Lost in Translation

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Everything posted by Lost in Translation

  1. The Advantage of Evil

    ... probably ego based more than natural? A man can kill 20 lions just to feed is ego. Good point. Killing out of necessity (e.g. to eat) is not evil. Killing unnecessarily (e.g. for sport) is evil... but is it possible there is a different necessity at play? If a dictator kills unnecessarily it spreads fear. This fear may actually be necessary to maintain control, so from that point of view "unnecessary" killing is absolutely necessary.
  2. The Advantage of Evil

    I hoped that someone would mention this. Another very good point.
  3. The Advantage of Evil

    Is it that evil is predatory? A lion kills a lamb and we call it natural.
  4. The Advantage of Evil

    Perhaps it is that evil is effective, at least for the moment?
  5. The Advantage of Evil

    You raise a good point that I should have mentioned before. When a normal person engages in evil behavior they often feel remorse. When an evil person engages in evil behavior they feel no remorse. They may even feel pleasure. We're getting into real evil here, wicked stuff. So for the point of this conversation we can discuss both topics - evil done with and without remorse.
  6. Hidden lands inhabited by Mo Pai masters

    That's exactly how I felt about the boys and the match and the out house with the garbage can overflowing with booze bottles!
  7. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    I would have opened with that tidbit! Who needs chi when you have steel? I tip my hat to you, sir.
  8. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Oops. I hope this doesn't count as some kind of trademark infringement. It just seems awkwardly apt.
  9. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    You work with wrought iron? My wife and I are hooked on "Forged in Fire", a sill TV show blacksmithing competition. Is that something you know how to do? Easy $10K and I'd love to see you on television!
  10. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Or the other way around...
  11. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Too much. I think you overplayed your hand.
  12. Light and Dark

    I throw no stones. I have been guilty of the same. (Lima, this is your cue to post of bunch of motivational images).
  13. Light and Dark

    I understand you have no malice, but you need to be more careful with your words. The written word has no context. All it has is what is written. It is very important to write clearly otherwise people will misunderstand you.
  14. Light and Dark

    I quoted you. You highlighted your own words that I had quoted and attributed it to me. Here is the actual quote: You will notice that the sentence in question is attributed to you.
  15. Light and Dark

    ? Don't ask me what it means. You wrote it, not me! EDIT: Also, the manner in which you arrange your quotes is false. You suggest that I wrote that when I never did. I do not appreciate you falsely quoting me.
  16. Light and Dark

  17. Psychic and occult reading recommendations?

    Start with the Tao Te Ching and the I Ching. Other great books are Graceful Exits and Ki, A Road That Anyone Can Walk. That last book may be difficult to find. I bought mine 25 years ago and have learned a lot from it.
  18. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Aw. Lightseeker, you failed the first test in your quest for power but don't be discouraged - you have just received your first lesson in your quest for wisdom!
  19. Hidden lands inhabited by Mo Pai masters

    Starjumper vs Mo Pai masters of Alkufa.
  20. Marquee not found error

    It's gone!
  21. Marquee not found error

    Getting the following error on page load: ET https://marquee.thedaobums.com:8888/js/app.js 0 () (index):3059 Uncaught ReferenceError: marquee is not defined at (index):3059 marquee.lights({ selector: '#ad_center' });
  22. Light and Dark

    If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, and quacks like a duck then it's a duck.
  23. Hidden lands inhabited by Mo Pai masters

    That's a classic painting by Frank Frazetta, the master of golden age science fiction artwork.
  24. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Are you asking people to teach you how to be evil or how to simply be cruel? Be very careful. An evil or cruel person might respond and you could easily become their plaything. I suggest that before you seek power, seek wisdom.
  25. Ingo Swann remote viewing, aliens and astral travel

    I don't remote view. I don't astral project. Sorry. There's nothing to tell. Read that book I mentioned. That's all the advice I can give.