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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2011/06/michael-hudson-the-financial-road-to-serfdom-%E2%80%93-how-bankers-are-using-the-debt-crisis-to-roll-back-the-progressive-era.html O.K. so you're saying the river should be owned but that is not the same as privatization - and that privatization of the ocean is not the same as property rights or the free market, etc. http://creativetimereports.org/2015/03/17/activists-fight-privatization-colombias-magdalena-river/ The problem with these privatization schemes or free market property - what ever you want to call it - is they ignore the real ecological consequences. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_privatization For example - the Ocean privatization scheme promoted by your cult leaders - this ignores some serious problems with the attempt to "enclose" the environment, especially the ocean. So it's the big corporations pushing privatization of water. Yet you seem to think there is some free market utopia somewhere of private individuals. Sorry - but I have no idea what you're talking about. I post evidence after evidence and then you spew theory and semantics. so private ownership in the free market in no way guarantees environmental conservation. What is forgotten about money is that gold was based on solar temples - and silver was based on lunar temples. Originally gold and silver represented alchemical principles and it was believed to be buried with gold meant to go into heaven. But then when the ancient Greeks began printing coins they used the ten-based number system and this was tied to phonetic language using symmetric-based mathematics and so the principles of complementary opposites was lost. Along with losing the female lunar principle was the rise of monoculture farming tied to the solar calendar and divide/average mathematics. So the patriarchal money system is based on the idea that infinity of Nature can be contained by geometric-based mathematics - and so money as an exchange system became no longer tied to Nature based on complementary opposites but instead a concept of infinite symmetric-based geometric transformation. Fiction, Famine, and the Rise of Economics in Victorian Britain and Ireland This book details this well - Gordon Bigelow Cambridge University Press, Nov 20, 2003 So this myth of an individual economic human arose - along with this idea of an infinite money system. and Talking about the Irish Famine. and about you unable to read my "polemics" http://harpers.org/archive/2005/05/let-there-be-markets/4/
  2. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    Hudson is critical of Marxists: and and then Michael Hudson criticizes compound interest as a mathematical concept: Now again this is from logarithmic math which is also the basis of the supply and demand model. The problem, as Michael Hudson knows, goes all the back to ancient Greece with Plato and Archytas - from misusing music theory. http://michael-hudson.com/2010/07/from-marx-to-goldman-sachs-the-fictions-of-fictitious-capital1/ So the supply and demand model based on logarithmic math from Plato and Archytas is directly against Taoism. I have a long article on this - that goes more into the music origins of the Western math - "The Devil's Interval." Michael Hudson understands Marx just as he understands the Austrian "school" - but he critiques Marx: http://timefrequencyqigong.blogspot.com/2014/04/the-devils-interval-and-pre-established.html So that's my article that goes into Taoism and music origins of Western math. http://michael-hudson.com/2009/06/de-dollarization-dismantling-americas-financial-military-empire/ Hudson is in no way a U.S. nationalist - calling for "de-dollarization" Now back to the thread - what is the solution instead of privatization and free market fundamentalism? You have said privatization is the selling off of "state" assets or businesses, etc. But I have asked you for the solution instead of this - for free market of fisheries? I have given you evidence that indeed the Austrian "school" is considered the model for the privatization of the oceans. I see Walter Block arguing for ocean privatization but also stating "slavery was not so bad." I have given you examples of actual literal slavery still occurring on the ships - the trawlers raping the ocean to create fish food for shrimp farms. I have asked for a free market solution to that problem but I don't expect Walter Block to provide one since he thought slavery was not so bad. I have also asked for free market solution to dead zones from fertilizer run-off and your solution is to sue the farmers. That does not address the actual cause of the problem - the solution is buffer strips. I asked for a free market solution to ocean acidification and you said you don't care about global warming and you cited corporate Koch-funded research claiming it is not warming. Then you claim to not be aligned with Koch views. What Michael Hudson supports is economic democracy. In the form of fisheries this economic democracy means community-supported fisheries. https://namanet.org/csf http://www.localcatch.org/ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&ved=0CEYQFjAHahUKEwj17MDtpJLIAhWCbB4KHfQDB9Q&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsoilandhealth.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F0303critic%2F030317hudson%2Fsuperimperialism.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGCs2mHRxd_OxsGJFOve1Mp1BjQLw&cad=rja So Michael Hudson's book as a pdf. Again critical of Marx: That's the only reference to Marx that he makes in the book. How would the Free Market address salmon fishieries that rely on freshwater rivers for spawning - rivers facing drought due to overuse by agriculture? http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/fishermen-farmers-fight-water-california/ http://michael-hudson.com/2012/08/financial-predators-v-labor-industry-and-democracy/ and So I would say Michael Hudson follows Jesus much more than the Austrian "school."
  3. Mystical Dew

    http://timefrequencyqigong.blogspot.com/2015/05/why-and-how-to-restore-pre-celestial.html I blogged on this - references.
  4. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    You seem to want to focus on theory and semantics but you have dodged the practical issues I've brought up. I'm well familiar with the Austrian "school" as I've read Hayek. Mises was a fawning fan of Ayn Rand as was Greenspan who was a main force behind the economic global collapse that has cost the taxpayers of the working class - trillions of dollars. That is fascism straight up. As Professor Michael Hudson states - the Austrian "school" was using Orwellian terminology since it was against the democracy movement in Austria. http://www.meetup.com/thegreenanchor/messages/boards/thread/19988732 You can't access google books? Set up a gmail account. http://michael-hudson.com/2015/06/global-financialization-2015-the-state-of-play/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDF5kC6rs8s at the end of 10 minutes.
  5. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    That sounds pretty convenient for you! http://www.onthecommons.org/corporate-trawlers-try-enclose-pacific-fish Corporate Trawlers Try to Enclose Pacific Fish http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2010/10/28/18662551.php Lawsuit Filed Against Privatization of West Coast Fisheries by Dan BacherThursday Oct 28th, 2010 11:02 AM http://yubanet.com/california/Dan-Bacher-Congress-Defunds-Wasteful-Catch-Shares-Program.php#.VgSriZdjcxJ Dan Bacher: Congress Defunds Wasteful Catch Shares Program Published on Apr 18, 2011 - 8:08:41 AM https://books.google.com/books?id=vzj5W37u0B4C&pg=PA224&lpg=PA224&dq=austrian+free+market+fisheries&source=bl&ots=s3tUJw3dkk&sig=kQVCwH_zlzC3gw3UH-0dEYb76F0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CDgQ6AEwBGoVChMIiITK0oyRyAIVQnUeCh25-gDU#v=onepage&q=austrian%20free%20market%20fisheries&f=false Was does this book quote the Catch Shares privatization program as an example of implemented the Austrian free market ideology? That directly contradicts your claim otherwise. Interesting. So if that book author is wrong - as you claim - then again what is your solution? For example what's your free market solution to the vast raping of the oceans for "by-catch" shrimp food. The Burmese workers are in forced slavery to use trawler nets - which are raping the oceans for profit. The shrimp is then farmed and fed the fish food - caught by raping the oceans. The shrimp is then sold as sustainable to Europe and the U.S., etc.
  6. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    Economics professor Michael Hudson exposes the Austrian free market school as neo-fascists. http://store.counterpunch.org/michael-hudson-episode-19-2/ http://michael-hudson.com/2015/09/killing-the-host-the-book/ His new book looks amazing - Killing the Host. Free Market Fundamentalism as parasites that kill the hosts.
  7. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    http://www.thenation.com/article/politics-water-bolivia/ So the 16% profit rate demanded - was killing off the people of Bolivia. Profit is a mafia-style involuntary tax - a gang-enforcement of "protection" money. Tax is based on democratic voting. http://www.thenation.com/article/politics-water-bolivia/ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB4QFjAAahUKEwiSltHg0Y_IAhUEooAKHdCDDFU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fseagrant.uaf.edu%2Fconferences%2F2011%2Fwakefield-people%2Fpresentations%2Fcarothers-wellbeing-kodiak.pdf&usg=AFQjCNFt5dIHO26qUucUChRqFqqhoaTI3Q&sig2=4-l4oCZ2EgbeO4vXgcTt4Q So last night I listened to this ph.d. study on privatization of fisheries in Kodiak Alaska. I used to work in a fishery in Kodiak Alaska - processing crab and halibut and salmon. What did the study find after an extensive interview of the fishery community? Privatization caused a concentration of profit wealth for the owners of the boats while the workers got less money. and And so then the fishing business becomes a privatized speculative investment - with the market shares traded by office owners - instead of being a craft that is handed down and trained in through apprenticeship. O.K. so you Karl are so big on the free market - but free market fundamentalism is what just caused the collapse of the global economy. A great expose on this is the documentary "Inside Job" - the "economic scientists" are exposed as a bunch of fakes. When I did my master's degree at the University of Minnesota I exposed similar corporate corruption. And so you hold up Iceland as some privatization model yet the corruption is rife: and so Mishkin fired back in the Economics section of the Financial Times: and A healthy debate is b.s. - these schools need disclosure requirements! But they can't have them because the Economics discipline is completely based on ass-kissing the corporations - and these are the "Free market" fundamentalists pushing no regulations and privatization. http://columbiaspectator.com/news/2011/04/13/%E2%80%98inside-job-prompts-new-look-con%EF%AC%82ict-interest-policy The Tragedy of Privatizationhttp://tholepin.blogspot.com/2009/10/tragedy-of-privatization.html An Economic Hit Man Speaks Out: John Perkins on How ...www.truth-out.org/.../26112-an-economic-hit-man-speaks-out-j... TruthoutSep 11, 2014 - John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man," ... and water systems, transportation systems, privatize those, and basically ... How Greece Has Fallen Victim To "Economic Hit Men" | Zero ...www.zerohedge.com/.../how-greece-has-fallen-victim-econo... Zero HedgeJul 2, 2015 - That's where the "economic hit men" come in: seemingly ordinary men, ... water systems, transportation systems, privatize those, and basically ... Rise of the Global Corporatocracy: An Interview with John ...monthlyreview.org › ... › Volume 64, Issue 10 (March) Monthly Review Mar 1, 2013 - —John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004) ... Bhandari (RB): As a fellow former EHM, pushing for the privatization of land in ... An Economic Hit Man Speaks Out: John Perkins on How ...www.truth-out.org/.../26112-an-economic-hit-man-speaks-out-j... TruthoutSep 11, 2014 - John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man," ... and water systems, transportation systems, privatize those, and basically ... How Greece Has Fallen Victim To "Economic Hit Men" | Zero ...www.zerohedge.com/.../how-greece-has-fallen-victim-econo... Zero HedgeJul 2, 2015 - That's where the "economic hit men" come in: seemingly ordinary men, ... water systems, transportation systems, privatize those, and basically ... Rise of the Global Corporatocracy: An Interview with John ..... The investment money by the World Bank goes to the few big corporations pushing privatization. That's how "investment" works - whether it's the "free market" of the Federal Reserve policies that caused the global economic collapse - the whole system is based on a huge pyramid ponzi scheme that is destroying the planet. Massive Private Gains at Public Loss.
  8. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    http://azdailysun.com/news/opinion/columnists/coconino-voices-consider-privatizing-grand-canyon-water/article_5dcfc54c-e168-11e3-8580-001a4bcf887a.html it seems that money is being pursued instead of real ecological value. Water privatization in general has been a huge failure. A distant relative of mine was in charge of water privatization for the World Bank - my dad helped get him the job. http://mic.com/articles/87941/the-world-bank-wants-to-privatize-the-one-thing-we-can-t-live-without
  9. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    So China and Russia do not have private corporations but rather "state" actors and so they don't apply to your free market analysis? As I've said - this supposed separation of state and private property is a myth. Who is gonna decide to write the deeds and distribute the property rights of the environment? So then I received this email today: yeah that email was today from a professor emeritus of biology. And guess what? In the 1980s this same professor actually petitioned the UN to stop the release of a genetically-engineered algae that could threaten life in the oceans! http://www.saynotogmos.org/scientists_speak.htm You can read his statement against GMOs - along with other professor statements against GMOs. Now in terms of private property - how do you distribute voluntarily the patented property of genetically engineered organisms that sell-propagate in the environment and have their genes spread into other species via horizontal transfer? He stopped that algae since it potentially threatened all life in the oceans. Also how would your private property free market scheme address the acidification of the oceans? Here is what this professor wrote about the effect of free market on the environment: http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/17626/title/International-Biosafety--A-Global-Imperative/
  10. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    Nice corporate propaganda Karl! Your views are paid for by corporate shills - it's material based on brainwashed lies! http://m.csmonitor.com/Science/2015/0917/Is-global-warming-s-hiatus-really-just-a-statistical-error-video Scientists have debunked statistical models that appear to show a 15-year pause in rising global temperatures. By Eva Botkin-Kowacki, Staff writer / September 17, 2015
  11. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    Wow an actual denier! Ur views are hilarious.
  12. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    Russia put a flag in the bottom of the arctic ocean and has built the largest military force in the arctic ocean. So does russia now own the arctic ocean? If not why? Also wilk the privitization of the arctic stop oil drilling there since it just escalates global warming? Tell me how the arctic shud br privatized to preserve the environment?
  13. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    Mother nature is persucuting the private farms that created the dead zones. It was polluted as a free market externality. It was clean as owned by mother nature. The government of mn is requiring the farmers to haver buffer strips. They say rmthat is against their private rights. What do u think? Peaolpe cant eat money so forcing farmers into bankruptcy eud be stupid.
  14. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    Give me ur private property answer to dead zones in the oceans from nitrate fertilizer runoff into streams and rivers?
  15. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    Your views are the typical views of a brainwashed cult follower. there is no "free market" and it's definitely not Taoism. Free market math is logarithmic which means inherently the distribution of property is unequal. That's the scam of logarithmic math upon which Western civilization is based. There is also no separation of state and private property contrary to your claims. Eminent domain, Terra Nullius, http://nonduality.com/whatis8.htm - colonialism in general - even the idea of "containing" Nature into rectilinear grid property lines is contrary to the infinite truth of Nature. Actually for the original human culture - the Bushmen - the females control the land. The concept of private property is based on males trying to be like females - it's wrong. So when the Germans arrived at Minnesota or at Namibia - they set up slave concentration camps for the indigenous land inhabitants - and set up a bounty to kill off the Indians or Natives in Africa. That's just typical genocidal colonialism based on patriarchal mentality - it goes back to about 10,000 BCE with the origin of domesticated wheat monocultural farming. Archaeologists call this the "symbolic revolution" when art became anthropocentric and males erroneously believed they could contain and control Nature. So God comes from the Indo-European word Gott which means Bull just as Brahman means Bull - and so the idea is that at first the bull was wild and could not be domesticated and so was worshipped as the goal was to domesticate the bull for plow farming. So then you have private corporate charters for land ownership - but the concept of legal personhood for corporations comes from the royal king issuing charters. It's Freemasonic ideology - this Platonic belief that Nature can be perfected into a sacred geometric realm based on logarithmic distribution of wealth - it's a scam for the masses made poor through Platonic eugenics. The problem goes way back and private property is part of the problem. Sure we can "buy" land but it was stolen first - just as homesteading is free land offered by the government to "private" citizens for colonialism - but how was the land achieved? Stolen through genocidal colonialism. But if you want to "improve" the land then you have to follow the logarithmic distribution of wealth scam - along with all the zoning codes for Freemasonic ideology, etc. Meanwhile the REAL world based on ecology could care less about private property - water flows across boundaries, so does air, so do animals, even land - the sahara desert fertilizes the Amazon rainforest. private property is a cover-up of rape land theft. For example you say that adding on complex math to the supply demand model is wrong. I agree. The chaos math is based on the computers being in control - and the math is still logistic equations. It's the rotten root that is wrong - logarithmic math itself. Taoism is based on complementary opposites - so the females control the land because of the yin qi connection. Females are yang internally and the menstrual cycle is synchronized with the lunar cycle which governs the growth and fertility of life on Earth. All humans are born as females with clitoris and so in Nature parthenogenesis is the norm - males are just an extra addition for some genetic novelty but not necessary at all. Nature is inherently female as is the Emptiness. private property is inherently rape of the infinity - you can not "contain" the infinite. Europe as a modern idea is based on this patriarchal feudalism that led to the enclosure acts and the poor masses fleeing eventually to the U.S. - to only perpetuate the same genocidal problem here. This spread around the world as plow-based farming raping the land. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CDYQFjADahUKEwj9zcfDg43IAhVFHh4KHfDXCVw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsocialistregister.com%2Findex.php%2Fsrv%2Farticle%2FviewFile%2F5817%2F2713&usg=AFQjCNFsOA3PexHwqG3vnYQy5ni8tj1b8g&sig2=XyG-ALQ5QJ1rmRxT5obRHg&bvm=bv.103388427,d.dmo&cad=rja pdf link review of Ecological Imperialism. Yeah - Marx was not radical enough. I expand on Marx to develop the term I call "the surplus value of consciousness" which explains how logarithmic models like Supply and Demand create an internal logical contradiction by attempting to materialistic contain the infinite. So as Buddha taught - the desire can not be subdued by this materialistic containment attempt and hence the materialistic math always creates a surplus value of consciousness. This then leads to the Actual Matrix Plan based on the logarithmic spiral from music theory as I exposed from my masters thesis research. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_matrix43.htm
  16. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    Considering the chinese are in a huge multinational dispute about the south sea islands what fantasy world are on living on? Rape is rape. Mar rape goes back to greek mythology. International law defers ownership to the pillagers as a race to extinction based on free market ideology of wto.
  17. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    Let's use shark fins as a model of government intrusion. Shark fin soup anyone? I'm looking for government subsidy of this. http://www.stopsharkfinning.net/bycatch-is-ecocide-t-shirt/ So yes indeed.... but is it the real drive behind the ecocide of sharks? Why Shark Finning Bans Aren't Keeping Sharks Off The Plate (Yet) and But wait - isn't that a key factor in the free market fundamentalism? transparency in the market so that prices reflect the true value of supply and demand? So yes there is a "free market" - to pillage and plunder once again! Rape the oceans! And yet the shark fin banning laws have had some impact to be sure.
  18. Get The Most Out Of Your MCO

    The lower magpie bridge is connected by flexing the anus. Sitting on chair for MCO is recommended by Yan Xin to sit on the edge of the chair so that the perineum is activated. Actually what's activated the nerves that Wang Liping details in his promotion of full lotus sitting which he says activates those key nerves. But anal flexing will activate the perineum to hold the energy up. Quick Fire method is based on flexing the glutes - through standing active with thighs bent - and the deep fast reverse breathing causes a spike of adrenline which causes the energy to then flow up the spine. This is detailed by Wim Hof actually in his tummo training. The end result is then parasympathetic rebound which increases the alpha brain serotonin levels of the brain. So MCO is just going straight into the parasympathetic rebound state by linking the brain and breath together. It's just that the "real" MCO only works after the life force energy is stored up. If you do the fake MCO correctly it builds into the real one. Traditionally the MCO then at first requires doing 3 times more standing active exercise than sitting meditation.
  19. Science meets Tummo: Wim Hof (The Ice Man)

    http://fourhourworkweek.com/2015/09/07/the-iceman-wim-hof/ This is the Tim Ferris interview with Wim Hof that the OP refers to. I had not heard this yet - thanks. http://timefrequencyqigong.blogspot.com/2015/07/we-got-healing-power-re-visiting-wim.html I blogged on Wim Hof's method and why it works, etc. Yeah I'm reviewing my research - and I didn't get it correct. This Ferris interview corroborates his secret. The hyperventilation artificially increases his stress hormones - specifically his adrenaline levels. This enables him to jack up his immune system response and also lower his fear levels. Also then he can hold his breath longer. yeah so then the holding the breath stage is the parasympathetic rebound. A study of tummo nuns in Tibet. Yeah so Wim Hof then relies on this "relaxation" method - deep breathing. O.K. so the first step of hyperventilation lowers the carbon dioxide levels which causes your blood to be very alkaline. As Wim Hof says in the Ferris interview - because their blood is alkaline from the hyperventilation then they can also hold their breath much longer without passing out. So holding the breath causes the blood to be acidic and it's this lower pH which forces the brain to stimulate breathing - but as Wim Hof says since the hyperventilation causes increase in alkalinity then the breath can be hold much longer. So then the hyperventilation increases the adrenaline which activates the immune system. But it is the holding the breath that is the parasympathetic rebound which increases the alpha brain waves and theta brain waves as the trance state. http://timefrequencyqigong.blogspot.com/2015/07/we-got-healing-power-re-visiting-wim.html
  20. Science meets Tummo: Wim Hof (The Ice Man)

    Did u study an internet course of his?
  21. How to open the microcosmic orbit?

    people make a big deal about the difference between the "real" MCO and the fake one. The real one is advanced and so people say don't start out with it. The actual truth is you fake it until you make it. Read the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" for details on the different levels of MCO practice. Of course any mention of that book will also trigger people to protest. Essentially the MCO works on one level by linking the breath and mind together through visualization - and hence it's a tantra practice. But on the other hand the advanced real MCO relies on first filling up the lower tan tien with yin qi energy (yang jing) - and that requires Emptiness focus as the foundation of the practice. So any kind of physical stimulation just produces the opposite of Emptiness focus. If the practice is going well - the qi builds up but does so by no fluid being produced. Massage produces fluid. So only Emptiness as the foundation of practice works. Now if you're 80 years old - can't get an erection - then yes massage is necessary and that is mentioned in the Taoist Yoga book but Westerners admitted project their stupidity onto that based. Just writing about this stuff causes a blockage. So yes the only way to fix the fluid problem is Quick Fire - also detailed in the Taoist Yoga book but it's based on the HuiMing Ching - Quick Fire being rapid deep reverse breathing.
  22. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

  23. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

  24. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    Iceland is not some model to follow for fisheries. Sorry. http://fishingnewsinternational.com/iceland-troubled-industry/ The term "free market fundamentalism" is used by Professor Naomi Oreskes in her expose of the scientists following such ideology in their quest to cover-up the global warming crisis. So when you say it's an appeal to emotionalism - actually the opposite is true - it is the "free market fundamentalists" who rely on emotional appeal to cover-up the ecological science on the crisis. Global Warming Deniers and Their Proven Strategy of Doubte360.yale.edu/feature/global_warming.../2285/ Yale UniversityJun 10, 2010 - For years, free-market fundamentalists opposed to government regulation have sought to create doubt ... by naomi oreskes and erik m. conway Merchants of Doubt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merchants_of_Doubt WikipediaOreskes and Conway write that a handful of politically conservative scientists ... the draconian measures that conservatives and market fundamentalists most fear. ... Philip Kitcher in Science says that Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway are "two ... Merchants of Doubt - Homewww.merchantsofdoubt.org/ In their new book, Merchants of Doubt, historians Naomi Oreskes and Erik ... how the ideology of free market fundamentalism, aided by a too-compliant media, ... End Times: Oreskes and Conway's Collapse of Western ...ncse.com/.../end-times-oreskes-con... National Center for Science EducationJun 26, 2014 - Historians of science Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, authors of .... the magical thinking of what they term “free market fundamentalism,” the ... Manufactured Ignorance » American Scientistwww.americanscientist.org/.../manufactured-ignorance American Scientist by R Proctor - ‎Cited by 1 - ‎Related articles Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway give us some very good—if ... All of which helps explain why these free-market fundamentalists, steeped in Cold War ... Living on Earth: The Collapse of Western Civilizationloe.org/shows/segments.html?programID=14... PRI: Living on EarthJul 25, 2014 - Science historians Naomi Oreskes of Harvard and Erik Conway of CalTech's new ... the free market and science are all failing humanity and the planet. ... as an ideology, the ideology that we call 'free market fundamentalism'. Must-Read 'The Collapse of Western Civilization' -- A View ...thinkprogress.org/.../collapse-of-western-civilization-oresk... ThinkProgressJul 16, 2014 - That's the question answered by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway in their ... They blame a rigid adherence to “free-market fundamentalism” ... Handful of scientists behind climate manipulation ...universitypost.dk/article/handful-scientists-behind-climate-manipulation So claims Naomi Oreskes, a historian of science at the University of ... namely the belief in something Naomi Oreskes calls Free Market Fundamentalism.
  25. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    The idea of the "free market" ensuring a balance is hilarious. Free market fundamentalism is totally idiotic. I wrote a college paper for my environmental economics class called the "incorrect supply and demand model." It's incorrect because it assumes selfish greed as the main incentive for markets and it also assumes a linear logarithmic math model while ecology relies more on symbiosis and cooperative than competition and ecology is non-linear so the supply and demand model is inherently incorrect. The fact is Western "free markets" are based on pillage and plunder - as simple as that. http://www.southcoasttoday.com/article/20150518/NEWS/150519411 So here we have regulations considered too strict while the science says the fisheries are collapsing. I studied this in ecology class at the University - the science is too complex to make any kind of linear deterministic prediction of the "market." http://conservationmagazine.org/2008/07/the-courage-of-prediction/ So here you have an article citing a whole book arguing the same point that I made back in the early 90s at the University - Nature is too complex for the simplistic linear deterministic models of supple and demand. Still that article argues with more complex modeling we can get the proper results. Such was also the argument of the book: http://cup.columbia.edu/book/the-wealth-of-nature/9780231127981 The Wealth of Nature - prof. Robert Nadeau. How Mainstream Economics Has Failed the Environment Robert L. Nadeau Looks like it's been reissued. The problem with these more sophisticated computer models is that they inherently rely on the computer iterations to determine the quality policy choices. And get this - computers don't care about the future of Nature or Humanity. Think I'm making some kind of strange logical fallacy - ? Quantum chaos mathematician, Steve Strogatz, states that with the extension of quantum chaos math: "We'll be stuck in an age of authoritarianism, except it'll no longer be coming from politics or religious dogma, but from science itself". (Steven Strogatz, "The End of Insight", The Edge World Question Center 2006, "What Is Your Dangerous Idea?") Yeah so automation is the number one cause of job loss. Automation is also how the oceans are being raped. Didn't you notice yesterday the BBC covered the Somali Pirates in action again - why? To protect their fisheries - from illegal trawlers. And are the trawlers in shallow water? Nope they are deep water trawlers for lobster. So the claim that trawlers are in just shallow water is wrong. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article22522.htm I guess you can say the Somalis are reclaiming the free trade rights to profit. Like the new TPP - secret 14 country corporate-controlled rights to profit agreement. Any threats to the rights to maximize profit means the corporations in secret tribunals can over-rule any regulatory laws of a nation - this is also true with the WTO. The free market is slavery for the masses and the right to plunder and pillage for a secret elite. Anybody promoting the free market is just kissing up to the elite - meanwhile the elite keep raping the planet. This problem goes back to Plato - it's built into the logarithmic mathematics. This is a very good short video that exposes how idiotic people are about logarithmic mathematics.