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About JaysahnzDao

  • Rank
    Dragon Body hopeful

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  1. Internal protocols, beng quan, ward off, pi quan.  and of course BAGUAZHANG baby!

    Finally getting some feedback from feet, this excites me to no end!  

  2. Alwaze  training...

  3. What are you watching on Youtube?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHovtqUCeW4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nxv01UNgUxc
  4. What are you watching on Youtube?

  5. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    (They Thought He Was a Goner) The Cat Came Back
  6. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Finally some wing chun that looks familiar
  7. What are you watching on Youtube?

    have been listening to youtube, lol. Manly Palmer Hall. I will post only one link of him and a couple of other cool things. There is a video that wish had subtitles.. The Song of the 7 Dragons i Song of Ghost PointsI Manly Palmer Hall on Controlling the Magnetic Fields of the BodyGhost Point talk Center o gravity in relation to the feet
  8. Living proof that qigong works!

    Can't remember if I inserted my getting ran over by a ford story in here, but I know I wrote about it somewhere. I also was declared un-responsive for 26 minutes after a lesson took a left where i shoulda took a right kinda sorta thing. I sure learned a with that lesson. So I just wanted to throw in I have broken both shins since then as well, they are really tough now. Mobility for me has not peaked out as I am still stretching and absorbing and contracting to get my bones re aligned from these accidents, lol.
  9. Living proof that qigong works!

    HELLO IM STILL HERE! Actually found my way back. Nice decor! It's been awhile since I have shared much at all. My father's death last year has completely altered my plans. In retrospect making plans seems so silly now. I just wanted to point out, A-I'm still alive! B.-I got depressed! YES I thought it was BS, to be honest, I thought depression was never going to be one of my problems, wow was I wrong! I feel in a deep deep hole. I am kind of glad it was so deep or I wouldn't have worked so hard climbing back out. Now I have realized what an experience these years have been and all the wisdom I have aquired! I thank each and every one involved in my kung fu journey as I was very juvenile when I first joined (lol as if im "more civilized" now) and posted some silly stuff, but all of my posts here have been from the heart. There is no secret to the Ng Wuji system, but it's simple and it works! I am sticking with what works. I also have two other routine meditations that are not bagua related but in my opinion they are bagua too, I am only slighly veering from a genuine unothrodox baguazhang system. With all that said, I remember wondering if I would still be posting honetstly and if I could maintain a balance in the ebb and flow of life. Well, I could have done FAR better. ...but I didn't do worse, so I still strive to improve each and every day!
  10. Hello my friend!

  11. Hello old buddy!

  12. I am interested in BaGuaZhang

    IMO, there is not a more complete system than Yin Fu style, same goes with Jiang, Gao, Liang. I am studying the Jiang Rong Qiao methods as well as the old "snake" baguazhang from Dragon Gate Sanctuary. Below is an example of each family's Baguazhang. DGS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGq_OKlaDhk&t=14s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRiQ-Rf43Y0 JRQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAeBiLHAPs0 Sha Family's Jiang Rong Qiao Sha Family JRQ pt 2 sections 4-8
  13. Kundalini 'nuff said.

  14. Introduction

    Thank you Marblehead!