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Everything posted by kpodhayski

  1. Tai Chi is a Bastardization of Daoism

    I am not overlooking desire. Desire, that is the problem. Tai Chi is full of desire. Get rid of desire and your will understand the Dao.
  2. Tai Chi is a Bastardization of Daoism

    A reasonable explanation, but nah. If you want to understand yourself, be yourself. Have you ever watched a cat messing with someone doing Yoga? Who is the Daoist in this video?
  3. Tai Chi is a Bastardization of Daoism

    Yes, a raging forest fire to burn down their stupidity and make them run and jump in a lake of Yin. Would these people cry when it is all gone? That would be foolish.
  4. Tai Chi is a Bastardization of Daoism

    Lost and rambling! Good! I am Han Shan's illegitimate son. Tai Chi looks is a master class in the sculpting of uncarved blocks. That is what I am saying. There is no attainment, you should know this by now. This is nothing complicated, just drop everything, even Tai Chi. There are no Daoist arts. The only method is stopping. Chuang TZu says it simply: "I have heard of letting the world be, and exercising forbearance; I have not heard of governing the world. Letting be is from the fear that men, (when interfered with), will carry their nature beyond its normal condition; exercising forbearance is from the fear that men, (when not so dealt with), will alter the characteristics of their nature. When all men do not carry their nature beyond its normal condition, nor alter its characteristics, the good government of the world is secured." and "Hung Mung said, 'Ah! your mind (needs to be) nourished. Do you only take the position of doing nothing, and things will of themselves become transformed. Neglect your body; cast out from you your power of hearing and sight; forget what you have in common with things; cultivate a grand similarity with the chaos of the plastic ether; unloose your mind; set your spirit free; be still as if you had no soul. Of all the multitude of things every one returns to its root. Every one returns to its root, and does not know (that it is doing so). They all are as in the state of chaos, and during all their existence they do not leave it. If they knew (that they were returning to their root), they would be (consciously) leaving it. They do not ask its name; they do not seek to spy out their nature; and thus it is that things come to life of themselves.'"
  5. Tai Chi is a Bastardization of Daoism

    In my long life I have only seen humans practicing Tai Chi. The crows do not do it, the tress do not do it. Everything else practices Wu Wei. Is Taoism a system? No, I it is a realization. The Dao exists like gravity exists. Gravitists would not practice at gravity. Gravity is explained to them and so they can describe it, and its laws, to others. Once they see how it works, they practice gravitism by not walking off the edge of a cliff. Living with in the bounds of gravity, keeps us safe. Understanding gravity gives us the ability to fly in space, but flying in space is a bastardization of gravitism. You should worry about the Dao like you worry about falling off a cliff. Gravity does not care about you like the Dao does not care about you, so you need to respect it or your relatives will be crying over your dead body at the bottom of a cliff.
  6. Tai Chi is a Bastardization of Daoism

    Child! Picking over words when the intent was clear. Fight like a man! The term Taiji and its other spelling T'ai chi (using Wade–Giles as opposed to Pinyin) are most commonly used in the West to refer to Taijiquan (or T'ai chi ch'uan, 太極拳), an internal martial art, Chinese meditation system and health practice All things express the Dao but all things are not Daoism. My post stated that tai chi is not Daosim. I did not say it did not express the Dao. Stay focused! You are distracted by your desire to win! You are a monkey repeating dead phrases. You are a muddy pool, there is no way I could see my reflection in you. Maybe you can answer this question? What is lacking in you that you feel need to become a Tai Chi master?
  7. Is Tai chi fake?

    I can shoot a Tai Chi master blindfolded from a mile a way. The bragging about his greatness makes him a huge target.
  8. Tai Chi is a Bastardization of Daoism

    Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu taught Tai Chi? Ha! This is a bastardization of Daoism as well; "You are right and you are wrong". Words croaked by a frog in a well. If I murder a man for no good reason would you call that Daoism? People think they are masters of the Dao when they say things like this, but then go on to say; "I am right, Tai Chi majil is fer realz!" It is your seriousness that frightens me.
  9. Is Tai chi fake?

    Where did you learn that nonsense! Ha! Creating dualism by making himself look great, that is a distraction from the Dao. I am not looking, I am seeing. How has your desire to prove Eric is a Tai Chi a master created your manifestations? There are two times not to argue; when you are wrong, or when the other is not open to being wrong. So I will end this here.
  10. Is Tai chi fake?

    I am not trying to convince Earl Gray of anything here. This is for people who might be fooled by this silliness and be distracted from the Dao. Hey, Earl Gray, if I show you a video of a 16 year old doing this, will you call them a Tai Chi Master? I am literally telling you I did this as a kid. Why do you not believe me? A few more notes of the trickery involved; Notice he is doing it on the last rail car and in the video how it was the last rail car that was swaying?
  11. Is Tai chi fake?

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! If that is Tai Chi I was a master at 14! We used to rock train cars when i was a kid! Find one with loose bogie's or an unbalanced load and you can really get it going with little effort. Here, look at this:
  12. Dao of Culture

    The Yin they have forced these people to live in makes it necessary for them to exhibit Yang. Enjoy!
  13. Dao of Culture

    A needle with two points is useless!
  14. Dao of Culture

    You missed the point and have a lot to learn.
  15. Dao of Culture

    I also want to add that when I watched them ride, I saw a grace and freedom that could only be the Dao. But it was not the great Dao, it was their Dao.
  16. Dao of Culture

    I agree with everything you have said, but rather than have the find "more constructive ways" to yang it up, I say we should focus on not burdening them with so much yin. In TCM, you always reduce the excess first. The excess they have is too much yin. They live in a culture that represses them while at the same time promoting the virtues of "success". My hope is that understanding this reaction is a way to have compassion for all people.
  17. Dao of Culture

    My Genuine Blur 220i could not keep up with those kids. Please, discuss!
  18. Is the Dao a religion?

    Is gravity a religion?
  19. Brown teeth and Bluebirds

    My friend’s nine year old daughter told me my teeth were brown. “Yes, they are.” I replied. Then she told me about the bluebirds living in her yard.
  20. Science and Enlightenment

    Me, I changed my brain back to how it was before everyone filled it with shit. To me enlightenment is an idea used to control people and sell books and methods.
  21. Science and Enlightenment

    There is a problem inherent in unenlightened scientists looking for enlightenment. It is why we have the A-Bomb and climate change. All well intentioned people mind you. Finding a way to end suffering might help the capitalists create a bunch of workers who will put up with all the pain a corporation can dish out. I say, if enlightenment exists, make it hard and keep it mysterious. Unenlightened people can live in the Dao, nothing special. Just have to get people to stop telling everyone what is right and what is wrong.
  22. Brown teeth and Bluebirds

    My brown teeth keep the women away from me. What a simple pleasure my life is!
  23. Science and Enlightenment

    Ha! For a lot of people it seems to!
  24. Brown teeth and Bluebirds

    Thank you, but I am not seeking acceptance.
  25. Science and Enlightenment

    If there is an enlightenment, why does all this gobbly gook matter? Didn't all the past masters get by fine without it?