Lost in Translation

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Everything posted by Lost in Translation

  1. Fake enlightened teachers

    Agreed. I'm just being facetious. But seriously though, nothing is free. If someone offers something too good to be true then run away, fast.
  2. Fake enlightened teachers

    Liberation See? That's what I'm talking about. Ask a genie for "Liberation" and he might drop 100 million bucks on your lap and give you perfect health. He also might kill and/or destroy everyone/everything you ever loved. Best to stay away from such things. TANSTAAFL.
  3. Fake enlightened teachers

    Oh, come on now. Everyone knows that a genie's wishes always backfire. 😁
  4. meat eater to vegetarian

    This would be an excellent conversation topic.
  5. meat eater to vegetarian

    I went vegetarian about twenty years ago. I only lasted on year. After months without meat my strength had decreased, but since it was gradual I did not notice it right away. I broke my fast with a filet mignon - still the best steak I ever had to this day! If you are not going vegetarian for moral or religious reasons then you may want to build up to it gradually. For example, start with eating meat only one day a week, then only one day a month, etc. It's important to find your balance.
  6. Probability of Change

    Here are the actual final numbers. Yarrow Stalks Probability Yang changing to Yin 18.75% Yin changing to Yang 6.25% Iteration 50 Yang Lines 250,000 Yin Lines 750,000 Yang changing to Yin 46,875 Yin changing to Yang 46,875 Total Lines 1,000,000 Percent Yang 25.00% Percent Yin 75.00% You'll notice that the ratio of actual Yin to Yang lines are 3/1 (e.g. there are 750 thousand Yin lines and only 250 thousand Yang) but the conversion ratio is the exact inverse (e.g. Yang changes to Yin three times as often as Yin changes to Yang). This aspect creates an interesting (and elegant) balance: The number of lines (Yin or Yang) that actual convert to their opposite is equal for both Yin and Yang (e.g. 46,875). This tells us that the conversion from Yin to Yang and back again is perfectly balanced. One will not overpower the other. And this also tells us that reality is 1/4 Heaven and 3/4 Earth. The work of the Creative is not equal to the work of the Receptive in terms of raw numbers, but "a little bit of Heaven goes a long way" so it's sufficient to get the job done.
  7. "Spiritual Master" Bs

    I like this. In another thread I have been analyzing the I Ching probabilities. I found that the least common transition is old yin (yin transforming to yang) and the most common transition is young yin (yin without transition). You appear to have come to the same conclusion as I, that yin eventually wins out. My analysis of I Ching was purely statistical. It failed to account for the will of intention. This is something that I need to meditate on. Thank you!
  8. "Spiritual Master" Bs

    I agree! But I also question the need to understand in the first place. Why is it necessary to understand the nature of life? Why is is necessary to understand the nature of life force?
  9. "Spiritual Master" Bs

    You obviously have passion regarding this subject. In my experience passion always accompanies experience. Has a bogus "spiritual master" hurt you? You don't need to answer this! I just want you to think about why you feel so strongly about this topic.
  10. "Spiritual Master" Bs

    I try to avoid statements like "All X are Y". That kind of thinking tends towards rigidity. It's best to leave room for exceptions. No doubt many self-proclaimed "spiritual masters" are BS, but so what? Even a broken clock is correct twice a day, and if these BS masters have followers, and if the followers feel they receive something of value then who are we to stop them from enjoying what they have?
  11. Undefine the Way

    Interesting way to express this. According to I Ching, Heaven is 1 and Earth is 2. Since Heaven contains all things, including Earth, Heaven is also 3.
  12. Fake enlightened teachers

    Not at all, most enlightened people can't do anything like that. This has potential for a great conversation!
  13. Yarrow Stalk Method (Theoretical Calculation)

    Yes - that has to be so, because the lines are thrown independently. Why should that be a problem? It's not a problem. I am simply stating that it is so.
  14. Yarrow Stalk Method (Theoretical Calculation)

    How to account for line order. E.G. 678987 has same probability as 898677 or 789876 or 789687 etc. since they have the same component lines.
  15. What is a Daoist?

    What is a Daoist? I'm not asking about Daoism. That is well documented. I am asking about the Daoist himself (or herself). What does a Daoist do? What are the defining events that make a Daoist, well, a Daoist?
  16. Yarrow Stalk Method (Theoretical Calculation)

    The probability of obtaining a hexagram is the product of the probabilities of obtaining its individual lines. For example: For example, you list (f,e,d,c,b,a) = (8,9,7,6,7,8). Previously we showed various ways to calculate the likelihood of a given line being received. Taking the standard textbook percentages, e.g. we can reformulate this as (f,e,d,c,b,a) = (43.75%, 18.75%, 31.25%, 6.25%, 31.25%, 43.75%), which yields .000219047 or .0219047 %. You will quickly notice that the order of the lines has no relevance in this calculation, so hexagrams composed of the same lines but in different order will yield the same percentages. I do not know how to account for this factor.
  17. Equanimity in times of Suffering

    Cat hasn't limped or shown any signs of pain in three days. He spends all his waking time trying to drive me crazy. I guess that's a very good sign, so I let him out today. He's sleeping on a plastic bin in the neighbor's yard. Looks like this crisis has passed. Until the next one...
  18. Sometimes, it's all a bit of a mess...

    Movement is a funny thing. It's always happening in the form of change but you can't always see it. When you appear to be stuck that really means the movement is subtle, hard to see. Meditate on that. If you can find the subtle (invisible) movement it may help.
  19. Tests for the non-random character of the I Ching

    I misunderstood your diagram. You used a bell curve so I thought you meant the probability of occurring corresponded to the standard deviation. Yes, the probability of occurring is equal so a flat line is correct.
  20. Tests for the non-random character of the I Ching

    No. "Right" is between 10% and 50%. Left is between 50% and 90%.
  21. Tests for the non-random character of the I Ching

    Also the probability of achieving a value between 10% and 50% in my program is linear. It would be better represented with a triangle as follows.
  22. Tests for the non-random character of the I Ching

    The right heap will range from approximately 10% to 50% of the total stack size. The diagram above appears to show 0% to 50%.
  23. Tests for the non-random character of the I Ching

    That sounds correct.
  24. Tests for the non-random character of the I Ching

    In my program I split the stalks according to the following algorithm. Let Stack = the total number of stalks. Let X = Stack * 4/10. Let Random = value between 0 and X Let Right = Stack / 2 - Random. Let Left = Stack - Right. Subtract 1 from the Right For example, assume 49 stalks. Stack = 49 X = 19 Random = 0..19 Right = 24..5 Left = 25..44 Right = 23..4 The final split would be a value between 25 and 44 on the Left and a value between 4 and 23 on the right. We carry this same logic down as the stack size decreases. For example, assume 32 stalks. Stack = 32 X = 12 Random = 0..12 Right =16..4 Left = 16..28 Right = 15..3
  25. Why is age at death relevant? I understand why it appears relevant, especially if someone claims access to immortality, but why is it actually relevant? If a person no longer needs this physical body and is ready to move on to other realms of reality the why hang around here longer than necessary?