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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Can We Know Truth?

    Referring to me in the third person - is almost your "self-censorship" tactic but not quite. Then making an inaccurate claim about me with no evidence - is your typical vague ad hominem tactic. Let's get back to discussing information as content - and not fixate on me. So the noncommutative phase logic refers to a "pre-space" process of pure time as algebra - the 5th dimension that is also a "zero dimension" in geometry. This enables non-local correlations for quantum teleportation signals. We can use my quantum physics professor Herbert Bernstein's technology as an example. But this has to have a pre-established boundary condition created. Meditation is not limited as such.
  2. Can We Know Truth?

    So science assumes a left brain dominance (right hand technology) measurement of time as geometry. Avshalom C. Elitzur, Shahar Dolev Black-Hole Uncertainty Entails An Intrinsic Time Arrow, Dec. 2000 This is not true for meditation as logical inference or eternal listening.
  3. Can We Know Truth?

    Jean Charon, quantum physicist, was ahead of his time. 't Hooft now realizes this is true.
  4. Can We Know Truth?

    So Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft argues we exist inside a 5th dimensional black hole - as microblack holes - this is the "ether" that we can resonate with - if we so choose. Western science has thus far brainwashed people into a materialistic reality. Former Hampshire College physicist Lawrence Domash, confirms superluminal quantum sound as noncommutative meditation! 1975, pdf
  5. Can We Know Truth?

    Frequency as a concept was created by Mersenne. It's from the wrong music theory. People need to really "think" about the logic involved. It takes "un-learning" to figure it out.
  6. Can We Know Truth?

    I posted on this last night - so I discussed this with Stuart Hameroff - about ultrasound. It's called the "Hypersonic Effect" in natural harmonics, in non-western music. For example in gamelan music of Indonesia - the Gong subharmonics has a nonlinear amplification of the ultrasound overtone harmonics - proven to increase alpha brain waves in the center of the brain.
  7. Can We Know Truth?

    Yes you can read Luigi Borzacchini on Light - this goes back to the Pre-Socratics. https://sci-hub.tw/https://doi.org/10.1515/semi.2001.070 pdf link
  8. Can We Know Truth?

    https://api.intechopen.com/chapter/pdf-download/29583 "Non commutativity is the central mathematical concept expressing the uncertainty." 2012 pdf link
  9. Can We Know Truth?

    absolutely - I have permanent magnetic bliss in the center of my brain - the pineal gland. Someone who read my posts on this website ended up visiting me - and as I sat in full lotus on the sofa next to him, suddenly he exclaimed, "Your eyeballs are pulsating!" I knew they were pulsating but I didn't think or know whether other people could see it happening. haha. I had never mentioned this to anyone before. So the pineal gland shoots out biophotons with the qi energy - out of the eyes. Actually it's omnidirectional. . As quantum consciousness neuroscientist Stuart Hameroff says, ""Change the Music.... Indeed, microtubule resonant vibrations have been likened to music, specifically anharmonic Indian Raga (Ghosh et al, 2014)....As the Beatles sang, “Take a sad song and make it better”." So I corresponded with Bandyopadhyay and Hameroff also.
  10. Can We Know Truth?

    I go into this calculations - in the pdf I posted - human hearing is up to ten times faster than the time it takes to measure the frequency. https://ecoechoinvasives.blogspot.com/2018/03/why-time-frequency-uncertainty-is.html So this blog post goes into the details. Keep in mind that "Wikipedia" is inherently against anything considered "woo woo" but in that blog post I cite the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center physicists discussing paranormal abilities! Then I cite a Wiki image that I discovered: When I say I "discovered" this image - I mean that this is secretly posted by a Chinese philosophy professor! Patrick Edwin Moran - he translates Daoist philosophy. Juliana Mortenson (formerly Brooks): https://ecoechoinvasives.blogspot.com/2018/01/double-your-kinetic-energy-juliana.html
  11. Can We Know Truth?

    Did you read the pdfs I posted yet? Hiley explains that Heisenberg was wrong about uncertainty. So Heisenberg thought the uncertainty was due to the measurement process relying on technology interfering with the quantum energy - since quantum energy is based on frequency. So the higher the resolution of the measurement, the higher the energy, which then limits what can be seen, since it interferes with the object being measured. As Hiley explains actually position-momentum uncertainty is from time-frequency uncertainty. But, as Alain Connes points out, as well as others, the time-frequency uncertainty is actually due to noncommutative phase. So the noncommutative algebra is the new science to overcome this uncertainty relation - Hiley has been working with "weak measurements" which means directly measuring the quantum correlations "before" the "collapse" of the wave function into amplitude squared as the probability location. So the weak measurement is also what Feynman modeled as the advanced time trajectories - from the future - in the noncommutative phase "pre-space" as Hiley details. The whole issue here is how time is measured. Science measures time geometrically - so the uncertainty is based on 4pi due to, the quantum spin as a sphere. Since it is noncommutative then it means the 1/2 spin has to take two rotations as 720 degrees to resolve to a symmetric measurement that overcomes the uncertainty relation. But in meditation we do not define time as a visual geometric measurement. So science has proven that listening is up to 10 times faster that time-frequency uncertainty - and so as Dr. Mae-Wan Ho points out - this is due to quantum phase coherence. Also Dr. William Bisalek (now professor at Princeton) points this out - as does quantum physicist Lawrence Domash (previously at Hampshire college) and as I mentioned, CIA mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich. So "listening" as logical inference does directly overcome time-frequency uncertainty because it engages directly with the noncommutative phase as the 5th dimension, as the process of "pure time" as Professor Hiley calls it (referencing Hamilton). So due to relativity even zero and infinity are "relative" whereas only the phase is superluminal - as Louis de Broglie figured out - for both quantum and relativity to be real, then there HAS to be "two" times - one from the future that is superluminal phase and one from the past. So "frequency" as a concept is defined by the logarithmic math but as math professor Luigi Borzacchini details, actually logarithmic math was created from music theory! And this music theory was wrong - as I have detailed as well - since it covered up the noncommutative phase logic. The Pre-Socratic music of Pythagoreans was the same as Daoist logic, and is the same as the oldest philosophy of India - the "three gunas."
  12. Can We Know Truth?

    https://www.europhysicsnews.org/articles/epn/pdf/2015/01/epn2015461p27.pdf the listening link is in the footnote - googledrive So this study did not consider "noncommutative phase" - but they did discover this same 2/3 and 3/2 phase shift that beats time-frequency uncertainty.
  13. Can We Know Truth?

    ok I need to tell you that because listening is faster than time-frequency uncertainty then as the frequency broadens in spectrum due to time lessening - the "fundamental" pitch is heard to shift by a Perfect Fifth - yang qi - up. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/230724368_Human_Time-Frequency_Acuity_Beats_the_Fourier_Uncertainty_Principle https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327883233_The_Dynamic_Response_of_the_Basal_Membrane_to_Short_Acoustic_Pulses So due to time-frequency uncertainty - any "sound" with a time shorter than 10 milliseconds is heard as the same "effective pitch." But then even shorter pulses maintain the same pitch - meaning the hearing is "faster" than time-frequency uncertainty. And so they use a "dummy" to test whether this hearing ability is inherent to sound itself - and they discover indeed: https://www.europhysicsnews.org/articles/epn/pdf/2015/01/epn2015461p27.pdf the listening link is in the footnote - googledrive
  14. Can We Know Truth?

    haha. Yes - I make this error all the time. Left hand means "sinister" - from Latin - I am left-handed in dominance. So yes - left brain dominance and right hand technology. Symmetric math is the lie of "objectivity" when in fact it is left brain dominance and right hand technology. There is no "pure" math.
  15. Can We Know Truth?

    so you are female? If male - the left hand is yang (contrary to the Western claim of the right hand being dominant). haha.
  16. Can We Know Truth?

    Thank you Professor Hiley: I will read the links you provide. I was simply quoting Professor Kent Peacock, so I have forwarded him your replies. I have not heard back from him yet. Of course my main interest is from Eddie Oshin's research on noncommutative quantum psychology to explain meditation. Have you seen physicist Dr. Mani Bhaumik's new papers on the Bohmian model? He developed Lasik surgery and now is funding a UCLA theoretical physics lab. https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1402/1402.4764.pdf and http://bhaumik-institute.physics.ucla.edu/ and https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1511/1511.05098.pdf Take care, drew hempel
  17. Can We Know Truth?

    I've been reading Professor Hiley's work more today as he recommended four of his papers to me (or actually Professor Kent A. Peacock, whose quote I sent to Hiley).... https://arxiv.org/pdf/1408.5697.pdf This is all about von Neumann. Enjoy.
  18. Can We Know Truth?

    Kurt Godel starved himself to death - and the Jains considered this to be a type of sainthood. So you can read Flann O'Brien's classic novel about "Omnium" - called "The Third Policeman" describing how a crack in the ceiling enables entrance into another dimension and how riding a bicycle causes the merging of particles between the policeman - so he had to lean against walls, etc. This is all about Positronium.
  19. Can We Know Truth?

    Fractals are based on the logistic symmetric math equations. So that is just another example of the mass mind control as New Age Freemason science.
  20. Can We Know Truth?

    the paradox is that the 5th dimension means the future and the past are happening at the same time! this is how precognition is real. As Kurt Godel pointed out - time travel is real only you can not have any personal desires in order for time travel to work. So that means there can not be a desire to kill your grandparents and hence no grandparent's paradox. But science as it is normally defined does not work by logical inference (as Godel did) but rather through deduction and induction from empirical evidence. So science defines time geometrically. The noncommutative geometry is trying to completely redefine science so that calculus has to include the future as well as the past as the same time - called "noncommutative calculus." So the math is very complex and then the physicists are trying to confirm the math. But with logical inference then the body is always already in the 5th dimension - so we rely on meditation to have listening that is right brain dominant (the left ear is the Yuan Qi or tiger's roar). So there has to be a full body-mind transformation from the typical left brain definition of reality that tries to define reality or truth using language based (left brain dominant) axioms. Such axioms inherently have time paradoxes whereas listening is faster than time-frequency uncertainty and so does not require a materialistic "boundary" that defines time as a wavelength (for mass). So the ancients figured out the truth but then Western science lied about this by trying to define time through geometry with a "negative infinity" as a point on the line, to create the continuum - and so created the paradoxes called "incommensurability." There is supposed to be a "one to one correspondence" between number as time and geometry but it can not be proven - due to these axiomatic paradoxes. So Daoism does not use irrational magnitude nor logarithms nor symmetric based logic. But when Westerners read the Dao as creating 1, 2, 3, and then the rest of reality - this is assumed to just be counting! Actually it is complementary opposite ratios as noncommutative phase from music theory. All human cultures use 1, 2, 3 as music ratios that are natural harmonics as complementary opposites. Only the West was this infinite resonance "closed off" or compromised into irrational magnitude. So that 9/8 as the major 2nd interval from 3/2 squared into 9/4 and then "halved" into 9/8 (to make it the same Octave of wavelength) is then cubed to create the square root of two as the Devil's Interval, the most dissonant music pitch, the tritone. 9/8 is the major 2nd also defined by Plato as the "citizen" that must be "compromised" for the good of the state, thereby creating logarithmic distribution of wealth, justified by equal-tempered music tuning as social harmony. As math professor Luigi Borzacchini points out this is the opposite of harmony, it is rather a "deep pre-established disharmony" that is the "evolutive principle" that secretly guides science. So I discovered this as the "music logarithmic spiral" of the Actual Matrix Plan - after my master's thesis on sound-current nondualism. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_matrix43.htm
  21. Can We Know Truth?

    so the more the knees are bent then the more you activate the yuan qi. You push the sympathetic nervous system to the extreme so the legs are shaking 7 to 9 times per second, in resonance with the ELF schumann Earth's field - and the brain synchronizes - causing a "parasympathetic rebound" that flushes the brain and small intestines with serotonin-alpha brain waves (ELF frequency). And so then the "magnetic moment" between the proton and electron is actually the noncommutative phase wave from the future (with reverse time as 1/2 spin of the electron). So the "guidance" of the mind - is turning the light around with the eyes closed - that joins the heart and kidney energy. You can read the book Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality for details. So the yin qi needs to go down the front and the yang qi goes up the back. then the yang qi combines with the yin qi in the brain to create yuan qi - that also emanates from the heart - and the yuan qi is non-local as the 5th dimension. So then you swallow this as the yang qi infuses the yuan qi in the cerebrospinal fluid - it flows out the sinus cavity. This is the ambrosia. It builds up into the Golden Nectar. It creates great heat in the pit of the stomach and the qi is then absorbed back into the small intestine. It is stored via the lecithin that myelinates the neurons. So it is ionized lecithin that is stored via the potassium charge as a potential of the parasympathetic nervous system. So the guidance is actually a deep relaxation as listening or logical inference. This is why Tai Chi calls this skill of standing active exercise - active internal listening ability.
  22. Can We Know Truth?

    yes the inner ear hairs hear at the sub-angstrom level which means smaller than the diameter of the atom. Frank Zdinisic - (sp?) - he discovered that light is emitted at the speed of sound inside the atom as a superconducting energy that is magnetogravitational. So the light is a subharmonic of the virtual photons or antigravity energy. So CIA mind control scientist Andrija Puharich figured this out also - and so did Dr. Mae-Wan Ho. So it is called the Phonon-Hydron Effect. The highest sound we can hear externally actually resonates the brain internally as ultrasound. Then the microtubules are 100 times bigger than the tubulins - of the collagen that makes up the neurons - but the microtubules have 3000 times greater amplitude conductance at the microsecond wavelength or ultrasound frequency. So then the ultrasound splits the water which is captured in the microtubules and then a meta-material bends the water to split the protons and electrons. So the yang qi is the superconducting proton-proton energy and the yin qi is the electron energy. So then this is why "earthing" with the feet barefoot produces internal tingling because the "yin qi" of Earth neutralizes the free radicals in the body - by adding electrons. So Puharich realized then the ultrasound splitting the water causes the hydrogen based molecules also to split with the "magnetic moment" as the reverse time phase - from the future - at the ELF frequency which is also the Earth's standing resonance energy and the alpha brain waves with serotonin (that captures the biophotons). So it's a waking REM state that then goes into theta as well as the heart opens up. So this ultrasound activates the vagus nerve via the acetylcholine (neurotransmitters) - and then the right side vagus nerve goes to the right side of the heart - beyond death - as a Yuan Qi (ELF standing wave with Earth) as a quantum non-local magnetic moment between the proton (yang qi) and electron (yin qi). Puharich called this Psi-Plasma. So the phase is the magnetic moment as the spin - and so it is superluminal sound wave as a phonon energy that can be Packed and stored into the lower tan t'ien via the microtubules - as a reverse time healing energy. Oh yes so this process "captures" the virtual photons caused by the water being split - since it's the same frequency but in the microtubule it has a much smaller wavelength as a phase shift - so you get the virtual photons but then you get the light emitted. The mitochondria then use the extra proton energy to power the body for supernatural abilities. This also enables precognition from the virtual photons (of the soul) and levitation (antigravity), telekinesis, telepathy, long distance healing, etc. seeing inside people's bodies,
  23. Can We Know Truth?

    yes for the ancients "one" is not a number but rather is light as self-awareness. So then the one is "turned around" - and so we listen to the source of the light as the source of the I-thought, the source of sound internally. I call this the I-One-Eye. So then as Eddie Oshins realized - the quantum noncommutative logic is the same as neigong training - so that to achieve a "zero spin" of an atom - you have noncommutative phase of the right and left side of a sphere - that is non-local. So I had also figured this out from studying the Taoist Yoga book. So for males the left hand is yang and lower body is yin and right hand is yin and upper body is yang. So just knowing that secret turns the body into a natural resonance free energy noncommutative phase oscillator. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WD4skv5Z5I
  24. Can We Know Truth?

    The "speed of sound" varies and so is actually faster than the speed of light - both at the beginning of the Universe with "inflation" and on the microscopic level - as a superconducting radiation energy. So from the perspective of light then space and time does not exist and yet when light is "turned back around" to its resting state - then each frequency of light (the color) has what is called a "logarithmic singularity" - this is what creates rainbows. So it converts frequency that is infinite at zero time into amplitude. This is now being created in lab technology - using meta-materials (sir John Pendry) but also using Josephson Junctions to capture virtual photons. So the source of "charge" is actually from virtual photons, and so the future ALWAYS exists inside us. Meditation with the eyes closed then "turns the light around" since with the eyes open we emit biophotons and so experience "linear time" as entropy. As a Tibetan medical doctor states - we use our eyes to capture the energy and then it shines out of our eyes (via the third eye-heart-small intestines). So the jing energy is serotonin-lecithin that stores up the photon charge via biophotons. As we live a "normal" life with the eyes open then the subconscious is in control so then the frequency is deconverted back from infinite energy into a zero point of time as amplitude (matter) and lost externally. So there is ancient science to alchemy based on noncommutative phase. So in the West since Plato we are taught symmetry based on "two-ness" as before number and this was supposedly proven by a unit of two-ness. So we have two eyes, two arms, two legs. No! Daoism as a science has the rotation of the eyes with the eyes closed - since one eye is yin qi and yang shen and the other eye is yang qi and yin shen - and so this activates the Sun and Moon internally - so that the heart, pineal gland and lower tan t'ien communicate. So then our ears are the same - the left ear is yuan qi and right ear is yin qi. So with the eyes closed we listen as right brain dominant - just as listening to a melody produces a right brain visualization of form. With the eyes open with listen as left brain dominant but the left side vagus nerve does not connect to the right side of the brain. The right side vagus nerve connects the lower body to the right side of the brain which then connects to the left side of the brain.
  25. Can We Know Truth?

    Basil Hiley: http://stardrive.org/stardrive/index.php/all-blog-articles/myblog-ftd/tags/Basil-Hiley/ So the cosmologist who created the "multi-universe model" - Andrei Lindi - he emphasizes that for matter to exist over antimatter then there has to be a process that is "faster" than time-frequency uncertainty principle. So again in science time is measured geometrically and so inherently has this uncertainty. What Basil Hiley is working to do, along with Connes and Roger Penrose - is to bypass the uncertainty principle. And so you work with the correlations directly as non-local correlations. But in LISTENING - logical inference is proven to be FASTER than the time-frequency uncertainty principle because again we hear the Perfect Fifth pitch whether the phase is shifted or now in frequency and amplitude. So it's proven empirically - the right and left ear have phase coherence that is quantum coherence as non-local perception. So it is proven to be ten times faster than time-frequency uncertainty.