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So this teacher is in Chicago! He is a real qigong master - and how come no one here has mentioned him?!! Crazy. I'm gonna see if Gary Clyman even mentions Master Tsai. nothing.
student now qigong teacher
So I guess he is mainly a Shaolin kungfu teacher.
Have you watched the traditional Shaolin training vid? Check this out? https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rec.martial-arts/Z3ncfj9sUJc I just emailed this dude - Michael J. Formica who made this statement in 1996!! I can guess who this is - but the person I think it is, I did not know they were also a Taoist "Dragon Door" aka Dragon Gate alchemy master as well. So I'm quite curious to see who this is. Now the Taoist training - the soft and hard external - can go together. He says: If you fully open the third eye - and more importantly get beyond physical death - then you can "integrate" back into society - get married, etc. because with every breath you are accessing the Yuan Qi beyond death. I know this from the qigong master who befriended me - he has this ability - and told me how he was "integrating" and then he married someone half his age - more or less. haha. http://guidingqi.com He was a kungfu master in the 1960s - so he told me about the liver qi deal as told to him about lifting weights by http://springforestqigong.com So he said how that Chinese master did blast apart marble with his qi energy from a distance but it was "too violent" so he focused on doing healing.
I was told the qigong master said lifting weights seriously over age 45 burns out the liver energy. There are many factors involved. But for example Dr. Shin Lin documented no electrical conductivity increase from weight lifting, whereas Tai Chi/qigong increased electrical conductivity 35% from just 15 minutes of advanced practice. So you can use qigong to increase your energy for other activities. Yan Xin gives a detailed example of how he super charged a weight lifter - in his book https://www.scribd.com/doc/101462079/Yan-Xin-Secrets-Benefits-of-Internal-Qigong-Cultivation Also his teacher, Master Haiden of Shaolin - did martial arts training. Qigong/neidan is considered the highest level of martial arts. Shaolin is Ch'an Buddhist but how much Taoist influence is debatable. http://qigongmaster.com is martial arts training as Taoist alchemy also but that master Zhang, Yuanming is also the abbott of a nearby Buddhist temple.
Another example is the book of Yan Xin. He uses the "virtual information field" to heal people - which is the Yuan Qi universal Cosmic Qi energy - but at the same time he warned a friend of his that they would pick up illnesses from hanging out with Yan Xin. So sure enough the friend did pick up illnesses from other people that Yan Xin was healing. https://www.scribd.com/doc/101462079/Yan-Xin-Secrets-Benefits-of-Internal-Qigong-Cultivation
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjdmOjKq-bUAhUPHGMKHU6-CXIQFggoMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fterebess.hu%2Fzen%2Fmesterek%2FTaoist-Yoga-Alchemy-and-Immortality.pdf&usg=AFQjCNELiXZGVZi2ico5VE5hGKzbfTVUsA pdf link
I was in Venezuela in 1998 with a Venezuelan friend and we lived in a house together with other Venezuelans in the U.S. I have a B.A. in International Relations. This "report" from Abby Martin is an amazing expose on how U.S. imperialism works. Sure the Chavez socialist movement was too dependent on oil and had corruption but also built over a million houses for the poor and lifted the poor out of poverty in Venezuela, through increased education and jobs. Sure it's not perfect - but it is the elite of Latin America based on colonialist fascism that is propped up by U.S. military aid that is the real problem. Abby Martin exposes how the supposed "human rights" nonprofits on the U.S. just support U.S. imperialism now. We saw this with Human Rights Watch refusing to allow the documentary expose on the U.S. coup overthrow attempt of the Chavez government. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG29FnXZm4F5U8xpqs1cs1Q/videos Abby Martin does Empire Files - but I don't even see one for Venezuela - oh wait (edit) http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/41040-empire-files-venezuela-economy-minister-sabotage-not-socialism-is-the-problem https://www.facebook.com/JournalistAbbyMartin/ So her Venezuelan reporting is very much "on the ground." https://shadowproof.com/2017/06/11/interview-martin-prysner-venezuelan-opposition-violence/ Here she does a podcast interview - but how many will listen? This is AMAZING - the whole U.S. empire and Western media practice mass mind control.
Dude - you need to study what I posted. They are NOT different species - that are different "subspecies" - In other words - they are all Homo Sapiens. Humans are Homo Sapien Sapiens (subspecies). http://www.nature.com/news/how-china-is-rewriting-the-book-on-human-origins-1.20231
Master Nan, Huai-chin insisted that only the ability to sit in full lotus comfortably - say 2 hours with no pain - shows that the body channels are opening up. In mahayana Buddhism - wind is considered the key element as the qi energy to open up the body channels. Master Nan, Huai-chin on listening to the wind as the gateway to inherent emptiness So Master Nan criticized Zen Buddhism for not practicing full lotus enough - whereas in Ch'an Buddhism he said that a real practitioner should be able to sit in full lotus in ease for at least 1 day nonstop - and then move on to one week nonstop of full lotus meditation - and then onto longer periods of nonstop full lotus meditation. Whether he stuck to this practice is debatable but that is what his teaching was.
He used to say - "the more you heal others, the more you heal yourself" - that was in the early 2000s. Then when I returned to the center in 2013 - I was told by Jim Nance that until the third eye is fully open then a person can use up their energy, and then at the Level 3 class Chunyi explained that what happens is people open up the third eye (but not fully) - so they use up their psychic energy. Then they get fat from needing to rely on food for jing energy to restore the psychic energy. Chunyi said he has seen that happen many times. So I have not heard him say that first saying that he used to say all the time. But yes what they do say is to "visualize light" when you do then healing. The yin qi as psychic energy is based on the mind as intention or focus, and not as much on visualization. But the key about the universal energy is that you turn the light around so that time goes to zero - Jim Nance describes it as "holding a snap shot" on the image that is being healed - and then time freezes - and then the Yuan Qi energy does the healing on its own. So that is the level when the third eye is fully open. Michael Lomax posts in the "group healing" forum here - he has the third eye fully open. Effie P. Chow also has her third eye fully open and she said how Adam the Dream Healer has his third eye fully open. So that is the qigong master level - a number 5 person by Gurdjieff's terminology. But the even deeper level is the enlightenment healing - a number 6 person which means from beyond physical death - like what Ramana Maharshi did - and so Jim Nance achieved that level in 2013 after he did a meditation retreat on his own - a "sabbatical" for a few months. But to have the third eye center just opened permanently - but not fully open - that is a Number 4 person.
yeah the pdf has a lot of info in the text so the images are to make it more palatable. haha. This website - thetaobums - is not serious - most people here just practice for fun. I did serious training but then I had not studied enough and so I overused my energy doing a lot of free healing. So I still do free healing but my own health suffers. So it's a kind of paradox - and also the lower level healing is "subtle." Someone visited me - from reading my posts on this website - they checked out the teacher I studied with and then they traveled all over China and India looking for energy masters. They found a famous master - Jiang - there's vids of him on youtube doing pyrokinesis. But this person returned from China saying he preferred the teacher I trained with since he does lots of healing based on love energy - and so the qigong master who was his assistant - http://guidingqi.com - he called me up saying I "knew" this person who was at the qigong center. So since the qigong master o.k.'d him - I said o.k. he can stay with me. So he stayed a couple nights at my house and when I was in full lotus next to him - he exclaimed, "your eye balls are pulsating!" haha. I can feel the eye balls pulsate as the shen and yin qi goes out of the eyes via the pineal gland - but I never was sure if anyone could actually see the eye balls pulsating. But the energy on that level is subtle - and this person was young and healthy. So he couldn't really feel the energy, nor was I sending him much energy. But the real healing is done not in that way - what I do is tantric psychic healing that is actually wrong. haha. It is called "evil fire" - in the traditional alchemy book. I was told by people on this website - when I first started posting here - that I should NOT read that book since it is too dangerous. So I didn't read the book but then realized 10 years later that I really needed to read that book to figure out how to deal with the energy and the training. haha.
https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/04/10/idiot-s-guide-to-taoist-alchemy/ You can read my free pdf for training details.
Emptiness or formless awareness is ultimately beyond love, which is an emotion, yet in human form we access the emptiness through love and the "unconditional love" is the yuan qi from the right side of the heart, the pinhole to the formless awareness. So the spiritual masters have such great courage, which is the lung passion energy that they go beyond the physical heart which literally stops - so they transcend death - but they can still breath, it is just deep qi breathing. At that point - you have to ask "who are they?" who is their "I" or "oneself" that they love? Their body - "embodies" the emptiness via their spirit shen. So the unconditional love is neither yourself nor others but rather an Emptiness that we all exist within and so we can harmonize with Emptiness and this is done via the spirit light then building up the qi energy. So for example let's say we focus on loving ourselves - this would mean to build up the energy and that seems selfish - but once the energy goes beyond our own physical bodies, it opens up the heart and so the person feels more compassion and connection via the spirit that is now powered by strong qi - from the heart spirit going out of the eyes. Compassion is from the deep slow breathing but passion is from the lungs - so the biggest mistake in the training is then the qi turns back into passion instead of compassion - and in tantra this is a continuum from passion into compassion. So if the person just keeps storing up more energy - in their lower tan tien selfishly - they need to be alone - preferably in great solitude - but this is also dangerous. But ultimately it is the personal mind - that experiences the choice of fear or love - while it is the Emptiness that manifests Unconditional Love as the Yuan Qi energy. So for example when I found my dad's dead blue body suddenly I was overwhelmed with very strong love qi energy in the heart and I knew that is what he experienced when he died. So I was not sad about his death and didn't dishonor with by crying. Fear is kidney energy - so the limiting factor on going into the Emptiness is lack of kidney energy but to build up kidney energy requires great selfishness or self-love. Master Nan, Huai-chin says that the spiritual training requires immense selfishness until the Selfless Emptiness is achieved, after the body channels open up to then open up the mind and heart. So to define reality as I or you or others - this is not very accurate. For example I am told that Burmese avoids using self-signifying pronouns in their language because it's a Buddhist language. We can say then that love is an energy that is built up through harmonization as an infinite resonance that is impersonal. So for example the most famous Buddhist master of Thailand, Acharn Mun - he insisted his students practice in the tiger-infested jungles so that they have the fear of death. This great fear then forced their minds into a huge adrenaline spike which when surpassed causes a huge parasympathetic rebound. This is the right side of the heart as the reptilian unmyeliated vagus nerve from the kundalini energy - the "freeze" or samadhi reaction. Of course Acharn Mun used his meditation power to communicate with the tigers to leave his students alone but they did not know that. So fear can be a tool to increase the access of love but in the end both love and fear are transcended into the Emptiness which by itself is beyond any emotion.
Is violence the only thing people listen to? Is that why Zen monks hit so hard?
So the racialist dog breeding lies will end here: https://whitelocust.wordpress.com/genetic-variation-between-dog-breeds-the-reality-of-human-differences/
Proto-homins and Proto-chimps actually inter-bred apparently. So basically chimps are considered the last "ape" break before the Homo genus. And I should point out that Michael Soule - the conservation biologist - stated that evolution for "large mammals" ended in the 1970s due to lack of habitat. Modern civilized humans are causing the fastest mass extinction of life on earth due to global warming. So soon the Earth will be warmer than it's ever been in the last 2 billion years. https://phys.org/news/2017-05-grassy-earliest-homo.html#jCp So homins led to Homo genus that is around 2.8 million years old. AKPOFGS Family, Genus, Species: http://www.nature.com/news/oldest-ancient-human-dna-details-dawn-of-neanderthals-1.19557 So what is interesting is that the 2013 discovery was just the mitochondrial DNA and based on the morphology they thought it was neanderthal but the mitochondial DNA made them think is was Denosivan. So now the proved based on the male line bone DNA that it was neanderthal and so then they state: Crazy. Just shows that the "subspecies" of "inter-breeding" of Homo Sapien humans - is not that easy to tell the difference. For example - some scientists claim orangutans as the ancestors of homonins, not chimps. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/06/090623-humans-chimps-related.html
So if this 10,000 year "acceleration" of human evolution is true https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_10,000_Year_Explosion Why is it that the original human culture - the most genetically diverse - is also the most docile - no warfare - and has the best "long-term planning" - no population explosion - with ecological sustainability - and they do not emphasize physical strength - so was their strength already "reduced" - no the emphasize the N/om training. N/om is not even acknowledged as REAL by these anthropologists. haha. Hilarious. So the San Bushmen have the SAME SONG, the Eland Bull Ritual song, from before human language every split into 2 different dialects - so around 70,000 years old. Yet according to https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/06/170614114243.htm archaeology - human individual identity was just forming as "social signalling" around 40,000 years ago in Europe. that just shows the immense racism still in science.
O.K. so neanderthal - and denisovan - they are different "species" but as I just posted - denisovan is actually less genetically diverse than the San Bushmen original modern humans. So when we talk about DNA diversity - we really need to go back to different genus - the "Homo" genus is not that genetically diverse compared to other primates. As I said - a "pack" of gorillas or bonobos or chimps are more diverse in one pack than all of humans on the whole planet and that includes the "interbreeding" with other Homo genus species. So the latest DNA science says that the Homo genus most likely differentiated from other primates about 8 million years ago - actually in Europe. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/05/22/europe-birthplace-mankind-not-africa-scientists-find/ So it's not like Neanderthals or Denisovans are a different Genus - they are still "homo" Now you state what about individual differences versus the San Bushmen. Here is a very interesting example. Mainstream science considers homosexuality to be a "born" trait but yet can still find now DNA cause of homosexuality. And yet the most diverse DNA source of modern humans - the San Bushmen - have NO HOMOSEXUALITY - they don't even know what it is. The same is true for the next closest "tribe" - the Bakka or Pgymy tribes of Africa - they are the oldest other "race" next to San Bushmen and yet NO HOMOSEXUALITY. Also neither the San Bushmen nor Bakka Pygmies practice masturbation. So the science then states - well it must be because of their harsh lifestyle they have to put all their energy into survival and so can't be homosexual. O.K. - so now we have the fact that "harsh" environment - savannah from global warming a few million years ago - created bipedal homins - branching off from apes. And it is now trendy to claim that in the last 10,000 years humans have "accelerated" their evolution. That is a total lie pushed by the "evo-devo" crowd - of evolutionary psychology - so stuff like adapting to digest milk or even skin culture or height - these are minor things - and now we have homosexuality. haha. So people swear that people as "individuals" are born "homosexual" yet there are NO homosexual individuals among the San Bushmen and Bakka pygmies. haha. Hilarious! And so my point is that biology has shown experiments were animals living in close quarters then become homosexual - and so you say an "individual" difference - homosexuality like farming is a cultural adaptation. So what happens is that a genetic expression becomes "hard-wired" before puberty while a person is still developing. So this is why it is easy for a person to learn different languages when young - because actually biophotons control the expression of genes - and learning is actually holographic - based on spirit-biophoton energy - and so this is why young people and babies are in REM theta brain waves all the time - and babies need to sleep so much so that the REM can reorganize their neurons. So the brain goes the most before age 2 - and so that is when deep hard-wiring occurs as epigenetics. So for example I corresponded with the psychologist who actually tested the cortisol levels of babies "left to cry it out." Doctors still teach parents to "leave their baby to cry it out" and this clinical psychologist was very opposite - she has the hard science proving that it causes brain damage for their rest of the person's life. So they have a short fuse then. But with deep meditation we can change our genetic expression - and even grow new neurons, etc. So we by far have the most DNA expression in our brains. So for example when they consider Neanderthals - they say actually the morphology is close enough to realize that the lack of success of Neanderthals was not due to cranial size in ratio to their bodies - and so the lack of success was a cultural difference based on technological adaptation. Obviously these are touchy areas - people don't like to be told how to raise their babies or consider what causes homosexuality, etc. - but it's all based on genetic expression and the same with the neanderthals. Genetic expression is very complicated: O.K. so consider imprinting - this is quite fascinating. Because in Taoist training the Hun Shen enters the baby - at birth - from the father! So it really is biophoton imprinting - based on the frequency of the shen aura energy and therefore the quality of the qi intention that is from the frequency of the shen.
We are not "determined" by our genes - so the science of "epigenetics" shows that the "expression" of genes is what dominates genetics. So genetics - just as eugenics - is promoted because it can be "patented" by Big Pharma - and really racism is from Plato who stated that each "individual" needs to be "compromised" for the "good of the state." So each individual has the value of 9/8 based on music theory - that had to be "compromised" through "alogon" math - meaning 9/8 cubed is the square root of two, as irrational magnitude, the "power set axiom" of the Greek Miracle. So when the Arabs took over Spain then Platonic philosophy was spread into Spain which then caused a huge spike in AntiSemitism based on the West taking on Platonic mathematics that integrates patent law - property rights, with a logarithmic exponential distribution of wealth and promotes it as "harmonic" and therefore Just - socially, morally, etc. So this is why antisemitism is so deep and dark in the West - it is tied directly into the Solar geometry irrational magnitude math. Now as for actual DNA variation - as I said humans are a DNA bottleneck - and so the San Bushmen are not a subset at all - they are the genetic source of modern humans and therefore the most diverse genetically. But as I said - genes don't control cultural expression or even phenotypes - which is based on the chemical interactions that express the genes. So it is now proven that if a mom is very stressed - or has chemical pollution - or say tritium pollution from the dad - this is passed on - the environmental stress or the environmental pollution can be passed on as the epigenetics or the genetic expression. And so all these "gene tests" like if a person has a gene that can cause cancer or something - in fact the epigenetics overrides that since the "expression" of the gene is highly variable. So the San Bushmen also have the most complex sophisticated language of any human culture on the planet - the San Bushmen language has the most tones and the most different type of sounds - phonemes. So also the San Bushmen have the most sophisticated culture in terms of spiritual training with no warfare - so the highest morals. But modern science judges culture based on technology - not based on ecological adaption. Because of the Platonic math bias - we favor exponential growth in technology, exponential growth in population and exponential growth in Wealth - but this is a deep error in math. It is the error of "logical type" - so the elite economically argue there is no "public interest" which is to say, just as with population, every family wants go have kids, or every couple, etc. without thinking of humanity as a whole - the public interest - and equally well to define infinity as a geometric irrational magnitude then the infinite as "public" or Nature without boundaries is no longer allowed. And so the elite then say there is no public good - whereas Aristotle was against zero and for the Common Good - Plato used zero and promoted eugenics, against the public good as a boundless infinity. So the Bushmen San culture practiced ecological balance based on a boundless infinity - instead of DNA science based on a closed mathematics. So for example if the San Bushmen killed a bird they did not eat the bird until the next day - so that the spirit of the bird would not tell the other birds that humans are killing them. That is actually way more sophisticated then the exponential growth technology that modern Western civilization has developed. So culturally - when we consider Europe - for example England is from Angland meaning Anglo-Saxons - versus Celts - but there were two types of Celts. There were the Celts from Gaul who then created Ireland and then the Celts who turned into Britons who created Wales and Cornwall - and so the original Germany was also a Celt controlled tribal area. In fact ALL OF THESE CULTURES were from farming cultures of white skin that immigrated into European based on wheat monocultural farming around 9,000 years ago - as archaeology has proven.
New DNA science has shown that the reason Tibetans and Nepali sherpas are acclimated to high elevations with low oxygen is because they interbred with Denisova around 40,000 years ago. So the DNA science has tracked the specific gene that was acquired - but even then it may have been a genetic expression. I'll look it up. http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/07/tibetans-inherited-high-altitude-gene-ancient-human So "version" of the same gene means an allele that changes the expression. Yep. So the Homo species is actually not that genetically diverse. Homo sapiens are a DNA bottleneck due to the supervolcano eruption of Mt. Toba 70,000 years ago. That's why the Bushmen are the most diverse humans genetically - from before Mt. Toba. Australian Aborigines also have a high level of Denisovan "inter-breeding" but again it's probably just allele differences, not real gene differences. https://phys.org/news/2016-09-unprecedented-aboriginal-australians-africa-migration.html
The Bushmen are the most genetically diverse humans on the planet. So there is more DNA diversity among the Bushmen then all the rest of humanity.