. This is why we can't tickle ourselves. The reptilian brain checks that the source of the stimulus is not another person so blocks the information and it does not get to our prefrontal cortex (which is for INTENTIONAL language actions). Essential modern humans are cut off from both the right side of the brain and the cerebellum -- which activates the coordination of emotion and motion through NONWESTERN MUSIC. So our emotions get repressed and then projected as oppressive, disharmonic technology that is out of touch with the foundation of reality -- Female formless awareness. This is why Freemasonry is based on "separation of heaven and earth" (mind and body) through mass ritual sacrifice (imperial technology). The technology is CHARGED with the electrochemical emotions that are projected onto it unconsciously by the half-humans in the Matrix.
  20. Reptilians?!

    See read "The Accidental Mind" by the JOhns Hopkins neurscientist. For modern humans the cerebellum acts as an inhibitor -- creating a negative potential in millivolts for the brain. This is why we can't tickle ourselves. But meditation enables humans to no longer be controlled by their reptilian brain. The original reptilian of course is the bioluminsence deep sea worms from 550 mya. As Sri Ramana Maharshi states: There is no evolution. No One can know the Tao.
  21. Reptilians?!

    Well Taoist Master Ni of L.A. states that if you sleep on your back then dead spirit lights suck off your life force. Same difference -- Reptilians are just the lower astral realms of dead humanists....
  22. Reptilians?!

    Here's how to save yourselve from the Reptilians: Yes serotonin can cross the blood-brain barrier IF it is ionized -- as I discovered from reading "The Tangled Wing" by a Harvard physiologist who was the mentor to Stanford's Robert Sapolsky, with whom I've corresponded. Sapolsky, btw, is developing the next line of psychotropics -- utilizing the PHA axis -- Pituitary-Hypothalamus-Adrenal Axis (sometimes the order is switched around and the Pineal is thrown in for good measure). Amazingly my research is fuelled by finding out what the hell I've discovered through full-lotus yoga, the most intense training being in 2000, while taking classes from qigong master Chunyi Lin. Chunyi Lin teaches Mayo Clinic doctors who refer patients to Chunyi Lin since he heals late-term cancer, paralysis, deafness, and a rare lung disease that the Mayo Clinic corroborated with x-rays. http://springforestqigong.com. Now then what causes the serotonin to be ionized -- the ultrasound -- which, contrary to popular belief -- can be heard by humans -- but, as the biophysics book "Magic of the Senses" by V. Droscher, details, ONLY WITHIN THE HEAD. Hence the "inner ear" method of listening to the source of the I-thought. No belief is necessary, just repeat I-I-I as an experiment of logical inquiry. In deep sleep there's no sense of spacetime nor of the body -- yet we awake the same person. Logically there must be subjective consciousness that is maintained beyond the sense of spacetime or the physical body. When we awake the first thought is the I-thought. Dan Zahavi has a book: Self and Alterity. Only the I-thought has no signifier and all other thoughts and images and perceptions are based on this logical sense of I -- even when we dream. So plunge into the mind to find out who is the "I" that exists beyond deep dreamless sleep. Or you can wait for Dr. Roldolfo's microchip, detailed in his neuroscience book "I of the Vortex." Yes, just like the Jnanas, you too can have your heart-mind controlled so that your brain can be used as a quantum computer -- without you having any awareness of it (permanent deep sleep state). The concept of I is based on the verb of "to be" which is not found in many languages! In fact the definition of God as "I Am that I Am" refers to the 4 states of reality. I is the waking state while AM is AUM or OHM, refering to the dream and deep sleep state. The 4th state is called Turiya and is represented by "that" because when formless awareness is resonated that it reflects back into the other three states: I Am that I Am. OK where's my spinach! "that" is neither an image nor a word yet it creates all energy and matter and spacetime. It's pure consciousness or formless awareness. So light goes into formless awareness. Ionization is a process not dependent on any one chemical -- DMT or Salvia or allicin or magnesium as a photoreceptor. All these things help -- peat moss is the original mercury. When birds sing in the morning the true purpose is that their song is mainly composed of ultrasound. The ultrasound heats up and ionizes the plants' stomata or cellular walls. The stomata are then able to take in nutrients from the morning dew, created by the sun-moon-earth dynamics. That's alchemy my friends. There's harmonics of the body -- the mind itself is weak so will power comes from the kidney energy which transduces the sex hormones into neurochemicals -- this works via the vagus nerve. Amazingly the trick for males (since most of Nature is female, and the male is unnecessary) is to learn how to have a female orgasm. Recent research on female parapalgeics discovered that climax and orgasm is still achieved -- through the vagus nerve connection with the reproductive organs. This vagus nerve goes through the stomach, up the right side of the head, just behind the ear, and then into the right side of the brain. Or you can repeat I-I-I which activates the left brain vagus nerve and then goes straight to the heart. People can see my right-brain vagus nerve pulsates as I shoot out "yang" energy through the pineal gland -- through the forehead and the eyes. As the "yang" energy shoots into yin energy around me then there is space in my brain so the yin energy of the lower half of my body is sucked up into the brain, causing an INTERNAL orgasm. This is how a person can sit in full-lotus. Now it's great to do external healing but for the natural resonance to feedback into the body the trick is to point the forehead toward the palms which are held in front of the stomach. So the yang energy of the forehead shoots down to the yin energy of the palms, (you just lower your chin a bit and hold your palms at an angle a bit) then the yang energy reflects off the palms back into the yin energy of the body. This is what I meant when I stated that the full-lotus is the original Klein Bottle as the "Yan Xin Secret" since this forehead-palms-stomach free energy feedback is a very ancient Tantra practice, also found in India. As the energy builds up then it's focused in the central channel of the body -- the original renal system that goes all the way back to bioluminescent deep ocean worms!! When this happens then the brain fills with light and the dead spirits or dissonant electrochemicals that had previously been feeding off your body are now exorcised -- transformed into harmonized light, as sent out of the white hole in your brain. An Oxford Biology, JWS Pringle, argued that since memory is a function of time it's not stored in the brain but rather as a holographic wave-function. Because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle the location of the information is inversely proportional to the momentum of the information. So, ironically, to increase the powers of paranormal reality a person has to tune themselves to a deeper level of formless awareness -- which is contrary to living a life based on intentional language and technology. As Kurt Godel states in his interview with Rudy Rucker, in Rucker's book "Infinity and the Mind" -- TIME TRAVEL IS POSSIBLE BECAUSE THE PERSON WOULD NOT DESIRE TO CHANGE THEIR FUTURE. This is because the natural resonance process is based on transforming the electrochemicals which are the emotions of the body -- so anger is liver, sadness is lungs, worry is pancreas, overexcitement is heart, fear is kidney. This are all transformed and harmonized. Of course nutrition makes a huge difference -- so bananas and figs and fish all have high levels of serotonin. Fasting is the quickest approach but requires a strong mind. Chemistry professor Rustom Roy held a "bigu" conference about Yan Xin. The results are published in peer-reviewed, Western journals. People have gone months without losing any weight -- yet eat no food. You can even go without water and sleep. I once went 8 to 9 days on only a half glass of water, needing only 5 hours of sleep a night. At the end I healed my mom of a very strong case of smoker's legs -- she no longer needs surgical stockings, nor has to keep her legs elevated, nor has to sit after an hour of standing. Strong electromagnetic fields not only shot out of my hands but also the third eye. Telepathy is just the direct conversion of electromagnetic fields from the brains of other people back into the 3rd Eye. The Tangled Wing: Biological Constraints on the Human Spirit by Melvin Konner (Paperback - Feb 1, 2003)
  23. Reptilians?!

    Here's my reliable sources -- I've researched this on my own -- using academic sources: http://www.breakingopenthehead.com/forum/s...read.php?t=3370
  24. Daoist immortality med practise

    Hey the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" is all about creating the embryo -- http://www.kheper.net/topics/Taoism/circul...n_of_light.html