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Everything posted by nohbody

  1. Some devil

    My wings are made of imagination and fire. How about yours, Lima?
  2. Hello Family

    Welcome aboard!
  3. Hello, Everyone!

  4. Stefan Molyneux Exposed.

    Oops. Dropped something. And this thing fell out, too Those liberal cucks at Von Mises must be politically motivated... oh, wait.
  5. Introduction

    Equanimity is the glue that holds the Brahmavihara together. May your time here aid your cultivation of loving- kindness, sympathetic joy, and compassion.
  6. Hi everyone

  7. Some devil

    Lima, I'm flattered.
  8. Pure Land Buddhism resource links

    Namu Amida Butsu
  9. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    What a monument of human smallness is this idea of the philosopher king. What a contrast between it and the simplicity of humaneness of Socrates, who warned the statesmen against the danger of being dazzled by his own power, excellence, and wisdom, and who tried to teach him what matters most — that we are all frail humanbeings. What a decline from this world of irony and reason and truthfulness down to Plato's kingdom of the sage whose magicalpowers raise him high above ordinary men; although not quite high enough to forgo the use of lies, or to neglect the sorry trade of every shaman — the selling of spells, of breeding spells, in exchange for power over his fellow-men. - Karl Popper
  10. Final solution

    Transhumans will inherit the ashes. Poor devils.
  11. WTF are we?

    A dreamer, or maybe just a dream.
  12. Final solution

    I recently read that male fertility is dropping in western countries. The Tao adjusts.
  13. Some devil

    Hey Lima, I'm thankful for the broad view of people and culture that living abroad has provided. There were trade- offs, and living on fenced compounds surrounded by uniformed military people was not a fun way to live (and I see that "military mindset" taking root today in sinister ways across the land of the free...). I'd rather keep life details to myself. I know you don't mean offense. So what about your life?
  14. What are you listening to?

    lo-fi hip-hop 24 hour stream on YouTube.
  15. Weird Psychic Readings

    I can technology. I was in PTSD treatment when I learned the technique, you have my empathy. I offer you the highest of the high fives, and hope you are managing symptoms well. Best.
  16. EMDR for PTSD, my story

    Yes! Very similar. I'm sure the doc that taught me was familiar with this.
  17. Weird Psychic Readings

    I'm talking a powerful psychological technique that has helped me and thousands of other people, with a disclaimer. You're talking about Thelema.
  18. Some devil

    Lima, I just go with the Tao. If it has a purpose it's beyond me. I'm very gratified by your words. Thank you.
  19. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    mirror facing mirror nowhere else - Ikkyu
  20. Weird Psychic Readings

    Don't over do it! Once you start getting gains it is tempting to rush ahead. Back off for a week. I'm very deadly serious. I'm glad it's been helpful.
  21. Some devil

    Thanks Lima, back at ya
  22. Weird Psychic Readings

    I wish I did, but I just don't have experience with that kind of weirdness. The purpose of shadow work is to bring the unknown parts of the self into awareness. If all these people are treating you this way it may be because they see something you don't - or it's strange synchronicity - the real high weirdness (in which case I am unaware of anything helpful beyond maintaining a sense of humor). Blessings and such.
  23. Well, one way to go about that is to look at resorts "off season" you can get a cabin for several months for a reasonable rate. I'm fortunate in that I'm serving as a caretaker for rich elderly folk who can no longer use the property. Wheel and deal and see what you can get is my only advice. Food and gas is more expensive in rural areas, but internet reaches deep these days. Best of luck!