Lost in Translation

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Everything posted by Lost in Translation

  1. US Constitution 101

    Twenty Fourth Amendment https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxxiv Plainly put, the 24th Amendment says you cannot force someone to pay to vote to President, Vice President, Congressional members or Senators. Curiously the amendment only applies those specific elections, so I guess you could make someone pay to vote in statewide elections...
  2. US Constitution 101

    Additional information from the Talk Trump thread. An excellent explanation of the intentions of the 14th Amendment's authors. https://www.14thamendment.us/articles/anchor_babies_unconstitutionality.html
  3. US Constitution 101

    That is a GOOD idea! 2 x (<15) for Senators and 5x (<11) for Congressmen. Then people would complain about the increase in lobbyists. *sigh* You can't win 'em all...
  4. US Constitution 101

    Twenty Third Amendment https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxxiii This says that Washington DC shall have the same number of Presidential Electors as the least populous state, which in this case is Wyoming. Since Wyoming has three electors (1 Congressman and 2 Senators) then so shall Washington DC. Only four amendments left and we'll be done!
  5. US Constitution 101

    The 22nd Amendment was ratified in 1951. You will recall that FDR was elected four times as President (1932,36,40 and 44) and served three full terms plus part of the fourth. The 22nd Amendment was a direct response to his presidency. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt
  6. US Constitution 101

    Twenty Second Amendment https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxxii The 22nd Amendment sets term limits upon President. The basic term limit it two terms (8 years) but a President can serve just under ten years if he begins his service during the term of the former President (e.g. promoted from Vice President to President, etc)
  7. US Constitution 101

    Kansas is the same way. On Sunday you can see beer in the cooler at "Quick Trip" but they won't sell it to you until Monday. I don't recall if you could order a drink at a restaurant on Sunday. I do recall the bars were all closed. It's been 25 years since I lived there...
  8. New Who?

    Reverse ... the ... polarity! That's genius!
  9. US Constitution 101

    Pot is legal for recreational use in Washington, Oregon, California and Colorado. We'll know soon enough if the benefit it worth the risk. Personally I feel all drugs should be legal for adults' personal use. I'm a libertarian. If you eff up and overdose that's on you. I feel no desire to tell others how to live their lives, but neither do I feel the need to rescue others when they make stupid choices. If someone contritely asks me for aid then I give it thoughtful consideration and usually do what I can to help, but I have never lost a minute's sleep by saying no.
  10. US Constitution 101

    Twenty First Amendment https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxxi The 21st Amendment of 1933 repealed the 18th Amendment of 1919. Hooray, we can legally get drunk again!
  11. New Who?

    Don't forget that River Song was riddled with Nazi machine gun fire while regenerating and literally laughed it off in the episode "Let's Kill Hitler."
  12. New Who?

    That is sci-fi! She was regenerating still so that made her effectively invulnerable to harm. Plus it was the season opener. Her plot-armor was strong in that ep!
  13. New Who?

    In many ways that is the problem. Not every season has to have one big arc. That works for some shows (like Supernatural or The Originals) but isn't appropriate for all shows. I miss the old Who where they would have two-parters mixed in with occasional stand alone episodes for fun. I agree! Jodie is fantastic and the trio of companions are a great complement to the new Doctor. I suppose they could lose the step dad and continue with Yasmin and Ryan a-la Rose and Mickey. I'm still looking forward to the new episodes. Just stop hitting me over the head with the damned hammer!
  14. US Constitution 101

    Twentieth Amendment https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxx There is a lot to parse in the 20th Amendment. Section 1 describes the exact day and time when Presidential, Congressional, and Senatorial terms shall end. Section 2 mandates that Congress shall meet at least once a year and specifies the day and time of the meeting. Sections 3 and 4 describe what Congress must do if the people fail to elect a President or Vice President, or if something were to happen after election but before the commencement of the Presidential term to make the President unable to serve. Sections 5 and 6 are boilerplate stuff, describing the rules of when and if to apply this amendment. Detailed Explanation of the Twentieth Amendment https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution-conan/amendment-20
  15. New Who?

    Ugh. They had to do it. They hired Mr. Big to play a spoof of Trump vs. the giant spiders. Between the spiders (creepy!) and the faux Trump (creepier) I'm thinking this might not work out. Is it too much to ask for good old fashioned Daleks or Cybermen?
  16. The Dao Trumps

  17. The Dao Trumps

    The creator of the Talk Trump thread has the power to hide it. Wouldn't that be funny, 648 pages and 16,188 posts suddenly hidden from view? I think some would have a apoplectic fit!
  18. Let's Scry!

    Is this more Crowley?
  19. Let's Scry!

    That's good advice, whether dealing with flesh or spirit. Thank you.
  20. US Constitution 101

    Nineteenth Amendment https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxix The 19th Amendment was passed in 1920 and finally gave suffrage to women. Fifty two years later David Bowie gave us Suffragette City, one of his many fantastic songs from the 1972 Ziggy Stardust album. If not for the 19th Amendment we may not have had that song, so thank you to all who made this possible.
  21. US Constitution 101

    Eighteenth Amendment https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxviii The 18th Amendment was passed in 1919 and outlawed the manufacture, distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages within the United States and her territories. This amendment was subsequently repealed by the 21st Amendment in 1933. Remarkably the "Roaring Twenties" seemed to have no lack of alcohol. I suppose it is true that where there is will, there is a way...
  22. US Constitution 101

    Me too.
  23. US Constitution 101

    Seventeenth Amendment https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxvii This is a change to Article 1, section 3. Whereas originally Senators were chosen by state's legislators, now Senators are chosen directly by the state's people.
  24. US Constitution 101

    Sixteenth Amendment https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxvi Income tax. What more can I say? The 16th Amendment was passed in 1913, so welcome to the 20th Century!
  25. Let's Scry!

    After about a month of "cray-cray" business, I finally have a bit of down time. BACK TO SCRYING! I'm saging my crystals now. Mmmm, sage. Speaking of sage, there was a time when I HATED that smell. That was also a time when I was pissed off and angry all the time. Now I LOVE the smell and I'm generally a happy guy. I think I had a "hitchhiker" of sorts (not possession, just occupation). Stupid little spirits...